Results 1 - 20 of 4517
  • 迪卡侬亚太IT中心 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 Job Mission: Within PaaS & IaaS team, we commit to provide the best solution and technology to our customers. Offer secure, stable and high available database services for enterprise applications. Lead innovation and open-source Database challenge for application performance improvement. Your responsibilities: SUPPORT & RUN: Ensure the good quality of current platform’s database system, including Oracle DB, Posgre SQL, MySQL. Build & Industrilize: Design data architecture for app...

  • 商先创太阳能光伏科技有限公司 Shanghai

    Position:Process Engineer (semiconductor) Task Process- and equipment commissioning of centrotherm semiconductor and photovoltaics equipment and proof of the contract guaranteed specifications Process training for customers Creation of documentation, marketing documents and technical descriptions Support for Technical Sales Process technical support in the field of customers production site Implementation of process specifications for engineering and software department Identify and update consu...

  • 维港国际教育(香港)发展有限公司 Foshan

    职位信息 岗位职责: 1. 根据总部和校区的教学计划,负责高中一、二或三年级 通识 科目的备课及授课工作(香港DSE课程)。 2. 配合总部和校区的教学发展规划,调整教学方案、研发课程、参与教研活动等工作,不断提升教学水平。 3. 积极与学生及家长沟通,聆听建议,切实关怀、辅导学生提高学习成绩,营造和谐的教育氛围,保证教学服务质量。 4. 对接其他教务工作人员,共同推进整体教学工作。 任职资格: 1、本科或以上学历,师范、教育类专业毕业; 2、3年以上高中学科教学经验,持有教师资格证; 3、具备较扎实的教学功底,授课技巧熟练,模式灵活、生动; 4、语言表达能力强,国语标准,具有亲和力; 5、热爱教育行业,责任心、规范意识强。 员工福利: 1、入职即签订劳动合同及购买五险一金; 2、广阔的职业发展空间、完善的晋升机制,让您充分展现自己的职业技能和综合能力; 3、享有带薪年假、春节、端午节、中秋节、国庆节等国家法定假期; 4、绩效奖、年终奖、节日福利、交通补贴等; 5、定期体检、团队拓展活动。 职能类别:中学教师院校教务管理人员 关键字:高中教师通识 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:顺德一中...

  • 武汉凯艺维通网络科技有限公司 Wuhan

    1、负责IOS项目客户端核心模块代码编写; 2、负责设计文档的编写,CodeReview,代码质量控制; 3、与项目相关人员配合共同完成应用软件的开发设计工作; 4、遵循软件开发流程,进行应用及人机界面软件模块的设计和实现;按照项工作目计 划在保证质量的前提下、按时完成开发任务 任职资格 1、计算机相关专业; 2、2年以上IOS开发经验,熟悉Objective-C语言,具有多个成熟产品开发经验; 3、能熟练使用Xcode开发项目,对MVC模式有深刻的认识,熟悉iOS系统的多线程机制,了解iOS系统的事件响应机制,了解OC的内存管理方式,熟悉HTTP等的网络通信协议,能熟练使用各类主流的OC开源框架和控件; 4、能独立承担IOS产品开发工作; 5、良好的沟通和学习能力,善于准确理解需求; 6、责任心强、有敬业精神; 职能类别:软件工程师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:武汉市洪山区光谷总部国际5栋5楼501...

  • 广州艾太德国际货运代理有限公司 Guangzhou

    职位信息 iTrade Universal Co Ltd is a trading company, specialized in Cosmetics packaging, Machinery, and general trading products We are looking for a candidate (purchasing) DUTIES: As a purchasing person, you may: Able to localize good sources/suppliers for a different product (according to customer requirement) Analyze market price, determine different players in the market. Negotiate with the supplier and accomplish company target rate. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED In order to qualify, you must meet ...

  • 上海玛瑞斯三维打印技术有限公司 Shanghai

    Application Engineer Medical solutions Medical 3D Printing and image-based planning have completely revolutionized patient care. Materialise medical software enables us to bring patient treatment to the highest level. The Mimics Innovation Suite puts the most advanced and certified toolkit at your fingertips. It solved the toughest challenges in Engineering on Anatomy. Researchers and engineers from around the world use Mimics technology to develop cutting-edge medical device designs, patient-sp...

  • 苏州太湖国际高尔夫俱乐部有限公司 Suzhou

    任职资格:Basic Requirements 1、有教练证,高尔夫专业证。 Coaching certificate and professional golf certificate required. 2、热爱运动,阳光,有亲和力,善于沟通,性格温和,耐心细心。 Love sports, excellent interpersonal skills. Positive attitude, gentle, patiently and carefully personality are also needed. 3、有很强的团队意识,善于沟通,考虑问题细致周到,有独挡一面的工作能力。 Excellent ability of dealing with problems. Team work and careful consideration are also needed. 4、有良好的服务素养。 A good individual character of hospitality. 5、受过专业的服务业或高尔夫行业训练,有一定的高尔夫球技能。 Hospitality and gol...

