Department of Computer Science and Engineering Computer Technician II(s) (Analyst Programmer/Developer/Back end/Ruby on rails/PHP/Java) (Ref. 2000005N) (Closing date: March 6, 2020) The Department is looking for Computer Technician II(s) to support software development projects. The appointee(s) will be involved in using the latest software development methodologies to develop core products that are both internal and user-facing. Applicants should have (i) a Bachelor’s degree or above in Compute...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 19,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Computer Technician II(s) (carrying the job title of ‘Analyst Programmer’ or ‘Front-end/Back-end/Ruby on Rails/PHP/Java Developer’) (Ref. 2000005P) (Closing date: March 6, 2020) The Department is looking for Computer Technician II(s) to support software development projects. The appointee(s) will be involved in using the latest software development methodologies to develop core products that are both internal and user-facing. Applicants should have ...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 19,2020 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong kong
(Closing date: February 11, 2020) Registry The appointee will be assigned to the Registration and Examinations Section, and will be responsible for (a) assisting in computer systems and related operations of the office; (b) supporting student registration, course registration and add/drop matters; (c) handling applications from students and managing student records; (d) checking graduation requirements and producing necessary reports; (e) performing file management; and (f) handling other tasks ...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 6,2020 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong kong
(Ref. 20000053) (Closing date: February 18, 2020) Communications and Public Relations Office The appointee will be responsible for (a) creating dynamic and image-building content for social media; (b) co-ordinating day-to-day social media activities and maintaining the growth of their social communities; (c) co-ordinating video and other multimedia production; (d) facilitating cross-platform promotion on online media; (e) developing and maintaining websites and other online platforms; (f) planni...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 6,2020 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong kong
(Closing date: February 11, 2020) Finance Office The appointee will be responsible for (a) processing reimbursement claims and payroll payments; (b) handling accounting-related tasks; (c) assisting in retirement benefits administration; and (d) performing other tasks as assigned. Applicants should have (i) completed secondary education; (ii) Grade E/Level 2 or above in at least 5 subjects in HKCEE, including Chinese, English (Syllabus B) and Mathematics; OR any combination of results in at least...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 6,2020 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong kong
(編號:B/2000004T/ml/JJ)(截止日期:二零二零年二月十八日) 應徵者須具(甲)小學或以上程度;及(乙)三年或以上工作經驗。略懂基本維修知識者可獲優先考慮。職責包括(一)清潔教學中心(包括洗手間、課室、走廊、辦公室等);(二)整理課室、支援教學中心日間及夜間課堂;(三)供應茶水、搬運及外出支援/送件;及(四)處理其他雜務。受聘者將於學院位於尖沙咀或中環之教學中心工作,並須輪班當值。實際工作時間將按教學中心需要而定。將以六個月或一年合約方式聘用,表現優良者可獲考慮續聘。〔註:如較早前曾申請相同職位(編號:B/190002MS/ml)者毋須再次申請。〕...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 6,2020 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong kong
(Closing date: February 11, 2020) Faculty of Law The appointee will be responsible for (a) co-ordinating the Faculty’s academic programmes, events and activities; (b) handling student matters; (c) working closely with a dynamic team of administrative staff to provide assistance in handling a range of duties; and (d) performing general and/or specific administrative tasks as assigned. The appointee may need to work at the Graduate Law Centre in Central, and perform duties outside normal office ho...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 6,2020 - 魚類統營處 Aberdeen
現有下列職位空缺歡迎有興趣人士投考: 職位:市場督導員 僱用期:常規編制 薪金:$12,980 - $17,430(分5年遞增) 工作地點: 香港仔魚類批發市場 入職條件:- (一)完成中三課程 (二)一般電腦知識 主要職責: (一)協助營業/會計/總務部的工作 (二) 協助市場主任監察及維持市場運作 (三) 協助主場主任管理時薪僱員 (四) 執行其他由上級所指派的工作 (五) 有機會被安排到其他魚市場及其他部門工作 (註:此職位需要於清晨工作和隨時候命) 有意者請將履歷連電話號碼郵寄至九龍荔枝角道757號三樓魚類/蔬菜統營處人事部收,或透過Apply Now遞交, 截止日期二零一九年十二月二十日。...
