- 诺心食品有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 【岗位职责】: 1、负责公司的品牌、产品、营销及电商运营管理工作,制定整体运营计划,组织、协调公司的各项资源,确保公司整体经营目标的达成; 2、把控品牌核心理念,塑造符合战略要求的品牌形象,对品牌发展方向与经营运作状况具有敏锐的感知力和把控力,具备战略高度和市场敏感度; 3、把握市场和行业发展方向,为公司提供准确的发展定位,包括但不限于品牌定位、产品定位、目标用户定位、营销定位等; 4、制定公司市场营销计划,组织落地实施 ,并依据市场反馈,不断迭代创新; 5、负责公司品牌全电商渠道运营管理工作,包括运营团队管理、营销活动管理,对渠道平台的运营及销售目标负责; 6、制定年度经营预算,合理控制营运成本,并根据市场和公司的实际情况进行调整和有效控制。 【任职要求】: 1、本科及以上学历,经济类、市场营销类相关专业; 2、对互联网整体的市场营销工作有深刻认知,有较强的市场感知力、能敏锐地把握市场动态; 3、对互联网快消/生鲜食品行业和市场有深刻认识,具备较强的客户分析、营销策划、品牌塑造推广、客户谈判和团队管理能力,能承受较大的工作压力; 4、具有国际/国内大型互联网企业高级管...
- 美心食品有限公司 Shanghai
品牌介绍: Shake Shack的传奇故事始于美国星级餐饮集团主席Danny Meyer,由他领导的联合广场餐饮集团(USHG)为支持慈善企划「I ? Taxi」,于2001年在麦迪逊广场花园开设热狗档。 2004年7月正式成立Shake Shack品牌。提供高品质、适合一家大小的食物,例如汉堡、热狗和奶昔。Shake Shack坚持殷勤款待、团结互助、高档休闲经营模式,打造绝佳聚脚点及勇于承担责任。 2015年1月30日Shake Shack在纽约交易所上市! 如今,美心集团将Shake Shack引进中国,于2019年初入驻上海! 岗位描述 - 门店副总经理 汇报至:门店总经理 直接下属:门店经理 主要工作职责: 1.筛选、聘用、入职、培训和带教团队成员在每日每个排班中保持整体运作的卓越和非比寻常的热情,通过源源不断的努力达到期望的财报表现; 2.建立和拥护SHACK PACT的文化,激励所有层级的员工具备冠军表现; 3.积极推动员工成长计划,指导培训系统的设计能够培养未来的领导者; 4.监管员工表现,在必要的时候,纠正或制止不当的行为; 5.管理和确保在采购、收取、会计、薪资、...
- 迪卡侬体育用品公司 Beijing
岗位职责: Support and satisfy Beijing HR Project and Beijing Office Administration. Cooperate with vendors, build, maintain and expand recruitment channels in order to support Beijing recruitment objectives and accelerate our ability to attract sports talent. Optimize recruitment process and support an efficient and effective recruitment life cycle. Organize and manage an accurate recruitment database by continuous updating efficient systems and tools. Follow up Beijing training situation and suppor...
- 迪卡侬体育用品公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: Responsibilities you will have in that position: 1. Knowledge of the growth law for 18M~12Y children and teenagers. Knowledge of children sports market and Decathlon products. 2. Knowledge of the features and content of all Decathlon children's courses. Receiving new members, providing visits and introduction of the courses to them. 3. Arranging course contents according to the course concept and keeping it up to date. 4. Creating content using KIDS equipment based on different trainin...
- Aquascutum品牌 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Job Description: 1) Closely Work with retail team, planning, directing and delivering customized HR service in support of retail business. 2) Apply recruitment tools for hiring the new staff via various channel (office staff & store staff). 3) Handle the hiring procedure of new on-boarding employees. 4) Check store staff monthly attendance report/leave records, conduct commission calculation. 5) Closely work with FESCO for monthly payroll calculation and payment based on defied payroll proce...
- 英联食品投资有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 Primark are committed to the protection of the environment in which our business operates. We have a strong programme in place to minimise our environmental footprint through the integration of environmental management excellence within our supply chain activities. This position is responsible for supporting the implementation of the Primark Environmental Sustainability Programme in China or any other tasks assigned by the manager. Reporting to the Environmental Manager for Asia and coll...
