Results 1 - 20 of 19508
  • 成都佰斯威物流有限公司 成都市 锦江区

    岗位职责: 全面负责公司采购工作及部门统筹、规划与协调,按计划完成各类物资采购任务; 参与大批采购业务洽谈,并检查合同的执行与落实情况; 对供应商进行评估、认证、管理及考核,与供应商建立良好的关系,开展业务往来; 对各地LTL承运商价格洽谈及签订合同; 项目运作的异常跟进及处理; 任职要求: 本科以上学历; 有采购管理或物流采购经验者优先; 职能类别: 采购经理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:银石广场...

  • 上海爱碧教育科技有限公司 上海市 闵行区

    上海市 闵行区 We are looking for a full-time/part-time teacher for IB Mathematics IA. Job descriptions: 1. Take part in the daily teaching activities of Mathematics, especially with IB Math IA. 2. Use a variety of activities and instructional methods to motivate and stimulate student's abilities. 3. Lesson planning and preparation depending on student level, grade, school. 4. Check students' homework and give feedback on their progress. 5. Follow up on student performance. 6. Help to develop a...

  • 上海爱碧教育科技有限公司 上海市 闵行区

    We require a full time teacher for IB/AP/SAT Economics. Salary can be negotiated depending on experience or if can teach extra subjects, such as mathematics. Job descriptions: 1. Take part in the daily teaching activities of Economics, use a variety of activities and instructional methods to motivate and stimulate student's abilities. 2. Lesson planning and preparation depending on student level, grade, school and curriculum. 3. Check students' homework and give feedback on their progres...

  • 成都爱禾教育咨询有限公司 成都市 锦江区

    雅思托福助教岗位职责(周六、周日上班;寒假上班) 1 、负责学员的课后辅导,并制定相应的辅导计划; 2、记录学员每天的在校情况,包括每日考勤、作业完成效果、学习状态、学习成绩等反馈给主管老师、任课老师; 3、对于自己所带的学生进行管理,了解所带学生的思想动态情况。 4、工作态度端正,做事耐心负责,对自己的工作有计划安排、注重细节等高要求; 任职要求 1、本科或以上学历,英语相关专业,接受在校生或应届生,性别不限; 2、具有1年或以上的教育培训机构带班经验者优先; 3、熟悉办公室常用软件; 4、良好的书面、口头表达能力,工作条理性强,应变能力、协调、沟通控制能力好,喜欢跟学生打交道; 5、 有一定英语基础,或有出国语言考试经历(雅思、托福等)或者相关授课经验者优先;考过雅思或托福者需提供成绩单; 英文能力优秀者提供相应考试证书亦可。 6、具有优良的职业操守,较强的敬业精神,有良好的合作意识。 上班时间:周六 10:00-17:45 ; 周日上午10:00-12:00或周日下午13:15-17:45 待 遇: 高于同行20% 职能类别:教师 关键字:助教;英语 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址...

  • 上海爱碧教育科技有限公司 上海市 闵行区

    We require a full time teacher for IB/AP/SAT Mathematics. Salary can be negotiated depending on experience or if can teach extra subjects, such as economics or physics. Job descriptions: 1. Take part in the daily teaching activities of Mathematics, use a variety of activities and instructional methods to motivate and stimulate student's abilities. 2. Lesson planning and preparation depending on student level, grade, school and curriculum. 3. Check students' homework and give feedback on ...

  • 上海爱碧教育科技有限公司 上海市 闵行区

    We require a full time teacher for IB/AP/SAT Chemistry. Salary can be negotiated depending on experience or if can teach extra subjects, such as mathematics/biology. Job descriptions: 1. Take part in the daily teaching activities of Chemistry, use a variety of activities and instructional methods to motivate and stimulate student's abilities. 2. Lesson planning and preparation depending on student level, grade, school and curriculum. 3. Check students' homework and give feedback on their...

  • 上海爱碧教育科技有限公司 上海市 长宁区

    We require a part-time teacher for IB/AP Economics, for 1-1 classes or group classes. Salary can be negotiated depending on experience Job descriptions: 1. Take part in the daily teaching activities of Economics, use a variety of activities and instructional methods to motivate and stimulate student’s abilities. 2. Lesson planning and preparation depending on student level. 3. Check the homework of students. 4. Follow up on student performance. 5. Help to develop additional strategies to improve...