www.cpjobs.comDecember 8,2019 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Assistant Computer Officer (carrying the job title of ‘Senior Analyst Programmer/Java Developer’) (Ref. 190002E1) (Closing date: December 7, 2019) The KEEP ( http://www.keep.edu.hk ) and the VeriGuide ( http://www.veriguide.org ) are projects that provide online resources to support Faculty teaching and student learning needs. The Department is looking for an applicant who has passion for education and communication to help share KEEP and VeriGuide...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 7,2019 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
School of Continuing and Professional Studies Computer Technician II (carrying the job title of ‘IT Application Developer, SCS’) (Ref. 190002DM) (Closing date: November 19, 2019) The appointee will be responsible for (a) maintaining and developing IT application systems; (b) providing technical and end-user support for in-house applications and office automation; (c) designing and updating web pages; and (d) performing other duties as assigned. Applicants should have (i) a Diploma/Higher Diploma...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 7,2019 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Assistant Computer Officer(s) (carrying the job title of ‘System Administrator & Developer’) (Ref. 190002E4) (Closing date: December 7, 2019) The KEEP ( http://www.keep.edu.hk ) and the VeriGuide ( http://www.veriguide.org ) are projects that provide online resources to support Faculty teaching and student learning needs. The Department is looking for applicant(s) who have passion for education and communication to help share KEEP’s vision and ...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 7,2019 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Computer Technician II(s) (Ref. 190002FQ) (Closing date: November 19, 2019) The Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, working with more than 150 ophthalmologists and visual scientists in Hong Kong and Mainland China, is committed to advancing patient service, research, training and education to the highest possible standard in all major areas of ophthalmology and visual sciences. The Department has a strong track record and profile in in...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 7,2019 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Computer Technician II(s) (Analyst Programmer/Developer/Back end/Ruby on rails/PHP/Java) (Ref. 190002E2) (Closing date: December 7, 2019) The KEEP ( http://www.keep.edu.hk ) and the VeriGuide ( http://www.veriguide.org ) are projects that provide online resources to support Faculty teaching and student learning needs. The Department is looking for applicant(s) who have passion for education and communication to help share KEEP’s vision and mission ...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 7,2019 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Computer Assistant II(s) (Ref. 190002FP) (Closing date: November 19, 2019) The Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, working with more than 150 ophthalmologists and visual scientists in Hong Kong and Mainland China, is committed to advancing patient service, research, training and education to the highest possible standard in all major areas of ophthalmology and visual sciences. The Department has a strong track record and profile in int...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 7,2019 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Computer Technician II(s) (carrying the job title of ‘Analyst Programmer’ or ‘Front-end/Back-end/Ruby on Rails/PHP/Java Developer’) (Ref. 190002E3) (Closing date: December 7, 2019) The KEEP ( http://www.keep.edu.hk ) and the VeriGuide ( http://www.veriguide.org ) are projects that provide online resources to support Faculty teaching and student learning needs. The Department is looking for applicant(s) who have passion for education and communicatio...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 7,2019 - HONG KONG ARTS CENTRE 香港藝術中心 Wanchai
應徵者需具一般電專常識,中五程度,能操中英語及對舞台技術工作有興趣,具舞台燈光及音響工作經驗則獲優先考慮。需輪班工作,試用期滿後可享有醫療保險及三星期有薪年假。 應徵者如獲錄用,本中心將以一年合約方式聘用。合約期滿,視乎服務需要和工作表現,可續新約,且有機會轉為長工。 有意者請將應徵信及個人履歷於 2019年11月28日或以前 傳真至 2519 2010 或 立即申請 或寄香港灣仔港灣道二號香港藝術中心八樓人事部收。 Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. We are an equal opportunities employer....
www.cpjobs.comOctober 30,2019 - HONG KONG ARTS CENTRE 香港藝術中心 Wanchai
應徵者需具播放35米厘放映機,數碼放映機及影音器材操作經驗,中五或以上程度,能操中英語及對舞台技術工作有經驗則獲優先考慮。需輪班工作,試用期滿後可享有醫療保險及三星期有薪年假。 應徵者如獲錄用,本中心將以一年合約方式聘用。合約期滿,視乎服務需要和工作表現,可續新約,且有機會轉為長工。 有意者請將應徵信及個人履歷於 2019年11月28日或以前 傳真至 2519 2010 或 立即申請 或寄香港灣仔港灣道二號香港藝術中心八樓人事部收。 Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. We are an equal opportunities employer....
www.cpjobs.comOctober 30,2019 - 魚類統營處 Aberdeen
現有下列職位空缺歡迎有興趣人士投考:- 職位:市場督導員(買手) 僱用期:常規編制 薪金:$12,980 - $17,430(分5年遞增) 工作地點: 長沙灣及香港仔 入職條件:- (一)完成中三課程 (二)一般電腦知識 主要職責: (一) 採購各類海產(活魚、冰鮮、急凍及貝介類); (二) 採集各魚貨的價格及與供應商議價; (三) 協助處理客戶報價單; (四) 處理各客戶訂單及購貨量; (五) 安排及協調物流; (六) 處理購貨單及存倉紀錄; (七) 監察貨品質素;及 (八) 執行其他由上級所指派的工作。 (註:此職位需要於清晨工作和隨時候命) 有意者請將履歷連電話號碼郵寄至 九龍荔枝角道757號三樓魚類/蔬菜統營處人事部收 ,或電郵至, 截止日期二零一九年十一月十日。...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 29,2019 - Part Time Promoter - 兼職推廣員 (交通Apps, 時薪65,另設獎金) Hong kong
工作細節︰ 負責於港九新界街站邀請途人/或用戶下載及安裝交通App 區份如可能會可盡量遷就 解答客人查詢 職位要求︰ 良好溝通技巧、對推廣有熱情,能耐心為用戶解答 每天工作3-6小時 (一周最多3天) $55-80時薪 + 每成功安裝一次享$2佣金再 + 額外獎金 多勞多得 有意者可Whatsapp 5660 0580 / 直接將個人履歷表 及 上班日期按 立即申請 。...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 29,2019 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
School of Continuing and Professional Studies General Clerk II(s) (Central/Tsim Sha Tsui Learning Centres) (Ref. 190002A1) (Closing date: November 5, 2019) The appointee(s) will be responsible for (a) providing customer services and clerical support at the enrolment counters of the School’s Central and/or Tsim Sha Tsui Learning Centres; (b) assisting in the daily operations of the enrolment team; (c) providing administrative support to ensure a smooth operation of the Learning Centres; and (d) p...
www.cpjobs.comOctober 24,2019
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