- 上海皮赛电子有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Staff Product Application Engineer (Auto-Sensor) Location: Shanghai, China Responsibilities Technical product/application specialist for respective product families Participate in generating product validation plan and perform product validation measurement Generation of technical product documentation like data sheet, white papers, user guides, training material, etc. Generate frequently application notes according to volume/profit ranking provided by Product Marketing Definition of eval ki...
- Little SOCIUM 立秀宝儿童社会体验英语小镇 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 杨浦区 We are currently seeking a number of full-time teachers to fill positions in our school. Our full-time teachers work 5 days a week, and generally teach upto 6 classes per week. Our classes are small, with a maximum of 10 students in each class. Each class lasts for 90 minutes. The classes are organized by English ability. We have Kindergarten classes for the younger students . The overall age group at our school is between 3 yrs old and 8 yrs old. It is a requirement that you possess a b...
- 安东石油技术(集团)有限.. 对我发布的职位感兴趣 ? 下载APP,和我聊聊吧! 立刻扫码下载 China
岗位职责: 1) Well conversant with the financial provisions of the contract to demonstrate sound interpretation and deliver advice on work program and budget / cost, time & resource submission requirements; 2) Forecasting and monitoring cash flow and use of funds; 3) Responsible for budgeting and communication, including but not limited to scheduling, providing advice to budget-developed business units to ensure their completeness and accuracy, analysis to identify potential capacity constraints ...
- 安东石油技术(集团)有限.. 对我发布的职位感兴趣 ? 下载APP,和我聊聊吧! 立刻扫码下载 China
岗位职责: 1) Negotiating with subcontractors, and approving subcontractors' invoices (jointly with other delegated managers); 2) Approving budget and payment planning for each department/unit, approving payment releasing, and (jointly signing up the outgoing invoices to the company); 3) Signing up employment contractors, and approving administration related (e.g. Catering and office supply subcontractors' invoices, etc.); 4) Approving it related subcontractors' invoices....
- 安东石油技术(集团)有限.. 对我发布的职位感兴趣 ? 下载APP,和我聊聊吧! 立刻扫码下载 China
岗位职责: 1) Leading the facilities management (FM) activities of the campus and manage the subcontractors day to day activities in support of the oil field in a safe and efficient manner; 2) Responsible for the management of personnel transportation, accommodation and life support services....
- 小小运动馆总部 查看所有职位 Shenyang
沈阳市 和平区 月薪5,000 - 10,000元 岗位职责: 1)教授高质量并且充满乐趣的运动技能为主的课程(每堂课45-60分钟,教授对象为0-12岁孩子,课程种类:Parent-Child/Pre-school Kindergarten Gymnastics/Grade School Gymnastics/Dance/Katate/Sports Skill Development,etc.); 2)参与客户报名工作; 3)提供卓越的客户服务,和会员保持良好的沟通。 任职资格: 有爱心,热爱和小孩子一起的工作; 外向健谈,有亲和力; 善良细心,乐于助人; 积极上进,擅于学习和模仿; 基本的英语沟通和阅读能力; 适应双休日工作; 具备一定的运动能力,有体操技能优先; 有幽默感者优先; 有一项以上运动相关类专场者优先(例如:瑜伽,舞蹈,体操,健美操,各种球类,游泳,轮滑,武术等等) 职能类别: 体育教师 幼教 关键字: 体育教育 学前教育 球类 体操 健美操 瑜伽 舞蹈 空手道 跆拳道 武术 微信 联系方式 上班地址:长白北路253号汇锦童乐王国3楼小心运动馆 公司信息 公司简介: 小...
- 皮尔法伯化妆品贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 职责描述: Key Summary: Coordinate with internal/external interface to keep the smooth local ligistics activities; Inventory control to keep a healthy stock level; Preparation of monthly/weekly inventory report Daily coordination with internal/external interface to keep the smooth logistics activities Kit repacking management ? coordinate with marketing for the kit material delivery ? coordinate with 3PL to ensure the kit repacking on time & on quality Inventory control to keep the healthy st...
- 皮尔法伯化妆品贸易有限公司 Shanghai
职责描述: Key Summary: Coordinate with internal/external interface to keep the smooth local ligistics activities; Inventory control to keep a healthy stock level; Preparation of monthly/weekly inventory report Daily coordination with internal/external interface to keep the smooth logistics activities Kit repacking management ? coordinate with marketing for the kit material delivery ? coordinate with 3PL to ensure the kit repacking on time & on quality Inventory control to keep the healthy stock ...
