- 北京诺德安达双语学校 查看所有职位 北京市 房山区
北京市 房山区 Engagement and Interaction – School Ambassador to Internal Community Inspire trust and confidence in students, colleagues and parents; Engage and motivate students; Communicate effectively with parents of students as appropriate, following agreed policies for communications in the school; Contribute positively to the morale and community spirit of the school; Assist in whole school marketing initiatives and contribute to the growth of the school; Learning and Teaching Implement and deliv...
- 广州汤尼教育科技有限公司 广州市 天河区
职位信息 1、从事荷兰语教学活动、实施荷兰语授课计划、保证教学质量; 也可从事荷兰语翻译,荷兰语文化交流工作 2、参与荷兰语教师教学评议、进行学员考评和荷兰语课程推广等; 3、与中心保持良好的联系,将学员提供的信息、发现的荷兰语课程中存在的问题和建议及时反馈给中心等。 任职条件: 1、荷兰语专业毕业,荷兰语能力高级水平以上; 2. 强烈的荷兰语教学服务和市场意识,有团队合作精神; 3、擅长人际沟通,观察和语言表达能力强,有一定的领导能力; 4、敬业,主动,有亲和力,责任感,注意个人形象 5、普通话标准; 6、荷兰语发音纯正,有留学荷兰, 荷兰语笔译或口译经验者优先。 欢迎应,往届毕业生。 工作地点:广州市 For native speakers: Job description: 1. Teaching, giving Dutch language lessons; 2. Translating, interpreting, editing translated Dutch drafts; 3. Dubbing and recording for Dutch language tuto...
- 潮州华丰集团股份有限公司 潮州市
一、 基本条件 1、2020年毕业的应届本科生、硕士生、博士生(石油化工类专业同时招聘专科生),在校无不良记录; 2、有梦想、有追求,性格外向、开朗; 3、专业知识扎实,综合素质良好,领悟性好; 4、热爱清洁能源事业。 二、招聘专业(岗位匹配相关专业) 1、综合管理类专业: 会计学、审计学、财务管理、税务、金融学、工商管理、行政管理、人力资源管理、法学、新闻学、汉语言文学、国际贸易、市场营销、信息管理、网络工程、计算机技术与运用等相关专业。 2、石油化工类专业(技术类): 油气储运工程、化学工程与工艺、机械设计制造及其自动化、过程装备与控制工程、电气工程及其自动化、机电一体化、仪表仪器、焊接技术与工程、石油化工生产技术、城市燃气工程、建筑环境与设备工程、化工设备与机械、电气自动化技术、港口工程、土木工程、高分子材料等相关专业。 职能类别:其他 微信分享...
- 苏州歌林小镇投资有限公司 苏州市 吴中区
1独立完成各类商业品牌概念策划和体验设计等,并能跟进指导前期品牌建设; 2敏锐捕捉时下流行元素,对优质内容有自己独到的见解和认知,辅助品牌建设; 3驾驭不同风格的文字和网络语言,根据品牌特性和网络传播特点策划各类方案; 4有较强的市场公关能力和媒体沟通能力。 招聘要求: 1本科及以上学历, 3年以上相关工作经历; 2思维开阔,善于独立思考,善于沟通,良好的团队合作意识; 3熟悉市场推广、品牌策划、活动策划的整个流程; 4较强的市场分析能力,了解互联网及各类推广方式,熟练撰写发布各类稿件; 5形象气质佳,有眼界,有品味,良好的教育背景(95后,海外留学背景优先)。 职能类别: 其他 微信 联系方式 上班地址:苏州吴中经济开发区禹贡路与吴郡路交叉路口歌林公园展示中心 公司信息 苏州歌林小镇是深圳海岸城旗下的年轻化商业品牌,深圳海岸城是深圳西部经营面积最大、功能最齐全、最具代表性的购物中心, 2016年的总业绩达到30亿,稳占深圳西部第一,在深圳170多家购物中心中排名第二。 在深圳海岸城、无锡海岸城综合体成功运营基础之上,海岸集团积极探索,不断升级自身品牌丰富产品线,着眼于互联网商业大有可...
- 广州市柏纳管理顾问有限公司 苏州市 工业园区
苏州市 工业园区 Your position You will be part of company production China Expert team You will be location in Suzhou or Shenzhen company production close to most important partnersand you will travel all around company suppliers in great China You will be managed by the China technical-Quality director for composite,plastic,metal and bikes (EUR 700M+) TO Your roles and responsibilities You are able to lead painting ecofriendly technologies transformation with company suppliers ("nanoceramics" ...
