- KPMG 毕马威 China
Job Description Reporting in to the People and Site Liaison Manager, the role is responsible for developing, writing and delivering training to maintain a competent workforce to support Managed Services in achieving its business goals. The trainer will equip operational teams with the knowledge, practical skills and motivation essential to carry out their work related tasks and activity, as well as carry out refresher training as and when required. Delivery of training will follow both tactical ...
- KPMG 毕马威 China
Being socially responsible is important to us. Our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) are essential to the success of our business and demonstrates our values in action. You will work in partnership with our people to further develop and embed CSR and I&D into our business. Responsibilities Initiate, implement and manage CSR and I&D related nationwide and regional (Hong Kong and Southern China) activities and programmes by working wi...
- 安威公司 广州市 海珠区
广州市 海珠区 职位信息 A. Key Responsibilities 主要职责 Update and maintain routine QC documents according to QA’s instructions 根据QA指示更新和维护QC文件 Prepare and coordinate sample follow-up schedule and quality requirements with factories / laboratories 准备和协调样板进度,根据工厂和实验室质量要求跟进 Evaluate new products to ensure that they comply with defined legal, safety and quality requirements 评估新产品,以确保其符合规定的法律,安全和质量要求 Work closely with others in Merchandising, Business administration and R&D teams to ensure assigned tasks are ...
- KPMG 毕马威 China
Responsibility Primary focus on Japanese clients both business development and PMO of delivery Act as GJP Markets member in order for GJP to go to Japanese market in China for ITA areas like tech enablement, KDi, RPA, Powered solution, Alibaba Alliance Team and so on Target Japanese clients in China Liaise KPMG Japan and their HOs in Japan Frequent visit Japanese clients / targets locally in China to seek opportunities Translate KPMG discussion deck into Japanese or summarize our experiences in ...
- 安威公司 广州市 海珠区
A. Key Responsibilities 主要职责 Update and maintain routine QC documents according to QA’s instructions 根据QA指示更新和维护QC文件 Prepare and coordinate sample follow-up schedule and quality requirements with factories / laboratories 准备和协调样板进度,根据工厂和实验室质量要求跟进 Evaluate new products to ensure that they comply with defined legal, safety and quality requirements 评估新产品,以确保其符合规定的法律,安全和质量要求 Work closely with others in Merchandising, Business administration and R&D teams to ensure assigned tasks are completed on-...
- KPMG 毕马威 China
In KPMG's Management Consulting practice, we don't limit ourselves to either strategy or implementation. Instead, we deliver both. Our team in East China Region is a fast growing division within KPMG China and represents a young and enthusiastic team that always pushes itself to succeed. Since our creation, we've developed in-depth knowledge of an incredibly broad spread of sectors and services. Our P&C team is dedicated to helping our clients get the best out of their people. We...
- 新北市政府工務局 新北市 板橋區
