- ARCHITANK建筑 Shanghai
The company: This world-renowned architectural design company is among the top ones in the world. Originally from the US, it has had over 10 years’ history in China market. They have over 100 staff in Shanghai and around 30 in Beijing. They mainly work on commercial, hospitality, retail and mix-used projects. The company offers excellent work environment and promotion opportunities. The role: Currently we are looking for experienced project architect and project managers to join them to work on ...
- 德建建筑设计咨询有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 岗位要求: 1,根据不同设计阶段要求,使用Sketch up, Autocad, Revit, PS 等软件进行绘图工作,及设计文本制作; 2,协助建筑师,进行设计准备工作; 任职资格: 1.大专以上学历,室内设计或建筑设计相关专业; 2.两年以上工作经验; 3.熟练运用相关设计软件; 4.踏实肯干,较强的工作责任心和自律心,思维敏捷,有团队合作精神; 5.英语听、说、写能力一般。 Job description: 1. According to the request from different design phase, accomplish relavant design drawings and design booklet by using design software such as Sketch up, CAD, Revit and PS. 2. Assist architect for the design preparation works Job qualification: 1. College graduate or above degree in ...
- 麟和建筑工作室 Shanghai
关于我们: 创设于2000年的麟和建筑工作室(ATELIER L+),是一个立足于建筑实践与城市研究的建筑师团队,探讨建筑本体要素的现代性以及中国城市背景下的大尺度建造,关注中国大规模建筑建造中的现代性定位,关注基于现实条件与语境的高品质建筑实现,构成工作室的设计实践基本方向。高度的研究性与实践性构成了设计作品的基本特征。 研究,决定了建筑师需要对社会和专业保持一种高度的敏感,需要保持一种批判性的思考,需要在建筑外在条件和内在逻辑的探求中寻找答案,需要创造性地回应项目背景与现实需求,需要广阔的视野与组织策略。研究,使工作室保持了一贯的开放性与前瞻性,并努力参与到中国建筑当代性的探索之中。 建造,决定了建筑师需要高度的专业知识与职业经验,需要各专业工程师磨合而成的高水平团队,需要建筑师与业主-承建商-专项设计-政府部门等的良好沟通,需要建筑师对于细节-材料-工艺-工地-生产等环节的全面掌控。实践,使工作室保持了高水准建成作品的持续实现,并获得良好的声誉与专业奖项。 麟和建筑工作室(ATELIER L+)成为中国当代建筑多样化背景下的活跃团队。从设计竞标、到工地配合、材料选择、整合专业设计...
- 麟和建筑工作室 Shanghai
上海市 关于我们: 创设于2000年的麟和建筑工作室(ATELIER L+),是一个立足于建筑实践与城市研究的建筑师团队,探讨建筑本体要素的现代性以及中国城市背景下的大尺度建造,关注中国大规模建筑建造中的现代性定位,关注基于现实条件与语境的高品质建筑实现,构成工作室的设计实践基本方向。高度的研究性与实践性构成了设计作品的基本特征。 研究,决定了建筑师需要对社会和专业保持一种高度的敏感,需要保持一种批判性的思考,需要在建筑外在条件和内在逻辑的探求中寻找答案,需要创造性地回应项目背景与现实需求,需要广阔的视野与组织策略。研究,使工作室保持了一贯的开放性与前瞻性,并努力参与到中国建筑当代性的探索之中。 建造,决定了建筑师需要高度的专业知识与职业经验,需要各专业工程师磨合而成的高水平团队,需要建筑师与业主-承建商-专项设计-政府部门等的良好沟通,需要建筑师对于细节-材料-工艺-工地-生产等环节的全面掌控。实践,使工作室保持了高水准建成作品的持续实现,并获得良好的声誉与专业奖项。 麟和建筑工作室(ATELIER L+)成为中国当代建筑多样化背景下的活跃团队。从设计竞标、到工地配合、材料选择、整合...
- 沈阳雅邦饰材有限公司 Shenyang
沈阳市 1、负责客户开发工作,努力通过各种方法开发有效客户,完成销售任务; 2、及时准确的与国外客户(西班牙语)进行邮件沟通、谈判,促成订单的成交; 3、收集销售产品及市场信息,包括但不仅限于产品趋势、价格趋势; 4、能够翻译与西班牙语相关的资料或文章等; 5、以及领导安排的其他工作; 职能类别: 西班牙语翻译 贸易/外贸专员/助理 关键字: 翻译 外贸 西班牙语 微信 联系方式 上班地址:辽宁省沈抚新区中兴街沈东6路 公司信息 沈阳雅邦饰材有限公司是集研发、生产、销售于一体的专业地板企业,生产基地坐落在沈阳市皇姑区观音开发区内。公司主要生产强化复合地板,销售机构遍布东北、华北、华中、西北等百余个城市。经营经典之家、伟事、豪门世家等品牌,产品广泛应用于商场、宾馆、酒店、高档住宅小区等领域,并远销欧美及东南亚。 公司现有高素质员工百余名,其中有丰富经验的高级技术工人数十名,每年组织学习先进的管理和生产方法,保证了公司的经营管理、产品质量与国内优秀厂商同步,使企业成为东北最大的地板生产厂商之一。 公司曾获得“全国强化地板30家市场放心品牌”、“绿色环保十佳建材”、“中国品牌500强”、“中...
