- 广州英国学校 广州市
职位信息 The British School of Guangzhou is looking for someone to manage front desk operations and handle administration work for Music department. Ensure that the Head of Music and Principal's PA receive high quality administrative support. Job Description: Receptionist 1. Greet visitors, and direct them to appropriate areas of the school, provide visitors with drinks (coffee, tea etc) 2. Handle all reasonable requests from members of staff, intended for official school affairs 3. Identify and...
- 广州尚宸企业管理顾问有限公司 广州市 天河区
广州市 天河区 Identify and define use cases for data science and machine learning to solve business problems throughout Banking and Wealth Management Asia Pacific, and communicating these to senior and working level business partners across multiple functions. Work with the wider Analytics Centre of Excellence to deliver the use cases in a timely manner, including tracking results and communication to relevant business partners. Build and embed the data science and machine learning capability in Banki...
- 國泰金融集團 Taibei
Content (1)Spring boot 微服務程式開發。 (2)Camel / Fuse EIP程式開發。 (3)Message / Event Kafka程式開發。 (4)微服務架構設計導入。 (5)EIP架構設計導入。 (6)Message Broker / Event Sourcing架構設計導入。 Type: Full-time Expatriation: Business trip/expatriation not required Work hour: Day shift Location: 台北市 Leave system: Negotiable Required number of employee: 0 ~ 0 person(s) Requirements Work experience: No restriction Required education level: Bachelor Above Required program: 不拘 Required language ability: No restriction Proficient skill: 不...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 20,2019 - 华晨雷诺金杯汽车有限公司 沈阳市 大东区
沈阳市 大东区 实习生 日薪100元 1.Major requirement: business,accounting,management,economics,English and their related majors. 2.Education requiremental: bachelor degree or above. 3.English skill: CET-6 and fluent in listening,speaking and writing.(English is the working language.) 4.Personal trait: responsible,scrupulous, and good at communicating. 5.Others: relevant work experience is preferred. 职能类别: 实习生 关键字: 国际贸易 国际商务 进出口贸易 国际结算 微信 联系方式 上班地址:沈阳市大东区东望街39号 公司信息 华晨雷诺金杯汽车有限公司成立于2017年12月15日,是由全球知名的先进汽车企业雷诺集团...
- 苏州市汇杰企业管理咨询有限公司 苏州市 工业园区
苏州市 工业园区 Job Responsibilities: In charge of the School’s academic system and DP curriculum. Provided leadership of DP teaching faculty Provide academic training to teachers. Aided in executive facilitation with hiring, operations, management oversight, budget oversight, strategic plan objectives, and supported as one of the educational lead executive team administrators Implement and monitor academic budgets in assigned areas of responsibility, as well as budget reviews, and analyzing financial ...
- 上海耀华国际教育学校 查看所有职位 上海市 长宁区
上海市 长宁区 Professional Duties: 1. Teaching; (a) Planning and preparing ICT/Computer Science courses and lessons according to IGCSE/A-Level syllabus. (b) Teaching pupils assigned according to their educational needs, including the setting and grading of work to be carried out by the pupils in the school. (c) Assessing, recording and reporting on the development, progress and attainment of pupils. (d) On occasions, to provide cover for teachers who are indisposed. (e) Providing reports, oral and wri...
- Donghai International Financial Holdings Company Limited 東海國際金融控股有限公司 Central
Job Responsibilities: 1. Business communication and relationship maintenance with Securities Software Vendors; 2. Brokerage Software bugs/requirements collection, software vendor communication and explanations, bug fix timetable management, and take responsibility to each tech regarding project; 3. Maintain Hundsun Ayers Technologies trading system and business-related systems to ensure system’s reliability, performance and stability; 4. Liaise with software vendors for system enhancements, syst...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 18,2019 - 美擎教育 查看所有职位 深圳市 南山区
【关于MQ】 我们是一个年轻有活力、创新有纪律的80、90后团队 。 我们拥有温馨优雅,高档先进的办公环境,(南山万象天地的尚美科技大厦)~~ 我们拥有过人的实力,与公立学校稳定合作,被客户称颂的业界口碑; 美擎国际教育是深圳市山姆大叔教育信息咨询有限司旗下国际K-12教育品牌,创立于2014年, 是深圳国际学科课程培训机构。 我们特邀多名美国本土高中授课经验丰富的中外籍名师加入,以纯正的国际教育理念,总结出一套适合于在国际体系中就读的中国学生的教学体系。 我们特色课程包括:国际学校入学备考课, 国际学校衔接课程,国际学校培优课程,美国K-12基础教育课程,英国K-12基础教育课程 ,留学面试辅导课程等。 在MQ,您的努力不会被忽视,欢迎您挑战高薪,见证突破自我的过程~ 如果您是对教育行业怀揣梦想的人,请毫不犹豫的递上您的简历~~ 选择MQ,您得到的不仅只有酬劳,我们更乐于见到,这就是您理想的,并为之奋斗终身的事业。 中学科学物理老师(双语) Teachers can teach the following content: forces, light, waves, Newton’s...
