- 烟台欣和企业食品有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
Bits x Bites 是中国领先的农业与食物科技风险投资机构。通过投资人才及创新科技,我们打造可持续的食物生态系统。团队秉持创业精神、主张设计思维,并且为热情、敬业、和我们拥有共同愿景伙伴提供了一个优质的平台。 Bits x Bites is China’s pioneer food tech VC. Our mission is to shape the future of good food by investing in people and technology to create more sustainable food systems. The team embraces entrepreneurship and design thinking, and provides a great environment for passionate, hardworking individuals who share our mission to get immersed in these areas. 我们正在招聘一名传媒经理,负责 Bits x Bites 中英双语的媒体...
- 齐勤企业管理咨询有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
上海市 黄浦区 Responsibilities岗位职责 1 Liaising with design team, editorial team, web development team, events team and advertising clients 与设计团队、编辑团队、web开发团队、活动部门团队和广告客户保持联系 2 Collecting data and articles from freelance journalists, contributing writers and sponsored content from clients 从自由记者那里收集数据和文章,为客户提供作者和赞助内容 3 Maintain and build upon our current network of the worldwide government, private and other sources of content contribution 维护和建立我们当前的全球政府网络,私人和其他内容来源 4 Ensuring all freelanced and contribu...
- 北京拓普利达科技有限责任公司 北京市 石景山区
Job Responsibilities: 1、Responsibility for online marketing and maintenance on company brand and products on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, overseas forum, blog, etc. including but not limited to making posts, scheduling posts, launching activities, marketing, so as to increase the CTR, fans and interaction and the popularity. 2、Assist colleagues to optimize company website, improve website contents and copywritings Compose articles to promote the activities and products on the company w...
- 大连智信宇盛教育咨询有限责任公司 China
中国 月薪8,000 - 11,000元 国际豪华邮轮针对应届毕业生(毕业2年内均可)或在校大学生直招乘务员,投递简历前请仔细阅读以下内容! 工作地点:国际豪华邮轮 国际豪华邮轮乘务定义: 豪华邮轮(cruise ship),也称豪华旅游船,是指环球海上航行或在地中海、加勒比海等特定地区航行的,以在船上娱乐和停靠地观光游览为目的的船舶总称。豪华游轮内部设有供乘客生活使用的一切设施,能够满足舒适的奢华生活水平要求,并且一般内设各式各样的娱乐设施。什么是国际邮轮乘务?很好解释。国际邮轮相当于酒店、那么国际邮轮乘务就是酒店里的服务员。海乘的称呼是相对于空乘的一种名称叫法、实际工作性质与空乘有着本质上上的区别,首先、海乘服务的环境、实际上是一个五星级的酒店的环境、邮轮活动和工作空间较大、每一艘豪华邮轮员工可以达到几百到上千人、客人从几百到几千人不等。其次、海乘的服务层次、随着更多的邮轮公司看好国内的市场、相继开拓了国内的航线、邮轮更为大家熟悉、更多的有钱人、旅游出行都会选择邮轮这个古老又新鲜的旅游方式、所以就缺少不了为他们服务的人员。而海乘们提供的服务是国际水平的、相当于国际的超五星级别的酒店...
- 上海伍博企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai
Supports HR Director to play the advisory role to senior management in all aspects of human resources matters in order to ensure the alignment of related human resource policies in assigned office locations, to meet local labor law requirements and to support the execution of business plans. Manages individual contributors’ responsible for accomplishing daily routine works in human resources including payroll, attendance record, update government regulations, and related HR reports, etc. in full...
- 上海优吾企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai
不需要坐班,可以homebase,工作地点不限.该公司为知名审核检测公司。 Job Responsibility & Accountability (Key roles, functions & accountabilities) Prepare and submit audit reports that are complete, comprehensive and presented in a manner consistent with the guidelines. Prepare and submit audit files that are complete and consistent with the guidelines. Provide training and develop trainee and associate auditor in daily work. Prepares annual performance evaluation for Auditor and Associate Auditor. Communicate integri...
- 上海优吾企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai
不需要坐班,可以homebase,工作地点不限.该公司为知名审核检测公司。 Job Responsibility & Accountability (Key roles, functions & accountabilities) Prepare and submit audit reports that are complete, comprehensive and presented in a manner consistent with the guidelines. Prepare and submit audit files that are complete and consistent with the guidelines. Provide training and develop trainee and associate auditor in daily work. Prepares annual performance evaluation for Auditor and Associate Auditor. Communicate integri...
