- 哈尔滨哈飞空客复合材料制造中心有限公司 Harbin
POSITION SUMMARY The job position will be focused on continuous improvement of HMC Maintenance department and lead the transition from a reactive mode (focused on corrective maintenance) to a Preventive/Predictive Maintenance. The job holder will have a double reporting line: He/she will functionally report to MCCE, the HMC Maintenance Department. He/she will operationally report to MCST, the process and tool department. ESSENTIAL DUTIES The main responsibilities are described as following: Acco...
- 博房网客服中心有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: 1. Collect Open Invoices 2. Scalable solutions 3. Cross functional Communication 4. Increase growth of company 5. Improving cycle times like DSO, Cash allocation and Delivery of invoices 岗位要求: 1. Ability to proactively drive the assigned projects and reach the preset objectives 2. Excellent communication skills 3. Good time management 4. Understanding of business practices and systems 5. Good knowledge PC software applications. 6. Excellent English verbal and written communication skills. ...
- 法国意来客有限责任公司 Ningbo
只收英文简历,中文无效 Cortex is a young trading company selling power tools accessories to Europe and south America mainly. To keep on growing on we are looking for a person in charge orders follow up, order administration, documents and some sourcing. . You will be based in Shanghai and in charge of below tasks A orders management: prepare and send Purchase orders to suppliers, follow orders details and delivery time Arrange shipments and documents B. Product sourcing C. Weekly reporting (shipment status...
- 怡客美舍家居商贸有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 Responsibilities: Collaborate with cross-functional teams and hotel brand teams to manage a vigorous content calendar and generate a continuous stream of high-quality content. Manage the end-to-end content creation process, including writing, fact-checking, editing and obtaining approvals. Ensure all content is on-brand, consistent in terms of style, quality and tone of voice, and optimized for search and user experience. Manage distribution of content across marketing channels, includin...
- 朗客贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Overall Responsibilities: Customer service at customer site Requires travel Repair and modification of machinery and automation system. Able to sketch or convey modifications required to details Production support, analysis and conduct site acceptance process Knowledge of PLC, Vision and Robotic is an advantage Service contract fulfillment. Work with manager for specific goals to be accomplished each visit. May require non-standard hours, 1st, 2nd or 3rd shifts etc. At Lanco Logging customer...
- 歐簿客科技股份有限公司 Xinbei
勞保: 有 就保: 有 健保: 有 僱用資料 廠別/機構分院: 僱用人數: 1 休假方式: 週休二日 工作內容: 1. Nice to have software/internet company sales experiences in previous jobs. 2. Three years and above experience in International BD. 台北人力銀行「OKWORK 畢業季」就業博覽會 活動時間:108年6月29日(六)10:30 ~16:00 活動地點:臺北車站1樓售票大廳(臺北市中正區北平西路三號) 洽詢電話:02-2338-0277 ~請親洽活動現場參加面試~ 想要知道更多活動資訊詳情請查詢www.okwork.taipe 本職缺專屬福利: 育兒設(措)施: 僱用條件 性別年齡: 依據就業服務法,取消限制。 學歷要求: 不拘 科系所: 不拘 學校要求: 無 工作型態: 全職 日班:自09時30分至18時30分 計薪方式: 月薪 30000 - 100000 元 僱用期限: 不定期契約 (長期僱用) 工作地專區別: 工作地非屬專區 供膳: ...
tw.indeed.comJune 19,2019 - 深圳爱沃客贸易有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 南山区 Experience: 5-10 years; experience in building E-commerce buinsess platform; know front page and back page linked with ERP system; Understanding and implementing of project management practices right from conceptualisation visualisation to technology mapping and final execution of projects guiding Project; Coordinator/Project Leader, define technical architecture of their projects; Formulating strategies and methods to gatherfunctional requirements and capture them in standard notations;...
- 爱玛客服务产业有限公司 Beijing
Job Responsibilities: 1. Organize regular meetings of HR departments, monitoring action plan to push forward with discipline. 2. Arrange the daily schedule of HR VP. 3. Support in HR core projects such as recrutiment, talent development program 4. Other work assigned by the leader. Job Requirements: 1. Bachelor degree or above. 2. Fluent English both spoken and written 3. Participated in the university student union is preferred. 4. Open-minded, assertive with passion to grow. 职能类别: 人事助理 微信分享 联系...