截止日期:2019-09-16 發佈單位:新北市政府工務局 職缺別:全職 職務說明/工作內容: 1.辦理新聞聯繫相關業務。 2.辦理一般行政相關業務。 3.其他臨時交辦事項。 工作地點:新北市板橋區中山路1段161號13樓 待 遇:不註明 性 別:不限 學歷/檢定要求: 1.學歷:國內外專科以上學校畢業。 2.經歷:具有公關媒體互動經驗者尤佳。 3.其他:具有服務熱忱、學習力佳並能配合加班者。 報名手續: 符合資格且有意任職者,請於108年9月16日前(郵戳為憑)檢具以下資料郵寄至新北市政府工務局人事室收(機關地址:22001新北市板橋區中山路1段161號13樓),並請註明聯絡電話,信封請註明【應徵局本部5等職務代理人】。 1.非編制人員甄選報名表1份(如附檔,請親自簽名,須含學經歷及自傳)。 2.最高學歷畢業證書影本。 3.國民身分證正反面影本(請註明僅供查驗身分用,並影印於A4同一面勿裁切)。 4.其他資格證明。 甄 試: 初審合格者擇優另行通知面試,如審查不合者恕不另行退件。(請務必留下多種聯絡方式,以便聯絡) 錄取通知及相關作業: 1.初審合格者擇優通知面試進行甄選,資格不合或...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 臺北市政府捷運工程局 台北市 中山區
公務電話 02-25215550#8583 官職等 職系 一般行政 人員區分 一般人員 名額 1 性別 不拘 機關類型 行政機關 資格條件 (一)領有身心障礙手冊,國內外專科以上學校畢業。 (二)公務人員普通考試或相當等級以上考試及格,並經銓敘審定委任第三職等以上合格實授具一般行政職系任用資格者,且無特考特用限制轉調情事。 (三)無公務人員任用法第26、28條不得任用及公務人員陞遷法第12條各款不得陞任情事,且未受懲戒處分、品性端正者。 (四)具備Word、Excel、Internet等電腦操作及文書處理能力。 工作項目 (一)交通費及加班費業務。 (二)綠色採購及優先採購身障產品申報彙整。 (三)新聞輿情作業及出版品彙編(具影片編輯技能者尤佳)。 (四)其他臨時交辦事項。 工作地點 臺北市 中山區 工作地址 10448臺北市中山北路二段48巷7號 聯絡方式 意者請檢具:公務人員履歷表(含相片、學經歷、考試資格、語文專長、經歷及現職、500字自傳)、身心障礙手冊影本、考試及格證書、最高學歷證件、現職或最後在職派令及銓敘部審定函、最近5年考績通知書及獎懲資料(未達5年者檢附歷年考績通知書...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 臺北市政府環境保護局 台北市 信義區
公務電話 02-27208889#1773 官職等 職系 無 人員區分 約僱人員 名額 1 性別 不拘 機關類型 行政機關 資格條件 1.大專以上畢業。 2.具工作熱忱及一般電腦WORD、EXCEL、POWERPOINT文書軟體操作技能。 3.需提供曾參與過臉書相關工作成果書面說明。 4.具有1年以上臉書經營管理經驗者尤佳。 工作項目 1.負責本局臉書內容規劃、設計與宣傳。 2.配合本局政策、施政措施、活動、記者會,處理臉書與媒體行銷。 3.新聞輿情蒐集。 4.其他臨時交辦事項。 工作地點 臺北市 信義區 工作地址 11008臺北市信義區市府路1號6樓東北區 聯絡方式 須具公務人任用資格: 否 證照 福利 是否須輪值 否 特殊條件註記 歡迎身心障礙 歡迎原住民族 備註欄 公家機關人員...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 阿斯利康(中国) 上海市 浦东新区
招聘人数: 1 语言要求: 学 历: 本科 职位描述 (Contractor) 岗位主要职责 Responsibilities : Serve as Specialist Support on coordination, implementation, execution, control and completion of donation project ensuring consistency with company strategy, commitments and goals Make sure quality and budget in compliance with SOPs, local regulations and company policy Supportive day-to-day management of project timelines, budget, materials and development of detailed project level plans and feasibility. assessment Support on ac...
- 康迈机械有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Develop and execute strategies for increasing international sales of ConMet products to end users including heavy and medium truck, bus, fleets, dealers and distributors, etc. Define target international customers, product definition, pricing, marketing and promotional programs, etc. International customer relationship building / customer mapping. Develop and promote commercial and technical relationships. Coordinate marketing activities for internation...
- 艺康投资有限公司 上海市 普陀区
上海市 普陀区 What you will Do: Work with finical to prepare Logistics annual budget. Control and analysis Logistics Cost and provide business comments. Prepare Logistics scorecard report and highlight key issues to management. 4. Improve logistics monthly forecast process and monitor the forecast accuracy. 5. Support new and emerging business growth and provides analysis necessary to formulate standard practices/procedures. 6. Manages various pricing, payment and cost accounting requirements for mult...
- 挪威船级社有限公司 北京市 朝阳区
Major Tasks and responsibilities: 积极参与ISO26262/Automotive SPICE相关项目的客户培训、现场及离线咨询服务及审核工作; 善于对ISO26262/Automotive SPICE关联的硬件和软件部分的过程分析、使用工具及控制方法的知识积累和应用等; 积极向客户推广汽车功能安全项目,协助销售拜访客户,并为客户提供ISO26262/Automotive SPICE等的相关技术演和解读; 协助销售制定ISO26262/Automotive SPICE相关的培训、咨询及审核的技术方案。 Qualifications: 熟练掌握ISO26262系列标准业务框架、能够熟练应用标准以及讲解标准; 具有IEC 61508相关项目评估经验,或经过IEC61508相关培训取得功能安全工程师资质者; 对ASPICE有一定的了解,熟悉能力维及过程属性定义; 熟练掌握功能安全基本工具和算法,例如SIL等级计算、FMEA/FTA、诊断措施应用等; 至少3-5年的嵌入式电气产品(软件/硬件/Both,汽车类控制器尤佳)的开发和实施经验,熟悉嵌入式软件的运行机理...
