- 平安金融理财营业部 查看所有职位 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 月薪20,000 - 25,000元 1、通过平安综合金融平台银行、保险、证券、信托等帮中高净值个人客户,提供全方位的资产配置; 2、通过与客户沟通和财务分析,发现客户在家庭财务方面存在的问题以及理财方面的需求; 3、根据客户的资产规模、生活目标、预期收益目标和风险承受能力进行需求分析,出具专业的理财计划方案,推荐合适的理财产品; 4、协助客户开立帐户及一系列后期服务; 5、定期与客户联系,报告理财产品的收益情况,向客户介绍新的金融服务、理财产品及金融市场动向,维护良好的信任关系。 职位要求 : 1、28岁以上,本科及以上学历,工作时间3年以上 ; 2、具有证券、银行、保险、信托、期货、投资公司工作经历者优先; 3、形象良好,有强烈的事业心和责任心、良好的团队合作精神、优秀的沟通能力; 4、有教师、律师、财务等资格证者优先; 5、取得金融业专业资格认证者优先(CFA CFP RFC CWMA等)。 公司介绍 : 中国平安在2019年《福布斯》“全球上市公司2000强”中名列第7位;2019年美国杂志《财富》全球500强”第29位,在全球的品牌咨询公司Interbrand...
- 上海浦东新区民办常青藤小学 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 日薪500元 1、负责本校学生的舞蹈课程的培训。 2、采用小班课的培训方式。 3、具有良好的家校沟通能力,对儿童舞蹈教育富有激情。 任职要求: 1.具备专业舞蹈能力且对幼儿音乐团体教学有经验,中教外教皆可。 2.头脑灵活,有创意,热爱教育事业,有爱心、有耐心; 3.具有2年以上幼教教学经验者优先考虑; 4.具有一定的管理经验,亲和力强; 5.能与外教进行日常沟通。 Job Description 1.Responsible for the training of dance courses for our students. 2.Adopt the training method of small class. 3.Have good communication skills in school, and have passion for children dance education. job requirements 1.Have professional dance ability and have experience in music group teac...
- 完美世界总部/完美时空 查看所有职位 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 Responsibilities Translate and proofread game texts and other materials from CN to EN. Evaluate, analyze, and resolve culturally sensitive issues for English speaking regions. Work with translation, development and publishing teams to ensure high quality localization. Job Requirements Native speaker of English language; Excellent writing skill in English; Understanding of native culture; Experience in game industry, Chinese language, CAT (computer assisted translation) or game developmen...
- 中国金茂上海环沪事业部 查看所有职位 Jiaxing
岗位职责: 1、依据公司发展战略,主持制定并实施生产战略规划及生产计划; 2、组织落实、监督调控生产过程各项质量、设备、成本、进度、安全指标; 3、指导、监督下属及下属部门的工作; 4、对分管部门所涉及的外部部门进行沟通协调确保工程如期完成。 任职要求: 1、 统招全日制本科以上学历,工程管理及相关专业; 2、 10年以上工作经验,其中3年以上施工单位工作经验,3年以上甲方工作经验,住宅、五星级酒店等项目工程管理经验; 3、 持有一级建造师证书者优先考虑; 4、 具有良好的交往及沟通能力。 职能类别:建筑工程管理/项目经理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:嘉兴...
- 纽约国际儿童俱乐部New York Kids Club 查看所有职位 Shenyang
沈阳市 铁西区 月薪4,500 - 6,000元 芭蕾、街舞老师(Ballet/Hip Hop Instructor) 工作职责: 1、教授2-7岁小朋友芭蕾舞或者街舞; 2、能按要求进行英文授课,不断学习和改进教学技能; 3、给到家长和孩子专业的指导 4、教学设备的维护和管理; 任职要求: 1、舞蹈专业毕业,专科及以上学历; 2、优秀的英语听、说、读、写能力优先; 3、热爱孩子,热爱教育事业; 4、性格活泼开朗,积极向上,善于合作; 5、男女不限,***也可; Responsibilities: 1.Teach Ballet or Hip hop to children on 2-7 years old; 2.Teach courses in English according to teaching requirements; 3.Give parents and children professional guidance of growth; 4.Responsible for the maintenance and management of the teaching equ...
- Bureau Veritas 必维工业与设施事业部 法利咨询有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 黄浦区 Job Responsibilities: 1. Provide full range of secretarial and administrative support to SVP, B&I BG Head, and the others senior manager, JVs within the BG. 2. To be responsible for pre-meeting preparation, logistics arrangement, meeting minutes taking and post-meeting services for regular meetings by the BG Head, and with his management team and other working conference. 3. Arrange travel logistics including flight, hotel reservation and prepare expenses reports. 4. Handle business ...
- 小蚁科技 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Job responsibilities: Designing the packaging, content, and proposing new ideas Be able to design nice printing material Visiting factories to follow up the product Making drawing and mockups for the new products to come Working closely with the Design director to go ahead with new concepts Job Requirements: Be able to work in a team Be able to work in a fast paced environment Be able in drawing and mockup making Having a deep interested in printing such as art magazines, fashion etc. B...