  • 北京九五太维资讯有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 朝阳区 月薪6,000 - 8,000元 岗位职责: 1、熟练掌握业务支持、系统操作及升级流程; 2、准确、优质的向客户提供专业的产品使用指导; 3、受理及解决Tire1客服升级的各类客户投诉及建议; 4、如遇到产品疑难或质量问题时需详细记录并根据流程升级问题; 5、完成项目要求的KPI指标。 任职要求: 1、普通话标准; 2、计算机、电子、软件及英语等相关专业,大专及以上学历; 3、英语CET-4级及以上,口语佳,熟练掌握英文电脑专业词汇,可提供英文技术支持服务; 4、熟悉Windows或Mac操作系统,知晓各类绘图软件(比如:Photoshop、Sai、AI、Painter); 5、具有较强的中英文沟通与表达能力,良好的服务意识; 6、两年以上的英文技术类客服经验。 职能类别: 咨询热线/呼叫中心服务人员 关键字: 售前售后 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路10号京东方恒通商务园B28楼B座3层...

  • 雅维贸易有限公司 Shenzhen

    深圳市 福田区 Provides cost estimated/comparison costs for the value of goods that are provided by the supply chain. Position will collect and analyze data and information in order to estimate costs associated with manufacturing a product. Works proactively towards cost target objectives in collaboration with others. Will be responsible for all stages of product costing including any revisions during prototyping. Major Duties: Responsible for input of Bills of Materials, able to break down the product...

  • 太意广告有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 长宁区 Job Description 职位描述 Responsible for overseeing, maintaining and deepening existing relationships with key clients 负责监督、维护和深化与客户的合作关系 Able to manage and resolve issues 具备出色的问题分析和解决能力 Acts as both the spokesperson for the company as well as the client’s representative through day to day work 充分理解在日常工作中的言行举止既代表了公司代言人也代表了客户 Discuss with client to provide marketing solution and advise on strategy plan 与客户讨论,提供市场解决方案及策略计划 Work hand in hand with the Ops team to consistently deliver high qualit...

  • 太意广告有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 长宁区 Role Purpose 职位描述 Responsible for customer service for the assigned brand, from campaign initiation to final production and delivery 从营销活动启动到最终制作和交付的整个过程,为指定品牌方提供客户服务 Assist in preparation of quotations with the onsite Account Management Team, responsible to ensure the documentation is completed correctly 协助驻客户办公室的客户管理团队制作报价单,确保文档的完整性和准确性 Responsibility to ensure Tag purchase order is correct and being placed against corresponding vendors 确保Tag采购单的准确性,并发送给相应的供应商 Responsibility to prepare...

  • 拓维集团 查看所有职位 Changsha

    长沙市 岳麓区 月薪8,000 - 10,000元 任职要求: 1、全日制本科以上学历,思想政治等相关专业; 2、热爱教育事业,良好的师德,工作积极主动,责任心强。 3、亲和力佳,普通话标准,较强的中文表达能力。 4、持政治初级教师资格证。 5、可熟练使用办公软件及互联网。 6、有全日制中学政治教学经验者优先。 福利待遇 1、长沙市内极具竞争力的薪资福利标准。 2、学校提供免费食宿或住房补贴。 3、入职当月起购买五险一金。 4、春节、端午节、中秋节、教师节等现金福利。 5、根据岗位需要,每月给予交通补贴和电话补贴。 6、每年学校组织健康体检。 7、定期组织教师参加长郡集团教师交流、学习与培训。 职能类别: 中学教师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:洋湖湿地公园 部门信息 所属部门:全日制学校事业部 公司信息 拓新思维,创造未来。拓维信息系统股份有限公司成立于1996年,成立之初,就立志做一家不断创新的科技企业。2008年,公司登陆深圳证券交易所,成功上市。历经多年发展,拓维信息现已成为拥有3000多名员工,以教育科技、软件服务、移动游戏为主营业务,在北京、上海、深圳、山东、中国香港、美国、日...

  • 得嘉亚太管理有限公司 Shanghai

    ? To be responsible for the product structure design; 负责公司产品结构设计; ? Take charge of the prophase design communication, concept design, and prepare the related production process files; 负责前期设计沟通、概念设计,准备产品相应生产工艺资料; ? Take charge of the procedures like appearance, technology, structural modeling, 3D rendering, color proof and post-design according to product projects, follow up the test job, and be able to analyze and solve the structural issues during tests efficiently; 根据产品项目负责新产品外观、工艺、结构建模、3D渲染、色...