- 强生医疗器材有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 年薪200,000 - 300,000元 协助产品经理进行公司品牌宣传文案、产品推广文案等相关宣传物料文案内容; 协助配合全国范围内市场活动的策划、组织和执行(包括展览、讲座、交流会等); 竞品、行业资料、医学专题会议的资料收集、整理及总结报道; 负责市场部内公司系统流程的一些申请跟进工作; 定期跟踪工作进展,定期收集数据。 市场部的其他相关工作。 基本任职资格(必填) 全日制本科以上学历;有医疗行业市场相关工作经验者优先; 中文文字功底扎实,文案撰写能力强; 具有一定视频、图片编辑能力; 学力能力强,工作积极主动,需配合不定期出差,出差时间按照活动要求而定; 具有团队合作精神。 职能类别:市场助理产品/品牌专员 关键字:市场专员 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海...
- 应用材料投资有限公司 Xi'an
西安市 主要职责: 1、为客户提供技术支持及服务,设备维护,数据分析,故障处理等 2、公司内部技术支持,装机基础分析 3、为内外部客户提供技术培训 4、遵守公司安全条例,遵循公司知识产权指南 岗位要求: 1、本科学历,自动化/机电一体化/电子工程/电气工程及其自动化/机械制造及其自动化/精密仪器/光学等相关专业 2、良好的动手能力,较强的责任心与团队合作精神 3、韩语、英语听说读写熟练 职能类别:大学/大专应届毕业生 微信分享...
- 建活贸易有限公司 Shenzhen
Responsibilities: Provide helpdesk support, technical services and daily routine task and system operation; System user account creation/modification/removal in co-operation with HR. Develop and execute backup policy/plan for system, file and data; Design, build and maintain IT infrastructure (Wintel servers & network infrastructure (LAN & WAN), database servers, data centre facilities); Perform regular system & network review, capacity monitoring, fault diagnosis and problem managem...
- 江苏罗化新材料有限公司 Qingdao
青岛市 经济技术开发区 月薪5,000 - 20,000元 1、熟悉LED光源、Light Bar、背光的生产工艺; 2、完善与建立QC工程图、SOP作业指导书、生产规格书等检验标准资料; 3、负责NPI(新产品导入)工作; 4、独立Layout PCB,熟练使用CAD/PADS/Protel 99SE/Protel 2004等软件,了解PCB layout规则;具备扎实的电光源/电子基础知识,了解背光行业标准; 5、独立与客户沟通确认产品设计方案在电视机厂或者背光厂工作经验,或者有Light Bar设计经验。 职能类别:激光/光电子技术电子技术研发工程师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:南通高新技术开发区青岛路180号 公司信息 江苏罗化新材料有限公司创立于2013年,是一家从事显示与照明发光材料研发与生产的国家高新技术企业。公司秉持“以人为本、科技兴企”的经营理念,注重人才的引进与培养,科技的创新与推广,以产业报国为己任,为客户和投资者创造***价值。经过数年的发展沉淀,公司在国内发光材料领域一路领跑,目前已成为该领域的领军企业。 在显示与照明发光材料领域,罗化新材料是集研发、设计、生产...
- 麦朗医疗器材贸易有限公司 Shanghai
Job Summary: As a single use medical device reprocessor, reverse engineering OEM devices is a primary activity. Reverse engineering activities associated with anti-reprocessing technologies built-in to the OEM devices has become an essential step in many of our product development projects requiring expertise in embedded systems utilizing EEPROMs, RFID tags and other technologies with encryption capabilities. This position encompasses all technical aspects of developing solutions to defeat these...
- 柯惠医疗器材制造有限公司 Shanghai
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Responsible for EO cycle review 负责环氧乙烷灭菌日常周期审核 2. Assist localization parts bio evaluation 协助完成材料评估 3. Responsible for chemical testing and RODI water testing 负责化学测试和纯化水测试 4. Responsible for clean room environment testing and monitoring 负责洁净室环境及产品初始污染菌测试和监控 5. Responsible for media preparation and verification as well as routine job 负责实验室培养基配制和验证等实验室日常工作 6. Responsible for micro lab equipments qualification 负责实验室设备验证 7. Assist microbiologist on validation work, and other ...
