Results 1 - 20 of 1600
  • 罗克韦尔自动化有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Principal Duties and Responsibilities Support Tasks Senior engineers are required to: Achieve the highest level of training on a specific product range, eg. LV Drive, Motion, Automation control, Network, View software, etc. Accept Breakdown Situation Tickets from Level 1 or 2 engineers when they are unable to resolve calls on first contact. Accept Tickets from the queue even when not trained on the product Perform in-depth research on difficult technical problems which cannot be resolved thr...

  • 罗克韦尔自动化有限公司 Shenzhen

    Job Purpose Provide technical, application expertise to customers in order to drive conversion activities and fuel sales growth with strategic OEMs. KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Customer satisfaction in line with agreed adoption objectives (quality, on-time, budget, performance etc.) Key Responsibilities DO ? Work proactively with the customer to make product and architectural recommendations- examples would include technical suitability, cost/ performance evaluation, technical trends, migrat...

  • 瑞庭网络技术有限公司 Beijing

    工作职责: 1、业务常规数据分析:分析销售团队和产品线团队的过程指标/结果指标数据,对业务常规数据进行追踪\分析\播报,及时发现关键问题并提出优化方案建议,同时通过数据应用推动管理系统的优化和改进 2、业务专项数据分析:根据业务管理不同阶段展开专项数据指标的深度分析,从中发现关键问题深挖业务痛点和问题,提供参考价值的数据分析报告,为决策层做业务横向\纵向战略规划时提供数据依据 3、业务数据体系搭建:熟悉招聘业务模式,梳理业务和数据结构之间的逻辑关系,能够开发与完善各项业务数据的统计分析模型,确保其准确性、实用性及可衡量性,并根据业务变化不断优化改进数据分析体系 4、围绕业务目标、业务管理提效方向完善数据分析体系 5、通过数据推演运算支撑业务运营策略输出和运营动作落地 6、定期完成数据日报、周报、季报等专项汇报材料 7、为业务线相关部门提供相关的业务数据支持 8、统筹对接大客户部招投标工作,配合好大客户业务部提供商务招投标工作; 9、协助业务团队跟进并按时提供招投标的资质文件以及协助制定标书文件的相关事宜;负责招投标标书的撰写; 10、高效、高质的完成领导交办的其他工作 任职资格: 1、...

  • 上海愉庭健康管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    该职位已承诺不收取任何费用,如有不实,请举报。 工作内容:YU MASSAGE 愉庭(YU MASSAGE)保健会所系沪上高档的会所之一,客户对象以外籍人士、欧美人士为主。香精油压为本会所优势项目。本会所技术精湛,服务周到,环境雅致,深受中外客户称赞,在同业中处于前端水平。因公司发展需要,现招聘男、女按摩技师,要求有三年以上工作经验,包吃住, 职位要求: 工作时间:月休四天...

  • 罗克韦尔自动化有限公司 Shanghai

    Principal Duties and Responsibilities Support Tasks Senior engineers are required to: Achieve the highest level of training on a specific product range, eg. LV Drive, Motion, Automation control, Network, View software, etc. Accept Breakdown Situation Tickets from Level 1 or 2 engineers when they are unable to resolve calls on first contact. Accept Tickets from the queue even when not trained on the product Perform in-depth research on difficult technical problems which cannot be resolved through...

  • 江森自控商务服务有限公司 Dalian

    A. PRIMARY PURPOSE (WHY DOES THIS JOB EXISTS) To enable HR personnel to continue to concentrate on developing/enhancing HR strategies within JCI China, following the separation of services from Ford over the course of a six month period To streamline and eliminate HR/Facilities administration as much as possible To further develop the knowledge and skills of the team members within the HR function To support the transition from ISE to local HR staff To recruit a talented candidate with the poten...

  • 锦江麦德龙现购自运有限公司 Shanghai

    Responsibility: Formulate the annual Social media strategy plan in line with marketing plan & promotion plan Set up the measureable KPI and right benchmark for each social campaign, e.g. effective reach, clicks, etc. Manage social media agency to execute the social campaign from planning, social media sourcing and implementation to post-buy report Set up the right processes and timelines for social media campaign with all the stakeholders involved Deep dive into big data gained from Social m...

