- 香港的近律师事务所驻上海代表处 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Deacons is one of the most prominent and experienced law firms in Hong Kong which has been established over 165 years and is the first firm to operate in 3 representative offices in mainland China. As the Hong Kong member of various leading international independent law firms networks, it serves MNCs, clients from around the world. The firm's Corporate Commercial Practice Group requires an additional lawyer to join our Shanghai Office in providing a full range of advisory and legal services ...
- 上海爱的发制药有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 主要工作/ Main Activities ? 准备注册资料。 ? 翻译、整理打印相关的资料。 ? 检查实验资料,与相关部门、QC、生产等部门联系。 ? 需要时注册资料的送审和与政府部门的联络。 ? Prepare registration documents ? Translate and edit concerned files ? Check the analytical documents, coordinate with relevant departments, QC, Production department, etc ? To submit registration document and to keep contact with government administration in case of need. 其他/ others ? 关注产品的进程。 ? 注册文件的存档和整理应用 ? Take care of the registration process ? Filing and using the registration document. ...
- 安庆师范大学 对我发布的职位感兴趣 ? 下载APP,和我聊聊吧! 立刻扫码下载 安庆市
安庆市 应届生 外国语学院(5人) 3 外国语言学及应用语言学\\\\英语语言文学、翻译学 博士 1 翻译学 博士或硕士 1 法语 博士或硕士 1、年龄要求:博士要求40周岁以下(1979年6月30日以后出生),其中应届博士要求35周岁以下(1984年6月30日以后出生);硕士要求30周岁以下(1989年6月30日以后出生)。 2、引进博士待遇:(1)购房补贴:20-60万元。(2)安家费:10-15万元。(3)科研启动费:5-8万元。(4)特需、急需专业博士可以安置配偶工作。(5)其他待遇面议。 3、联系方式:(1)联系电话:0556-5300022;(2)联系人:黄老师;(3)电子邮箱:41640971@qq.com;(4)联系地址:安徽省安庆市集贤北路1318号(龙山校区行政楼南415室);(5)详细招聘信息请留意安庆师范大学人才招聘网站:http://rsc.aqnu.edu.cn;(6)欢迎关注安庆师范大学微信公众号,微信号ID:aqsfdx...
- 斑马技术服务有限公司 Guangzhou
广州市 黄埔区 Responsibility: Early involvement for NPI project in terms of design review, risk review and part qualification. Participate in NPI build for process sign off. Coordination with component suppliers and contribution to solve quality problems from JDM/EMS/Customer field according to e.g. 8D-methodology or 5 whys and drive projects to solve the problems sustainably. Core team member for CRM activities to lead supplier activities on tooling transfer and product and production qualification O...
- 家庭医生在线的营销顾问公.. Guangzhou
广州市 岗位职责: 1、负责公司网站的搜索引擎优化工作; 2、制定网站SEO规范,负责相关部门的培训和SEO规范执行监督; 3、提升全站搜索引擎来源流量,提升网站关键词排名; 4、对产品策划、开发提出符合SEO规则的合理建议。 职位要求: 1、有大中型网站全站SEO优化工作经验和关键词成功案例; 2、精通搜索引擎相关知识和Alexa排名机制,熟悉HTML、JavaScript、CSS等页面语言; 3、良好的沟通表达能力和团队合作意识; 4、热衷于SEO相关技能的不断提升,关注搜索引擎的规则变化; 5、具有较好的文字编辑能力,医药相关专业优先。...
- 奥的斯高速电梯有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Responsibility: Demonstrate a high degree of professionalism and independence in supporting the Vice President on a wide variety of technical, managerial and administrative issues. Plan and maintain the calendar for the Vice President to ensure effective time management. Schedule and fix meetings and make arrangements for the travel plans. Prepare and circulate VP’s itineraries by cooperating with relative parties. Coordinate appointments, meetings and speaking engagements for the VP as...
- 尼的曼过滤制造有限公司 Suzhou
苏州市 高新区 Primary Objective: 1. Perform engineering duties such as the planning of manufacturing, and the installation, operation, and maintenance of electrical apparatus. 2. Responsible for necessary electrical engineering aspects of process, manage, plan, design methods regarding electrical engineering operation and control for maximizing current and future procedures. Provides support to for the purchase and ASS requirements. Key Activities: 1. Under general supervision, performs a variety of a...
