Results 1 - 20 of 1815
  • 江西工墨装饰设计工程有限公司 Nanchang

    南昌市 红谷滩新区 实习生 月薪1,500元 我们需要这样的伙伴: 1、装饰设计、室内外设计等相关专业专科以上学历; 2、无经验,在实习生都行。吃苦耐劳,踏实诚实; 3、学习能力强、热爱设计工作、有创新精神; 4、善于沟通,表达能力强,有团队精神。 5、熟练的Photoshop、Auto、CAD、office办公软件(掌握3D-MAX/SU/PS、等设计软件和办公软件的优先考虑); 我们都有哪些工作内容呢? 1、协助照明项目以及公司各类方案设计; 2、协助项目的绘图设计制作; 3、主要是从事家装设计,学习适应能力强,前期有老前辈带。 4、完成其他工作事宜; 加入我们的理由: 1.工作氛围和谐、愉快 与您共事的都是一群富有朝气的八零、九零后,与帅哥美女一起工作,保证你一天好心情。加入我们,体现自身价值,比同龄人收获更多(成长+收入)。 2.不以学历论能力 不论你是大专、本科还是硕士,我们一视同仁,不看文凭写的是什么,只看你是否能胜任岗位工作,能力比学历更重要。 3.杜绝“office politics” 我们没有等级森严的行政级别,这里只有明确每个人的职责。我们坚决摒弃所谓的“办公室政治...

  • 英域成语言培训有限公司 Wuxi

    无锡市 As Center General Manager, you are ultimately responsible for a center’s staff, customer, and business performance. Embracing a true entrepreneurial spirit, you will roll up your sleeves, and run a small company with P&L responsibilities, as if it were your own. You are expected to hire, develop, retain talents, and deliver a high quality student experience with high efficiency. As a result of staff and customer satisfaction, you deliver consistent and satisfying financial results. You w...

  • 英域成语言培训有限公司 Beijing

    As Center General Manager, you are ultimately responsible for a center’s staff, customer, and business performance. Embracing a true entrepreneurial spirit, you will roll up your sleeves, and run a small company with P&L responsibilities, as if it were your own. You are expected to hire, develop, retain talents, and deliver a high quality student experience with high efficiency. As a result of staff and customer satisfaction, you deliver consistent and satisfying financial results. You will:...

  • 英域成语言培训有限公司 Zhenjiang

    镇江市 京口区 月薪5,000 - 8,000元 工作职责 你需要通过与客户建立长期关系、及时沟通学员的学习进度、解决任何紧急需求或问题以及确保满足客户的需求,来最终达成EF课程的再销售和产生英孚学员的好友推荐。 与学员及其家长建立信任关系 向客户再销售核心课程 每天与客户沟通以解决他们的顾虑和问题 产生推荐学员 向客户更新学习进度、回家作业以及课堂教学内容 持续向客户传达所有重要信息和变化 根据建议的教学流程框架准备和组织面向家长的教学活动 使用CRM客户关系管理系统记录所有与班级、学员和家长管理相关的信息 进班听课,更好地了解学员的表现,以与家长 基本任职要求 大学学历,教育或语言相关专业优先 服务意识:以你希望被对待的方式来对待每一个客户 销售能力:能呈现有说服力的销售推介并达成交易 出色的沟通技能和问题解决能力 良好的英语表达能力,能顺畅完成工作中的各项沟通 可以周末工作 职能类别:培训督导 微信 联系方式 上班地址:镇江市 京口区镇江中心:镇江市京口区中山东路188号紫金大厦B座3F 公司信息 关于英孚教育 英孚教育成立于1965年,是一家全球教育培训公司,以“教育,让世界无...

  • 英域成语言培训有限公司 Kunshan

    学习督导 概述: 学习督导负责课程管理流程的执行工作,你需要在老师、家长和学员之间架起沟通的桥梁,并有效推动客户续费以及推荐。 角色: 学习督导在学员,家长以及老师中间是一个核心角色,你既需要充当协调者,又需要做好支持者。小学员们在英孚学习的每一天,你会一直伴随左右,并指引他们不断地成长。 工作职责: 管理学员的课程表以及课程进度 与老师,家长以及学员保持密切的沟通,追踪教学质量,保障教学结果,与所有的家长保持良好的关系 达成续费及推荐,达到客户满意度指标 处理来自家长的意见及投诉 其他根据公司需要所授予的职责和责任 任职资格: 爱孩子,并关注他们的成长 本科及以上学历,师范类或英语类专业优先 有出色的自我学习能力 有开放的心态,具备优秀的沟通能力 有团队合作精神 关注细节 有计划组织及灵活应变的能力 有服务意识 有良好的情绪管理能力 英语听说读写流利 熟练使用微软办公软件 能够接受周末上班,周中休息的工作(周一到周五中休息两天) Progress Advisor Synopsis: The Progress Advisor is responsible for the impleme...