- 广州贝斯特教育科技有限公司 广州市 海珠区
Responsibilities: 1. Designing and developing curriculum systems and educational products for our campuses, including A. Curriculum systems for junior-high level and senior-high level international programs, such as AP courses, TOEFL courses, SAT courses, as well as courses of IB and A-level programs; B. Study tour products, mainly the activity design and route plan of summer camps and winter camps; C. Other educational products for future development. 2. Training and organizing faculty members ...
- 理律法律事務所 新竹市
新竹所-專利工程師-電子電機背景 工作地點 新竹所 職務內容 撰寫專利說明書、申請國內外專利、專利權保護及專利紛爭處理等 學歷 電子/電機碩士以上畢 外 語 英文(聽/佳、說/佳、讀/精通、寫/精通) 工作經驗 具數位/類比電路研發工作經驗尤佳 其 他 歡迎欲挑戰跨領域(理工&法律)之理工人加入 新進律師、法務、行政人員之聘用 理律法務事務所聘用人員之遴選,以其所受學歷、經歷及品德為錄用考慮標準並依本所各部門之需求,採用登報、網路或人才仲介等管道覓才。應徵者履歷資料經彙整後,由本所電話聯絡安排筆試及面 試,但應徵者若具二年以上相關工作實務經驗或具國內外律師或專業技術人員(高考以上)資格或具國內外相關學科碩士以上學位者,得視各部門要求免專業筆試;若應徵者具英語系國家之律師或專業技術人員資格或在英語系國家取得相關學科碩士以上學位者,得免語文筆試。應徵者錄取後,需通過五個月之試用期,必要時得延長試用一個月。 2019年英/日文...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 昆山杜克大学 查看所有职位 昆山市
昆山市 Position Overview: Duke Kunshan University (DKU), located in Kunshan, China is embarking on the next phase of their ambitious plan to provide a student-center Liberal Arts research education. DKU is looking for candidates with experience in several areas critical to the mission of the university. Duke Kunshan University is a 21st century university with a highly integrated and interdisciplinary curriculum. Under the direction of the Associate Dean, Academic Success Tutors will be expected to...
- 昆山杜克大学 查看所有职位 昆山市
昆山市 Position Overview: Duke Kunshan University (DKU), located in Kunshan, China is embarking on the next phase of their ambitious plan to provide a student-center Liberal Arts research education. In preparation, DKU is looking for candidates with experience in several areas critical to the mission of the university. Duke Kunshan University is a 21st century university with a highly integrated and interdisciplinary curriculum. Under the direction of the Associate Dean, Academic Success Tutors wil...
- 昆山杜克大学 查看所有职位 昆山市
昆山市 Position Overview: The PE Teacher/Instructor in this position has to be able to teach 2-3 different PE classes, have a specialty sport to coach 1 Varsity team, organize and lead sport events, and perform other duties as part of the Student Affairs Athletics Office. Teachers/Instructors with strong background in fitness and wellness, basketball, badminton, volleyball, tennis, running, martial arts (various), and various fitness and wellness classes are strongly encouraged to apply. Please hig...