- 巴尔的摩冷却系统有限公司 Shanghai
Primary Function: Conduct internal and external research and analyze findings to develop actionable insights and decision making support for new product and business development in Asia; Principal Duties & Responsibilities: Collect and analyze Macro-economic, industrial policy, market trend on a regular basis; Monitor the market/business pulse through the activity level of channels, regions, vertical markets . Develop strong understanding of customers’ situation and needs through extensive V...
- 美的-库卡机器人 查看所有职位 Shanghai
岗位职责: 1. Sales development and management for Chinese auto OEM 2. Develop new customers, new business and also maintain the existing business and customers; 3. Provide annual Sales Action Plan proposal including targets, known projects and actions to sales manager for decision-making; 4. Make opportunity and risk analysis based on the experience with customer, the application, budget, contract etc.; 5. Prepare the sales part (arguments, price, and payment terms) of the quotation according to com...
- 一览网络 对我发布的职位感兴趣 ? 下载APP,和我聊聊吧! 立刻扫码下载 Shenzhen
岗位职责: 1、在COO指导下,负责起草、撰写和传达所辖部门的文件,并进行分类归档; 2、受COO委托召集和主持办公会议,起草会议议程,整理会议记录并归档保管; 3、负责跟进COO交办的所有工作,并按时整理汇报进度并提出客观见解与解决方案; 4、协调COO所辖部门内部、部门之间的工作关系,协调解决各项争议; 5、完成领导交办的其他事务。 任职要求: 1、擅长公文写作 2、具备很强的表达、沟通、观察、分析、总结能力 3、具备档案管理能力 4、知识面广,综合能力强,可独立解决问题 5、具有独立判断力与影响力 6、熟练使用各类办公软件...
- 奥的斯电梯有限公司 Tianjin
天津市 河西区 Position Specification: Responsible for providing legal opinion on the operational and purchase contracts, ensuring that the contract provisions are being met as well as to identify, prevent and minimize legal risks and provide professional support in improving the business development. Basic Accountabilities: Draft and review the operational and purchase contracts, provide legal advices on the risk assessment and help business team work out practical risk mitigation solutions; Assist bu...
- 奥的斯高速电梯有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Job Description The key responsibilities of this role will include but not limites to: Assist employees, line manager, and HR professionals with inquiries and transactions ranging from simple policy questions to escalation of more complex issues. Process varying levels of transactions for employees, line managers, and HR professionals. Provide other services as necessary based on business needs including employee life cycle activities. Utilize the case management system to achieve requi...
- 美的集团部品事业部 查看所有职位 Foshan
岗位职责: 1、 负责压缩机流体分析能效相关课题研究项目推进、设计指引等工作。 2、 负责CFD流体分析平台建立及完善,CFD仿真模型开发、CFD分析规程及分析流程建立等相关工作。 3、 负责及时处理、对接压缩机流体与能效相关分析委托任务。任职资格: 1、流体力学和工程热物理等相关专业,硕士及以上学历,博士优先; 2、3年以上专业压缩机流体仿真经验,有相变多相流仿真、多物理场联合仿真、压缩机系统匹配仿真等工程项目经验; 3、熟练使用Fluent软件和至少一种网格划分软件。 职能类别: 技术研发工程师 关键字: 先行研究工程师-CFD 微信分享...
- JasonTech 对我发布的职位感兴趣 ? 下载APP,和我聊聊吧! 立刻扫码下载 Jiaxing
Position Summary 职位综述: 1.Serve production site. Train operators. Finish production equipments and auxiliaries programming, tooling change over, products and process validation, etc. 服务生产现场。培训操作者。完成生产设备及辅助设备的编程,工装更换,产品和工艺确认等。 Principal Accountabilities / Responsibilities 职责及责任: 1.Work in workshop site to keep the production running well through: Train operators Program for CNC machines Adjust and change over fixtures Adjust and select cutting tools Process validation Product validation 工作于生产现场,保证...
