Results 1 - 20 of 16715
  • Lutheran Academy 宏 信 書 院 Yuen Long

    Job Responsibilities Included (but not limited to): Teach Primary classes Chinese Language in Mandarin; Carry out administration duties; Carry out other job duties assigned by the department/school. Required Qualifications and Personal Attributes: Hold a Bachelor Degree or above in relevant disciplines, with professional qualifications in education; Be familiar with both local and IB PYP curriculum; Possess excellent fluency in Mandarin; Possess relevant teaching experience is highly preferred. ...

  • 上海和睦家医院有限公司 上海市 闵行区

    岗位职责: ? Assesses a patient’s needs, abilities, or behavior using a variety of methods, including medical record review, psychometric tests, interviews, and direct observation of behavior. ? Interprets intelligence, achievement, interest, personality, and other psychological tests to diagnosis disorders. ? Devises, implements, monitors, and revises as needed appropriate programs of treatment, including psychotherapy, psycho-education, and crisis intervention. ? Provides clinical services in accor...

  • 陶氏化学投资有限公司 上海市 浦东新区

    Job Description: Supporting team daily operation, such like room reservation and New Hire on Boarding support, etc. Organize and maintain manager's calendar, schedule meetings, appointment and travels accordingly Organize all kinds meetings, make all necessary logistics arrangements required for the success of the meetings, such as meeting notice, agenda, venue, meeting room set-up and materials etc. Make business travel arrangement for team members and visitors, visa application/document pr...

  • 上海耀华国际教育学校 查看所有职位 上海市 长宁区

    上海市 长宁区 Professional Duties: 1. Teaching; (a) Planning and preparing ICT/Computer Science courses and lessons according to IGCSE/A-Level syllabus. (b) Teaching pupils assigned according to their educational needs, including the setting and grading of work to be carried out by the pupils in the school. (c) Assessing, recording and reporting on the development, progress and attainment of pupils. (d) On occasions, to provide cover for teachers who are indisposed. (e) Providing reports, oral and wri...


    Role Summary To provide weekend and evening support for the residential team at the college. To assist Principal in developing Youth Outreach educational programmes based on the mission of UWC. Main Accountabilities Residential Support To respond to emergencies. To cover check-in during long weekend and holidays. To organize/ lead activities on weekend nights (Karaoke/ movie nights). To perform late night walks on campus and encourage students who are up late to go to bed. To liaise with the Dir...

  • 锦江麦德龙现购自运有限公司 上海市 普陀区

    上海市 普陀区 工作职责: Updated the food related law and regulation updated information in company and industry; Keep database law and regulation updated and displayed to inform all consultants. Communicate with MCC-QA, include assessment result of suppliers ,quality issue and risk from consultants; At least 5 on-site audits every year; Assistant in product quality complaints; Unify internal document version of Star Farm; Support quality management project and internal project development. 完成部门法律法规汇总及月度更新...

  • 赣南医学院 China

    一、 学校简介 赣南医学院位于千年宋城——江西省赣州市内,是江西省人民政府举办的全日制普通高等医学本科院校。中国科学院院士韩济生教授担任名誉院长。学校前身是创办于1941年的江西省立赣县高级助产职业学校,1958年设置专科建制的赣南医学专科学校,1988年升格为本科院校并更名为赣南医学院,2013年获批为硕士学位授予权单位。学校占地总面积2231.25亩(含直属附属医院),设黄金、章贡两个校区。教学科研医疗仪器等设备总值26.68亿元,图书馆纸质藏书124.2万册,电子藏书127万册。全日制在校本科生、专科生、研究生、留学生12700余人,成人教育在籍学生12700余人。教职员工4400余人(含第一、第二、第三附属医院),专任教师1070人,其中正高职称162人、副高职称367人。 学校拥有良好的教学科研条件,有国家级科研平台2个(心脑血管疾病防治教育部重点实验室、国家中药现代化工程技术研究中心客家中医药资源研究分中心),省高人才培养模式创新实验区3个,省高校实验教学示范中心4个,省2011协同创新中心1个,省博士后创新实践基地1个,省重点实验室1个,省级临床医学研究中心3个(培育),...

  • 清华大学经管学院 北京市 海淀区

    北京市 海淀区 院系,科室 经管学院 / 经济系 岗位类别 教学科研 / Professors at All Levels 招聘要求及职责 Tsinghua University, Beijing, China<br> <br>The Department of Economics at the School of Economics and Management (SEM) of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, invites applications for faculty positions at all levels. We are interested in strong candidates of all fields, but are especially hoping for candidates in the following fields: <br> <br>Macroeconomics/International Macroeconomics,<br>Public Economics<br>&nbsp...

  • 莱佛士设计学院 广州市

    广州市 职位信息 Reports to : College Director / Academic Director / Programme Director Key Roles, Responsibilities and Duties: Deliver lessons in a clear and organized manner to ensure respective modules’learning outcomes are achieved. Adhere to Raffles proprietary curriculum and course outlines as prescribed in the Programme Handbook. Develop weekly lesson plans and compile teaching materials at least one week in advance for modules assigned. Digital copies of all teaching materials and lesson plans m...

  • 广东岭南职业技术学院 广州市

    职位信息 职位要求/Job Requirements Native English speaker Bachelor degree or above, with teaching certificate is preferred. At least one year of English teaching experience is required Clear thinking, pronunciation standards, the image of teachers are excellent, good at mobilizing the classroom atmosphere, a team spirit The candidate should have a passion of teaching, be responsible and be patient with students, have a strong sense of cooperation with colleagues and teamwork Weekly class hours: 10-20 ho...

