Results 1 - 20 of 9669
  • 上海虹桥元一希尔顿酒店 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    This position is responsible for meeting and exceeding the individual revenue goals set by DOS/ ADOS and to efficiently follow the sales strategy implemented by the hotel or Commercial Director. 负责实现并超越销售总监、销售副总监设置的个人收入目标,并有效跟进酒店商务总监实施的销售策略。 1. To follow up hotel and departmental rules and SOP. 跟进酒店及部门规章和标准操作步骤。 2. To make regular sales calls on accounts assigned to and keep up-to-date on the clients’ needs and sell the products of the hotel that will satisfy those needs. 对指定的账户进行客户拜访,跟进客户的需要,销售...

  • 英诺瑞新科技发展有限公司 上海市 静安区

    上海市 静安区 Key Objectives/Deliverables: Delivery of a web portal that hosts, retrieves and visualizes data upon user query into an internal IT environment through installation, programming and software/data integration. Work with the RIT team to deliver project documentation which complies with quality policies. Obtain and leverage deep knowledge of research processes and technologies, to ensure solutions meet the needs and to influence future application and research direction. Networking and alig...

  • 深圳诺德安达双语学校 查看所有职位 海口市 龙华区

    KEY RESULT AREA /areas of responsibility 主要职责 1.认同学校理念与愿景,服从人文部门负责人相应的工作安排,定期参与组内会议,遵守学校、部门相应的政策 2.担任中学部地理课程的教学工作。服从部门对教学进度、教学内容的安排。能够根据实际状况对课程方案提出建议,完善教学设计,达到北京历史课标。 3.熟悉北京市课程体系,并具有国际化的视野或国际教育背景,能与外籍教师沟通,传达北京地理课程标准,为课程引入国际元素 4.定期对学生的地理学习状况进行追踪和评估,包括形成性评估和总结性评估,保留相应数据,并及时向人文部门负责人进行反馈。 5.具有现代教育理念,能够参与教学研究;或能带领学生参与各类学科竞赛和开展跨学科学习。 任职资格: Qualifications/Training 资格证书/培训 1.Qualified teacher in the People’s Republic of China and a relevant international jurisdiction. 具有中华人民共和国教师资格 2.3-6YR PQE+ Experien...

  • 英域成语言培训有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES l Delivering 6 hours per day of group lessons and/or private lessons to students through our online learning platform l Evaluating student progress and providing on-going guidance for improvement l Providing high-quality feedback on students’ written submissions l Attending required training and meetings l Contributing to center initiatives during office hours to increase staff engagement Requirements l Bachelor’s degree in any field l High level of English proficiency ...

  • 英思科传感仪器有限公司 Shanghai

    Objectives: 1.Engineering daily paper work update and maintenance,with no technical task. 2.Basic electrical and gas detection test in instrument or sub-assembly,and date record. Responsibilities: 1.Perform daily paper work include drawing simple update/correcction,document update,Windchill file update,with no technical task 2.Perform simple verification task for repeatable test,for hardware and gas detection. Qualifications: 1.Interns from university/college,major in mechanical and electrical o...

  • 重庆江北中欧外国语培训学校 Chongqing

    公司简介 瑞思学科英语,依托全球特大K12教育集团HMHG优质教育资源及经验,致力于为中国家庭中3-18岁孩子提供全英文浸入式环境,锻炼纯正英语思维能力,塑造国际人才基础素养。将原汁原味的美国幼儿、公立小学课程体系同质同步的带到中国,始终坚持美国“鼓励式、探索式、启发式”的教育原则,改变传统教育模式,让孩子在课堂中担任学习的主角,将探索学习的过程还给孩子,让孩子们自己主动学习。形成了“学科英语 未来领导力培养 浸入式方法”的教育模式。 瑞思在中国 2007年,瑞思学科英语作为全球学科英语的首倡者之一,凭借独特的产品定位、优秀的商业模式,开创了少儿英语教育行业的崭新格局; 2008年,瑞思获得国际教育巨头EMPG International3000万元战略投资,成为少儿英语教育领域首批获得海外投资的教育机构之一; 2010年,公司现金销售额超过2亿元,在全国少儿英语教育领域遥遥领先; 瑞思学科英语在国内率先引入同质同步“美国小学”“美国幼儿园”课程体系,经过四年的发展,公司在北京、上海、武汉、天津、重庆、广州、杭州、南京、长沙、沈阳等全国80多个重点城市,设立了200多家中心,学员数量超...

