- NO.1 Middle School of Zhongshan City Zhongshan
ABOUT US: No. 1 Middle School of Zhongshan City It ’ s a public high school and located in the hometown of the well-known forerunner of democratic revolution, Sun Yat-sen. The School was rated the “First Tier School of Guangdong Province”in 1994, followed by the“Country-Level Model School”as well as the“Excellent School for Teaching Level” in 2007. The school covers an area of 406 acres with 138 classes and about 7,500 students. Job Description: 1. Teacher wanted:Literature & Economics teacher ...
eChinacities.comJune 28,2019 - NO.1 Middle School of Zhongshan City Zhongshan
ABOUT US: No. 1 Middle School of Zhongshan City It ’ s a public high school and located in the hometown of the well-known forerunner of democratic revolution, Sun Yat-sen. The School was rated the “First Tier School of Guangdong Province”in 1994, followed by the“Country-Level Model School”as well as the“Excellent School for Teaching Level” in 2007. The school covers an area of 406 acres with 138 classes and about 7,500 students. Job Description: 1. Teacher wanted:Literature teacher 2. Working h...
eChinacities.comJune 28,2019 - 北京金城千里科技有限公司 Beijing
This is an updated Job ad, over the past month the number of schools we cooperate with has increased drastically. Therefore, increasing our demand for teachers. Both native and none native speakers of English are required, granted they poses the right qualifications. We have a wide range of positions available all around China in International Schools, private Chinese schools and English training centers. Positions are for class groups and also private teaching. Details of Position We are lookin...
- SHCP直通车项目组1 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 To manage the whole development cycle, including but not only: To engage business stakeholders and users for user requirement clarification, to provide the best approach and solution after further analysis and deliver business system specification and design technical documentations. To manage vendor team for application development and maintenance with proper SLA, conduct design review and code review, ensure high quality delivery in code level. To support testing phase, ensure the applicat...
- 厦门千时科技有限公司 Xiamen
职位信息 【岗位职责】 1. 负责跟进已报名学员的教学进度及测试效果的反馈;对学生授课过程中出现的问题及时提供解决建议和行课级别方案; 2. 负责维护和家长之间的关系,做好和家长之间的沟通,定期进行沟通反馈学员的授课情况; 3. 负责促进学员上课的课频数和续费,转介绍等工作; 4. 完成其他反馈培训等工作。 【任职资格】 1.本科及以上学历,师范类院校毕业,教育心理学,英语相关专业优先考虑,英语六级及以上,综合能力优秀者可放宽,接受优秀应届生; 2.具有良好的逻辑思维能力、客户沟通能力和应变能力,能较好地处理维护客户的技能和突发事件解决的技巧; 3.踏实稳重,有团队合作精神及良好的心理素质,能承受较强的工作压力; 4.有热情,耐心,具有较强的服务意识和销售意识; 5.具有高度的工作积极性,极强的责任心。 【工作时间】:早晚班(一周6个班次每班工时6小时,8:30-15:30,14:30-21:30)、周日1天固定整休 【薪酬范围】:底薪4-6k+绩效,综合薪酬6-10k 【公司福利】:六险一金、年终奖、过节费、员工体检、年度出国游、季度团建费等、孩子免费学习课程! 【汇报对象】:部门经...
- Terminal 1 Limited Anywhere
We are a highly motivated group of engineers and recruiters, whose mission is to disrupt the traditional recruitment industry through the use of technology. Our vision is to use machine learning to match candidates to their dream jobs, based on their passion, skills, and motivation. Our first step to achieve this vision is to assess candidates' technical coding skills, award skill level badges accordingly, and then match candidates to job openings from our partner companies. We are seeking s...
www.expatjobschina.comJune 17,2019 - A-1 Bakery Group Hong Kong
Responsibilities: Daily shop operation which included cashier, product display and hygiene control. Requirements: Cheerful, outgoing and good teamwork skills Fluent in Cantonese Qualification: F.3 Working Location: HK, KLN & N.T Related Experience: 0 Working Hour: 3 - 6 days per week Job Type: Part time Benefit: A-1 Staff discount privileges...
www.indeed.hkJune 15,2019 - NO.1 Middle School of Zhongshan City Zhongshan
ABOUT US: No. 1 Middle School of Zhongshan City It ’ s a public high school and located in the hometown of the well-known forerunner of democratic revolution, Sun Yat-sen. The School was rated the “First Tier School of Guangdong Province”in 1994, followed by the“Country-Level Model School”as well as the“Excellent School for Teaching Level” in 2007. The school covers an area of 406 acres with 138 classes and about 7,500 students. Job Description: 1. Teacher wanted:Literature & Economics teacher ...
