- 美聯物業 North point
中五/持同等程度 勤奮上進、富工作熱誠 薪佣豐厚 良好晉升機制...
www.cpjobs.comJune 11,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Assistant Computer Officer (carrying the job title of ‘Senior Analyst Programmer/Java Developer’) (Ref. 200000T5) (Closing date: July 11, 2020) The appointee will be responsible for (a) designing system architecture and development standards; (b) nurturing less experienced staff members; (c) preparing project plans, requirements and progress reports; (d) directing the software development process using both Agile and Waterfall methodologies; (e) gen...
www.cpjobs.comJune 11,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Computer Technician II(s) (Analyst Programmer/Front-end/Back-end/Ruby on Rails/PHP/Java Developer) (Ref. 200000T4) (Closing date: July 11, 2020) The Department is looking for Computer Technician II(s) to support software development projects. The appointee(s) will be involved in using the latest software development methodologies to develop core products that are both internal and user-facing. Applicants should have (i) a Bachelor’s degree or above ...
www.cpjobs.comJune 11,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Computer Technician II(s) (Analyst Programmer/Developer/Back-end/Ruby on Rails/PHP/Java) (Ref. 200000T3) (Closing date: July 11, 2020) The Department is looking for Computer Technician II(s) to support software development projects. The appointee(s) will be involved in using the latest software development methodologies to develop core products that are both internal and user-facing. Applicants should have (i) a Bachelor’s degree or above in Compute...
www.cpjobs.comJune 11,2020 - 美聯物業 Tai wai
大圍區 中五/持同等程度 勤奮上進 富工作熱誠、薪佣豐厚 良好晉升機制...
www.cpjobs.comMay 28,2020 - 香海正覺蓮社 - 佛教寶靜護理安老院 New territories
主要職責及入職要求 對院舍的照顧服務細心,負責為院友提供專業性健康及護理照顧 有組織及執行力地協助院舍行政及督導工作 每週工作44小時 需長夜當值、輪班及兼職 需持有香港登記護士證書及有效執業證書 薪金視乎資歷而定 每月$1,500職務津貼及長夜津貼 (只適用於長夜職位) 適合有意發展認知障礙症照顧服務的人仕...
www.cpjobs.comMay 28,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Faculty of Business Administration Project Co-ordinator II (Ref. 200000QF) (Closing date: June 10, 2020) The CUHK Business School is a leading business school and a pioneer in business education in Hong Kong. Since its establishment in Hong Kong in 1963, the CUHK Business School has gained world recognition of nurturing business leaders with immense contributions in Asia Pacific. The School has been offering a comprehensive range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes (MBA, MSc, MAcc, EMBA...
www.cpjobs.comMay 28,2020 - 夏利文物業管理有限公司 Hong kong
(月薪$ 12,000-$15,500)(8小時輪班 - 工作地點:上環 / 中環)(9小時輪班 - 工作地點:牛頭角)(12小時日/夜班 - 工作地點: 屯門(5.5天工作) / 將軍澳 / 掃管笏) 負責屋苑/大廈之保安管理及客戶服務等工作 小學或以上程度,具良好客戶服務態度 能書寫中文、操流利廣東話及略懂英語 如持有保安及護衛業管理委員會認可訓練課程證書及已領取保安人員許可證者,即優先考慮。 招聘日 日期:5月20日(星期三) 時間:中午12:00至下午6:00 地點:油塘「大本型」地下中庭 (攤位編號:2) 福利優厚 醫療津貼 9-12天有薪年假 強積金 良好晉升機會 年終表現獎金 # 夜班津貼 #勤工獎金 (#適用於部份物業) 申請方法: 請按 立即申請 提交履歷或 Whatsapp 9864 0381查詢; 亦可於辦公時間內致電下列電話登記: 中環 / 山頂 / 半山 / 西環 / 筲箕灣 / 牛頭角 :2118 2589 將軍澳 :2118 2661 黃竹坑 One Island South :2118 2992 屯門萬能閣 :2112 0050 上環中保集團大廈 :2...
www.cpjobs.comMay 21,2020 - 夏利文物業管理有限公司 Hong kong
負責檢驗及交收新落成之單位予業主 中學程度,良好溝通技巧 態度熱誠友善,具客戶服務經驗者優先考慮 招聘日 日期:5月20日(星期三) 時間:中午12:00至下午6:00 地點:油塘「大本型」地下中庭 (攤位編號:2) 福利優厚 醫療津貼 9-12天有薪年假 強積金 良好晉升機會 年終表現獎金 # 夜班津貼 #勤工獎金 (#適用於部份物業) 申請方法: 請按 立即申請 提交履歷或 Whatsapp 9864 0381查詢...
