- 緯創軟體股份有限公司 Taibei
The Opportunity : Our client is the leading software company in global. They are looking for an experienced UX Designer to join their UI team. They are the leading Agile software development company in Taiwan. The job : Present and share your work in a compelling and convincing way in front of key stakeholders Design deliverables from the storytelling rationale, design sketches, simulations and prototypes to detailed interaction design specs and flows Manage multiple projects Must Have : Strong ...
tw.indeed.comAugust 28,2019 - 广州市臻色饰品有限公司 Guangzhou
职位信息 1、 客户确认订单后,给工厂制作采购订单,要求准确无误,及时。做完的单据,一定要仔细的核对一遍后再发出。 2、 追踪工厂的生产情况-安排订单后,对于订单的交货期要了然于胸。在订单生产中期,和要交货的前一个礼拜,跟工厂进行沟通,询问生产情况。如果有问题,需要跟经理和或客户沟通。 在交货期的中期,后期应联系工厂催促,确认交货期。 3、 协助业务处理报价单 4、 协助业务跟进样品,及寄出样品给客户,并做好相应的样品跟踪表。 二、业务助理岗位对于工作者的素养要求: 1、工作仔细,认真,负责,做事正确率高。 2.懂一定的产品知识,尤其是常用的产品名称,零部件名称,性能要求。 3、熟练办公室软件 职能类别:业务跟单助理业务跟单 关键字:业务助理业务跟单 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:禺山西路329号海伦堡创意园1座A 区503 地图 公司信息 一、公司简介 广州臻色饰品有限公司由香港七色饰品有限公司投资成立,是一家以生产、研发、销售于一体的工贸集团,主要生产流行饰品,产品远销欧美国家,其中不乏国际知名企业,如TESCO,DISNEY,TARGET等。公司成立于2002年,属外商投资企业,...
- 恒生银行有限公司 Beijing
A Career with HANGSENG-CN Hang Seng is committed to service excellence. Our people are our most important asset and play a vital role in our efforts to continually enhance our performance for customers and provide best-in-class products and services. We seek to attract high-caliber talent by offering a dynamic working environment, good career development opportunities and competitive compensation packages. Principal responsibilities Develop, manage and monitor a portfolio of Global Banking clien...
- 恒生银行有限公司 Beijing
Responsibilities: Ensure the delivery of premium investment advisory service offered to VIP Prestige customers. Explore additional business opportunities via deepening investment advisory services into Upper Prestige customers. Ensure the quality of specific investment ideas and maintaining an efficient information platform and communication channel with respect to traditional Prestige customers where sales staff’s enquires will be responded satisfactorily in order to facilitate investment sales...
- 恒生银行有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Proactively manage Head of RBWM’s calendar by acting as the gate keeper for scheduling appointments to ensure that best use is made of his time. Ensure that the manager is provided with all necessary background material (previous minutes, responses to action points etc.) prior to attending meetings. Prepare meeting minutes for RBWM Monthly meeting. Provide top quality services to customers and be attentive to their needs; all assignments to be completed before deadlines. Other tasks ass...
- 佳化化学股份有限公司 Shanghai
Job Responsibilities: Develop business in Africa or India including customer visits, sampling, product qualification and promotion of the products and the business of the Company and all aspects of the sale, distribution and delivery of the Products. Explore new opportunities for potential business in the territory. Conduct daily communication with customers to comply company KPI (achieve sales results, manage account receivables) Collect market and industry information and provide accurate feed...
- 万佳诚机械设备有限公司 漳州市 龙文区
工作性质:全职 职位类别: 工作经验:二年或以上 学历要求:不限 招聘对象:不限 专业要求: 性别要求:不限 年龄要求:不限 参考薪资:面议 福利待遇: 其它待遇: 岗位职责 主要负责客户来图的钣金展开 方便激光切割下料 岗位要求 会CAD机械制图 ,会SOLIDWORKS2017优先 联系方式 点击查看联系方式 我是会员,我要投档,请先 点击登录 还没有注册?请 免费注册>> 成为求职用户 重要提示: 发个信息或投个简历 再打电话告知,获得面试的成功率提升50% 发信息 投简历 2分钟登记新简历...
- 高仪卫生洁具有限公司 Shanghai
Main Responsibilites: 1. Maintaining, content editting, copywriting for Grohe China’s social media, including not limited to wechat, weibo, etc. 2. Support to deliver social media strategy, content plans 3. Keep a close watch on competitor tracking and social media trends and explore new social media opportunity for brand communication to TA 4. Plans to recruit new followers and increase the activeness of followers 5. Work with agency to plan and execute campaigns on digital platforms 6. Coordin...