- 上海浦东新区民办常青藤小学 查看所有职位 Shanghai
岗位要求: 3年以上PYP项目任课经验或1年以上PYP项目协调员经验 熟悉PYP项目运作 有良好的沟通和组织协调能力 待遇:面议 岗位职责PYP Cordinator’s Responsibilities : 1 、Documentation ? Be familiar with and promote understanding and use of all PYP documents. ? Ensure that copies of IB publications pertaining to the PYP section of the school are available to all staff members. ? Establish and maintain a record of completed IB Primary Years Programme planners. ? Publish the school’s programme of inquiry. ? Lead the process of developing or reviewing on a reg...
- 南京小红花婴幼儿保育有限公司 Nanjing
南京市 秦淮区 职位描述岗位描述: 1.依据中心整体战略规划及行业和市场信息,确定中心年度各项经营指标和年度计划。制定月度工作计划和指标,并组织按要求完成。 2.负责协调本部门与中心内外其他部门的工作关系,获取支持,以确保按计划完成各项工作。 3.负责协调与客户在合作中出现的问题,寻求***解决方案。 4.定期回访客户,了解其情况并提供专业的咨询服务,提高客户满意度,帮助团队和部属完成业绩指标。 5.参与销售团队的培训实施,保证团队能够及时掌握业务知识,市场情况,并不断提高销售能力。 其他要求: 1.3年及以上工作经验,至少1年同岗位经验,相关行业者优。 2.喜欢小朋友,有志于从事中国的早期教育事业。 3.卓越的团队领导和管理能力,精湛于推动团队执行。 4.对商机具有敏锐的嗅觉,能及时预测规避各种风险,具有扎实的市场营销功底。 5.结果导向,优秀的观察,分析,归纳和总结能力,优秀的执行力。 6.极强的事业心,喜欢具有高挑战性的工作,能够有效地自我激励并具备良好的情绪管理能力。 职能类别: 总监/部门经理 微信 联系方式 上班地址:秦淮区后标营路100号戎泰山庄西综合楼3楼 公司信息 A...
- 江苏小公子文化传媒发展有限公司 Suzhou
1、该岗位为电话销售,公司产品为财税和广告 2、上班时间朝九晚六,周末双休,午休一个半小时 3、办公室办公,无需外出 4、介意电销者勿投 职能类别: 后勤 关键字: 后勤 办公室文员 文员 助理 微信 联系方式 上班地址:新联大厦北楼11楼 公司信息 江苏小公子集团是一家涉及房地产、广告、传媒、网络、财税等方面的大型集团公司,现在上海、江苏盐城、南京、常州、无锡已设立办事处,在苏州吴中区、园区、高新区、昆山太仓设立办公点。集团旗下有小公子地产公司、小公子传媒公司、小公子网络科技公司(现更名为苏州黑马澜狮网络科技)以及小公子财税公司。 小公子地产公司主营苏南房地产新房、二手房、公寓、商铺的交易买卖,专业办理户口、高级职称、学历提升、代缴社保、公积金,银行打卡流水,推荐贷款服务; 小公子传媒是一家立足于苏州,辐射长三角,集品牌策划、公关策划、大型活动策划、影视广告策划、礼仪策划、展会策划、广告设计制作、户外媒体投放等为一体的新型综合性品牌整合营销广告公司。科班出身的优秀策划执行团队,凭借丰富卓越的专业经验、精准敏锐的市场洞察力、细致负责的工作态度,为客户量体裁衣,制定出合理、有效、独具匠心...
- 市立五常國小 Taibei
人 員類別 教學支援 教育階段別 國小 任教類科別與名額 任 教類科別 正取 備取 聽 障學生手語翻譯員暨手語教學教師 1...
tw.indeed.comAugust 20,2019 - 圣皮尔精品酒业有限公司 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 Cross channel Team contract and investment Management : Review contract investment based on company policy, price level, products segmentation Communicate with HQ legal department on contract clause Trace on contract progress Filling contract Input contract investment in Seibel system Remind Sales team on expire contract and renew contract. Reports and analysis (Daily, Monthly, BPR analysis) Consolidate database on 1st working day of each month Timely work out Daily sales report and mont...
- 皮尔法伯化妆品贸易有限公司 Shanghai
2.1 Manage & control the KPI performance of 3PL 3PL KPI performance evaluation organize monthly KPI review meeting 2.2 Organize physical stocktaking & support for internal/external audit Monthly stocktaking (random sampling) End year full stocktaking (with presence of external audit) support on stock management for financial internal control /external audit 2.3 3PL cost control Monthly Billing check & PR/PO/payment preparation Yearly budget control: 3PL cost monitoring / estimation O...