- 上海南客电子商务有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 静安区 A chance to be at the start of something new, a next generation industry, already gaining fast growth in the USA, Europe and Australia with big financial rewards for the best performers willing to partner with China agency and tech experts to buld this business. About Doohken Doohken is building China's first platform of prime location Digital Outdoor sites through the development of next generation technology for use in indoor and outdoor advertising screens. Think of Doohken as Did...
- 传智播客教育集团杭州分校 查看所有职位 Hangzhou
杭州市 江干区 1、 按照教学规范和教学大纲高质量完成双元课堂课程的授课任务; 2、 带领学员参加实训并指导学员完成实操项目。 3、完成相关的教学资料(教学PPT、教案文档等)的研发工作。 4、 完成课程辅导工作,解答学员课上课下等相关知识问题,保证学员的学习质量。 5、完成上级安排的其他与教学相关的工作; 任职需求 1、热爱教师职业,有强烈的传授知识的欲望,有良好的分享习惯,有自己的教学特点者优先考虑; 2、三年及以上设计行业工作经验, 熟练使用Photoshop、illustrator、fireworks、Axure、cinema 4D、After Effects等软件; 3、五官端正,普通话标准,细心负责、有超强的团队合作精神及语言组织能力; 4、大学本科及以上学历,美术、设计艺术类相关专业优先考虑; 5、简历中务必提供原创作品。 【其他福利】: 加入传智播客,享受更多员工福利! 一、五险一金、意外险、交通补助、餐补、员工体检、员工旅游、生日福利、节日福利、多项体育健身活动、传智父母节等! 二、双元课堂项目因为复制起来比较快,以后会在全国遍地开花,到时候如果在你老家省会有分校点的...
- 杭州舒士客百货有限公司 Hangzhou
一:具有SEO优化技术 二:有成功的案例 三:具有招商加盟经验 四:会做站以及其他网络推广方式 五:具有学习力和带团队经验 职能类别: SEO/SEM 网络推广专员 关键字: SEO优化 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:艮山西路78号东门大厦...
- 万豪国际大中华客户服务中心—广州海航大厦 查看所有职位 Guangzhou
广州市 天河区 Position Summary Marriott Ambassadors deliver extraordinary personal service by promptly and accurately responding to the inquiries of our most loyal guests via phone, mail, email and chat. Ambassadors will anticipate guest, actively listen answer questions and resolve any issues in an efficient and effortless experience. As a dedicated contact for their guests, Ambassadors will be responsible for evaluating and analyzing each guest’s needs and recommending tailored travel solutions that...
- 爱玛客服务产业有限公司 Chengdu
成都市 经济技术开发区 招聘大锅菜厨师 ,经验丰富,勤劳肯干 。 职能类别: 中餐厨师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:南通经济技术开发区长川路1号 公司信息 爱玛客作为一家国际领先的专业服务公司,为医疗机构、各类院校、运动和娱乐场所以及商务中心,提供备受赞誉的配餐服务、项目管理服务、以及制服和职业装服务。 自1998年以来,爱玛客连续被同行及业内评论家评为该行业三个最受尊敬的公司之一,在财富杂志评选的2012年度“世界最受尊敬公司”的名单中,再次名列本行业第一名。爱玛客通过关注雇员满意度、环境保护、卫生健康及社区共建,履行它对客户、顾客、员工和社区的职责。总部在费城的爱玛客,大约有255,000名员工,在22个国家开展其业务。 爱玛客中国的服务包括设备运行与维护、医院后勤管理和配餐等,遍布全国30多个城市的250余个项目。我们拥有超过24000名精心选拔、训练有素的员工。在这些员工背后,有着强有力的供应链、培训和支持系统,以确保他们能够在任何时候,准确地提供优异的服务。目前我们服务的客户包括数家世界领先的制造业和服务业公司,以及众多中国的医疗机构。 我们培养和保留那些最优秀的——有能力和以...