- 挪威船级社有限公司 上海市 长宁区
DNVGL Digital Solution is a leading provider of software for managing risk in energy, process and maritime industries – offering solutions for design, engineering, strength assessment, risk and reliability, QHSE and asset integrity management. DNVGL Digital Solution is part of DNVGL and almost 300 DNVGL offices in 100 countries enable us to be close to our customers and share best practices and quality standards throughout the world. DNVGL Digital Solution has a long history as provider of advan...
- 挪威船级社有限公司 上海市 长宁区
Major Tasks and responsibilities: 积极参与ISO26262/Automotive SPICE相关项目的客户培训、现场及离线咨询服务及审核工作; 善于对ISO26262/Automotive SPICE关联的硬件和软件部分的过程分析、使用工具及控制方法的知识积累和应用等; 积极向客户推广汽车功能安全项目,协助销售拜访客户,并为客户提供ISO26262/Automotive SPICE等的相关技术演和解读; 协助销售制定ISO26262/Automotive SPICE相关的培训、咨询及审核的技术方案。 Qualifications: 熟练掌握ISO26262系列标准业务框架、能够熟练应用标准以及讲解标准; 具有IEC 61508相关项目评估经验,或经过IEC61508相关培训取得功能安全工程师资质者; 对ASPICE有一定的了解,熟悉能力维及过程属性定义; 熟练掌握功能安全基本工具和算法,例如SIL等级计算、FMEA/FTA、诊断措施应用等; 至少3-5年的嵌入式电气产品(软件/硬件/Both,汽车类控制器尤佳)的开发和实施经验,熟悉嵌入式软件的运行机理...
- 康辰医疗综合门诊部 广州市 天河区
1. 正规医学院校全日制临床医学专业毕业; 2. 具有医学学士或以上学位; 3. 持有效的医师执业资格证书和医师执业注册证书; 4. 在三甲医院或涉外医疗机构有五年或以上内科工作经验; 5. 具有责任心和亲和力,以及良好的沟通能力和服务意识; 5. 有良好的英语沟通能力者优先考虑; 6. 具有涉外医疗机构工作经验者优先考虑; 7. 具有在海外相关学习背景或工作经验者优先考虑。 职能类别:综合门诊/全科医生内科医生 关键字:全科,内科 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:华利路15~19号远洋明珠大厦首层...
- 成都佰斯威物流有限公司 成都市 锦江区
岗位职责: 全面负责公司采购工作及部门统筹、规划与协调,按计划完成各类物资采购任务; 参与大批采购业务洽谈,并检查合同的执行与落实情况; 对供应商进行评估、认证、管理及考核,与供应商建立良好的关系,开展业务往来; 对各地LTL承运商价格洽谈及签订合同; 项目运作的异常跟进及处理; 任职要求: 本科以上学历; 有采购管理或物流采购经验者优先; 职能类别: 采购经理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:银石广场...
- 艾奕康咨询(深圳)有限公司 Shanghai
Graduate/Assistant Electrical Engineer Responsibilities Provide services in Electrical Engineering works including project development/preliminary design; Perform lightning protection system drawing & drafting; Perform fire services monitoring system drawing & drafting; Perform electric low voltage system drawing & drafting; Draft tender proposal; and Enforce ethics and compliance policy including Third Party payment, Sub-consultancy engagement process and Gift and Entertainment poli...
- 康明斯(中国)投资有限公司 Chongqing
重庆市 KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Support aftertreatment calibration development and release 支持后处理系统的标定开发和释放 Use system analysis skills to investigate aftertreatment performance characteristics. Use data analysis skills to reduce test data, visualize results, and present conclusions 利用系统分析能调查后处理相关问题,利用数据分析技能减少测试,将测试结果可视化并给出测试结论 Work with global control team(US/UK/India) to optimize aftertreatment software 与全球控制团队一起完成后处理控制软件的优化 Participate in full system vehicle testing to prove acceptable system perform...
- 康明斯(中国)投资有限公司 Chongqing
职位描述 KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Supports the application of advanced analytics to solve business problems and coordinates the application of the solution with end users. 支持应用高级分析以解决业务问题,与最终用户协调解决方案的应用 Studies existing tools to decide whether they are applicable to the analytics use cases identified. 研究现有工具,确定它们是否适用于已识别的分析用例。 Supports solution investigation: is it the right problem for analytics to resolve? 支持解决方案调查:这是要通过分析解决的正确问题吗? Clarifies data sources and structures to data engineers. 为数据工程师阐明数据源和...
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