- 康宝莱保健品有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: 1. Reviews: Participate in review test plan and test results. 2. Testing: Prepare unit test plans, conduct unit testing and system integration testing. 3. Support: Work with existing production support team to ensure normal processing continues to work efficiently. 4. Monitor production activities/processes to ensure timely and effective reporting, tracking, follow-up and communication of problems to internal and external clients, technical resources 任职资格: 1. Bachelor's degree in Compu...
- 安柏家庭用品有限公司 Shenzhen
PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTABILITIES 1.Responsible for all orders on time delivery. 负责所有订单的按期交货; 2.Responsible for all orders’ spec and artwork and make sure vendor got all the necessary spec & artwork for all their orders before mass production; 负责所有产品的包装明细和包装图稿,确保所有供应商在进行大货生产前拿到所有的产品包装明细及包装图稿; 3.Responsible for reporting to overseas head office; communicate directly with sales, buyers, KA and CM for all the issues happened in Asia and provide action plan. 负责海外office的直接沟通,及时将本地发生的所有问题汇报给北美并提出相应的解决方案;...
- 孛伊金属制品有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责 Responsibility 1)负责数控设备电气配套和控制、自动化控制系统的工作; Responsible for the operation, maintenance and daily maintenance of the CNC machining center, familiar with the performance and basic structure of the machining center machine; 2)负责生产过程中的设备故障排除,确保生产任务的按时完成,对设备故障与停机进行分析改进,降低设备故障率; Responsible for troubleshooting of equipment in production process, ensure the completion of production tasks on time, analyze and improve equipment failure and shutdown, reduce equipment failure rate; 3)负责设备的强弱电接线,电气线路的改进...
- 诺力昂化学品有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Are you looking for a challenging HR Operations Specialist role in an international company? Do you want to experience what it is like to work in a truly global corporate environment? Join Nouryon, a multinational company active in over 80 countries. We are looking for a talented and ambitious team member to join our Asia HR Operations team based in Shanghai. Last year, we’ve launched our new company Nouryon (formerly known as AkzoNobel Specialty Chemicals). As a stand-alone chemicals compan...
- Clarins娇韵诗化妆品有限公司 Shanghai
Mission 1 (a). Developing training program for retail in order to equip sales force with best knowledge, skill and passion to deliver best service to customer. (b). Work interdependently with regional office, head office in Paris as well as other functional team to share knowledge in order to maximize productivity. (c). Plan yearly and monthly training development schedule for retail experts according to business target to enhance their coaching skills; (d). Follow up and feedback the training r...
- 玫景纺织品贸易有限公司 Shanghai
十年以上 家纺和家居 行业相关面辅料开发工作经验 有专业丰富的面辅料知识和谈判技巧 熟悉面料生产过程及染色工艺 擅长独立工作,具开拓及钻研精神手头有大量优质面料商资源者佳(含针梭织及再生环保面料等) 1, Bachelor Degree in Donghua Textiles University or related major 2, At least 10 years working experience of hometiles and upholstery sourcing/fabric development in sustainable fabrics, recycled polyester etc.(including production) with plenty sources of good fabric suppliers 3, Extensive knowledge in fashion and or home-wear fabrics, preferable high quality 4, Professional on fabric technical kn...
- 尤尼威尔化学品有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Responsibilities: Based on sales record and forecast to set MTS, MTO & other material divisions. Work proactively with other functions, sales and operations, to improve FCST accuracy. Identify variances based upon historical performance and expected future activities of SKUs, and planning inventory needs for future demand if necessary. Set FCST target and regular monitor FCST accuracy performance and take necessary to improve the performance. Optimize inventory control procedures as...
- 如新日用保健品有限公司 Shanghai
如新(中国)日用保健品有限公司上海华茂研发中心位于奉贤GCIP,致力于美国如新集团旗下营养保健品及中草药产品的研究开发,现招募实验室药物研发人员。 工作职责: 熟悉掌握各种药物、中草药或营养素分析方法的开发、验证; 熟悉日常的质量分析(QC)工作;或有生物化学方面工作的经验。 任职资格: 化学、生物化学或药学类专业本科以上学历。 熟悉 HPLC 、GC、酶标仪等仪器的使用,有分析专业的理论和实践背景。 具有较好的英语水平,可以熟练查阅并解读英文文献,具有良好的团队合作精神及交流技巧。 职能类别: 医药技术研发人员 生物工程/生物制药 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:奉贤区环城西路3000号...