- 苏州百年职业学院 查看所有职位 苏州市 工业园区
岗位职责Basic Job Responsibilities 1、课程教学:承担学校安排的教学任务,力求获得良好的教学效果。 Deliver lectures, seminars and tutorials, assess students’ coursework, set and mark examinations. 2、教书育人:承担对学生的思想、品德和作风教育责任,言传身教,为人师表。 Undertake ideological and moral education to students, and be a paragon of virtue and learning. 3、实践教学:承担实验课、实训课的指导。 Supervise students’research activities. 4、教学建设:参与课程开发、教材建设等工作。 Responsible for the development of related subjects or programs, prepare and develop teaching plan and materials. 5、教学与学术研...
- 人大附中杭州学校 查看所有职位 杭州市 余杭区
杭州市 余杭区 ABOUT THE ROLE Teachers must be ambitious for the pupils' learning and put their pupils first in everything that they do. Teachers should actively promote the School's Mission and Vision through their enthusiastic and full participation in school life. Every teacher has key academic and pastoral responsibilities. These are listed in the following section and it is important that we all take these responsibilities seriously: ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITIES 1. To contribute to the establ...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
Job Outline: This role is responsible for teaching Chinese Culture Courses, writing/editing textbooks, designing curriculums, organizing field trips, making assessment systems, etc. The role holder is also expected to do research on pedagogical issues related to teaching Chinese culture in order to improve the curriculums and enhance the quality of the courses. Qualifications Essential Master degree in politics, philosophy, law, history, education or related discipline of social science; CET 6 o...
- 诺德安达双语学校 查看所有职位 奉化市
奉化市 实习生 Responsibilities: 1. To teach two classes, 10 Maths or other related lessons per week 2. To take the role of a homeroom teacher 3. To provide one ECA course 4. To be in charge of subject-related or school-based activities 5. To take the role of supervisors for duty Requirements: 1. Major in Math or highly-related subjects, BA or above 2. Have teaching qualifications for Primary or Middle School 3. Have 3-6 months internship experience in teaching Maths in Primary or Middle School 4. Have...
- 苏州莱士格车业有限公司 苏州市 工业园区
Responsibility: 1. Provide full range of secretarial and administrative support to the CEO. 2. Assist and support receiving and sending of CEO emails, organize stakeholder meetings, clarify responsibilities of all parties, clearly deliver CEO requirements, and respond to emails in a timely and accurate manner. 3. Assist in the preparation of business correspondences, presentation materials, proposals, agendas, minutes and reports in detailed-mind approach. 4. Schedule appointments, coordination ...
- 深圳诺德安达双语学校 查看所有职位 海口市 龙华区
岗位职责Job Duties: 1.激发学生的自信,建立同事之间的相互信任感 To motivate confidence of students and build up trust among colleagues 2.在教学实践中和同事友好合作并能够灵活的适应多语言的环境要求 To motivate confidence of students and build up trust among colleagues 3.在课堂中与同事互相配合不断激发学生的学习热情 To demonstrate team spirit through teaching activities and constantly motivate passion for learning among students 4.具有一定的分析能力,探索新的教学方法拓展学生的学习体验 To demonstrate fair analytical skills and explore new teaching methods for expanded learning experiences 5.通过坚持不懈的自我学...
- 深圳诺德安达双语学校 查看所有职位 深圳市
岗位职责Job Duties: 1.激发学生的自信,建立同事之间的相互信任感 To motivate confidence of students and build up trust among colleagues 2.在教学实践中和同事友好合作并能够灵活的适应多语言的环境要求 To motivate confidence of students and build up trust among colleagues 3.在课堂中与同事互相配合不断激发学生的学习热情 To demonstrate team spirit through teaching activities and constantly motivate passion for learning among students 4.具有一定的分析能力,探索新的教学方法拓展学生的学习体验 To demonstrate fair analytical skills and explore new teaching methods for expanded learning experiences 5.通过坚持不懈的自我学...