- 北京外企德科人力资源服务上海有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
Video editor for informational, internal support videos that support new Apple products. This is a multi-editor production environment where the Editor will be refining and advancing numerous timelines with very specific scripting required. This role favors detail-orientation and FCP process expertise over creative editorial skills because we produce highly functional technical procedurals and we produce a lot of them. You may be working on localization cuts that require re-timing, assisting our...
- Tasker出任務 台灣
案件金額: 5千以內 徵求期限: 30 天 【急件】 執行內容: 配合時間:一天內完成 配合地點:在家作業,以E-mail溝通聯繫、進度回報 案件說明: 1. 簡單EXCEL 辦公軟體使用技術 2. 依發案方提供之軟體操作成果,編輯 彙整EXCEL 數據 3. 論件計酬.. 執行地區: 不拘 執行場所: 在家工作 軟體工具: Excel 更新日期: 1970-01-01...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 15,2019 - 音昱企业管理有限公司 上海市 徐汇区
该岗位是PART-TIME岗位,非全职岗位,需要工作时间:2019年9月到2020年2月 岗位职责: Design and produce visual style for on/off-line graphic design materials Creation and application of visual identities, guidelines, or executions for various types of events Collaborate in the creation and execution of creative briefs and assure the delivery of graphic designs that meet and exceed expectations Maintain and develop the high standards of design aesthetics and brand equity throughout our projects Being comfortable with each part of...
- 瑞表企业管理有限公司 上海市 徐汇区
Job Description: 1. Monitoring market intelligence and competitors events to find out marketing insights, competitor tactics & to identify challenges and emerging issues for brand on weekly basis; 2. Logistically managing event related goodies and stocks, dispatching and following up status of invitation, gift, materials to guests, journalists & other important audience; 3. Be 100% hands-on in every details of corre4spondence & event execution at all aspects with supervision by Marke...
- 中企动力科技股份有限公司 昆明市 五华区
中企动力科技股份有限公司成立于1999年,是香港交易所上市企业中国数码集团旗下企业,经过17年的发展历程,在全国累计服务了50多万家企业客户。有员工近8000人,在全国有83家分公司,是企业信息化建设行业的标杆性企业。17年来,一直引领着整个行业的发展,被业内人士誉为“IT黄埔军校”。未来,本着“为客户创造价值”以及“为员工提供良好发展平台”的企业理念,我们进行本轮招聘。我们提供给你的不是一份简单的工作,而是一份可以为之终身奋斗的事业!我们期待具有才干,敢于挑战的你加入!因你的活力与能量,我们将一起驰骋向更高更远的壮阔宏图!我们负责强势占领云南地区优质的PC网站市场,手机网站市场,手机客户端市场,邮箱市场,域名市场,因为我们有这个实力,因为我们是中企动力;负责维护好我们这些可亲可爱的优质客户们,并让我们彼此成为可信赖的伙伴;在我们共同的努力下,让中企动力能够第七次蝉联中国IT外包服务市场本土***名。 欢迎各方人才直接拨打联系电话预约面试~ 职位描述: 1、通过公司学习培训,能够熟悉企业业务流程,识别目标客户潜在需求; 2、能够独立开发客户,寻求销售机会完成销售指标,邀约客户见面谈判并...
- 桥链企业管理顾问有限公司 上海市 闵行区
1.在客户总监的指导下,负责公共关系服务项目实施工作的执行和协调; 2.对客户品牌和产品有全面及深入的理解,对于客户竞争环境有充分了解; 3.审核所负责客户的执行方案及排期,控制项目的执行情况和进度; 4.参与及管理所负责客户的所有策划案,给予其他相关部门适当的建议; 5.与所负责客户建立和维持密切的合作关系; 保持良好的日常沟通,主动及时反馈项目进展; 6.与目标媒体沟通,及时准确传达客户需求,保障媒体传播计划的顺利进行; 7.撰写有关公共关系服务文件,包括各类新闻稿件; 8.参与讨论公关方案,提出建设性意见; 9.收集并整理客户及其竞争对手的基本行业信息; 任职要求: 1.大学专科及以上学历,5年以上展览或广告公司经验; 2.优秀的沟通能力,良好的现场控制协调能力,良好的合作精神和职业道德; 3.具有良好的文字驾驭能力,英文书写流利优先; 4.熟练使用office办公软件; 5.具有较强创意能力 6.能够适应较大的工作压力,有强烈的服务意识,能适应出差; 7. 英语口语沟通能力佳,CET4或以上 职能类别:其他 关键字:客户主任 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市闵行区东川路55...
