Results 1 - 20 of 1913
  • 罗克韦尔自动化有限公司 Shanghai

    Job Purpose Provide technical, application expertise to customers in order to drive conversion activities and fuel sales growth with condition/vibration monitoring application. Key Responsibilities DO Work proactively with the customer to make product and architectural recommendations- examples would include technical suitability, cost/ performance evaluation, proof of concept, configuration testing, and customer application assistance. Provide engineering conversion and support services as well...

  • 罗克韦尔自动化有限公司 Shanghai

    Job Purpose Provide technical, application expertise to support FBL and sales to drive business growth of the assigned IA BU. KPI (Key Performance Indicator) GRC sales target for defined business unit Internal & external feedback on Technical Expertise Solutions innovation Time in Front of Customer (Utilization) Key Responsibilities DO Work proactively with the customer to make product and architectural recommendations- examples would include technical suitability, cost/ performance evaluati...

  • 罗克韦尔自动化有限公司 Shenzhen

    Job Purpose Provide technical, application expertise to customers in order to drive conversion activities and fuel sales growth with strategic OEMs. KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Customer satisfaction in line with agreed adoption objectives (quality, on-time, budget, performance etc.) Key Responsibilities DO ? Work proactively with the customer to make product and architectural recommendations- examples would include technical suitability, cost/ performance evaluation, technical trends, migrat...

  • 扬州东风本田天泰隆特约销售店(4 Yangzhou

    扬州市 邗江区 时薪7.19元 扬子人才网(成立于2000年(前身为扬州人才网、扬州招聘网),2002年起面向江苏地区。怎样识别假冒的扬子人才网(请点击进入) 首页 地区频道: 广陵 邗江 开发区 宝应 高邮 江都 仪征 其他地区 网站导航: 岗位搜索 人才搜索 高级人才 招聘价格 付款方式 联系我们 招聘会 免费注册简历 单位招聘注册 热门职位: 更多... 免费注册个人简历 招聘单位注册 '; }); $('#search-job-keywords-right ul').html(html); }); $.getJSON('/job/JobCategoryJson.asp', function(data){ var html = ''; $.each(data, function(i,item){ html += ''; }); $('#search-resume-wjc').append(html); }); })(); 扬州东风本田天泰隆特约销售店(4S店) 招聘...

  • 扬州东风本田天泰隆特约销售店(4 Yangzhou

    扬子人才网(成立于2000年(前身为扬州人才网、扬州招聘网),2002年起面向江苏地区。怎样识别假冒的扬子人才网(请点击进入) 首页 地区频道: 广陵 邗江 开发区 宝应 高邮 江都 仪征 其他地区 网站导航: 岗位搜索 人才搜索 高级人才 招聘价格 付款方式 联系我们 招聘会 免费注册简历 单位招聘注册 热门职位: 更多... 免费注册个人简历 招聘单位注册 '; }); $('#search-job-keywords-right ul').html(html); }); $.getJSON('/job/JobCategoryJson.asp', function(data){ var html = ''; $.each(data, function(i,item){ html += ''; }); $('#search-resume-wjc').append(html); }); })(); 扬州东风本田天泰隆特约销售店(4S店) 招聘单位: 扬州东风本田天泰隆特约销...

  • 罗克韦尔自动化制造有限公司 Shanghai

    Job Summary Support CSM (Customer Support and Maintenance) Great China and occasionally other countries in acquiring materials and services, where quality, delivery, technology capability and TCO (total cost of ownership) are critical. Well communicate from procurement perspective with suppliers and key internal stakeholders like engineers, project managers, consultants, business managers and sourcing to ensure successful project implementation. Key Responsibilities Ensure all functions comply t...

  • 无锡杰瑞德自动化科技有限公司 Wuxi

    无锡市 惠山区 Mechnical Engineer Develop new type washing machine for new projects/开发工业清洗及其他自动化设备 Create documents including drawings and sepcification/编制相关的文件及规范 EC from customer to related departments/根据客户要求编制方案(执行内部的工程更改流程) Job Requirements: 1. Colleage degree or higher in Mechnical Engineering/Mechatronics Engineering and Manufacture,or equivalent 本科以上工科背景学历 2. 3years of working experience in Mechanical structure design 3年以上的非标自动化设计经验 3. 5 years of working experince, with industrial cleaning machi...