- 本来生活 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 岗位描述: 1、负责业务系统SQL SERVER,MySQL等数据库的管理和维护工作; 2、支持高可用、高性能数据库系统,保障业务7×24小时正常运行; 3、深入业务系统逻辑,持续关注数据库服务的性能,并进行深度优化; 4、支持开发人员进行数据库的规划、设计以及SQL的评审和优化,为开发工程师提供数据库SQL优化建议; 5、制定和持续改进数据库相关流程、规范、预案。 任职要求: 1、本科及以上相关学历; 2、要求有强烈责任心和进取心 3、至少5年以上SQL SERVER DBA经验和1年以上的MySQL DBA经验; 4、熟练掌握SQL SERVER、MySQL数据库结构设计(物理、逻辑); 5、具备丰富的数据库性能调优经验,善于利用各种工具、日志发现数据库性能问题并进行优化,具备SQL语句的调优经验; 6、熟悉SQL SERVER、MySQL的高可用技术,有数据库规划、实施、运维经验; 7、有良好的学习能力和对新技术的追求精神、良好的团队协作能力,积极主动,乐于接受挑战,能承受工作压力。 职能类别:数据库工程师/管理员 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市徐汇区襄阳南...
- 堃博生物科技有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 南山区 Salary: Open Responsibilities Establishing and implementing strategic marketing plans to achieve corporate objectives Taking corrective action to guarantee that achievement of marketing objectives falls within designated budgets. Monitoring competitive products and marketing activities; Establishing and maintaining relationships with industry influences and key community and strategic partner. Developing and managing Key Opinion Leader for products for effective promotion of product line...
- MARIE DALGAR 玛丽黛佳 查看所有职位 Xi'an
岗位职责: 1、 门店培训执行: 以提升销售业绩为导向,负责我司品牌在丝芙兰渠道个人护理产品、护肤品的产品知识、使用技巧、销售技巧的带教和培训。 2、 培训课程开发: 根据培训需求撰写文案、开发便于培训和渠道内分享的课件。 根据渠道需求特性提出培训课程开发建议。 3、 参与营销活动: 协助各类现场营销活动。 4、 负责范围: 全国 任职资格: 1. 2年以上化妆品一线品牌、专业药妆、个人护理产品or仪器培训岗位经验。 2. 有一线销售岗位背景。 3. 熟悉丝芙兰的经营方式和培训工作特性。 4. 具有良好的沟通技能和情商。 5. 抗压能力良好。 6. 良好的外语阅读能力优先。 职能类别: 美容培训师/导师 培训讲师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:西安 部门信息 所属部门:Sales...
- 爱盛生物科技有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibilities: Maintain specialist knowledge in plant science and related cultivation in agriculture. Stay abreast of new developments in the area of expertise and advice on applicability in business group processes. Lead team to propose and evaluate new ideas and support the initiation of business group proposals and projects in order to contribute to innovations and new concepts in the area of expertise. Lead team to execute the agreed research programs / experiments, evaluate it and report...
- 强生医疗器材有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 年薪200,000 - 300,000元 协助产品经理进行公司品牌宣传文案、产品推广文案等相关宣传物料文案内容; 协助配合全国范围内市场活动的策划、组织和执行(包括展览、讲座、交流会等); 竞品、行业资料、医学专题会议的资料收集、整理及总结报道; 负责市场部内公司系统流程的一些申请跟进工作; 定期跟踪工作进展,定期收集数据。 市场部的其他相关工作。 基本任职资格(必填) 全日制本科以上学历;有医疗行业市场相关工作经验者优先; 中文文字功底扎实,文案撰写能力强; 具有一定视频、图片编辑能力; 学力能力强,工作积极主动,需配合不定期出差,出差时间按照活动要求而定; 具有团队合作精神。 职能类别:市场助理产品/品牌专员 关键字:市场专员 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海...
