Applications are invited for:- School of Journalism and Communication Part-time Lecturer(s) (Ref. 200000IO) (Closing date: May 22, 2020) The post is open for teaching the following postgraduate course: COMM5980 New Media Ecology for the MSc programme in New Media. The course aims to examine the business ecosystem of the media industry. It provides key theories and frameworks to understand the ecosystems, economic interplay, business models and media planning. The course provides a foundation fro...
www.cpjobs.comMay 7,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Graduate School General Clerk II / Clerical Assistant (Ref. 200000HU) (Closing date: May 19, 2020) The appointee will mainly be responsible for supporting various administrative duties related to postgraduate studies. Applicants should have/be (i) completed secondary education; (ii) Grade E/Level 2 or above in at least 5 subjects in HKCEE, including Chinese and English (Syllabus B); OR any combination of results in at least 5 HKDSE subjects (including Level 2 or above in Chinese and English): Le...
www.cpjobs.comMay 7,2020 - Dickson Concepts Ltd. 迪生創建有限公司 Hong kong
DSE / F.7 graduate or above, preferably with secretarial training; 0-1 year relevant experience; Good command of spoken & written English and Chinese (Mandarin); Good typing & PC skills (Word & Excel); Positive, detail-minded, organized and able to work under pressure. We offer excellent career prospects, competitive salary and fringe benefits to the right candidate. Please apply in strict confidence (quoting reference on the envelope) by sending personal resume together with sal...
www.cpjobs.comMay 5,2020 - 福加德企業有限公司 Hong kong
職位描述: 協助大區負責人做好本區域的銷售工作,包括開拓市場、服務市場、培育市場; 完成公司和大區負責人製定的年度銷售計畫和任務; 根據實際情況,對本區域內客戶的月/周發貨計畫進行製定和落實; 做好市場走訪、開發和客戶的定期回訪; 每月及時收集產品市場資訊和服務資訊,及時回饋給公司相關部門; 瞭解競爭對手的市場情況和新舉措,及時回饋給公司相關部門。 建立和完善分管通路的銷售資料庫、客戶資訊系統; 向直接上級提交年度、月度工作計畫、總結和銷售報表; 根據客戶需求組織服務人員上門服務,並進行售後跟蹤。 完成領導交辦的其它相關工作。 學歷:大學學士學位以上學歷 語言:流利粵語、英語、普通話,懂日語者優先 經驗:3年以上銷售工作經驗,麵粉、食品行業者優先 工作時間:週一至週五,上午9時至下午6時,每週工作五天 薪酬及福利: 銷售代表級試用期為1.5-2.0萬/月,經理級試用期為1.8-3.0萬/月 轉正後根據表現的優異:底薪+績效獎勵; 年底有雙薪,另每年底進行年終考核,表現優秀者可加薪或晉升。 申請須知: 求職者可按 立即申請 提交中英文履歷 本公司嚴格執行《個人資料(私隱)條例》,申請者...
www.cpjobs.comApril 26,2020 - 裕民建築有限公司 Hong kong
中學文憑或以上程度 具三年或以上地盤行政工作經驗 負責點收地盤物料及處理一般地盤行政工作 懂一般中英電腦操作及中文打字優先 經驗較少者可獲考慮為助理地盤行政主任...
www.cpjobs.comApril 2,2020 - 裕民建築有限公司 Hong kong
中學文憑或以上程度 具兩年或以上文書工作經驗 負責地盤一般文書工作,包括資料輸入、處理及存檔 懂一般中英電腦操作及中文打字 經驗較少者可獲考慮為地盤文員...
www.cpjobs.comApril 2,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
Applications are invited for: Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Research Assistant(s) The Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, working with more than 150 ophthalmologists and visual scientists in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland, is committed to advancing patient service, research, training and education to the highest possible standard in all major areas of ophthalmology and visual sciences. The Department has a strong track record and profile in international ophtha...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 26,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
Applications are invited for: Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Postdoctoral Fellow(s) The Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, working with more than 150 ophthalmologists and visual scientists in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland, is committed to advancing patient service, research, training and education to the highest possible standard in all major areas of ophthalmology and visual sciences. The Department has a strong track record and profile in international ophth...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 26,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Applications are invited for:- School of Continuing and Professional Studies Part-time Instructors (General Courses and Professional Continuing Education Programmes) (Ref. 20000096) (Closing date: March 27, 2020) The School of Continuing and Professional Studies (CUSCS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, founded in 1965, is a self-financing extension unit of the University with its mission to provide quality lifelong education to the community of all ages. The School offers a wide variety o...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 12,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Applications are invited for:- School of Continuing and Professional Studies Part-time Instructors (Daytime Higher Diploma Programmes) (Ref. 20000094) (Closing date: March 27, 2020) The School of Continuing and Professional Studies (CUSCS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, founded in 1965, is a self-financing extension unit of the University with its mission to provide quality lifelong education to the community of all ages. The School offers a wide variety of full-time and part-time post...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 12,2020 - ISLP(ISLP建築設計有限会社) Fuzhou
建築設計デザイナー(日本人) ISLP(ISLP建築設計有限会社)は2010年に中国福建省の福州市に設立した唯一の日系建築設計会社です。日本での建築設計経験を積み重ねてきたベテランの建築デザイナーをはじめとし、現在20名以上の建築設計者が在籍しています。現在は都市計画、観光地の計画、養老産業、TOD、別荘、住宅、ホテル及びオフィスなど様々な分野の計画に取り組んでいます。そのため、優秀な建築設計者を募集しています。 募集職種 ・建築設計デザイナー(日本人) 雇用形態 ・正社員 仕事内容 主に建築基本設計から詳細図までの立面の品質の管理を担当していただきます。 その他: ① デザイン性と実現性が両立した計画の提案及び図面作成・管理をしていただきます。 ② プレゼン資料の品質を管理していただきます。 ③ 会社宣伝用の資料創り(ホームページ、名刺など)に協力していただきます。 ④ 社員の設計レベル向上のため、日本の建築の分析及び発表をしていただきます。 ⑤ 上司による他の仕事。 応募資格 ・国籍:日本 ・四年制大学(建築系)卒業以上、あるいは同等以上の能力のある方。 ・8年以上の建築設計あるい...