  • 上海博世力士乐液压及自动化有限公司 Beijing

    Company Description 博世力士乐致力于为各类机械和系统设备提供安全、精准、高效以及高性价比的传动与控制技术。公司结合并发挥全球应用经验,研发创新的产品,为行走机械、机械应用与工程及工厂自动化每一个细分市场的客户量身定制系统解决方案及服务。博世力士乐同时为客户提供各种液压、电子传动与控制、齿轮、线性传动及组装技术。公司业务遍及全球80多个国家,拥有29,500多名专业员工,2016年全球的销售额近50亿欧元。 自1978年进入中国市场以来,博世力士乐已在北京、武进和西安建立了生产基地,截止至2016年12月,拥有约2,626名员工。 更多信息请访问:和 博世集团是世界领先的技术及服务供应商。根据初步数据,博世集团约 390,000 名员工(截至 2016 年 12 月 31 日)在 2016 财政年度创造了约 731 亿欧元的销售业绩。博世业务划分为 4 个业务领域,涵盖汽车与智能交通技术、工业技术、消费品以及能源与建筑技术领域。作为全球领先的物联网企业,博世为智能家居、智慧城市、互...

  • 上海博世力士乐液压及自动化有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Company Description 博世力士乐致力于为各类机械和系统设备提供安全、精准、高效以及高性价比的传动与控制技术。公司结合并发挥全球应用经验,研发创新的产品,为行走机械、机械应用与工程及工厂自动化每一个细分市场的客户量身定制系统解决方案及服务。博世力士乐同时为客户提供各种液压、电子传动与控制、齿轮、线性传动及组装技术。公司业务遍及全球80多个国家,拥有29,500多名专业员工,2016年全球的销售额近50亿欧元。 自1978年进入中国市场以来,博世力士乐已在北京、武进和西安建立了生产基地,截止至2016年12月,拥有约2,626名员工。 更多信息请访问:和 博世集团是世界领先的技术及服务供应商。根据初步数据,博世集团约 390,000 名员工(截至 2016 年 12 月 31 日)在 2016 财政年度创造了约 731 亿欧元的销售业绩。博世业务划分为 4 个业务领域,涵盖汽车与智能交通技术、工业技术、消费品以及能源与建筑技术领域。作为全球领先的物联网企业,博世为智能家居、智慧...

  • 罗克韦尔自动化有限公司 Shanghai

    Job Purpose Responsible for successful completion of the EIT trainee training program and meet requirements of an entry level project engineer. Key Responsibilities ? Familiar with RA products and products application. ? Complete Project task based on work order. ? Deliver & execute the assigned projects on time with good quality/cost effectiveness and customer satisfaction. ? Keep improving self-engineering capabilities and exchange best practice with other team members to improve team’s ca...

  • 罗克韦尔自动化有限公司 Tianjin

    天津市 和平区 Job Purpose Provide technical, application expertise to customers in order to drive conversion activities and fuel sales growth with strategic OEMs. KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Customer satisfaction in line with agreed adoption objectives (quality, on-time, budget, performance etc.) Key Responsibilities DO ? Work proactively with the customer to make product and architectural recommendations- examples would include technical suitability, cost/ performance evaluation, technical trends...

  • 北京国投明安资本管理有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 朝阳区 月薪1,500 - 2,000元 职位描述: 职责描述: 1) 负责软件系统总体方案设计、详细设计,负责系统层、应用层软件架构定义,负责制定系统测试方案; 2) 负责AI产品开发,技术难点攻关等; 3) 负责代码配置管理,移植以及整合; 4) 负责软件系统需求分解和集成调试组织; 5) 负责产品整体软件性能提升及架构优化; 6) 跟踪业界最新进展,了解新技术突破情况。 任职要求: 1) 计算机、通信、电子相关专业本科及以上学历; 2) 精通Python,GO,R,Scala,LISP,JavaScript或Java中的至少一种编程语言 3) 熟悉图像分析(计算机视觉)、机器学习、深度学习、自然语言处理、大规模分布式计算; 4) 了解有监督和无监督机器学习算法和现代人工神经网络,如CNN,RNN,LSTM或GAN 5) 拥有深度学习开发库或框架的先前经验。 职能类别: 标准化工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:惠新东街甲2号住总地产大厦15层...

  • 扬州东风本田天泰隆特约销售店(4 Yangzhou

    扬州市 邗江区 时薪6.30元 扬子人才网(成立于2000年(前身为扬州人才网、扬州招聘网),2002年起面向江苏地区。怎样识别假冒的扬子人才网(请点击进入) 首页 地区频道: 广陵 邗江 开发区 宝应 高邮 江都 仪征 其他地区 网站导航: 岗位搜索 人才搜索 高级人才 招聘价格 付款方式 联系我们 招聘会 免费注册简历 单位招聘注册 热门职位: 更多... 免费注册个人简历 招聘单位注册 '; }); $('#search-job-keywords-right ul').html(html); }); $.getJSON('/job/JobCategoryJson.asp', function(data){ var html = ''; $.each(data, function(i,item){ html += ''; }); $('#search-resume-wjc').append(html); }); })(); 扬州东风本田天泰隆特约销售店(4S店) 招聘...