- 搜狐测试工程师(客户端) Beijing
招聘人数: 1 工作经验: 2年 工作性质: 全职 岗位职责: 1.有2年以上相关背景的工作经验;能通过技术手段保证的产品客户端的质量; 2.制定合理的测试计划和方案,运用多种测试手段保障产品的质量,保障产品最终功能实现的正确性、稳定性; 3.和开发、产品、项目团队密切配合,参与产品研发流程中各个环节的活动,提前发现质量问题和风险并推动解决; 4.探索和落地适合导航产品的前沿测试方法、测试工具,提升产品整体的质量和效率。 任职资格: 1.有百万级活跃产的公司的产品经验,独立负责或参与较大型的功能; 2.了解各类软件测试方法和用例设计方法,了解行业内多种测试手段; 3.参与过中大型项目测试,了解整体项目的开发流程和上线流程。了解项目的里程碑测试的主要工作; 4.良好的沟通能力和团队协作能力,能从整个研发的角度出发,对研发流程和研发效率的改善提出意见; 5.有良好的团队合作精神,极强的责任心,优秀的执行力,对技术充满热情,学习/抗压能力强,能挑战自我不断追求卓越。...
- 博客中国 查看所有职位 Beijing
1. 协助“全球互联网口述历史”项目基金会前期筹备工作; 2. 协助维护项目相关合作伙伴关系和专家顾问网络; 3. 参与“全球互联网口述历史”项目的访谈、成果输出工作; 4. 协助“全球互联网口述历史”项目成果的转化、传播和推广工作; 5. 完成国际合作总监交办的其他相关工作任务。 应聘条件: 1. 教育背景:社会学、社会工作、口述历史、英语等相关专业本科及以上学历(如有相关经验可适当放宽学历要求) 2. 工作经验:1-3年国际或国内知名NGO组织相关工作经验 3. 工作技能:熟练使用OFFICE办公软件 4. 基本素质:强烈的责任心、执行力和服务意识;有创业精神,积极主动,有较强的自驱力和主动学习能力 5. 英语听说读写熟练 职能类别: 项目经理/主管 关键字: 项目合作助理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:北京海淀区海淀南路21号中关村知识产权大厦B座5层人事部...
- 爱思客苏州公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 此职位工作地点在:上海 Requirements: Marketing & Customer Service experience. Supervisory experience. Current driver's license. (Optional). Customer service skills. Background in the Textile Rental Industry desirable. Conduct regular Service Review Meetings. Organise and supervise the receiving, processing and resolution of customer service problems and complaints so that a minimal loss of business is experienced. Liaise with all departments to ensure service is delivered to agreed levels....
- 汇丰环球客户服务有限公司 Guangzhou
广州市 天河区 岗位职责: Developing deploying and managing innovative digital analytics and reporting for HSBC owned websites and apps. Identify opportunities for improvement and provide data-driven strategic insights to maximize customer conversions and ecommerce revenue. Serves as the subject matter expert for web and digital marketing analytics tools A/B and multivariate testing tools ecommerce testing tools and the tag management platform. Provide guidance and monitor implementation strategy for websit...
- 博房网客服中心有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Our Customer Service department at Booking.com employs over 7000 people, speaking 42 languages, across 15 countries worldwide. We’re looking for enthusiastic people managers who pair great leadership skills with management experience in a customer service or contact center environment to join our growing team in our colorful Customer Service offices in Shanghai, China. As a Team Leader in Booking.com Customer Service, you’ll empower your people to develop their customer service skills and pr...
- 汇丰环球客户服务有限公司 Guangzhou
岗位职责: Work with other web associates, web production officers and senior web production officers to manage and maintain client websites using existing content management systems in HSBC within guidelines set by the manager of Digital Publishing and the head of Digital Publishing. Assist information architects in designing site navigation to support a site's information architecture. Assist SEO specialists to ensure best search engine placement for web content. Demonstrate familiarity withthe...
- 客迈软件有限公司 Hangzhou
杭州市 西湖区 *** 职位要求 西班牙语专业 英文六级 工作认真负责,熟悉不同的西班牙语文字表达方法 主要工作职责 将现有英文语料翻译成西班牙文 根据给定的场景编写西班牙语问题 确定给定的西班牙语语料是否是一个意思 职能类别: 西班牙语翻译 关键字: 翻译 西班牙语 英语 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:杭州市西湖区文三路478号华星时代广场B座309室...
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