  • 屏東縣私立橋英文理短期補習班 屏東縣 潮州鎮

    1.接待前來拜訪或參觀的家長,並提供諮詢服務。 2.提供聯繫或廣播的服務。 3.保持接待環境的整潔。 4.處理工作場所臨時性的行政事務。 職務類別 : 櫃檯接待 行政人員 行政助理 休假制度 : 依公司規定 星期六上午要上班 上班時段 : 依公司規定 年 8 月 20 日 需求人數 : 1至1人 薪資待遇 : 月薪 30,000 元每月薪資行情表我要申訴 工作性質 : 全職 管理人數 : 不需負擔管理責任 工作條件 科系要求 : 不拘 工作經驗 : 不拘 外語能力 : 英文 聽:普通 說:普通 讀:普通 寫:普通 技能與求職專長 電腦技能 : 未填寫 取得認證 : GEPT全民英檢中級 Cambridge Main Suite(劍橋主流英語認證) IELTS TOEIC 必備附件 履歷照片 <職場性格測驗>報告 應徵方式 連絡人 : 倪先生 Email : 若有意應徵,請直接按「我要應徵」投遞履歷即可。...

  • 英域成语言培训(上海)有限公司(... Nanning

    职位信息 岗位职责: 用英文教授3至18岁青少儿英语,锻炼孩子的英文思维; 履行教务长指定的班级课程计划,充分备课以完成教学任务,定期与教务长开会交流所有相关信息; 熟悉学校运行的程序和课程,以英语语言教学的***标准授课; 给予不同阶段的学员学习支持,为学员管理、改正并记录进步报告、测试及评估的结果; 与校长和教务长合作,确保具有建设性的沟通交流及有效的中心运作; 履行与教学相关的职责,包括但并不局限于上演示课、组织学生/家长俱乐部、教授VIP课程、以及参与市场活动; 积极参与学校和部门组织的各种培训、教研、讲座和会议等活动。 任职要求: 拥有教师资格证; 英语相关专业,本科以上学历,专业八级或参加雅思托福考试(雅思7分以上,托福100分以上),英语口语流利,语音语调标准。海外留学背景优先考虑; 男女不限,开朗大方,思路清晰灵活,喜欢与人沟通; 在公立学校或教育培训学校全英文授课经验2年以上(家教,辅导班除外); 有爱心和安全意识,喜欢小孩,如有教学经验的优先考虑; 具有团队合作精神热爱文化教育行业; 有亲和力及耐心,沟通能力强。 职能类别:教师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:南宁市...

  • 华特迪士尼英语培训有限公司 Chengdu

    成都市 成华区 Academic Delivery & Business Responsibilities Maintain high quality of academic delivery in his/her own classes ensuring consistently high standards Continuously assess and find ways to improve the performance of learners as they advance through his/her lessons. Provide coverage for Learning Partners as required Through the delivery of guest service excellence, measurable academic results, and support of the sales process, ensure that Center performance goals are met through new lear...

  • 中山欧科电子有限公司 Zhongshan

    中山市 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 职位信息 Your Responsibilities You will be responsible for the creation of industrial and mechanical design as well as 2D/3D drawings You deliver innovative mechanical designs and ensure implementation of design standards You can identify potential technical problems and implement timely corrective quality actions You will manage CNC and tool made sample evaluation plus quality reports You will be responsible for EAF, BOM, ECO creation as well as milestone reports. You will ma...

  • 赢彩色浆制造有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 闵行区 OVERALL PURPOSE OF THIS POSITION: Assisting in sourcing alternate raw materials and promoting use through technical to lower standard costs where possible. Assisting in managing the contract management including management of supplier relationship. Assisting in providing regular progress reports to manager against procurement strategies and the associated cost savings. Responsible for receiving and processing sales orders and coordinating deliveries in accordance with customer requiremen...

  • 易贝乐少儿英语丽水莲都校区 查看所有职位 丽水市 莲都区

    关于易贝乐: 易贝乐少儿英语是世界500强Positivo集团旗下教育品牌E-Blocks的教学体系,是针对全球3—12岁EFL(English as a Foreign Language)国家儿童的英语启蒙标准课程,荣获联合国WSA教育大奖,目前校区遍及北上广深,杭州、大连、青岛、长沙等多个城市,在全国成立了近400家学习中心,服务于近20万个家庭。诚邀各方精英的加入! 岗位职责 1、承担3-12岁少儿英语日常教学工作。 2、协助市场、销售完成DEMO课、公开课的演示,展示教学成果。 3、积极参与总部教师培训会议。 4、定期参与校区内部教研会,提升教学质量。 5、配合中心教务部门完成教学的监测与评估工作。 6、定期与家长沟通,进行电话回访,不断完善教学工作质量。 7、完成学员续费、转介绍等工作。 8、完成教学主管安排的其他工作事项。 任职要求: 1、性格开朗,喜爱孩子,有较强的亲和力。 2、具有专业英语考级证书,专业水平过硬,发音标准,口语流利,具有良好的职业道德。 3、踏实、有责任心,能吃苦,具有良好的职业形象。 4、乐于接受全新的教育理念和教学模式。 5、大专以上学历,年龄22-...