- 深圳小哥科技有限公司 Jinan
济南市 市中区 月薪6,000 - 8,000元 岗位职责: (无经验者可以从助理做起,欢迎优秀的应届毕业生应聘) 1. 负责法语平台(CD/PM/AmazoneBay/Fnac等法语平台)的正常运营,包含店铺管理及维护、制定营销计划、翻译产品资料上传产品、优化产品页面、处理订单并跟进及确保账户安全等; 2. 调查分析市场及竞争对手状况,制定推广计划销售策略;站外渠道推广引流;努力推进产品排名提高销量,根据产品情况调整策略; 3. 负责处理客户问题,提供优质售后客服,保持账号好评率和良好的信用度; 4. 定期统计销售数据、库存数据、RMA等,保持较好的库存周转率和库存量的安全; 任职资格: 1.大专及以上学历,法语专八或者C1以上水平,或者英语专八; 2.熟悉了解B2C平台,有一年以上法语平台销售经验并了解所有操作规则,擅长推广运营者优先; 3.熟练使用办公软件,小语种键盘操作熟练;有较强的网络销售能力, 能独立完成产品的整个销售过程,了解异国的商业规范优先; 4.沟通能力强,有高度责任心,能承受压力,有团队合作精神,对电子商务有兴趣和激情; 职能类别:贸易/外贸专员/助理贸易/外贸经...
- 深圳小哥科技有限公司 Jinan
济南市 市中区 月薪4,500 - 6,000元 岗位职责: 1. 负责法语平台(CD/PM/AmazoneBay/Fnac等法语平台)的正常运营,包含店铺管理及维护、制定营销计划、翻译产品资料上传产品、优化产品页面、处理订单并跟进及确保账户安全等; 2. 调查分析市场及竞争对手状况,制定推广计划销售策略;站外渠道推广引流;努力推进产品排名提高销量,根据产品情况调整策略; 3. 负责处理客户问题,提供优质售后客服,保持账号好评率和良好的信用度; 4. 定期统计销售数据、库存数据、RMA等,保持较好的库存周转率和库存量的安全; 任职资格: 1.大专及以上学历,法语专八或者C1以上水平或者英语专四及以上优先录取; 2.熟悉了解B2C平台,有一年以上法语平台销售经验并了解所有操作规则,擅长推广运营者优先; 3.熟练使用办公软件,小语种键盘操作熟练;有较强的网络销售能力, 能独立完成产品的整个销售过程,了解异国的商业规范优先; 4.沟通能力强,有高度责任心,能承受压力,有团队合作精神,对电子商务有兴趣和激情; 职能类别:电子商务专员 关键字:电商运营助理英语法语日语外贸助理 微信分享 联系方式...
- 西部数据 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Work with design, manufacturing and production teams cohesively to verify the design and implementation of the industry's leading Flash Memory ICs using the state of the art EDA tools, latest design flow, advanced validation methodologies and the latest ATE equipment. Responsible for the verification of various flash memory designs, architectures, controllers and high speed IOs using various advanced verification methodologies. Work with our glo...
- 苏州歌林小镇投资有限公司 Suzhou
苏州市 吴中区 月薪6,000 - 7,000元 负责萌宠的整体管理及运维,确保项目的正常运营 1.以身作则,对公司各类管理制度严格执行,并正确引导下属严格执行; 2.具备培训及培养下属的能力,能够给予下属专业性的辅导、培训,制定部门培训计划,并帮助团队成员达成岗位目标;能够经常提供下属完成任务所需的信息、反馈和支持,并予以鼓励; 3.具备良好的跨部门沟通协作能力,能够平衡各种关系,跨部门沟通协作顺畅,能够识别部门内外部的需求,并愿意为目标达成做出变革,并具备创造性思维; 4.保证不同种类动物定时定量饲喂,正常情况下杜绝断水、断料的发生,每周至少按时更换垫料1次,特殊情况增加更换次数,保持清洁、干爽。对妊娠、新生、断奶动物精心做好日常饲养管理工作; 5.每天按时上岗开展工作,发现异常***时间与兽医沟通; 6.保持洁净物品存放间内笼盖、垫料、饮水、饲料等物品的卫生质量。严格执行卫生防疫制度,负责屏障系统内日常擦拭、拖地、喷雾等消毒防疫工作; 7.做好动物疾病的防疫和监控工作;对动物疾病进行初步诊断、如配药、打针、输液等; 8.做好相关应急预案; 9.由于动物饲养工作的特殊性,需安排轮休...
- 西部数据 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 SSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Manage Test Equipment to sustain smooth production, including Tester, Handler and tools. Support line escalation for higher level equipment troubleshooting. Perform new equipment and tooling installation and buyoff. Kick off innovation projects with functional team to improve production Quality, Cost and Delivery, especially for System Automation, MMR, 6S and Equipment KPI’s. Liaise with ATE suppliers for equipment performance continuous improvement ...