  • 南京邦奇自动变速箱有限公司 Nanjing

    南京市 栖霞区 Job description: ? You are part of an international purchasing team operating in various locations at home and abroad. ? You manage internal and external teams and are in charge of the entire purchasing process from strategy to operations. ? As a thought-leader in the field of global purchasing you participate in multidisciplinary project teams. ? You develop and implement purchasing strategies and procedures for new and existing products with new and existing suppliers, and you release ...

  • 罗克韦尔自动化(厦门)有限公司大连分公司 Dalian

    大连市 西岗区 招聘人数:不限 薪资:面议 工作地点:大连市西岗区中山路147号森茂大厦23F 职位描述 SUMMARY/SCOPE OF POSITION: Responsible for software architecture and system design direction for industrial control products. Serves as the focal point for technical direction of key aspects of, or the entire project. Influences the direction of products spanning different business units. COMPETENCY Architectural direction setting capability Good communication skill and quick learning capability Master Visual C++ Good English reading, writing ...

  • 西门子电力自动化有限公司 Nanjing

    南京市 提醒: 请务必通过西门子专属申请链接(如下)申请该职位,您需要登录西门子专属招聘系统后方可提交申请,未注册用户需先注册。 Responsibilities / Duties At least 3 years in technical position related to responsible products (Power Automation and Protection). Product promotion, and provide technical support to Region BD and front Sales, Create technical proposal for offer; Take the overall responsibility of bid including technical and commercial bid, implement pricing strategy. Drive for ...

  • 广东大自然园林绿化有限公司 Zhongshan

    职位信息 1.信息化管理(制定信息化管理制度和流程、信息管理系统培训工作; 2.优化现有的工作流程并提高效率; 3. IT管理(建立网络使用和管理制度、公司相关硬件设备、软件及网络维护和管理工作); 4. 主持本部门日常全面工作,做好与公司其他部门的沟通协调工作; 5. 负责公司和领导安排的其他工作。 职能类别: 系统管理员/网络管理员 关键字: 网络管理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:广东省中山市石岐南区城南二路34号 地图 公司信息 广东大自然园林绿化有限公司是一家集园林景观规划设计、园林绿化施工、苗木生产与配送于一体的大型品牌园林艺术公司,该公司创立于1998年,有近20年的发展,现公司已聚拢各类专业技术人才达400余人,其中中高级专业技术人才达50余人。发展至今,旗下已拥有广东大自然园林绿化有限公司、广东大自然园林研究设计院、广东大自然花木经营有限公司等,是珠三角地区规模最大和影响力最广的园林艺术规划设计高端品牌企业之一。 广东大自然园林绿化有限公司注册资金1001万元,现拥有办公面积1000多平方米,大型花木生产基地1200余亩,公司运输车辆10多台,园林机械齐全。近年来,已...

  • 罗克韦尔自动化制造有限公司 Shanghai

    Position Summary Lead JQD and HRB factory based project managers and relevant business metrics; Be responsible for successful project implementation starting with marketing support on proposal generation through startup/final customer acceptance, manage;Manager interface with country based ETO project managers; Supervise JQD and HRB factory based project managers during the Initiate, Plan, Execute & Control and Close phases on Power Control Business projects. Key Responsibilities 1. Responsi...

  • 上海电气泰雷兹交通自动化系统有限公司 Shanghai

    KEY JOB FUNCTIONS ? Ensure all correspondence to & from Customer is properly and formally archived, and follow-up is given in specified number of days (work with Project Engineers). ? Track formal Contractual Document Deliverables being sent to the Customer. ? Translate English-Chinese and Chinese-English documentation when necessary. ? Provide oral translation in Customer meetings. ? Issue MoM of Weekly Project Meetings (chaired by PM/Senior PM) ? Audit action follow-up, where assigned ? Pr...

  • 石庭豪夫国际贸易有限公司 Shenzhen

    Job purpose: The Human Resources Assistant performs a variety of HR duties under the general direction of the HR department, such as communicating, coordinating, and administering our HR process and policy. Job Responsibilities: 1. Coordinate and assist with recruitment and employment process 2. Assist with employee relations and people caring projects 3. Assist and coordinate training programs 4. Organize employee activities 5. Maintain and update employee database, secure the accuracy of docum...