  • 國際學院 Taibei

    靜宜大學人事室 用人單位:國際學院 職缺公告日期:2019-09-12 報名截止日期:2019-10-31 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 1名 學校地址:台中市沙鹿區臺灣大道七段200號 工作地點:臺中市沙鹿區 學術專長: 公告內容: 應徵資格 Ph.D. in economics, management or a related field. 工作內容 1. The teacher’s main responsibilities and duties include teaching for English-taught programs in the International College 2. Besides duties related to teaching, some administrative works for English-taught programs are included. 3. Being able to merge fundamental theoretical knowledge with practical relevance. 4. Showing...

  • 上海理工大学中英国际学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 Key Responsibilities: 1. Brand management 1) Establish and encourage adoption of a consistent collegiate image, including letterhead, envelopes, business cards, logos, spirit marks, etc. 2) Managing college souvenir and Coordinating stock products. 3) Designing college materials. 2. Public Relations 1) Developing a social media strategy and plan for implementation. 2) Developing monthly and annual calendar of digital marketing activities, implement report and optimize regularly based on anal...

  • 莱佛士设计学院 查看所有职位 上海市 长宁区

    上海市 长宁区 Responsibilities: 1. Research and compile teaching materials for modules assigned. 2. Plan and deliver these lessons in a clear and appropriate manner. 3. Develop students learning enthusiasm and monitor the learning styles and developmental stages of the students. 4. Ensure that students are appropriately supported and provided with timely and constructive guidance for their academic developments and pastoral care. 5. Develop students' creativities and problems solving skills throug...

  • 莱佛士设计学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    Responsibilities: 1. Research and compile teaching materials for modules assigned. 2. Plan and deliver these lessons in a clear and appropriate manner. 3. Develop students learning enthusiasm and monitor the learning styles and developmental stages of the students. 4. Ensure that students are appropriately supported and provided with timely and constructive guidance for their academic developments and pastoral care. 5. Develop students' creativities and problems solving skills through compet...

  • 苏州百年职业学院 查看所有职位 苏州市 工业园区

    苏州市 工业园区 基本职责Basic Job Responsibilities 1、课程教学:承担学校安排的课程教学任务,保障教学质量,力求良好的教学效果。 Deliver lectures, undertake teaching tasks as arranged, maintain teaching quality as required and achieve good teaching results. 2、实践教学:承担实验课、实训课的教学和指导,指导学生社团、社会服务活动。 Supervise students’ experiment programs and practical activities. 3、教书育人:承担学生思想品德和作风教育责任和学生管理责任,担任班主任、辅导员或其他学生管理工作角色。 Undertake ideological and moral education to students, work as class teacher, student counselors or undertake related roles. 4、教学建设:参与课程...

  • 苏州百年职业学院 查看所有职位 苏州市 工业园区

    基本职责Basic Job Responsibilities 1、课程教学:承担学校安排的课程教学任务,保障教学质量,力求良好的教学效果。 Deliver lectures, undertake teaching tasks as arranged, maintain teaching quality as required and achieve good teaching results. 2、实践教学:承担实验课、实训课的教学和指导,及毕业论文(设计)、企业实习指导管理工作。 Supervise students’ experiment programs and practical activities. 3、教书育人:承担学生思想品德和作风教育责任和学生管理责任,担任班主任、辅导员或其他学生管理工作角色。 Undertake ideological and moral education to students, work as class teacher, student counselors or undertake related roles. 4、教学建设:参与专业建设...

  • 中欧国际工商学院 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区

    Job Opening Title : Assistant Manager / Managing Editor of TheLINK Magazine Department : Marketing & Communications Report to : Assistant Director, Marketing & Communications Major Responsibilities: Work closely with Editors-in-chief to determine content, tone and strategic direction of the magazine. Ensure the highest possible quality of all Chinese language content. Overall responsibility for managing the multi-cultural team that provides content for the magazine (hard copy, website an...

  • 中欧国际工商学院 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区

    上海市 浦东新区 Job Responsibilities: Full-time Research Assistant position in the department of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management at China Europe International Business School (CEIBS). It is a full-time position in Shanghai. The main responsibility is to work with Assistant Professor Michelle Zheng of CEIBS on her research and teaching programs. Job tasks mainly include but not limited to the following: Assist in research, including data management (e.g., collecting and analyzing),...

  • 中欧国际工商学院 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区

    Job Major Responsibilities: Job responsibilities mainly include but not limited to the following: 1. Assist in research design and research process management, including writing research notes, searching and summarizing literatures, preparing research related materials (e.g. questionnaires, interview outlines, and other instruments), and organize survey and interviews; 2. Assist in qualitative and quantitative data analysis; 3. Assist in other academic works, such as sorting reference list, and ...

  • 苏州百年职业学院 查看所有职位 苏州市 工业园区

    苏州市 工业园区 年薪50,000 - 150,000元 基本职责Basic Job Responsibilities 1、课程教学:承担学校安排的课程教学任务,包括教育部规定的思政理论课和我院通识教育相关课程,完成教学任务和工作量,保障教学质量,力求良好的教学效果。 Deliver lectures, undertake teaching tasks as arranged, maintain teaching quality as required and achieve good teaching results. 2、实践教学:承担实验课、实训课的教学和指导,指导学生社团、社会服务活动。 Supervise students’ experiment programs and practical activities. 3、教书育人:承担学生思想品德和作风教育责任和学生管理责任,担任班主任、辅导员或其他学生管理工作角色。 Undertake ideological and moral education to students, work as class teacher, st...

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