- 大连聚盟科技发展有限公司 Dalian
1) 通过培训掌握纠纷处理规则及操作系统; 2) 能够准确识别买卖家的诉求并做出公正裁决; 3) 通过纠纷处理平台以英文邮件的方式处理产品问题纠纷。 岗位要求 : 1) 大专以上学历; 2) 英语读写流利,大学英语四级及以上; 3) 打字每分钟90字以上,熟悉office办公软件; 4) 良好的交流沟通能力,工作主动性强,善于学习,认真仔细; 5) 从客户角度想问题,有团队意识,有责任心; 6) 具有客服工作经验者优先考虑; 工作时间: 早九晚六,做五休二,每周保证两天休息; 薪资福利: 第13个月固定奖金; 享有带薪假期10-12天,婚假,产假; 公司按国家政策为员工缴纳六险一金, 每年公司组织大型体检等福利; 舒适的工作环境,不定期的公司、团队活动; 公司提供全方位的技能培训如:职前培训、在职培训、晋升培训,为员工提供通畅的晋升通道。 保密承诺: Concentrix 对收集的应聘人员个人信息资料,严格遵守 Concentrix 个人信息保护管理体系的相关管理制度和员工保密协议,对应聘人员提供的个人资料保守秘密,严防丢失、泄露、损毁的事件发生。 使用目的仅限于与应聘人员联络、考核及...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 Ningbo
宁波市 Job Outline The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Research Centre in the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (SPMIC-UNNC) was founded in 2018, and is an integral part of the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre (SPMIC) in the University of Nottingham in UK (UNUK). The MRI Research Centre in UNNC develops and applies magnetic resonance techniques in a broad range of areas, including researches on both hardware and software of MRI techniques. The SPMIC-UNNC will carry out joint research and aca...
- 广东大鹏液化天然气有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 (岗位职责) Roles and Accountabilities 协助处理广东大鹏液化天然气有限公司接收站海务工作,确保遵守公司的政策程序、相关法律法规及指南,并安全而高效地运行。 Assist with the marine activities for the GDLNG Terminal in compliance with GDLNG procedures and applicable government laws and guidelines to achieve safe, efficient marine operation. 向营运部海务高级经理汇报。 Report to senior marine manager. (主要工作) Principal Activities 协助海务工作,确保海务工作的连续性。 To assist with marine activities, ensure the continuities of Marine work. 协调LNG船舶进出港工作,以确保液化天然气船舶的靠离泊安全。 Coordinate with LNG v...
- 惠州大亚湾鸿通电子有限公司 Huizhou
职位信息 1.初稿ECO/DEV的跟进,每日邮件发出“DYB ECO-DEV初稿跟进表";每月邮件发出”ECO Release LT Trend Report". 2.工程部人员考勤,HR补卡的输入,门禁申请的跟进。IQC样板送样的跟进,IQC退货清单的回复,速递的跟进。 3.ERM系统-工程部人员每星期未填妥工时统计/评分。工程部文员其他日常工作的跟进。 4.ITEM MASTER(机械组)的输入;EIP/EPR单的跟进,存档,“每周7S评分”;编制和申请工程部每月办公用品和辅料,负责领取及保管;工程部会议室的管理,“受控文件传阅表”传阅的跟进。 5.熟悉一般电脑操作。 6.此岗位为临时文员,只需做满6个月,6天8小时工作制。 职能类别: 图书管理员/资料管理员 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:大亚湾西区龙山二路 地图 公司信息 一、集团简介 鸿通有限公司于1992年成立,总部设于香港。同年于中国广东省惠州市惠阳区淡水东门工业区成立惠州市惠阳淡水鸿通电子厂。2000年再注资成立鸿通电子(惠阳)企业有限公司,2006年投资三亿元在惠州大亚湾新建大亚湾鸿通电子有限公司,08...
- 北京大成律师事务所 查看所有职位 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 实习生 日薪100元 1.合同管理:合同的梳理和归档工作; 2.卷宗管理:已结案卷宗的审查及整理工作; 3.部门内文件打印、扫描、整理、装订等交办的工作。 岗位要求: 1.思想品德好,具有团队合作精神、工作认真、积极、细致、高效、能吃苦,为人诚实; 2.熟练掌握办公自动化软件,整理文件、录入、存档等工作; 3.法律专业优先。 职能类别: 其他 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:北京市朝阳区东大桥路9号侨福芳草地D座7层...