  • 英达特信息技术有限公司 Shanghai

    本公司是世界领先酒店宽带接入服务商,客户包括 Marriott、IHG、Hyatt、Hilton等世界知名酒店集团。 目标人群:成熟,勇于挑战自我;3年以上相关行业销售经验,具备广泛的客户网络;有酒店供应商背景优先,经常接触酒店业主/总包商为佳;英语交流无障碍。 工作地点:上海 汇报对象:中国区总经理 KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: The Business Development Manager is primarily responsible for the development and execution of the market entry and annual sales plan for the country; as well as the execution of the Global Accounts strategy to develop new profitable business for the Company. JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND COVERAGE: Business Development Activities Exe...

  • 深圳市英路教育投资有限公司 Shenzhen

    Job title: A-Level Economics Teachers Basic job description: 1. Ability & experience in teaching relevant British Pattern IGCSE and A level Economics courses in accordance to the related specification. 2. Assign appropriate homework and mark it on time. 3 .Class supervision and accurate student records of performance. 4. Attendance at parent/teacher or staff meetings and other promotional events as required. 5. Participate and organize extra curricular activities. 6. Provide reference letter...

  • 亚历山大麦昆贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 The house of Alexander McQueen is known for the emotional power and raw energy of their shows as well as the romantic but determinedly contemporary nature of the collections. Integral to the McQueen culture is the juxtaposition between contrasting elements: fragility and strength, tradition and modernity, fluidity and severity. An openly emotional and even passionate viewpoint is realized with a profound respect and influence for the arts and crafts tradition. McQueen’s collections combine a...

  • 英域成语言培训有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 通过专业的销售咨询,你将把我们的青少儿或成人客户带到全球40多个城市的EF英孚海外学校,体验彻底的浸润式语言学习。无论是参加夏令营和冬令营认识海外文化;短期游学浸染在当地文化中,真正体验国外生活;或是到国外参加预科课程、被顶尖的海外大学录取。他们的人生也许从此不同。 You will consult with clients to help them achieve their language or academic goals through EF study abroad products. To accomplish this, you will establish strong relationships with your clients and provide them with outstanding advice and service, and you will easily meet - and exceed - your monthly sales targets. Key Responsibilities: You are passionate...

  • IMC精英|精隼|精明 Taibei

    個案編號: R45776B48 工作地區: 臺北市 工作類型: 中高階 產業類別: 顧問/服務業 職務類別: 經營管理 職務內容: This role shall oversee the design strategy and set goals for growth, daily operations, keeping financial healthy , control expenses, set policies and process in the running office. Over recruitment and design training for new employees Preparing reports to management 薪 資: NTD / 年薪 1,800,000 ~ 2,000,000 福 利: 勞、健保 / 勞工退休金提撥 / 依法令規定之相關福利 特 色: 外商 需求條件: Bachelor degree or diploma in finance or business, someone strong interpersonal an...

  • 中山欧科电子有限公司 Zhongshan

    职位信息 Implements corporate policy at the business unit or division level. Facilitates organization and leadership development efforts, working with employees and managers to address root causes of human resources issues. May play a significant role in administering talent management and succession planning activity within client organization. Resolves employee relations issues through a systematic approach. Assists senior management in the development of solutions through cultural and process per...

  • 中山欧科电子有限公司 Zhongshan

    中山市 月薪20,000 - 25,000元 职位信息 Follow the handling procedures as laid down for customers Process import and export declarations including preparation of necessary documentation. Liaise with customs to rectify and issues Ensure that all customer orders are fulfilled daily and respond shipment enquiries to customers on a timely manner Ensure the accuracy of system transactions and documents creation Track and trace shipments where necessary, i.e. critical orders, delayed orders etc. and communicate p...

  • 迈科清洗科技(中山)有限公司 Zhongshan

    职位信息 工作内容: Job Content 1. 更新和改编适合当地市场(产品和文化)的培训文件,根据总部的蓝图,为迈科员工/经销商/合作伙伴制定和实施基本的培训课程。 Adapt and update training documentation for the local market (product and culture), Schedule and carry out basic training sessions for MEIKO Employees/ dealers/ partners according to the Head quarter’s blueprint. 2. 用适当的方法和教学模式教授课程单元: 达到学习目标(一般目标和具体目标); 对经销商、规划师和设计师等伙伴作培训; 提高经销商和专业规划师、解决方案经销商的咨询技巧(提供清洁解决方案)。 Teach the course units with appropriate methods and didactic approach. Reach learning goals (both genera...

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