  • 凯德中国 查看所有职位 上海市 黄浦区

    上海市 黄浦区 Job Responsibilities Organize and manage CEO’s calendar, schedules and appointments; Manage telephone calls and greet visitors; Manage all aspects of travel and logistic arrangements including airline bookings, cars and hotels for executives; Responsible for expense claims and document submission; Organize meetings, business functions and events when required; Work closely and coordinate with internal departments/teams or external parties when requested; Systematic and efficient filing; ...

  • 爱斯达全球货运代理有限公司 上海市 虹口区

    上海市 虹口区 Position of Integrated Solution Manager in AsstrA Shanghai Office Candidate skills requirements university degree in logistics or economics field; 5+ years of proven experience in logistics (multimodal-, sea-, rail-, road transportation); managerial experience; ability to create and to manage project teams; having established contacts with shipping and railway lines; having a good knowledge of main players in Chinese market; fluent writing and speaking English, native Chinese; integrator...

  • 爱恩康临床医学研究有限公司 Shanghai

    P O S I T I O N S U M M AR Y To responsible for timely reporting and processing of respective Serious Adverse Events (SAE), Adverse Event(AE) Serious and non-Serious Adverse Drug Reaction(SADR) and other medically related project information within agreed timeline to Health Authority and other Key Stakeholders. To responsible for document archiving, data tracking communication of respective safety reports in compliance with company’s and relevant regulator’s requirements. J O B F U N C T I O N S...

  • 深圳富力爱教育投资有限公司 深圳市 宝安区

    深圳市 宝安区 Job requirements: 1、From English speaking countries, irrespective of age, teaching experience preferred; 2、Need to have a cheerful, kind, hard-working good quality; 3、Patient to hold their students, and serious working attitude. 4、Full-time foreign English teacher, bachelor degree or above, at least one year of work experience, can teach independently. 5、Be able to work in the evenings and at the weekends Children's Age: 3-12 years old. Group Size: less than 10 kids Workdays: From We...

  • 德邦快递 查看所有职位 北京市

    北京市 【北京所有区域就近安排】 一、岗位定位: 公司重点培养的业务储备干部,全面学习了解公司业务经营模式,作为公司管理岗的有力后备军。 二、岗位职责: 1.大客户的维护与跟进,跟随部门经理共同开发大客户,积累业务经验; 2按照公司的标准解答客户咨询,推广公司的各项业务,尤其是优势业务和增值业务,提高收入; 3.按照托运单填写规范,指导客户填写托运单,将客户托运信息准确录入系统,并将业务的相关事项告知客户,提高客户满意度; 4.按照公司文件规定,主动联系相关部门,及时处理货物异常及相关理赔工作,最大限度提高客户满意度; 5.协助部门经理管理部门快递员,积累管理经验; 6.根据部门要求,建立和完善客户信息,制定营业部每月客户营销及维护计划。 三、岗位要求: 1.大专及本科以上学历,可接纳实习生; 2.专业不限,物流管理经验优先; 3.工作严谨,执行力强,有较强抗压能力,良好沟通能力及团队合作精神; 4.熟练运用OFFICE办公软件; 5.优秀学生干部优先。 四、薪酬福利: 1、工资: ①有物流管理经验、销售经验或有相关渠道线索人员,***; ②内部基层晋升发展人员:员工层级4500-65...

  • 尚德机构 查看所有职位 武汉市 洪山区

    武汉市 洪山区 月薪30,000 - 40,000元 基于尚德销售转运营战略背景之下,无限接近互联网,无限迭代组织,培养具备CEO潜质的业务负责人 岗位介绍 运营总监=军团长乃一军团负责人,内部不同sku模式划分版图,西方文化,既彪悍凶猛,又通识博雅 岗位职责: 1. 负责整个军团的全面管理工作,带领团队完成业绩指标,对收益率和人力成本负责,完成从销售到运营的转型 2.流量投放管理:带领广告投放团队拓宽公司互联网流量渠道,包括投放计划的制定与执行,推广预算与成本控制,基于ROI的管理,为结果负责。 渠道包括但不限于:SEM、APP、展示类联盟、DSP、各种新媒体与媒介代理广告。带领团队进行投放优化,ecpm降低点击成本,提高网销; 3. 销售管理:配合销售管理,带领团队完成业绩指标,完成从销售到运营转型,拉升人均单产 4.人员管理:基于人均单产效率下的有效增员和规模化复制,军团bp体系搭建 5.运营策略:招生说明会引导、AB角创新运营、群运营、高点设计、新媒体运营、转介绍推动等, 任职要求: 1.学历:211/985本科以上学历,24-33岁,有过大企业工作经历。(几项硬性要求,介意勿...