- 佩克建筑配件有限公司 Chengdu
ROLE PURPOSE: Responsible for designing steel and composite structures so that those fulfil specific purpose and remain safe, economic and functioning throughout it’s intended lifetime MAIN TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: § Collect info from all available sources in order to prepare accurate and complete detailed design of steel and composite structures according design codes, building rules and law’s § Liaising with other designers, including architects to agree on safe designs and their fit with t...
- 穆氏建筑设计有限公司 Guangzhou
广州市 天河区 The successful applicant for this position will have opportunity to: 1. Conduct some analysis of client’s project and values. 2. Support Senior Designers and ensure further concept development from sketches and design materials, in collaboration with others 3. Present effectively to clients and external stakeholders 4. Manage and coordinate the production of testfits to detailed SketchUp models. 5. Liaise with project managers and site managers to translate detailed design into construct...
- 莱尔德电子材料(上海)有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 Summary: Supporting PMTO head, the specialist will track, coordinate, communicate and report global business initiatives to realize the value creation for the company, with his / her deep understanding of busienss / financial implication, strong skills of project and change management, and positive while tanatious personality. RESPONSIBILITIES Support PMTO (Program Management and Transformation Office) to track, coordinate, communicate and report global business initiatives. Projects cov...
- 杰仕依建筑工程有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Job Description: The contruction manager is in charge of organizing the works on site for all suppliers, make sure that the safety measures are in place and control the quality and the progress of the works. Report to the Project Manager. General tasks: Review, approve the safety plan Review, approve the method statement Work out and control the construction schedule Animate the coordination meetings Attend the safety meetings Requirements: At least 10 years experience in a similar function ...
- 杰仕依建筑工程有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Job Description: The Project Engineer in charge of organizing the works on site for all suppliers, make sure that the safety measures are in place and control the quality and the progress of the works. Report to the Project Manager. Requirements: At least 2 years experience in a similar function Must have very good knowledge of civil works Be good at written and verbal English Possess good communication skills and be good at reporting Good Team work 职能类别:建筑工程师建筑项目助理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海徐汇区漕溪北路1...
- Kerry Properties Limited 嘉里建設有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 We’re looking for a promising junior designer to join our in-house design team in the Jing An Kerry Centre after CNY. You will create attractive and meaningful visuals for a variety of media - including but not limited to : event promotional materials, marketing collaterals, advertising, websites & social media like WeChat. Your goal will be to maintain our visual identity and contribute to the design team success. Responsibilities : Designing for Kerry On Membership online and offline, ...
- 上海慕雅建设工程有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 静安区 As our new Quantity Surveyor (Shanghai), you will work along with the design ,sourcing and business development team during bidding process . You will be majorly responsible for tendering, project cost control along with documentation related to project and compliance. In brief You will be responsible for participating in project bidding evaluation and contract negotiations, budget in the process of construction, such as review, inspection work valuation, settlement and final accounts wo...
- 世世多意建筑设计有限公司 Shanghai
有造价工程师证书优先考虑。 Cost estimator Responsible for managing the preparation of project level Capital Cost Estimates. Responsible for development & maintenance of Capital Cost estimating systems & methods at the project level. Responsible for coordination & delivery of Capital Cost Estimates, across all disciplines of engineering & construction. Development & control of the Capital Cost Estimating Execution plan for the project Under PM's guidance, liaise with Engineering, Procu...
- 福建英孚语言培训有限公司 Fuzhou
职位信息 岗位总览 作为一名学习督导,你负责通过与客户建立长期关系、及时沟通学员学习进度、解决紧急问题或顾虑来确保客户需求的满足,从而最终达成EF课程的再销售和产生在读学员推荐。 在教育领域,客户就是学员及其家长。老师负责学员的进步,而你负责将进步传达给家长。为了使这一过程顺利和成功,你需要与老师、学员和家长建立关系,清楚知晓家长的需求和期待,负责兑现承诺,并对学员的学习进度有很好的了解。 如果你想成功,你需要专注于赢得父母的信任和满足他们的期望。你应该真诚地关心学生的进步,耐心、积极和富有同情心。你可以把自己放在客户的立场上,你不惧怕挑剔的反馈。沟通是你的核心技能。销售技巧和产品知识使你能够为客户提供最合适的课程来满足他们的需求。 背景 你热爱文化教育行业 你是天生的解决问题专家 你擅长与人交流 你很有亲和力及耐心,总是面带微笑 你能保持专业的形象和工作风格 你能轻松面对压力 你对客户的需求非常敏感 你注重工作细节、计划性强 工作职责 工作职责集中在五个层面:家长沟通、销售、行政、教学和学员相关。 家长沟通与客户满意度 定期与家长沟通学员在英孚的学习进展 与家长及学员建立牢固的关系和...
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