eChinacities.comJune 13,2019 - NO.1 Middle School of Zhongshan City Zhongshan
ABOUT US: No. 1 Middle School of Zhongshan City It ’ s a public high school and located in the hometown of the well-known forerunner of democratic revolution, Sun Yat-sen. The School was rated the “First Tier School of Guangdong Province”in 1994, followed by the“Country-Level Model School”as well as the“Excellent School for Teaching Level” in 2007. The school covers an area of 406 acres with 138 classes and about 7,500 students. Job Description: 1. Teacher wanted:Literature & Economics teacher ...
eChinacities.comJune 13,2019 - No.1 High School of Jiangyin Wuxi
Position information and requirements: >5 working days per week >maximum 20 teaching hours per week plus 15 office hours >Class size: less than 30 students ( Ages: 15-18) >Regular working hours Salary and Benefits: >Competitive remuneration of 11000 to 22000 RMB monthly based on qualification >6000RMB as flight ruimbursement at the completion of one year contract >11 days national holidays plus one day for Christmas >1000RMB settlement fee >Free self-contained apartmen...
eChinacities.comJune 6,2019 - NO.1 Middle School of Zhongshan City Zhongshan
ABOUT US: No. 1 Middle School of Zhongshan City It ’ s a public high school and located in the hometown of the well-known forerunner of democratic revolution, Sun Yat-sen. The School was rated the “First Tier School of Guangdong Province”in 1994, followed by the“Country-Level Model School”as well as the“Excellent School for Teaching Level” in 2007. The school covers an area of 406 acres with 138 classes and about 7,500 students. Job Description: 1. Teacher wanted:Literature & Economics teacher ...
eChinacities.comJune 5,2019 - 千禧光医疗科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 To participate in new product development and support technical changes on launched products and to coordinate technical discussion with third-party supplier Responsibilities: ? To participate in new product development (product definition, concept and prototype development, design verification and design transfer) ? To work on mechanical design, testing and manufacturing for new product development ? To support technical changes on launched products ? To provide relevant documentation f...
- 上海千守营销策划有限公司 Shanghai
1.负责客户公关、广告及其他推广文案的策划和撰写; 2.负责公司对外公关、广告及其他推广文案的策划和撰写; 3.负责互联网营销文案的策划和撰写。 任职资格 1.本科或以上学历,2年以上工作经验; 2.热爱互联网工作,性格开朗,思维活跃,逻辑思维能力强,具有信息整合能力; 3.工作积极主动,细致耐心,理解力强,责任心强,具有强烈的团队合作精神和良好的沟通能力; 4.抗压能力强,能够胜任高强度的工作; 5.有金融、广告行业或策划相关工作经验尤佳。 职能类别: 文案/策划 编辑 关键字: 文案 新媒体 编辑 话题营销 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:浦东新区峨山路91弄陆家嘴软件园3号楼12楼...
- 弘毅国学书院1 查看所有职位 Shanghai
弘毅国学书院(上海弘毅教育培训有限公司)是以传承与发展中国传统文化为己任,致力于中国传统文化的发扬光大,提供“琴(古筝、古琴、笛箫、二胡、巴乌、葫芦丝、琵琶等)、棋、书、画、印、茶艺”等艺术系列课程和“蒙学(弟子规、三字经、千字文等)、诗、文、史、哲”等文学系列课程培训的综合性传统文化教学传习机构。书院凭借极致的艺术环境及传统文化的氛围以及具有专业、优雅、有创造力的教师与服务团队,打造一个让教育回归纯真,激发人性更善、更美的境教; 弘毅国学总部位于普陀,目前有杨浦、虹口、长宁、静安、金山、奉贤、闵行、宝山、嘉定、浦东、青浦、南京、杭州等十余家直营分校,有学员万余名,教职员工达到300人以上,教师以全职为主,本科以上学历;公司所有在招岗位均可就近校区进行安排; 一、岗位职责: 1. 负责SEM投放策略制定和优化; 2. 负责SEM数据监控、投放产出分析以及效率的优化; 3. 熟练使用百度、360、搜狗、神马等信息流、搜索引擎推广后台; 4. 定期与搜索媒体进行沟通,了解其产品变化,并灵活应用到方案当中; 5. 针对不同产品特性及潜在客户搜索习惯,确定优化关键字及着陆页面; 6. 定期提供...
- SHCP直通车项目组1 查看所有职位 Shanghai
(1)配合部门总经理,做好公司有关诉讼事务、合规管理、合同与法律事务管理、对子公司合规与法务工作的集中统一管理等。 (2)配合部门总经理,做好部门日常管理。 (3)完成部门总经理交办的其他工作。 岗位任职资格 (1)硕士研究生及以上文化程度,法学等相关专业; (2)具有副高职称者优先; (3)具备10年以上法院民商审判或律师诉讼经验,5年以上法律管理工作经验。 待遇面议,可结合个人素质能力及期望,根据公司薪酬体系确定。 职能类别: 法务经理 合规经理 关键字: 法务 合规 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海...