- 爱德彼创意产品有限公司 Shenzhen
RDP Creative is a fast growing, innovative leader in the sourcing and supply of licensed gifts and premiums. We work with leading film studios, computer game developers and international consumer brands to deliver exciting promotional products worldwide. See www.rdp-creative.com for more information. We are currently looking for high calibre candidates with a good team spirit and working ethic to fill the position of Assistant Merchandiser: 1. Responsible to Senior Manager of Sales Tech Supporta...
- 玫景纺织品贸易有限公司 Shanghai
Job Description: We provide very stimulating creative international environment in textile industry. You need to desgin the logos, hangtags, webpage, folders, fair support & etc. Requirements: Good at Photoshop/Illustrator/In Design At least 3 years related working experience Fluent oral and written English Smart, flexible, able to work under pressure, self-motivated with initiatives P.S.: partime work is acceptable 职能类别: 平面设计师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:天山路芙蓉江路...
- 迪卡侬体育用品有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 岗位职责: RECRUITMENT Actively work with HR managers to define the company recruitment strategy Clarify recruiting requisitions of all positions and teams and ensure the recruitment processes are conducted efficiently in accordance with company policies and standards. Optimize recruitment tools, increase recruitment efficiency, and improve both candidate’s and team leader’s job-hunting experience. Develop and maintain recruitment channels, platforms and partners. Publish job announcements, manag...
- 玫景纺织品贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 十年以上纺织品行业相关面辅料开发工作经验 有专业丰富的面辅料知识和谈判技巧 熟悉面料生产过程及染色工艺 擅长独立工作,具开拓及钻研精神手头有大量优质面料商资源者佳(含针梭织及再生环保面料等) 1, Bachelor Degree in Donghua Textiles University or related major 2, At least 10 years working experience of sourcing/fabric development in sustainable fabrics, recycled polyester etc.(including production) with plenty sources of good fabric suppliers 3, Extensive knowledge in fashion and or home-wear fabrics, preferable high quality 4, Professional on fabric technical knowledge (construction...
- 广州市臻色饰品有限公司 Guangzhou
职位信息 1、 客户确认订单后,给工厂制作采购订单,要求准确无误,及时。做完的单据,一定要仔细的核对一遍后再发出。 2、 追踪工厂的生产情况-安排订单后,对于订单的交货期要了然于胸。在订单生产中期,和要交货的前一个礼拜,跟工厂进行沟通,询问生产情况。如果有问题,需要跟经理和或客户沟通。 在交货期的中期,后期应联系工厂催促,确认交货期。 3、 协助业务处理报价单 4、 协助业务跟进样品,及寄出样品给客户,并做好相应的样品跟踪表。 二、业务助理岗位对于工作者的素养要求: 1、工作仔细,认真,负责,做事正确率高。 2.懂一定的产品知识,尤其是常用的产品名称,零部件名称,性能要求。 3、熟练办公室软件 职能类别:业务跟单助理业务跟单 关键字:业务助理业务跟单 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:禺山西路329号海伦堡创意园1座A 区503 地图 公司信息 一、公司简介 广州臻色饰品有限公司由香港七色饰品有限公司投资成立,是一家以生产、研发、销售于一体的工贸集团,主要生产流行饰品,产品远销欧美国家,其中不乏国际知名企业,如TESCO,DISNEY,TARGET等。公司成立于2002年,属外商投资企业,...
- 志品集团LuxbaGroup 查看所有职位 Shenyang
AREA VISUAL MERCHANDISER – Shen Yang Location: Shen Yang Reporting Line: Visual Merchandising Manager Direct Report: N/A Traveling: 20-30% What You Will Do 1.Assist in implementing and maintaining the window display and in-store merchandising of the designated shops in the area 2.Follow the window display schedule to ensure all display / VM is properly carried out to the required standard 3.Organize the ordering, collection of window / store display props 4.Keep a proper photo record of all visu...
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