Results 1 - 20 of 9683
  • 成都爱禾教育咨询有限公司 成都市 锦江区

    雅思托福助教岗位职责(周六、周日上班;寒假上班) 1 、负责学员的课后辅导,并制定相应的辅导计划; 2、记录学员每天的在校情况,包括每日考勤、作业完成效果、学习状态、学习成绩等反馈给主管老师、任课老师; 3、对于自己所带的学生进行管理,了解所带学生的思想动态情况。 4、工作态度端正,做事耐心负责,对自己的工作有计划安排、注重细节等高要求; 任职要求 1、本科或以上学历,英语相关专业,接受在校生或应届生,性别不限; 2、具有1年或以上的教育培训机构带班经验者优先; 3、熟悉办公室常用软件; 4、良好的书面、口头表达能力,工作条理性强,应变能力、协调、沟通控制能力好,喜欢跟学生打交道; 5、 有一定英语基础,或有出国语言考试经历(雅思、托福等)或者相关授课经验者优先;考过雅思或托福者需提供成绩单; 英文能力优秀者提供相应考试证书亦可。 6、具有优良的职业操守,较强的敬业精神,有良好的合作意识。 上班时间:周六 10:00-17:45 ; 周日上午10:00-12:00或周日下午13:15-17:45 待 遇: 高于同行20% 职能类别:教师 关键字:助教;英语 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址...

  • 重庆政熙教育科技有限公司 重庆市 南岸区

    公司简介 环球少年学习体验中心是全国连锁直营重庆校,现拥有面积700平方学习场地。主要针对3-12的孩子进行排班培训,我们有英语班、美术班、书法班、托管班等。现大量储备教务管理、课程顾问、教学老师等,如果你有梦想,环球少年学习体验中心给你展示自己的平台! 除了标配的社保,你还要什么? 1、 要赚钱:公务员的底薪 ***的课时费/提成 绩效奖 目标激励奖……立马翻身做***! 2、 要福利、要奖金:伯乐奖、优秀员工奖、节日福利、生日礼金、结婚礼金、生育礼金、员工子女免费报读优惠等! 3、 要培训:专业培训 贴身指导,让你无限充电! 4、 要平台:多样的晋升途径 公平的晋升机制,只要你有颜又有才,前景可期! 5、 要假期:双休 法定节假日 带薪年假 暑假假期 婚假 产假 陪护假 哺乳期 带薪病假! 6、 要氛围:90后美女帅哥扎堆,年轻活力敢打拼,既可合伙做事儿,也能抱团打天下! 7、 要团建:团建活动 年度旅游 企业周年庆……活动多多,不重复,不打烊! 只要你才华横溢,忠于教育 你敢来,我就敢要! 岗位职责 Requirements: Good performance & ene...

  • 上海爱碧教育科技有限公司 上海市 闵行区

    We require a full time teacher for IB/AP/SAT Mathematics. Salary can be negotiated depending on experience or if can teach extra subjects, such as economics or physics. Job descriptions: 1. Take part in the daily teaching activities of Mathematics, use a variety of activities and instructional methods to motivate and stimulate student's abilities. 2. Lesson planning and preparation depending on student level, grade, school and curriculum. 3. Check students' homework and give feedback on ...

  • 上海爱碧教育科技有限公司 上海市 闵行区

    We require a full time teacher for IB/AP/SAT Chemistry. Salary can be negotiated depending on experience or if can teach extra subjects, such as mathematics/biology. Job descriptions: 1. Take part in the daily teaching activities of Chemistry, use a variety of activities and instructional methods to motivate and stimulate student's abilities. 2. Lesson planning and preparation depending on student level, grade, school and curriculum. 3. Check students' homework and give feedback on their...

  • 广州汤尼教育科技有限公司 广州市 天河区

    广州市 天河区 1、从事韩语教学活动、实施韩语授课计划、保证教学质量; 也可从事韩语翻译,韩语文化交流工作 2、参与韩语教师教学评议、进行学员考评和韩语课程推广等; 3、与中心保持良好的联系,将学员提供的信息、发现的韩语课程中存在的问题和建议及时反馈给中心等。 任职条件: 1、韩语专业毕业,韩语能力高级水平以上;韩语翻译, 韩语教学或韩语能力考试辅导经验一年以上; 2. 强烈的韩语教学服务和市场意识,有团队合作精神; 3、擅长人际沟通,观察和语言表达能力强,有一定的领导能力; 4、敬业,主动,有亲和力,责任感,注意个人形象 5、韩语教师/翻译专***皆可,普通话标准; 6、韩语发音纯正,有留学韩国, 韩语笔译或口译经验者优先。 工作地点:广州市 Job description: 1. Teaching, giving Korean language lessons; 2. Translating, interpreting, editing translated Korean drafts; 3. Dubbing and recording for Korean language tu...