- 丝芙兰总部 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Position Title : Sr. Fragrance Trainer Department : Human Resources - SU Duties and Responsibilities: Goals: Learning & Development lead for Sephora China HQ Go-to talent partner for departments in terms of learning needs for individual employees, functional teams and leadership. Responsibilities: Implement blended leadership training programs to build up future leadership pipeline. Collect and analyze leadership learning needs from departments and functions. Develop yearly corporate trainin...
- 南京小红花婴幼儿保育有限公司 Nanjing
岗位职责: 1.负责幼儿园的招生和环创工作; 2.负责幼儿园的教职工队伍建设工作; 3.负责幼儿园各项政策落实工作; 4.负责幼儿园的卫生保健及教学管理工作; 5.负责幼儿园的家园共育工作; 6.负责幼儿园的日常运营管理工作。 任职要求: 1. 热爱幼儿教育事业,具备园长资格; 2. 身心健康,有责任心,值得信赖; 3. 有一定的幼儿园管理经验,良好的书写和口头交流能力; 4. 有集团化幼儿园工作经验者优先。 职能类别: 幼教 关键字: 幼儿园园长 微信 联系方式 上班地址:秦淮区后标营路100号戎泰山庄西综合楼3楼 公司信息 About New York Kids Club New York Kids Club was founded in Manhattan New York city, 2001. In the past ten years, New York Kids Club has been serving the U.S. upscale families including government officials, lawyers, university profes...
- 康斯博格汽车部件有限公司 Wuxi
无锡市 1. Areas of responsibility Target is to: Secure the correct resources in the team to be able to deliver with high efficiency and a cost effective work in the team Secure the correct knowledge and process in the team Secure a quick response to customers and projects Utilize resource to support RFI,RFQ,KBD,PIP,POI projects Establish and maintain a development plan for the team and follow up trainings Manage approved recruitments and hiring Approve design review, RVS, system requirements and re...
- 上海优德口腔门诊部有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 静安区 1、口腔专业本科及以上学历,具备临床工作经验; 2、有《医师执业证书》,主治医师资格以上者优先; 3、精通临床技术,有实际操作经验和病例积累; 4、具有良好的服务意识和沟通协调能力,有团队精神,能熟练运用外语进行工作者优先; 5、户籍不限,有海外留学或海外工作经验者优先。 1. Bachelor's/Master's/Doctor's diploma in the professional dental school, Possesses professional license to practice dentistry in Shanghai. 2. At least 3 years direct experience in dental hospital or clinic.. 3. Proficient in dental treatments, who accumulated the experience of practical cases, and had overseas study or work experience is p...
- 沈泰地夫体育俱乐部有限公司 Shanghai
Assist the manager with daily management and service, and improve the economic efficiency and industry image . And complete the relevant responsible work (bar drinks management, Ayi management, market opening and business management) 协助经理做好日常管理工作和服务工作,提高的经济效益和行业形象 并完成其相应的负责工作(吧台酒水管理工作、保洁Ayi的管理工作、早市开档及经营管理) 任职 资格 1、5 years of work experience, related restaurant management experience for more than 2 years 1、5年工作经历,相关餐厅管理工作经验2年以上 2、Excellent customer service skills. 2、优秀的客户服务技能 3、Have interpersonal...
- 杭州市上城区小世界幼儿园 查看所有职位 Hangzhou
杭州市 Responsibilities 1. Using Standard English to teach basic skills such as color, shape, number and letter recognition, personal hygiene, and social skills in the classroom. 2. Instruct students individually and in groups, adapting teaching methods to meet students' varying needs and interests. 3. Establish clear objectives for all lessons, units, and projects, and communicate those objectives to children. Prepare objectives and outlines for courses of study, following curriculum guideline...
- 德尔福科技-中国总部-上海 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Corporate whole cash management activities with responsibility for E-banking system, account management and cash balance optimization for the Asia Pacific region.Senior Treasury analyst works closely with Treasury manager in carrying out day-to-day banking and liquidity activities for the company. Responsibilities Work as an independent responsible person to handle Asia Pacific cash management daily activities Effectively manage and review AP bank accounts maintenance and database Timel...
- 纽约国际儿童俱乐部New York Kids Club 查看所有职位 Shenyang
只要你喜欢孩子! 只要你喜欢! 只要你积极乐观! 只要你愿意学习成长! 只要你喜欢挑战! 只要你认为自己是人才! 只要你希望能为沈阳儿童早期教育贡献一份力量! 我们欢迎有经验的你来你的经验 我们也欢迎没经验的你来壮大我们的储备队伍 拨打电话或投递简历加入我们 职能类别: 幼教 微信 联系方式 上班地址:沈阳市铁西区北二中路6号星摩尔购物中心2层朵朵童世界 部门信息 所属部门:沈阳星摩尔中心 公司信息 About New York Kids Club New York Kids Club was founded in Manhattan New York city, 2001. In the past ten years, New York Kids Club has been serving the U.S. upscale families including government officials, lawyers, university professors, doctors and celebrities etc. During the years from 2010 to ...
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