- 百合佳缘集团 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 月薪20,000 - 25,000元 岗位职责: 携手“世纪佳缘”,挑战百万年薪!! 销售精英们:如果你善于发现掘金宝地! 如果你热爱婚恋事业! 请加入——“世纪佳缘” 粉色销售精英团队 我们给你提供: 综合底薪6.5-9K,加行业***提成,综合薪资20K-30K,top40K+ 庞大的客户资源——一亿征婚交友注册会员 超激励奖金制度——已产生月度提成达30万销售精英 全方位的福利——法定节假日及带薪年假、五险一金、带薪培训、晋升通道等 你只需完成: 电话邀约和面谈客户,使其选择线下红娘一对一服务,即可。 职位描述: 1、针对高端客户群体,通过电话和面谈的方式,挖掘婚恋需求,引导其加入VIP人工服务,并制订与之匹配的婚恋方案; 2、完成公司下达的月度销售任务及其它考核指标; 3、积极主动搜集及拓展各类与业务相关的客户资源; 4、与服务红娘团队密切配合,达成客户服务目标; 5、维护良好的客户关系,确保较高的客户满意度; 6、上级主管交办的其它工作。 任职要求: 1、能承受一定的工作压力; 2、仪表端庄,有涵养;性格开朗大方;思维敏捷;语言表达流畅,沟通协调能力较强; 3...
- 康码生物科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 月薪6,000 - 12,000元 工作内容: 1.完成视频创意、设计; 2.视频分解,分镜头草图构思,修改;视频拍摄、剪辑、3D、动画、特效等制作,整理制作蛋白质智能制造产品介绍和多种高科技使用场景的各种长短视频; 3.产品及企业宣传所需的多媒体视频与动画素材设计; 4.配合需求完成动画、视频的文件管理工作。 5.国内外视频网站平台的推广。 任职要求: 1.成功的视频创作经验和超常的视觉创意成果; 2.较强的3D曲面建模能力与动画渲染能力; 3.具有良好的镜头感及现场拍摄技巧,能灵活运用镜头语言,掌握多种视频拍摄设备使用,把握视频的节奏感、艺术感、脚本创意; 4.熟练掌握Premiere、After Effects、Avid Media Composer等视频后期处理相关软件; 5.熟练掌握3Dmax、Maya、C4D、Premiere等其中任意3D动画视频相关软件; 6.良好的沟通与跨部门合作能力,具备团队合作精神。 职能类别: 动画/3D设计 多媒体设计 关键字: 多媒体 视频创意 渲染 3D 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:水芸路300号闵联大厦B座...
- 高仪卫生洁具有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Job Description: KPI analysis 1. SCM KPI analysis 2. SMI analysis 3. Other analysis when required Logistics management 1. Shipping confirmation of all asia suppliers 2. AF tracking weekly 3. Backup of weekly booking and AF approval when Ivy is on holiday Order management of China suppliers 1. Order confimation 2. Pull in/push out based on demand change for normal POs 3. Set up SMI and weekly tracking to pull in and push out 职能类别: 物流专员/助理 关键字: KPI analysis; Logistics management; Order managem...
- 多喜佳伴纳服饰商业有限公司 Shanghai
Mission of the position In charge of all the routine reports and ensure the on-time delivery for each store. To provide support and assistance to all the members in the team on various assignments. In charge of Perfume. Main Duties & Responsibilities ?Assist Line Manager to maximize the sales performance of the brand together with all other department within the company. ?In charge of all the routine reports and prepare various reports including sales, stock and delivery. ?Warehouse Picking....
- 多喜佳伴纳服饰商业有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 黄浦区 Main Duties & Responsibilities 1. Participate in buying Propose OTB planning by store and by categories to General Merchandising Manager to maximize the sales performance of the new collection Attend Italy HQ briefing and buying appointments Place orders according to the Company’s direction and individual store’s customers behavior/needs Follow up orders by making amendments according to Italy HQ and General Merchandising Manager’s advices; proposing reorder on ad campaign style with...
- 多喜佳伴纳服饰商业有限公司 Shanghai
Mission of the position General managing Donna RTW Buying, Merchandising, Stock Planning and Product Training of all stores to maximize the sales and achieve healthy Sell-Through. Specifically in charge of Buying/Product Selection for 6 flagship stores located in Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu Main Duties & Responsibilities Responsible for Donna RTW OTB planning, buying, budget allocation and merchandise selection to ensure buying direction reflect the company’s strategy and ensure the produc...
- 西比曼生物科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Responsibility 1. Establish the microbiological testing procedures and Execute the microbiology-associated analytical method validation. 实施微生物相关的分析方法验证。 2. Proactivilty participate the Aseptic Processing Validation (APV) and the Aseptic Operation Qualification (AOQ). 积极参与无菌工艺验证和无菌操作确认 3. Set up the procedures for isolating environment stressed microorganisms. 建立环境微生物的分离规程 4. Establish the identification procedure for the required microorganisms. 建立相关环境微生物的鉴定规程 5. Complete the microbiolo...
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