  • 上海爱碧教育科技有限公司 上海市 长宁区

    We require a part-time teacher for IB/AP Economics, for 1-1 classes or group classes. Salary can be negotiated depending on experience Job descriptions: 1. Take part in the daily teaching activities of Economics, use a variety of activities and instructional methods to motivate and stimulate student’s abilities. 2. Lesson planning and preparation depending on student level. 3. Check the homework of students. 4. Follow up on student performance. 5. Help to develop additional strategies to improve...

  • 上海稷熙教育科技有限公司 上海市 杨浦区

    上海市 杨浦区 化学教师岗位职责: 1.给学生提供课程辅导,包括一对一辅导,一对三或一对多辅导。 2.监督学生完成作业 岗位要求: 1、熟悉英国 CIE A Level(或 Edexcel 爱德思,IB,AP)考纲 2、有国际学校化学教学经验的优先考虑 2、能够用英文教授考纲内容,并适当地布置相关习题 3、善于与学生沟通,激发学生学习的自主积极性 4、沟通能力强,具有耐心,心态积极热情 福利待遇: 1、缴纳五险一金(限全职老师) 2、工作时间灵活,无坐班 3、发展空间大,团队氛围融洽,都是一群有理想,有活力的小伙伴在一起做国际教育,工作环境简单清爽。 职能类别: 中学教师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:营口路588号海尚杰座2座13M室...

  • 深圳富力爱教育投资有限公司 深圳市 宝安区

    深圳市 宝安区 Job requirements: 1、From English speaking countries, irrespective of age, teaching experience preferred; 2、Need to have a cheerful, kind, hard-working good quality; 3、Patient to hold their students, and serious working attitude. 4、Full-time foreign English teacher, bachelor degree or above, at least one year of work experience, can teach independently. 5、Be able to work in the evenings and at the weekends Children's Age: 3-12 years old. Group Size: less than 10 kids Workdays: From We...

  • 深圳市锦绣教育科技有限公司 深圳市 福田区

    职位描述: 1.Part time job 2期望到岗时间:即刻right now 3.少儿英语教学两年或以上with two years and more children English teaching experience 4.薪资范围:$300/one and a half hours 5.工作时间:Weekends interesting class 6.工作地点:福田下沙广场附近(下沙地铁站B出口或下沙公交站台,步行5分钟即到下沙广场) Work Location: near Xiasha square in Futian Distrit (you can get off at Xiasha station ,Exit B or Xiasha bus stop ,only 5 minutes' walk from the square) 7.工作职责:教授6-16岁学生英语口语,提高学生英语的听说读写能力 teaching spoken English of six to sixteen students,improve the abilities of list...

  • 上海小龙鱼教育发展有限公司 Shanghai

    Lonyer Education Group Inc. has franchises located around Shanghai, who bring early education to thousands of children each year. Our innovative programs help kids learn about science, English and music, etc through our in-class workshops, camps, birthday parties and special events. For over 20 years, we have invested in research and development and continue to do so. We believe in the importance of being at the forefront of our industry and continue to create preschool program for kids. For now...

  • 厦门蓝与黄教育科技有限公司 厦门市 湖里区

    厦门市 湖里区 Responsibility: 1. Prepare science courses and provide demonstrations from science textbooks; 2. Invite children to demonstrate understanding of the science vocabulary and concepts; 3. Helping children learn make learning fun. Qualifications: 1. Native or fluent English communication; 2. Bachelor's degree/diploma or above; 3. English or Science and Engineering major. 职能类别:外语培训师其他 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:厦门市湖里区枋湖西路114-101号A10单元...

  • 深圳市英路教育投资有限公司 深圳市 南山区

    深圳市 南山区 Job title: A-Level Math Basic job description: 1. Ability & experience in teaching relevant British Pattern IGCSE and A level Math courses in accordance to the related specification. 2. Assign appropriate homework and mark it on time. 3 .Class supervision and accurate student records of performance. 4. Attendance at parent/teacher or staff meetings and other promotional events as required. 5. Participate and organize extra curricular activities. 6. Provide reference letters and certa...

  • 深圳市英路教育投资有限公司 深圳市 南山区

    Job title: A-Level Math,Physics, Chemistry, Geography,Economics, and Biology Teachers Basic job description : 1. Ability & experience in teaching relevant British Pattern IGCSE and A level Math,physics, Chemistry, Geography, Economics and Biology courses in accordance to the related specification. 2. Assign appropriate homework and mark it on time. 3 .Class supervision and accurate student records of performance. 4. Attendance at parent/teacher or staff meetings and other promotional events ...