- 遠傳電信 Taibei
Employed as a technical expert with the task of working closely with sales teams to ensure that FET E-IoT vertical solutions being offered to meet the customers’ needs Working closely with sales team on proposals and pitches for business. Putting together business cases for the sales teams to support their proposals. Ensuring that FET IoT solutions can deliver on the customer’s requirements. Working closely with customers to understand and capture requirements. Replying to customers following re...
tw.indeed.comAugust 5,2019 - 暨南大学 Guangzhou
一、专业范围:基础数学、计算数学、应用数学、应用统计、管理科学与工程 二、招聘范围:博士毕业者,或博士后出站者,或具有博士学位的副教授、教授,年龄要求45岁以下,特殊人才条件可适当放宽。 三、招聘时间:2015年9月1日-2016年6月30日 从即日起接受应聘材料 [包括个人简历(从大学本科起,时间段连续),含出生时间、籍贯、国籍、婚姻状况、教学科研情况介绍、发表论文目录、代表作(不多于三篇,公开发表的论文需含杂志封面与目录)、未来五年的教学和科研工作设想及个人要求、学历及学位证书扫描件及大1寸免冠全身照片]。 四、引进人才待遇 可参考人事处《暨南大学引进优秀人才试行办法》和商议。 五、联系方式 联系人:�志娟、张传林 Tel: 020-85228237,38214329 E-mail: osxx@jnu.edu.cn,tclzhang@jnu.edu.cn (邮件主题标明为“姓名+应聘岗位+中国硕博英才网”) 传真:020-85228237 邮寄地址:广州市黄埔大道西601号暨南大学数学系, 邮编:510632 网址:http://xxxy.jnu.edu.cn/ Jinan Uni...
- 一汽-大众奥迪(Audi) Beijing
Employment type: 社招 Mission and Purpose We are responsible for the international conception, development and qualification of online functions with deep integration into the vehicle architecture. In doing so, we rely on forward-looking technologies which enable the communication out of the vehicle with complex IT systems and which allow remote control of vehicle systems using a smartphone application. Job Duties and Responsibilities Within the scope of Audi Connect there will be an interesting p...
- 一汽-大众奥迪(Audi) Beijing
Employment type: 社招 : Mission & Main Tasks: This position is responsible for new IT-Projects, collecting business requirements and implementation of new technologies within the strategy of Audi China. Furthermore, this position is managing multiple, concurrent projects of varying complexity. It includes also being the interface between the business departments of Audi China, our Joint-Venture as well as the German headquarter. You will be responsible for early knowledge of technologies and t...
- 上海大想商贸有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 The Financial Controller is as the role responsible for managing all finance and accounting operations. Responsible for the efforts and results of the financial department. Reporting to the chief president in regards to all financial and accounting activities. Overseeing financial anency in monthly operations. His/Her duties and responsibilities include: Developing financial strategy, including risk minimization plans and opportunity forecasting Financial reporting and analysis Cash flow...
- Unity大中华区 查看所有职位 Shanghai
We are looking for an experienced C/C++ with in-depth knowledge of APIs used on Android, and hardware characteristics of Android devices. Several shipped Android games or apps is preferable. Experienced console programmers will also be considered for this position. The ideal candidate has a passion for programming and is on constant lookout for new difficult challenges. If you are interested in profiling and optimizing for performance and power, this role is for you! Responsibilities: Developing...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 Ningbo
宁波市 Job title: Sports Development Coordinator Reference code: 180761 Closing date: 19 August 2019 Please apply for this post through UNNC official website, only online application will be accepted. Join a unique British University in China. University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was the first Sino-foreign university to open its doors in China. This award-winning campus offering a UK style education has grown to establish a student body of over 8,000 in just 15 years. Sport at UNNC has seen...
- 韦博英语上海大区 查看所有职位 Shanghai
【Main Responsibilities】 Teach various English lessons, including Demo and VIP programs Design lesson plans and develop curricula Keep students' attendance records Participate in the school’s social programs, including Extra-Curricular Activities Participate in employee training programs and workshops organized by the school Participate in promotional and marketing activities Other tasks assigned by Education Department in working hours 【Qualifications】 Bachelor degree or above TEM-8 Certific...