- 掌门1对1 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 虹口区 岗位职责: 1、和产品经理配合,深度参与移动产品需求讨论,功能定义等; 2、负责基础库、框架和关键模块的设计和实现、关键技术选型等工作; 3、负责高质量的设计和编码,能按照项目计划,完成开发任务; 4、指导团队其他成员的设计和Coding,保证工程质量,提高团队效率; 5、承担重点、难点的技术攻坚; 6、参与架构升级、基础库建设以及技术文档输出; 任职要求: 1、4年以上iOS 开发经验,主导过复杂软件的多版本开发迭代; 2、计算机基础扎实,熟悉常见数据结构、算法和设计模式,熟悉TCP、HTTP、WebSocket等常见协议; 3、熟练掌握Objective-C,熟悉多线程,网络编程; 4、对iOS的运行时,内存管理,多线程,动画,事件循环,事件响应链,性能优化有深刻的理解; 5、熟悉iOS 组件化开发,精通高性能编程及性能调优; 6、良好的设计和编码品味,热爱写代码能产出高质量的设计和代码; 7、自我驱动能力、学习能力强,对前端前沿领域有比较高的热情和关注度,执行力好,良好的沟通协作能力,注重效率,能够影响带动其他人; 8、高度的进取心和专注力,逻辑清晰,善于攻克技术...
- 重庆千里广大餐饮文化有限公司 Chongqing
重庆市 渝北区 ¥3000~5000 元/月 (普通员工 ) 初中 / 经验2年及以上 / 语言不限 / 年龄不限 渝北区-龙溪 (重庆市渝北区花卉园美景华联大厦21-9) 上班路线查询 招聘10人 (27天后结束招聘) 人 职位发布人:人事部 投个简历 完善在线简历 上传附件简历 职位动态 100% 简历回复率 15小时 简历平均回复时长 今天 企业最近登录时间 岗位职责 岗位职责: 1、负责设备日常维护; 2、负责对设备、设施进行安全检查; 3、进行综合维修的日常工作; 任职资格: 1、初中以上文化程度,年龄20-45周岁; 2、相关工作经验2年以上; 3、具有一般水暖维修经验。 4、具备良好的个人素养及职业道德。 5、会空调维修与音响调音优先。 6、工作地点为KTV。...
- Terminal 1 Anywhere
We're looking for 360 recruitment consultants who want a better platform and support from in-house software engineers to join us! Terminal 1 is a full-service recruitment firm in Hong Kong bringing machine learning to recruitment. We're a group of technologists who are working as 360 recruiters to help build tools that recruiters love to use. We are expanding our office this year and would love to have experienced recruiters join us and help deliver the full recruitment cycle for our exi...
www.expatjobschina.comMay 30,2019 - Fung Kai No. 1 Primary School Hong Kong
Job Title: English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Location: No.19, Jockey Club Road, Sheung Shui. Our primary school in Sheung Shui is looking for an English Department and PLP-RW teaching assistant (ETA). Duties include: work with a Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) and English teachers in PLP-RW lessons, organizing the Home Reading programme, compiling and creating worksheets and documents for the English Department, organizing and decorating the English Room others Qualities: spoken...
www.indeed.hkMay 24,2019 - 广州千野商务服务有限公司 Guangzhou
广州市 黄埔区 应届生 某知名日本独资公司,世界500强,现因业务需要,诚招以下职位: 招聘职位:色彩设计师 工作内容: 汽车外观色彩/内饰材料的设计开发。 1.色彩及材料设计概念、意象板的制作。 2.使用电脑进行CG模拟。 3.与外协厂一同开发外观色彩/内饰材料。 4.使用工程设计方面的知识,推进车型的量产开发。 职位要求: 1.23岁~29岁,相关专业本科及以上学历,或有相关工作经验。 2.熟悉Photoshop、Adobe Illustrator (AI)。 3.对汽车设计开发工作感兴趣者。 4.须投递个人作品集(PPT、PDF等)。 工作地点:广州市黄埔区 福利待遇: 工资:基本工资(8,000-15,000) +国家规定的各种福利待遇+其它 福利: 1.五险一金,公积金买12%,另外还有商业保险。 2.另外有住房补贴1000元/月、加班费、出差补贴。 3.奖金:一年一次,基本2.8个月,然后会根据当年的销量和个人评价往上升。 4.每年有两次调薪机会(1月份和7月份)。 5.午餐有补贴,公司补贴12元,个人出5元。 平日加班有加班晚餐。 6.有免费通勤车,不坐通勤车的情况,有相...
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