  • 深圳市英路教育投资有限公司 深圳市 南山区

    Job title: A-Level Geography Teachers Basic job description: 1. Ability & experience in teaching relevant British Pattern IGCSE and A level Geography courses in accordance to the related specification. 2. Assign appropriate homework and mark it on time. 3 .Class supervision and accurate student records of performance. 4. Attendance at parent/teacher or staff meetings and other promotional events as required. 5. Participate and organize extra curricular activities. 6. Provide reference letter...

  • 深圳市英路教育投资有限公司 深圳市 南山区

    深圳市 南山区 Job title: A-Level Biology Teachers Basic job description: 1. Ability & experience in teaching relevant British Pattern IGCSE and A level Biology courses in accordance to the related specification. 2. Assign appropriate homework and mark it on time. 3 .Class supervision and accurate student records of performance. 4. Attendance at parent/teacher or staff meetings and other promotional events as required. 5. Participate and organize extra curricular activities. 6. Provide reference le...

  • 北京英伦翰林教育咨询有限公司 北京市

    A- level/GCSE 线上线下各科***/全职老师 A-level/ GCES online/offline part-time/full-time tutor positions 职位描述 JD: 1、 教授A-LEVEL/GCSE(地理 /历史 / 英语文学 / 社会人文/ 物理 /化学 / 数学 / 会计 / 经济 / 商务)相关课程; Teaching A-LEVEL/GCSE (geography /history /literature /physics /chemistry /math /account /economy /business); 2、 根据学员学习进度定期制定教学计划; Regularly making teaching plan for students on their learning process; 积极参加学校和部门组织的各种培训、教研、试讲、会议等活动; ntributing to training, teaching and researching, demo, meeting and so on; 班级人数:一对一或小班课 ass ...

  • 北京英伦翰林教育咨询有限公司 北京市

    北京市 日薪350元 A- level/GCSE 线上线下地理***/全职老师 A-level/ GCES online/offline Geograpy part-time/full-time tutor positions 职位描述 JD: 1、 教授A-LEVEL/GCSE(地理 /历史 / 英语文学 / 社会人文/ 物理 /化学 / 数学 / 会计 / 经济 / 商务)相关课程; Teaching A-LEVEL/GCSE (geography /history /literature /physics /chemistry /math /account /economy /business); 2、 根据学员学习进度定期制定教学计划; Regularly making teaching plan for students on their learning process; 积极参加学校和部门组织的各种培训、教研、试讲、会议等活动; ntributing to training, teaching and researching, demo, meeting and so o...

  • 济才教育培训学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 Qualification: 1. 1 year work experience in the domain of education. 2. Background of studying abroad in Germany; being familiar with German culture is preferable. 3. Clear and fluent oral language, pure and standard pronunciation, enthusiasm for teaching. 4. Teacher certificate, tourist guide certificate, working experience for enterprise training is preferable. 5. Being amiable, serious and responsible, with sense of humor, vivid lectures, can fully mobilize the atmosphere of class. Respon...

  • 成都生气鲨鱼教育科技有限公司 成都市 高新区

    Programming Teacher Job Opportunity in Chengdu City of China Our company "Coding First" is seeking a scientifically adventurous computer scientist or engineer to move to the beautiful and High-Tech city Chengdu in China. The teacher will engage in teaching programming to students aged 5 to 18. If you are excited to move to China, live & work there and learn the language then this opportunity may be the right one for you. What will you teach? Courses you will teach include: Python, C+...

  • 上海日月光华教育投资有限公司 上海市 浦东新区

    学校简介: 上海光华学院剑桥国际中心(简称光华剑桥)成立于2011年4月。原名上海光华学院剑桥国际中心(复旦附中校区),隶属于光华教育集团,专业从事A Level和IGCSE国际课程教学和考试的国际高中。学校位于上海市杨浦区政熙路2号,毗邻复旦、同济、上外等所在的大学文化区域,现在上海浦东新区川周公路2788号,并于2011年10月获剑桥大学海外考试委员会授权,正式成为剑桥国际中心的一员。 七年来,光华剑桥的全体员工砥砺前行,不忘初心,收获了累累的硕果。光华剑桥也从一个默默无闻的新学校,到出现在微博热搜的知名学府。 光华剑桥专注于开始剑桥 A Level课程。A Level国际高中课程体系***的特点就是:既有英国课程的深度,也有美国课程的广度,更给了学生选课的自由度,被誉为最适合中国学生就读的国际课程体系。学生可以报考英美加澳、香港等国家和地区的所有大学,由于A Level课程的权威性,学生较容易进入世界名校就读,好的A Level成绩还可以在美国,包括哈佛和耶鲁换取近一年的学分。 学校目前开设的课程包括数学、进阶数学、物理、化学、经济、心理、地理、历史、艺术与设计以及英语文学等,可...

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