  • 扬州东风本田天泰隆特约销售店(4 Yangzhou

    扬子人才网(成立于2000年(前身为扬州人才网、扬州招聘网),2002年起面向江苏地区。怎样识别假冒的扬子人才网(请点击进入) 首页 地区频道: 广陵 邗江 开发区 宝应 高邮 江都 仪征 其他地区 网站导航: 岗位搜索 人才搜索 高级人才 招聘价格 付款方式 联系我们 招聘会 免费注册简历 单位招聘注册 热门职位: 更多... 免费注册个人简历 招聘单位注册 '; }); $('#search-job-keywords-right ul').html(html); }); $.getJSON('/job/JobCategoryJson.asp', function(data){ var html = ''; $.each(data, function(i,item){ html += ''; }); $('#search-resume-wjc').append(html); }); })(); 扬州东风本田天泰隆特约销售店(4S店) 招聘单位: 扬州东风本田天泰隆特约销...

  • 范德兰德物流自动化系统有限公司 Shanghai

    Responsible for the daily work of bank related includes bank account opening and maintenance, bank reconciliation. Responsible for bonds request for projects. Responsible for checking staff expense reports. Perform the payments include supplier payments and staff expenses. Finance voucher filling. Perform other tasks and projects as assigned 要求: College with major in Accounting/ Finance related. Minimum one year Finance assistant experience Good understanding of accounting principles / both loca...

  • 巴鲁夫自动化有限公司 Shanghai

    部门助理 Team Assistant 岗位职责 1、为部门的各类日常工作提供配合与帮助。 2、更新直线经理的工作日程计划。 3、协助组织各类会议,参与会前组织、会议记录、会后落实等工作。 4、协助直线经理协调各公司资源,落实各项工作安排。 5、协助起草各类信函、公文等日常所需文件。 6、协助直线经理做好相关资料的搜集和整理归档工作。 7、协助行政工作。 任职要求 1、大学本科以上,英文六级以上,听说读写熟练。 2、至少3年以上相关工作经验,优先考虑有相关行业背景的人选。 3、工作细致认真,谨慎细心,条理性强。 4、较强的书面与口头表达能力。 5、熟练使用办公自动化软件,尤其是Excel, PPT。 6、具有良好的组织能力和人际沟通、协调能力。 7、良好的团队协作精神及客户服务意识。 Assistant – Region Huadong Responsibilities: 1. To provide cooperation and assistance to team members of all kinds of daily work. 2. Update line manager ...

  • 扬州卡洛特自动化装备有限公司 Yangzhou

    扬子人才网(成立于2000年(前身为扬州人才网、扬州招聘网),2002年起面向江苏地区。怎样识别假冒的扬子人才网(请点击进入) 首页 地区频道: 广陵 邗江 开发区 宝应 高邮 江都 仪征 其他地区 网站导航: 岗位搜索 人才搜索 高级人才 招聘价格 付款方式 联系我们 招聘会 免费注册简历 单位招聘注册 热门职位: 更多... 免费注册个人简历 招聘单位注册 '; }); $('#search-job-keywords-right ul').html(html); }); $.getJSON('/job/JobCategoryJson.asp', function(data){ var html = ''; $.each(data, function(i,item){ html += ''; }); $('#search-resume-wjc').append(html); }); })(); 扬州卡洛特自动化装备有限公司 招聘单位: 扬州卡洛特自动化装备有限公司 所属...

  • 法国安达屋公司 Shanghai

    What you can learn to be a production specialist/ merchandiser in ADEO? ? YOU will be a more professional expert in your product category, you will go more deeply and widely ? YOU will have more attractive profile in same industry level. with ADEO background and reputation. ? YOU will have more structured and organized training to enrich your career pathway. ? YOU will have opportunities to change various dept. and product categories if you want to try new thing. ? YOU will enjoy the work with f...

  • 江森自控投资有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 DUTIES: Responsible and accountable for the proper implementation of CSL, including day to day tasks such as planning and coordination between various internal and external parties, preparing status reports, ensuring key performance indicators (KPI’s) are achieved, and escalating concerns that may lead to non-compliance. Responsible for implementation of tools and processes that support CSL globally, as determined by the CSL assessment project. Coordinates closely with other IT towers and th...

  • 江森自控投资有限公司 Beijing

    What you will do: ?Meet the sales target of North China Kitchen & China Vehicle fire suppression business How you will do it: For Kitchen business ?Manage and support existing distributors of North China to develop their kitchen business. ?Build and maintain good relationship with main international hospitality groups, kitchen consultants and kitchen contractors, arrange seminars termly for customers to promote ANSUL Kitchen system. ?Develop new channels, key account customers and expend new...

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