  • 拓维集团 查看所有职位 Changsha

    长沙市 岳麓区 实习生 日薪200元 1、协助进行校园招聘的线上线下宣传工作; 2、2020届应届毕业生,专科及以上学历; 3、有热情、有激情,喜欢和人打交道的事情。 职能类别:销售助理 微信 联系方式 上班地址:桐梓坡西路298号 公司信息 拓新思维,创造未来。拓维信息系统股份有限公司成立于1996年,成立之初,就立志做一家不断创新的科技企业。2008年,公司登陆深圳证券交易所,成功上市。历经多年发展,拓维信息现已成为拥有3000多名员工,以教育科技、软件服务、移动游戏为主营业务,在北京、上海、深圳、山东、中国香港、美国、日本等地设立了分支机构的移动互联网集团公司。 拓维信息是中国互联网企业百强,联合国教科文组织认定的国际互联网教育联盟副理事长单位,中国教育考试技术服务行业信息化杰出供应商,拥有中国教育信息化突出贡献奖。公司还是中宣部授予的“全国文化企业30强”,文化部评选的全国“十大最具影响力国家文化产业示范基地”,同时是工信部授予的国家规划布局内的重点软件企业。 一、拓维教育:在线教育 迎风远航 拓维信息依托湖南的优质教育资源、近10年来在教育行业的积淀以及自身技术优势,秉承“帮...

  • 莫迪维克贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Responsibilities of Managing Director Assistant Act as liaison to maintain Managing Director’s internal and external relationships with company business leaders, client executives, government officials, business partners and suppliers Support Managing Director for development of the Greater China business region by process optimization, business analysis and effective cooperation with the management team in Taiwan, Mongolia, Hong Kong and China. Maintain and develop systems, procedures and r...

  • 拓维集团 查看所有职位 Changsha

    岗位职责: 1、负责统筹大语文学科的管理标准和成长规划; 2、全面负责大语文教研建设工作, 对教学产品(教材、课件、讲义等)进行研发、创新、编写及审核,保证产品质量,并输出建设化成果; 3、负责学科教师团队的建设、培训和管理,主导教师队伍考核测评工作; 4、根据业务全年规划,制定并执行师资选聘活动。定期组织教研活动,进行教学效果评估; 5、参与授课并主导核心学科体系搭建,指导课程设计并进行课程讲授,保质保量完成教学任务。 任职要求: 1、全日制本科及以上学历,名校背景优先; 2、3年以上教培行业(培优产品)经历,具备实际教学教研团队管理经验,有成功的教研核心输出成果; 3、具备较强的语言表达能力、沟通能力,具备统筹、决策、综合分析及解决问题的能力; 4、有知名机构语文学科任职经历优先。 职能类别: 中学教师 关键字: 大语文 教研 微信 联系方式 上班地址:银盆南路305号拓维教育 部门信息 所属部门:O2O学习中心 公司信息 拓新思维,创造未来。拓维信息系统股份有限公司成立于1996年,成立之初,就立志做一家不断创新的科技企业。2008年,公司登陆深圳证券交易所,成功上市。历经多年发...

  • 维塔士电脑软件有限公司 Xi'an

    Role and Responsibilities: Provide translation during work activities, meetings, workshops or client visits. Translate reports, letters and all documents related to the project. Any other task related to translation and interpretation Requirements: Fluency in Chinese and English, both written and spoken Degree in English or any relevant field. Knowledge/experience from the game/movie/3D sectors would be an advantage, Prior working experience in international donor projects would be an advantage....

  • 必维集团 CIF China 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 1.Provide green building consulting services and analysis to support LEED, GBDL, WELL and other green building projects 2.Assist Technical Manager and Operation Manager to research green building & sustainability technical development trends worldwide and make technical recommendation to management team seasonally 3.Support BD to participate in meetings with potential clients during advanced discussions 4.Perform whole building energy simulation – in preparation of LEED reports and o...

  • 上海四维尔控股集团有限公司 Shanghai

    Foreign English Teacher Responsibilities: Provide quality English lessons to children aged 3-16, according to Scholastic’s Curriculum. Plan and prepare lessons, communicate with parents and provide feedback on individual student performance. Participate in teaching, training and marketing activities. Job requirements: Bachelor degree above Less than 65 years old TESOL/TEFL certificate (at least 120 hrs) or more than 2 years teaching experience with recommendation letter Neutral accent when speak...

  • 英维思国际信息咨询有限公司 Chengdu

    Job description: 1、responsible for teaching English for the baby. Enwise LETS House provides three types of curriculum: A Parent-Infant class for 0-18 months (LETS & Music Interaction), a Parent-Toddler class for 18-36 months (Gym Exploration, Art Experience and Music Interaction), a Parent-Children class for 3-4 years old (Lucy's Garden and Louis' Kitchen). Job requirements: 1、Native speaker 2、Love children 3、Major in music or education is preferred Compensation & Benefits: 1、Sa...

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