www.cpjobs.comMay 21,2020 - 夏利文物業管理有限公司 Hong kong
(9小時 - 工作地點:黃竹坑 / 牛頭角) (10小時 - 工作地點:將軍澳 / 啟德 / 屯門(5.5天工作))(12小時 - 工作地點:山頂 / 半山 / 筲箕灣 / 西環) 負責獨立處理大廈之保安及客戶服務工作 中學程度,能書寫中文及懂基本英語 具三年或以上大廈管理及督導經驗 如持有保安及護衛業管理委員會認可訓練課程證書及已領取保安人員許可證者,即優先考慮。 招聘日 日期:5月20日(星期三) 時間:中午12:00至下午6:00 地點:油塘「大本型」地下中庭 (攤位編號:2) 福利優厚 醫療津貼 9-12天有薪年假 強積金 良好晉升機會 年終表現獎金 # 夜班津貼 #勤工獎金 (#適用於部份物業) 申請方法: 請按 立即申請 提交履歷或 Whatsapp 9864 0381查詢; 亦可於辦公時間內致電下列電話登記: 中環 / 山頂 / 半山 / 西環 / 筲箕灣 / 牛頭角 :2118 2589 將軍澳 :2118 2661 黃竹坑 One Island South :2118 2992 屯門萬能閣 :2112 0050 上環中保集團大廈 :2545 5856 葵涌都會坊 :...
www.cpjobs.comMay 21,2020 - 夏利文物業管理有限公司 Hong kong
(5天工作,工作地點:調景嶺 / 葵涌) 負責處理物業之客戶服務及文書工作 具大專學歷或以上程度及三年相關工作經驗 招聘日 日期:5月20日(星期三) 時間:中午12:00至下午6:00 地點:油塘「大本型」地下中庭 (攤位編號:2) 福利優厚 醫療津貼 9-12天有薪年假 強積金 良好晉升機會 年終表現獎金 # 夜班津貼 #勤工獎金 (#適用於部份物業) 申請方法: 請按 立即申請 提交履歷或 Whatsapp 9864 0381查詢...
www.cpjobs.comMay 21,2020 - Midland Realty 美聯物業 Hong kong
中五/持同等程度 勤奮上進 富工作熱誠、薪佣豐厚 良好晉升機制...
www.cpjobs.comMay 21,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Office of Admissions and Financial Aid Executive Officer II (Ref. 200000M9) (Closing date: May 26, 2020) The appointee will be engaged in local outreach and student recruitment, and will be responsible for (a) handling applications and student admissions matters; (b) organising outreach activities, delivering presentations and advising students; (c) administering website and other media for outreach to local audiences; (d) establishing and maintaining networks with schools, the media and other s...
www.cpjobs.comMay 17,2020 - 美聯物業 Hong kong
中五/持同等程度 勤奮上進、富工作熱誠 薪佣豐厚 良好晉升機制...
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - 美聯物業 Hong kong
(大圍區) ‧ 中五/持同等程度 ‧ 勤奮上進、富工作熱誠 ‧ 薪佣豐厚 ‧ 良好晉升機制...
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Computer Technician II(s) (Analyst Programmer/Developer/Back-end/Ruby on Rails/PHP/Java) (Ref. 200000KX) (Closing date: June 14, 2020) The Department is looking for Computer Technician II(s) to support software development projects. The appointee(s) will be involved in using the latest software development methodologies to develop core products that are both internal and user-facing. Applicants should have (i) a Bachelor’s degree or above in Compute...
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Assistant Computer Officer (carrying the job title of ‘Senior Analyst Programmer/Java Developer’) (Ref. 200000KZ) (Closing date: June 14, 2020) The appointee will be responsible for (a) designing system architecture and development standards; (ii) nurturing less experienced staff members; (c) preparing project plans, requirements and progress reports; (d) directing the software development process using both Agile and Waterfall methodologies; (e) ge...
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Computer Technician II(s) (carrying the job title of ‘Analyst Programmer’ or ‘Front-end/Back-end/Ruby on Rails/PHP/Java Developer’) (Ref. 200000KY) (Closing date: June 14, 2020) The Department is looking for Computer Technician II(s) to support software development projects. The appointee(s) will be involved in using the latest software development methodologies to develop core products that are both internal and user-facing. Applicants should have ...
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
Applications are invited for: Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Research Assistant(s) (Closing date: Jun 4, 2020) Applicants should have (i) a Bachelor’s degree in Science or related disciplines; and (ii) a good knowledge of and interest in research. The appointee(s) will work in a research team at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Shatin. He/She will (a) participate in clinical research; (b) collect data, e.g. questionnaires, function assessments, etc.; (c) write manuscript; and (d) wor...
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - 港聯置業 Hong kong +
職責範圍: 協助統籌及營運中國業務及項目相關工作; 協助開拓發展商渠道及處理相關文件; 協助聘請、培訓及管理國內銷售團隊; 協助培訓香港銷售團隊 協助管理國內公司日常賬目、及與發展商來往賬目。 帶領香港客戶考察樓盤、協助辦理認購手續、銀行按揭及日後收樓安排; 協助處理及統籌香港總公司對中國內地一切的行政事務與專案發展事務; 需要長期遊走於中港兩地不同城市工作,並需要十分熟識國家房產政策、銀行按揭流程及經濟文化。 任職要求: 須持有大學本科學位或以上學歷,以市場學或工商管理學位持有人優先考慮; 具備最少五年於中國內地管理物業代理公司相關經驗; 具備分析中國經濟數據、政策分析的專業知識及能力; 於中國內地擁有良好人際及房地產發展商關係; 熟識國內房地產政策、買賣流程、銀行按揭程序; 具良好普通話、粵語 及 中文寫作能力。...
www.cpjobs.comMay 12,2020
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