- 华丰伟业 对我发布的职位感兴趣 ? 下载APP,和我聊聊吧! 立刻扫码下载 China
工作描述: 1、项目日常资料的翻译,对相关翻译文资料进行整理并归档保存;各种生产资料的中外文互译,协助其他部门完成所需的中外文互译工作 ; 2、短期访问外国专家的申请审批、签证变更等工作的办理;外籍专家在我项目指导期间的沟通翻译、生活管理、机场接送等工作;国外客户沟通、交流及项目管理人员与外商谈判翻译工作; 3、督促员工的外文普及学习工作;各类文件的打印、复印、分发、登记和归档工作,做好印鉴及办公用品的管理工作; 4、上级和外来文电的收发、登记、传阅、催办、回复和立卷归档等工作;对公司所涉及的对外资料的翻译准确性、实时性负责; 5、及时完成上级主管布置的其它任务。 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学历,英语及相关专业; 2、1-3年相关工作经验,有电力行业工作经验优先,通过TEM-8者佳; 3、英语功底扎实,有出色的文笔及电脑办公工具操作经验; 4、良好的沟通表达能力及工作责任心; 5、具有良好的职业操守和团队工作能力。...
- 山东公路 对我发布的职位感兴趣 ? 下载APP,和我聊聊吧! 立刻扫码下载 China
中国 工作职责: (1)各种生产资料的中外文互译,协助其他部门完成所需的中英文互译工作。负责来往信件的管理存档工作; (2)负责外国专家的申请审批、签证变更等工作的办理。外籍专家在我公司指导期间的沟通翻译、生活管理、机场接送等工作。 (3)督促员工的英语普及学习工作。 (4)协助项目物资的进口清关工作。 相关要求: 英语或国际贸易专业专科及以上学历,英语六级以上,有埃塞及海外工作经验者优先。...
- 斯道拉恩索广西 对我发布的职位感兴趣 ? 下载APP,和我聊聊吧! 立刻扫码下载 北海市
Reporting line Report to Head of Operations, Stora Enso Guangxi Forestry Work location Beihai Tieshangang office, Guangxi, China and requiring regular travel to operational work-sites within southern Guangxi Job description of Head of R&D 1. Lead, manage and develop Stora Enso Guangxi Forestry’s R&D o Major areas of R&D responsibility will be in the following areas: Breeding Silviculture practices Pest and disease control Tissue culture and nursery practices to support and continuous...
- 斑马网络技术有限公司 Shanghai
1,负责斑马电商业务的运营工作,包括不限于商家合作与选品,内外部流量拓展,阿里系数据打通,活动运营及用户生命周期管理,最终对电商GMV和营收负责。 2,协同产品经理和电商团队,规划并落实好电商板块在多平台(斑马智行、手机淘宝、支付宝APP等)上的产品体验。 任职条件 1,有淘系电商实战经验,对流量、选品、数据运营等起码有3年以上经验并有实际成功案例,有运营过年度GMV过百亿的平台或类目尤佳。 2,头脑清晰,善于抓大放小,追求卓越。 3,对车及车品感兴趣,对新事物保持好奇心和敏锐度,有两年以上驾龄。 职能类别: 电子商务经理/主管 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:淮海西路55号申通信息广场...
- 上海爱的发制药有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 主要工作/ Main Activities ? 准备注册资料。 ? 翻译、整理打印相关的资料。 ? 检查实验资料,与相关部门、QC、生产等部门联系。 ? 需要时注册资料的送审和与政府部门的联络。 ? Prepare registration documents ? Translate and edit concerned files ? Check the analytical documents, coordinate with relevant departments, QC, Production department, etc ? To submit registration document and to keep contact with government administration in case of need. 其他/ others ? 关注产品的进程。 ? 注册文件的存档和整理应用 ? Take care of the registration process ? Filing and using the registration document. ...
- 斯道拉恩索广西 对我发布的职位感兴趣 ? 下载APP,和我聊聊吧! 立刻扫码下载 北海市
北海市 Background Description Stora Enso’s businesses in Guangxi include forest plantation harvesting and management and the Beihai packaging board mill which is the largest foreign-invested project in Guangxi as well as one of the important investments in Stora Enso’s strategic transformation. Currently the total investment of the Beihai mill is 800 million euros. The board machine has an annual capacity of 450,000 tonnes. The mill has a high focus on product quality/safety and employs state-of-th...
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