- 宏生診所 新北市 三重區
1.照顧病患、提供一般健康檢查包括打針、協助服藥與衛生教育等護理臨床工作 2.教育大眾各種醫藥常識、提供病患家屬治療建議 3.批價掛號等醫院行政管理、協助醫生完成診斷和分析 4.專科護理師(nurse practitioner,簡稱NP)協助執行處置、協助書寫病程記錄、協助開立醫囑等 職務類別 : 護理師及護士 專科護理師 休假制度 : 排班制 上班時段 : 假日班 年 5 月 27 日 薪資待遇 : 時薪 150 至 500 元每月薪資行情表我要申訴 工作性質 : 兼職-假日 管理人數 : 不需負擔管理責任 工作條件 學歷要求 : 高中(職) 科系要求 : 不拘 工作經驗 : 不拘 技能與求職專長 電腦技能 : 未填寫 必備附件 履歷照片 <職場性格測驗>報告 應徵方式 連絡人 : 曾醫師 Email : 若有意應徵,請直接按「我要應徵」投遞履歷即可。...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 新莊區公所 新北市 新莊區
截止日期:2019-09-18 發佈單位:新莊區公所 職缺別:全職 職務說明/工作內容: 財產管理、協辦採購業務、協辦新聞輿情、訊息收集發佈等相關業務及其他臨時交辦事項。 工作地點:新北市新莊區中正路176號 待 遇:不註明 性 別:不限 徵才條件: 1.高級中等學校畢業;2.無公務人員任用法第26條迴避任用及第28條各款之一情事者 備 註: 1.約僱2等190薪點(月酬臺幣23,693元整),代理秘書室委任第1職等至第3職等書記列108年地方政府5等特考一般行政科任用計畫之職務,僱至考試錄取人員分發報到前1日為止(約至109年3月)。 2.有意應徵者請檢附:非編制人員甄選報名表(如附檔)、學歷畢業證書、身分證正反面(註明僅供查驗身分用)、男性請檢附退伍令(皆以A4影印)。 3.請於上網公告日期截止前(郵戳為憑,逾期或證件不齊以放棄論)掛號或逕送新北市新莊區中正路176號人事室收【信封註明應徵秘書室約僱2等職代及白天聯絡電話】,本所聯絡電話(02)2992-9891*164許小姐。 4.若應徵資料提供不實或有遺漏,一切後果由當事人負責。初審合格者將擇優面談甄選,並得酌列候補1名,候補期...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 捷信消费金融BTA 查看所有职位 天津市
工作职责: 1.Understanding of business requirement, process and applications in use for the consumer finance, close cooperation with Business Users, as well with both Internal and External IT Partners; 2.Manage the team to fulfill testing needs, continuously improve the team performance / efficiency / professional skills, develop competence both in business & technical domain (including build up automation test, complex problem investigation / solving skills); 3.Manage the test tasks within team,...
- 赤蕨商务营销 查看所有职位 上海市 黄浦区
上海市 黄浦区 实习生 1.Create and manage both Weibo and WeChat accounts for our clients.(为客户开设、维护、管理微信/微博公众号) 2. Provide written content in Chinese for posts that are pushed out. Have the ability to translate and localize content. Have the ability to design campaigns that can be used to push out content. (按照客户要求定期编辑推送,具有翻译技能和文案功能) 3. Assist with any design requirements that the Market Research department encounter 4. Attend meetings with clients as/when required 5. Respond to queries or enquiries from cl...
- 赤蕨商务营销 查看所有职位 上海市 黄浦区
上海市 黄浦区 JUNIOR SOCIAL MEDIA CONSULTANT新媒体运营顾问 (intern is also accepted此岗位也欢迎实习生) RedFern Associates is successful and fast growing, foreign consultancy firm based in Shanghai. We specialize in assisting foreign clients with China strategic market entry, establishment and maintenance of legal entities, licenses and registrations, mergers & acquisitions across a wide range of businesses and industries. This opening is for a position starting immediately in the Shanghai office. SCOPE OF JOB The...
- 广州市天河区华业教育培训中心 查看所有职位 广州市 天河区
1、从事意大利语教学活动、实施意大利语授课计划、保证教学质量; 也可从事意大利语翻译,意大利语文化交流工作 2、参与意大利语教师教学评议、进行学员考评和意大利语课程推广等; 3、与中心保持良好的联系,将学员提供的信息、发现的意大利语课程中存在的问题和建议及时反馈给中心等。 任职条件: 1、意大利语专业毕业,意大利语能力高级水平以上;意大利语翻译, 意大利语教学或意大利语能力考试辅导经验一年以上; 2、强烈的意大利语教学服务和市场意识,有团队合作精神; 3、擅长人际沟通,观察和语言表达能力强,有一定的领导能力; 4、敬业,主动,有亲和力,责任感,注意个人形象 5、意大利语教师/翻译全职或非全职皆可,普通话标准; 6、意大利语发音纯正,有过留学意大利, 意大利语笔译或口译经验者优先。 工作地点:广州市 Job description: 1. Teaching, giving Italian language lessons; 2. Translating, interpreting, editing translated Italian drafts; 3. Dubbing and rec...
- 广州市天河区华业教育培训中心 查看所有职位 广州市 天河区
广州市 天河区 Job description: 1. Teaching, giving English language lessons; 2. Translating, interpreting, editing translated English drafts; 3. Dubbing and recording for English language tutorial materials; 4. Lingual/cultural communication activities, including discussing collaboration with educational institutions in your country about English language education; searching and providing English course information in your country for Chinese students; helping to connect Chinese students and the educ...
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