  • 英域成语言培训有限公司 Suzhou

    As Center General Manager, you are ultimately responsible for a center’s staff, customer, and business performance. Embracing a true entrepreneurial spirit, you will roll up your sleeves, and run a small company with P&L responsibilities, as if it were your own. You are expected to hire, develop, retain talents, and deliver a high quality student experience with high efficiency. As a result of staff and customer satisfaction, you deliver consistent and satisfying financial results. You will:...

  • 英域成语言培训有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Center Education Manager in an Adult School Synopsis: As a Center Education Manager at EF English Courses, you will lead and manage a team of teachers to ensure high academic quality while balancing production efficiency. You will support the Center General Manager to drive customer satisfaction and student retention in one center catering for adult English learners. The role: The Center Education Manager is responsible for managing education services in their center. This person leads, mana...

  • 英域成语言培训有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 静安区 旅游顾问是潜在旅行者在EF TravelPlus最先接触的人,旅游顾问通过与客户建立良好的关系,并根据客户的需求提供EF TravelPlus个性化的旅行产品,最终负责向客户销售EF TravelPlus的旅行体验 除了关注销售结果,旅游顾问必须对旅游行业及EF Travel+产品有深入的了解,始终保持积极和热情的态度,并能结合客户需求提供个性化建议和咨询 工作职责: 挖掘潜在客户的需求, 介绍EF Travel+旅行产品,完成既定的销售目标,提高品牌知名度 根据需求为潜在客户制定旅行计划,并且向出行客户销售定制体验 完成向客户报价、签约、收款和客户信息录入的全部销售流程,并确保销售系统信息录入的准确性和有效性 定期跟踪并更新未签约客户的现状,寻找二次机会点 维护与出行客户的关系,与运营团队保持密切的合作,提升客户满意度并积极开发复购和推荐等内部销售资源 参加例会和销售培训,确保完成被要求的其他相关工作 任职资格: 爱旅行,对于旅游行业有极大的兴趣和热情 至少1年的销售、旅游或者教育相关经验 有出色的自我学习能力 有开放的心态,具备优秀的沟通能力 有良好的销售意识及销售...

  • 吉利汽车 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    What you will need to do Ability to interpret and take direction from senior designers and the Brand Creative Director Generate multiple visual languages, graphic concepts and develop into viable , documented design solutions Produce creative collateral, digital and environmental solutions across multiple 2D and 3D applications. Integrate brand messaging, colour, type and visual composition into deliverables, Collaborate with other graphic designers and design teams in the automotive and across ...

  • 吉利集团 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    What you will need to do Ability to interpret and take direction from senior designers and the Brand Creative Director Generate multiple visual languages, graphic concepts and develop into viable , documented design solutions Produce creative collateral, digital and environmental solutions across multiple 2D and 3D applications. Integrate brand messaging, colour, type and visual composition into deliverables, Collaborate with other graphic designers and design teams in the automotive and across ...

  • 英域成语言培训有限公司 Shanghai

    Synopsis: As a Center Education Manager at EF English Centers, you will lead and manage a team of teachers to ensure high academic quality while balancing production efficiency. You will support the Center General Manager to drive customer satisfaction and student retention in one center catering for adult English learners. The role: The Center Education Manager is responsible for managing education services in their center. This person leads, manages and oversees the quality and quantity of edu...

  • 英域成语言培训有限公司 Shanghai

    Synopsis: As an ESL Teacher at EF English First Kids & Teens, you will join our academic team together with international teachers to deliver high quality English lessons and academic services to our students from 3-18 years old. The role: The Teacher position is an essential and key position in EF schools. The responsibilities mainly include preparing and delivering lessons, administering and reporting students’ learning progress and coordinating with other functions to maintain effective r...

  • 英域成语言培训有限公司 Hangzhou

    杭州市 English Teacher in an Adult School THE ROLE You will be teaching English to adults ranging from small classes of four to workshops of 25 students. Key activities include planning and delivering lessons using EF-developed ESL courseware, evaluating student progress and providing ongoing guidance for improvement. You will also participate in social activities designed to help students use their English in real world situations, such as social nights, movie nights, dinners and other events. TEA...