www.expatjobschina.comMarch 1,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Assistant Computer Officer (carrying the job title of ‘Technical Project Manager’) (Ref. 2000005O) (Closing date: March 6, 2020) The Department is looking for an Assistant Computer Officer to lead the software development team. The appointee will be in charge of managing junior team members, making executive decisions on architecture and technology, and have intimate knowledge of the code-base for knowledge sharing. Applicants should have (i) a Bach...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 19,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Computer Technician II(s) (Analyst Programmer/Developer/Back end/Ruby on rails/PHP/Java) (Ref. 2000005N) (Closing date: March 6, 2020) The Department is looking for Computer Technician II(s) to support software development projects. The appointee(s) will be involved in using the latest software development methodologies to develop core products that are both internal and user-facing. Applicants should have (i) a Bachelor’s degree or above in Compute...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 19,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Computer Technician II(s) (carrying the job title of ‘Analyst Programmer’ or ‘Front-end/Back-end/Ruby on Rails/PHP/Java Developer’) (Ref. 2000005P) (Closing date: March 6, 2020) The Department is looking for Computer Technician II(s) to support software development projects. The appointee(s) will be involved in using the latest software development methodologies to develop core products that are both internal and user-facing. Applicants should have ...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 19,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Assistant Computer Officer (carrying the job title of ‘Senior Analyst Programmer/Java Developer’) (Ref. 2000005Q) (Closing date: March 6, 2020) The appointee will be responsible for (a) designing system architecture and development standards, nurturing less experienced staff members, and preparing project plans, requirements and progress reports; (b) directing the software development process using both Agile and Waterfall methodologies; (c) generat...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 19,2020 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong kong
(Closing date: February 11, 2020) Registry The appointee will be assigned to the Registration and Examinations Section, and will be responsible for (a) assisting in computer systems and related operations of the office; (b) supporting student registration, course registration and add/drop matters; (c) handling applications from students and managing student records; (d) checking graduation requirements and producing necessary reports; (e) performing file management; and (f) handling other tasks ...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 6,2020 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong kong
(Ref. 20000053) (Closing date: February 18, 2020) Communications and Public Relations Office The appointee will be responsible for (a) creating dynamic and image-building content for social media; (b) co-ordinating day-to-day social media activities and maintaining the growth of their social communities; (c) co-ordinating video and other multimedia production; (d) facilitating cross-platform promotion on online media; (e) developing and maintaining websites and other online platforms; (f) planni...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 6,2020 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong kong
(Closing date: February 11, 2020) Faculty of Law The appointee will be responsible for (a) co-ordinating the Faculty’s academic programmes, events and activities; (b) handling student matters; (c) working closely with a dynamic team of administrative staff to provide assistance in handling a range of duties; and (d) performing general and/or specific administrative tasks as assigned. The appointee may need to work at the Graduate Law Centre in Central, and perform duties outside normal office ho...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 6,2020 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong kong
(Closing date: February 11, 2020) Finance Office The appointee will be responsible for (a) processing reimbursement claims and payroll payments; (b) handling accounting-related tasks; (c) assisting in retirement benefits administration; and (d) performing other tasks as assigned. Applicants should have (i) completed secondary education; (ii) Grade E/Level 2 or above in at least 5 subjects in HKCEE, including Chinese, English (Syllabus B) and Mathematics; OR any combination of results in at least...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 6,2020 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong kong
(編號:B/2000004T/ml/JJ)(截止日期:二零二零年二月十八日) 應徵者須具(甲)小學或以上程度;及(乙)三年或以上工作經驗。略懂基本維修知識者可獲優先考慮。職責包括(一)清潔教學中心(包括洗手間、課室、走廊、辦公室等);(二)整理課室、支援教學中心日間及夜間課堂;(三)供應茶水、搬運及外出支援/送件;及(四)處理其他雜務。受聘者將於學院位於尖沙咀或中環之教學中心工作,並須輪班當值。實際工作時間將按教學中心需要而定。將以六個月或一年合約方式聘用,表現優良者可獲考慮續聘。〔註:如較早前曾申請相同職位(編號:B/190002MS/ml)者毋須再次申請。〕...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 6,2020
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