- 博达大桥国际广告传媒有限公司 Shanghai
Assist the Chief Strategy Officer to drive thought leadership in strategy of digital marketing communications and integrated marketing communications to help business grow up. Daily digital planning scope of work including: a) Insights & trends study and analysis of marketing communication and customer behavior changed in digital era. b) Brand / product digital marketing communication concepts development. c) Creative brief development and ideation facilitation. d) Integrated communication s...
- 长沙市大勤优仕环保科技有限公司 Changsha
长沙市 芙蓉区 职位要求: 1、18—25岁 有志青年男女。 2、外向健谈,应变能力强,积极主动,有较好的沟通能力。 3、有上进心,有较强的学习模仿能力。 4、思路清晰,具有良好的沟通应变能力和执行力。 5、有创新意识,思维活跃,有工作热忱。 6、对创业有强烈欲望,并能完全展现个人能力者。 7、应届毕业生和有销售经验者优先录用。 岗位职责: 1、负责公司产品的销售及推广。 2、根据市场营销计划,完成部门销售指标。 3、开拓新市场,发展新客户,增加产品销售范围。 4、负责辖区市场信息的收集及竞争对手的分析。 5、负责销售区域内销售活动的策划和执行,完成销售任务。 6、管理维护客户关系以及客户间长期战略合作计划。 薪酬体系: 1、补助5000元+高额提成+季度旅游(多劳多得)。 2、工资5000元起,完成规定营业额;每递增5000元营业额,工资增涨1000元,无上限;同时奖金(日、周、月、年)照常发放,外加福利,提供住宿。 3、挑战高薪工资:销售价格提成25%以上,无任何工作业绩量的要求,挑战高薪 直接选择拿高业绩提成 薪资将会达到5000~8000 所有提成当天结算! 培训机构体系: 1...
- 长沙市大勤优仕环保科技有限公司 Changsha
长沙市 芙蓉区 实习生 月薪5,000 - 10,000元 职位要求: 1、18—25岁 有志青年男女。 2、外向健谈,应变能力强,积极主动,有较好的沟通能力。 3、有上进心,有较强的学习模仿能力。 4、思路清晰,具有良好的沟通应变能力和执行力。 5、有创新意识,思维活跃,有工作热忱。 6、对创业有强烈欲望,并能完全展现个人能力者。 7、应届毕业生和有销售经验者优先录用。 岗位职责: 1、负责公司产品的销售及推广。 2、根据市场营销计划,完成部门销售指标。 3、开拓新市场,发展新客户,增加产品销售范围。 4、负责辖区市场信息的收集及竞争对手的分析。 5、负责销售区域内销售活动的策划和执行,完成销售任务。 6、管理维护客户关系以及客户间长期战略合作计划。 薪酬体系: 1、补助5000元+高额提成+季度旅游(多劳多得)。 2、工资5000元起,完成规定营业额;每递增5000元营业额,工资增涨1000元,无上限;同时奖金(日、周、月、年)照常发放,外加福利,提供住宿。 3、挑战高薪工资:销售价格提成25%以上,无任何工作业绩量的要求,挑战高薪 直接选择拿高业绩提成 薪资将会达到5000~80...
- 國立清華大學 Xinzhu
公告單位 : 國際產學營運總中心...
tw.indeed.comAugust 4,2019 - 一汽-大众奥迪(Audi) Beijing
Employment type: 社招 Mission and Purpose: At the intersection of business, tech and UX, the Product Management connected is responsible for leading digital products that are valuable, usable and feasible for Audi in China. These products center around connected car and Car2X services that secure Audi's leading position as a mobility and technology company - in China for China. Along the whole life cycle, we drive the cross-functional work with entrepreneurial mindset and align and manage prod...
- 大华银行有限公司 Shanghai
1. Project Collaboration Job Description Support project collaboration on market analysis on Project Group and its subsidiary/affiliates, including but not limited business model,customer demographic, product or services offerings; Support product team on project product development, including research, DD, filing and system requirement; Support project manager for joint-campaign design, roadshow, online and offline marketing material preparation; Support product manager for performance tracking...
- 大众汽车投资有限公司 Beijing
Position: Foreign Institutions Division / Department: Corporate & JV Affairs / NGOs & Agencies Location: Beijing Your Responsibilities: Build and maintain relationship with foreign institutions relevant for automotive industry, such as: EU Chamber of Commerce China(EUCCC) Association des Constructeurs Europeans Automobiles (ACEA) German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) German Embassy in China EU Embassy in China Provide in-depth analysis of policy development on China’s polit...
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