- 唯诺河谷成都跨境电子商务有限公司 成都市 高新区
Wining Bar Tender 西餐吧员: ¥3500.- ~ ¥4500.- Section Main Responsibility & Qualifications Require 1.岗位职责说明及任职需求: 1.1 岗位需求 2人; 1.2 男女不限,地域不限,年龄22-30岁; 1.3 教育水平:相关专业中技及以上,条件优秀者可放宽; 1.4 从事西餐专业吧台工作1年以上经验,星级酒店从优; 1.5 能操作、维护专业设备,并能独立制作相关产品; 1.6 具备一般性产品知识,良好的口头表达能力; 1.7 具备至少一门外语交流能力; 1.8 良好的团队意识、学习意识、合作意识、销售意识; 1.9 职业路线:吧员-分店吧台主管-吧台产品经理-区域酒水技术经理-酒水总监; 2.员工福利待遇: 2.1 正式运营期间包含免费食、宿(筹备期间:餐补¥20.-/天); 2.2 筹备期间工作时间09:00-18:00(含1小时午休); 2.3 筹备期间按照80%结算工资(无结构拆分); 2.4 自正式入职之日起计算试用期,1-2个月转正(原则上试用期不超过60天); 2.5 薪酬结...
- 广州市方尔达人力资源有限公司 武汉市
武汉市 年薪100,000 - 150,000元 FUNDER Group is a platform for international education - Online & Offline International Education Sharing. We have companies in Guangzhou and Shanghai in China, and Berkeley in the US. 方尔达共享国际教育是一个线上线下的教育平台,在广州、上海、美国都有公司。 We have been partnering with K12 schools and adult education in Guangzhou, Shanghai and other cities in China for our offline & online platform. Native English teachers & Chinese English teachers are giving students English courses on our Fu...
- 广州市方尔达人力资源有限公司 呼和浩特市
FUNDER Group is a platform for international education - Online & Offline International Education Sharing. We have companies in Guangzhou and Shanghai in China, and Berkeley in the US. 方尔达共享国际教育是一个线上线下的教育平台,在广州、上海、美国都有公司。 We have been partnering with K12 schools and adult education in Guangzhou, Shanghai and other cities in China for our offline & online platform. Native English teachers & Chinese English teachers are giving students English courses on our FunderStudy online platform...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
Position : Research Funding Executive, Faculty Office of Business Reference: 180782 Closing Date: 18 September 2019 Contract Status: Full-time Vacancy: 1 Salary & Benefits: RMB 144, 679 to RMB 205,433 per annum before all deductions, depending on qualifications and experience Working Location: Ningbo Job Outline This role provides support for activities to develop research funding sources for the Faculty of Business and the Nottingham China Health Institute (NCHI). It is part of the Research...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
宁波市 Join a unique British University in China. The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was the first Sino-foreign university to open its doors in China. This award winning campus offering a UK style education has grown to establish a student body of over 6,000 in just 12 years. The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China, a pioneer in Sino-foreign tertiary education, is rapidly expanding. It is looking for ambitious, talented academics with a passion for teaching as well as research flai...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
Position : Research Funding Executive, Faculty Office of Business Reference: 180782 Closing Date: 18 September 2019 Contract Status: Full-time Vacancy: 1 Salary & Benefits: RMB 144, 679 to RMB 205,433 per annum before all deductions, depending on qualifications and experience Working Location: Ningbo Job Outline This role provides support for activities to develop research funding sources for the Faculty of Business and the Nottingham China Health Institute (NCHI). It is part of the Research...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
Position : Research Funding Executive, Faculty Office of Business Reference: 180782 Closing Date: 18 September 2019 Contract Status: Full-time Vacancy: 1 Salary & Benefits: RMB 144, 679 to RMB 205,433 per annum before all deductions, depending on qualifications and experience Working Location: Ningbo Job Outline This role provides support for activities to develop research funding sources for the Faculty of Business and the Nottingham China Health Institute (NCHI). It is part of the Research...
- 孚宝(钦州)码头有限公司 钦州市
钦州市 年薪150,000 - 290,000元 职位信息 Job Function: 工作职责: 1. Supervise contractors’ Civil & Structure construction documents and other Civil & Structure related activities fully comply with Company SHEQ Policy in construction phase. 施工阶段,监督承包商的土建施工文件及其它土建施工工作完全符合公司的SHEQ方针。 2. To review construction ability of civil construction drawings, includes but not limit to follows: Tank farm, Jetty facilities, Office Building etc.审核土建施工图的可执行性,包括但不仅限于罐区、码头设施、办公楼等。 3. Assist to prepare civil related bidding...
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