  • 上海沃德医疗有限公司 上海市 浦东新区

    上海市 浦东新区 Job Summary To provide appropriate nursing care by applying clinical nursing knowledge and skills, and ensure the safety and comfort of patients/families according to legal, institutional, and professional standards. Qualifications 1.College degree or above in nursing, 2.Minimum 3 years relevant working experience in OR department of hospital or clinic, overseas or joint venture health organization experience preferred 3.Hold current nursing license; 4.Good communication skills in Engli...

  • 路威酩轩香水化妆品有限公司 Shanghai

    TITLE : Digital Learning Trainer, Guerlain China MAIN TASKS ? Order training modules in Sharepoint and responsible for proofreading and Chinese translation of training module content. ? Edit and publish training activity & new novelty launch news through banner. ? Make annual e-learning training program / banner launch plan. ? Monitor BC’s learning status through back office data analysis report and make action plan to improve BC’s proactive learning behavior. ? Regular work with training te...

  • 路威酩轩香水化妆品有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Main Missions Conduct independently qualitative tests: e.g. visual/concept/packaging/tests or any quick, straight forward tests, including some Desk research when relevant o Preparation of consumer fieldwork (preparing test materials, designing discussion guides) o Moderation of Focus groups/In-depth-interviews or In-home-visits o Analysis and Reporting (in English) after the fieldwork Execute bigger research projects with the line manager and other managements. Manage research agencies for ...

  • 上海得斯威国际货运有限公司 上海市 长宁区

    KPI assessment reporting support. KPI考核支持。 Raw data collection, sorting and analysis. 对KPI原始数据进行搜集、整理及分析。 Assisting to complete the monthly KPI assessment. 协助完成月度KPI评估。 Assisting to monitor the monthly KPI situation of each Branch / Department and digging the root causes of poor performance. 协助对各分公司/部门每月的KPI情况进行监控,对表现不佳的KPI原因进行深入挖掘。 General Data Quality check, controlling & improvement. 常规数据质量核查,控制与改进。 Understand company policy & standard of data quality to ensure data standard align wit...

  • 华轮威尔森物流 查看所有职位 上海市 黄浦区

    上海市 黄浦区 Job Purpose: Drive and develop Auto, H&H sales in China and meet agreed targets for WW Ocean Develop existing accounts to increase services band width and increase share of logistics spend in accordance with targets agreed with Senior manager of Auto/HH Target and develop new accounts in China as per ambition agreed with Senior manager of Auto/HH Drive sales towards both OEMs, NVOCCs and freight forwarders and balance the relationship between the two Liaise with Sales Support and Doc...

  • 弗兰德传动系统有限公司 天津市 北辰区

    天津市 北辰区 工作经验: 最低学历: 本科以上 管理经验: 工作性质: 全职 综合月薪: 面议 职位类别: 机械设计师 年龄要求: 福利待遇: 职位描述: 1. Mechnical design based on customer requirement: a. Mechnical design of parts, gearbox, etc. b. Calculations for design validation. c. BOM creation and other engineering documentation for projects. 2. Technical support to assembly line regarding to order issue. 3. Technical support externally as per leader's instructions. 4. Necessary technical support to localization issues. 5. Project fulfillment. 职位要求: 1. Bac...

  • 富事德电子科技有限公司 厦门市

    厦门市 have at least 3-5 years of Fuji machine work experience for customer service junior colleague of Mechnical design & Automatic system for 3 years have good communication skill Be able to use Fuji Flexa/Trax knowledge Have patient in detailed work clarification with reponsibility and good performance. Be able to work under pressure and working in East China 职能类别: 售前/售后技术支持工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:厦门...

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