  • 英域成语言培训有限公司 Beijing

    THE ROLE Teachers are the heart of everything we do, we need talented teachers to help inspire and educate adults across China. By teaching with EF, you can help people get better jobs, participate in the global economy and become citizens of the world. You will be teaching English to adults ranging from small classes of four to workshops of 25 students. Key activities include planning and delivering lessons using EF-developed ESL courseware. YOU HAVE ESL teaching experience Fluent written and s...

  • 英域成语言培训有限公司 Chongqing

    重庆市 江北区 Synopsis: As a Center Education Manager at EF English Courses, you will lead and manage a team of teachers to ensure high academic quality while balancing production efficiency. You will support the Center General Manager to drive customer satisfaction and student retention in one center catering for adult English learners. The role: The Center Education Manager is responsible for managing education services in their center. This person leads, manages and oversees the quality and quantit...

  • 上海言学商务咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    1 、负责美国留学TOEFL Junior(小托福)考试的相应科目教学工作(包含听力理解、语言形式与含义、阅读理解); 2 、 按照教务指令,接收学员任务,了解该学员情况、学习问题、授课计划、教学要求及时间安排; 3 、 对所负责科目,尽全力确保学员达成目标,包括课堂授课与课后问题解决; 4 、 服务学员,给出合理化的学习建议,每次课程结束做教学总结; 5 、 协助教学主管完成其他教学工作。 任职资格: 1 、大学英语六级(专业八级及以上优先),英语基本功扎实,热爱英语教学; 2 、有TOEFL Junior课程授课经验者优先; 3 、欢迎专业功底扎实的应届毕业生踊跃报名,公司会提供系统培训; 4 、中英文表达流利,语言逻辑性强; 5 、具备较强的学习能力、理解能力和研究精神; 6 、富有团队精神,责任心强,热爱教学工作; 职能类别:外语培训师兼职教师 关键字:小托福语言提升语言培训 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:水城南路延安西路...

  • 太吉采购信息咨询有限公司 Shenzhen

    Target is an iconic brand, a Fortune Global 500 company and one of America's leading retailers. Keeping one of the most loved and recognized brands at the top of its game is no small task. It takes the talent and vision of a world class Administrative Support organization. We are strategic partners who balance the goals of the business with the needs of individuals and teams. We embody the very best of Target: new ideas, resourcefulness, quick and precise execution, creativity, professionali...

  • 太吉采购信息咨询有限公司 Shenzhen

    PRIMARY FUNCTION Assists in the co-ordination of general office functions in assigned areas includes stationery, printing, and office administration, travel and hotel arrangements, office equipment and inventory maintenance. Responsible for the operation of telephone switch board including the company‘s internal paging system and visitors handling. Keeps the reception area clean and tidy. PRINCIPLE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES a. Hotel and Travel arrangement Prepares weekly visitors –in-town summ...

  • 添吉商务咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 虹口区 JD: ? To set the Quality Standards by approving fabric specification and test result for all product categories through TGT Asia ? Review the quality issues with the merchandizing & QC teams and give “approval”/”reject” result with comments ? Help to source the fabric routes that meet the business needs, and establish the fabric supplier matrix ? Assist in educating suppliers, and internal merchandising & QC staff on textile technology, fabric testing or related aspects (i.e. on ...

  • 厦门吉思达教育咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 徐汇区 周薪350元 主要教授SSAT和托福TOEF教学,并能兼顾英语物理学(physics),化学(chemistry)等教学。 【岗位要求】 1、英语能力:精通英语,并在托福、雅思等出国类相关考试中考取高分者优先,有托福雅思及SAT/SSAT教学中教过高分学生者优先; 2、思维敏捷,做事条理,善于与人沟通,并有很强的学习能力和语言表达能力; 有责任心,热爱教育事业; 3、有海外留学经历者优先录用; 4、有英语教学经验者优先录用; 5、了解出国相关知识者优先录用; 职位描述: 1. 教授TOEFL, SSAT等留学英语的学习思路和方法,并按要求,高质量完成指定科目教学工作; 2. 针对学员情况定制个性化学习方案;激发学生的学习动机、总结学生的上课表现,帮助学生管理好学习效果和学习过程;能与家长进行电话沟通; 3. 和学生深入沟通,有效提高学生学习效率,达成***学习效果。 薪资福利: 1. 薪资构成:课时+奖金 2. 为全日制劳动合同员工缴纳社会保险(养老、医疗、工伤、生育、失业)、公积金; 3、每年都有寒暑假,优秀老师每年暑假带队出国1-2次; 4、全日制劳动合同员工享受带...

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