- 安东石油技术(集团)有限.. 对我发布的职位感兴趣 ? 下载APP,和我聊聊吧! 立刻扫码下载 China
岗位职责: 1). Monitor and Ensure safe, smooth and efficient performance of unit to achieve key performance indicators and objectives as per procedures & Instructions; 2). Plan all activities and organize own time taking into account all operations requirements and to meet production schedule efficiently during the course of the work period; 3). Participates in planning and scheduling of operation services; 4). Coordinates all maintenance and inspection work for the respective units in wells / tr...
- 小小运动馆总部 查看所有职位 Beijing
岗位职责: 1)教授高质量并且充满乐趣的运动技能为主的课程(每堂课45-60分钟,教授对象为0-12岁孩子,课程种类:Parent-Child/Pre-school Kindergarten Gymnastics/Grade School Gymnastics/Dance/Katate/Sports Skill Development,etc.); 2)参与客户报名工作; 3)提供卓越的客户服务,和会员保持良好的沟通。 任职资格: 有爱心,热爱和小孩子一起的工作; 外向健谈,有亲和力; 善良细心,乐于助人; 积极上进,擅于学习和模仿; 基本的英语沟通和阅读能力; 适应双休日工作; 具备一定的运动能力,有体操技能优先; 有幽默感者优先; 有一项以上运动相关类专场者优先(例如:瑜伽,舞蹈,体操,健美操,各种球类,游泳,轮滑,武术等等) 职能类别: 体育教师 幼教 关键字: 体育教育 学期教育 幼教 瑜伽 球类 体育老师 体操 健美操 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:新顺南大街8号华联商厦三层小小运动馆...
- 鹰革沃特华汽车皮革有限公司 Shanghai
Functional Job Activities : Maintain local crust POs are related documents/systems; crust contract and processing RFQs Frequent communication with existing or potential customers about scrap market; Perform pricing negotiations of cutting scrap /scrapped whole hide, based on provided targets; Participate in Global/Asia scrap sales meetings/strategy discussions and implementation Reports on hide/wb/crust buy & scrap sales Learn to follow up on saving opportunities/NPC/TIP Participate related ...
- 皮尔博格汽车零部件有限公司 Kunshan
昆山市 Provide technical support to automotive OEMs and related tier suppliers 为皮尔博格的客户和相关供应商提供技术支持 Develop product design proposals to meet customer specifications and test requirements 提供产品涉及的完善方案,满足客户要求并符合测试要求 Provide technical support to customer during all phases of vehicle development including: pre-sourcing, vehicle validation, product validation, vehicle start of production (Launch/SOP) and production. 在汽车开发的各个阶段向客户提供技术支持,包括预订点、车型标定、产品标定、试生产、正式量产。 Troubleshooting applications with issues by...
- 鹰革沃特华汽车皮革有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 Job Description: C&B Related: Assist Manager to prepare the labor cost budget review and calculation in China and complete annual C&B survey data collection and other C&B projects Drive various analyses and develop HR reports Analyze all incentive plans to ensure accurate bonus and commission calculation Support staff promotion process to ensure all promotion reviews are timely and accurate Maintain PeopleSoft System Training related: Review with function head and make annual...
- 苏州歌林小镇投资有限公司 Suzhou
苏州市 吴中区 月薪5,500 - 7,000元 1、负责薪资核算及人力成本分析; 2、绩效管理设计及绩效考核推动; 3、年度预算编制及奖金核算; 4、员工关系管理与维护; 5、社保公积金个税处理; 6、考勤与假期管理; 7、员工入离职管理; 8、其他周期性事务。 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学历,2年以上同等岗位工作经验; 2、熟知苏州市/吴中区社保公积金个税政策,有实操经验; 3、逻辑清晰,较强的数据分析能力,高度的数字敏感度; 4、熟练掌握办公软件,需有很强的excel能力; 5、工作有计划性,执行力强,为人正直,有良好的职业操守。 职能类别: 薪资福利经理/主管 关键字: 薪资福利主管 微信 联系方式 上班地址:苏州吴中经济开发区禹贡路与吴郡路交叉路口歌林公园展示中心 公司信息 苏州歌林小镇是深圳海岸城旗下的年轻化商业品牌,深圳海岸城是深圳西部经营面积最大、功能最齐全、最具代表性的购物中心, 2016年的总业绩达到30亿,稳占深圳西部第一,在深圳170多家购物中心中排名第二。 在深圳海岸城、无锡海岸城综合体成功运营基础之上,海岸集团积极探索,不断升级自身品牌丰富产品线,着眼于互联...
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