- 学慧帮企业管理咨询有限公司 上海市 徐汇区
elearning课程教学设计师: 岗位职责: 1、客户沟通:负责与客户沟通elarning课程需求并明确课程目标; 2、设计内容:根据教学目标、对象和内容特点设计课程方案; 3、脚本设计:课程故事策划及脚本编写; 4、项目监控:监控开发团队的课程制作进度和质量。 5、QA测试:负责课件成品的测试,确保符合设计目标。 6、项目协作:负责elarning课程内容项目的售前咨询和顾问支持。 任职资格: 1、 教育技术学或相关专业大专以上学历; 2、 熟悉elearning课程开发方法论和开发流程;有elarnig课程开发经验者优先; 3、 有较强的学习能力,能短时间内了解不同专业领域知识特点,并结合教学设计方法论设计***的教学方案; 4、 能准确地用图文等形式表达教学设计的理念; 5、 良好的语言文字表达能力;英语听说读写能力; 职能类别:培训策划专业顾问 关键字:教学设计培训课程内容设计在线学习e-learning 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市陕西南路488弄2号...
- 万宝盛华企业管理咨询有限公司 上海市 徐汇区
上海市 徐汇区 Must Have C#,ASP.NET Programming Experience – At least 3 year JavaScript Experience – At least 1 year Experience with MVC – At least 1 year (not limited to .NET MVC) Experience with Visual Studio 2017/2019 Experience with DotNet Core 2.1.2 , Web API Experience with Front-end experience with Knockout Could Have (Prefer) Experience with healthcare domain knowledge, Like EMR, CPOE, Nurse systems Front-end experience in any of below technologies: TypeScript (Preferred) Knockout Bootstrap (Pr...
- 万宝盛华企业管理咨询有限公司 上海市 闵行区
上海市 闵行区 Job Description: Design test cases listed in the project test plan. Execute the test cases in efficient way Improve test specifications by analyzing the root causes of technical issues and develop testing solutions for those root causes. Create and apply new approaches as necessary to improve the productivity and efficiency of testing. Acquire customer inputs for project testing purposes. Requirements: Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical, Aerospace, or Computer Engineering Minimum 3 ...
- 万宝盛华企业管理咨询有限公司 上海市 徐汇区
Must Have C#,ASP.NET Programming Experience – At least 3 year JavaScript Experience – At least 1 year Experience with MVC – At least 1 year (not limited to .NET MVC) Experience with Visual Studio 2017/2019 Experience with DotNet Core 2.1.2 , Web API Experience with Front-end experience with Knockout Could Have (Prefer) Experience with healthcare domain knowledge, Like EMR, CPOE, Nurse systems Front-end experience in any of below technologies: TypeScript (Preferred) Knockout Bootstrap (Preferred)...
- 上海恒代齐力企业形象策划有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
岗位职责: Responsibilities: 1.协助制片和制片经理完成项目内的各项工作。 Support Producers and production managers with the conduction of production project. 2.在拍摄现场协助场景经理维持现场秩序。 Perform crew functions as needed during productions and assist in location managers. 3.根据摄影师的要求,提前准备好拍摄场景及设备并且协助摄影师完成拍摄工作。 Based on photographer's requirement, assist with shooting preparation and set up the scene before shooting. 4.负责与各供应商的联系与沟通,并且能与他们保持良好的合作关系。 Responsible for the communication with suppliers, able to maintain good relatio...
- 花旗商業銀行股份有限公司 台北市 松山區
1. Strong analytical and market research skills to conduct market & industry analysis and be able to provide valuable insights for business development as well as data mining and market sizing projects. 2. Leverage digitalization system & platforms to support sales management 3. Pro-actively explore digital tools to improve productivity and efficiency 4. Plan, organize and execute events and activities, including client events, trainings, seminars 5. Coordinate with Business Planning, Sp...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 14,2019 - 硕腾企业管理有限公司 上海市 长宁区
Job description: Demonstrate wealthy knowledge and experience in veterinary field, particularly in internal medicine As a subject matter expert , provides training and consultation to customers on diagnosing diseases and interpreting test results Establish rapport with KOL’s and build collaborations to ensure support from KOL’s Work with marketing and technical teams to develop technical publications and marketing materials to support diagnosis products Liaison with Zoetis colleagues in the head...
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