  • 西门子电力自动化有限公司 Chengdu

    提醒: 请务必通过西门子专属申请链接(如下)申请该职位,您需要登录西门子专属招聘系统后方可提交申请,未注册用户需先注册。 Looking for a challenge? We want you as a sales representative for our digital grid business. Our Sales Representatives are the eyes and ears of our customers. They do not wait, but take the initiative. They transform “That sounds interesting!” into actual contracts, paving the way for new avenues of business. Join our team and we will give you the latest knowledge a...

  • 南京埃斯顿自动化股份有限公司 Nanjing

    该职位没有提供职位描述! 职能类别:信息技术专员 微信 公司信息 埃斯顿自动化创建于1993年,现坐落于南京市江宁经济开发区,毗邻将军山、翠屏山等景区,风景秀丽。临近南京南站、机场高速,办公地点附近直通地铁,交通便利。 受益于国家改革开放的发展机遇以及创业团队历经20多年的努力奋斗,目前埃斯顿不仅成为国内高端智能装备核心控制功能部件领军企业之一,而且已在自身核心零部件优势基础上强势进入工业机器人产业,华丽转身为具有自主技术和核心零部件的国产机器人主力军企业。 2015年3月20日,埃斯顿自动化在深圳证券交易所正式挂牌上市(股票简称:埃斯顿 股票代码:002747),成为中国拥有完全自主核心技术的国产机器人主流上市公司之一。 一个更美好的世界,值得我们全力以赴!...

  • 米乐星乐美斯KTV 查看所有职位 Chengdu

    1、按照领班安排认真做好桌椅卫生,餐厅铺台,准备好各种用品,确保正常营业使用。 2、接待顾客应主动、热情、礼貌、耐心、周到,使顾客有宾至如归之感; 3、运用礼貌语言,为客人提供***服务, 4、善于向顾客介绍和推销本餐厅饮品及特色菜点; 5、配合领班工作,服从领班或以上领导指挥,团结及善于帮助同事工作; 6、积极参加培训,不断提高服务技能。 任职资格: 1、年龄18-30岁,身体健康。 2、品行端正,能吃苦耐劳。 工作状况: 1.公司提供透明广阔的升职空间。 2.每天工作8小时,早班12:00-21:00(休息1小时),晚班20:00-05:00(休息1小时),月休五天。 3.提供员工宿舍及二顿工作餐。 4.缴纳社会保险。 5.节假日三倍薪资,生日带薪休假,年假等等。 工作地址:(有意向者可直接在当店铺进行面试) 工作地点:华阳店-四川省成都市天府新区华阳大道三段与中兴上街口-四通大厦3F 新城市广场店:成都青羊区西大街1号新城市广场A栋4楼 联系电话:028-85066669 火车南站店:成都市武侯区人民南路四段57号 联系电话:028-85230909 高攀路店:武侯区高阳路38号...

  • 雅芳有限公司 Shanghai

    岗位职责: 1.Data management and analysis, including system execution, biz review, etc. Competitor study and market trend learning; 2.Support to own mass & value skincare product communication and execution, including NPD introduction, brief, launch plan, etc. 3.Co-operation and communication skills with related function teams & agency; 4.Team support on daily work; 岗位要求: 1.B.A. degree or above, preferable in marketing, statistic,& business related 2. 2+ years market experience preferable...

  • 比勒自动化技术有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 松江区 Responsibilities 1- Technical and commercial sales 2- Responsible for the sales in a specific territory in China, export business among BST eltromat group ,management and supporting of one agent. 3- Achieve the business targets by understanding the customer’s requirement, driving process and creating our unique valuable solutions 4- Drive projects, start from finding, developing until closing the projects. 5- Update market and customer requirements/trends for related product developments...

  • 贝加莱工业自动化有限公司 Shanghai

    Responsibilities: Managing products throughout the lifecycle; Optimal positioning and presentation of IIoT products and solutions on the market; Defining and reviewing new product requirements; Preparing new digital solution launch programs in the Chinese market; Conducting sales training on new products; Active support and close exchange with our sales team during customer appointments and events; Processing market requirements for current and future technologies based on market analysis and cu...

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