Results 1 - 20 of 6468
  • 佛山市利华珠宝包装有限公司 Foshan

    职位信息 ・ 处理客人图纸,画木工图,2D图纸,统筹跟进样板开发项目的进度 Transfer customer drawings into company inner drawings, make wood drawings, 2D drawings, follow all developing project. ・ 根据客人提供的方案画图,并报告给运营经理,讨论确定最终方案和图纸。 Present designs and reports to Operation Director for approval and discuss need for modification. ・ 研究产品特性,例如产品的安全性能、质量,产品设计与实际打样的可行性分析,产品使用和持续发展更新开发。 Investigate product characteristics such as the product's safety and handling qualities, how efficiently it can be produced, and ways of using and main...

  • 山特维克矿山工程机械贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    JOB PURPOSE The roles has the responsibility to manage and fulfill customer orders for local and foreign currency transactions on a daily basis, which including customer quotation and other special service activities during the order implementation, act as the key customer interface to ensure the delivery on time and keep the operations of order to cash smoothly with good customer satisfaction. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES Response to customer quotation inquiry or other shipment issue complaint with go...

  • 中山欧科电子有限公司 Zhongshan

    中山市 月薪40,000 - 50,000元 职位信息 Roles and Responsibilities: Hospitality Maintenance Strategy, Hospitality EHS Strategy, Hospitality Security Strategy, Hospitality Transportation Strategy, Hospitality Canteen Strategy, Hospitality Dormitory Strategy, Hospitality Medical Strategy, Hospitality Customer Strategy, Hospitality Construction Strategy Key Decisions Hospitality Maintenance Strategy SLA's, Hospitality EHS Strategy SLA's, Hospitality Security Strategy SLA's, Hospitality Transportati...

  • 佛山光寰贸易有限公司 Foshan

    工作地点在佛山市高明区 Responsibilities Hospitality Services (Transportation & Accommodation) Assist Line Manager to execute Hospitality strategy in daily operation to manage hospitality services at defined standard(s), incl. but not limited to: A. Transportation Arrangement for both staff and visitors Car arrangement Budget control, booking record and analysis B. Dome Home/Resort booking for both staff and visitors Update and maintain room reservation list for Lychee Garden and Resort Booking record a...

  • 中山欧科电子有限公司 Zhongshan

    职位信息 Responsible for defining, developing, and implementing the brand strategy for specific products, product lines, lines of business on a company-wide campaign basis. Applies consumer insights and market intelligence to the process of developing approaches to linking a brand identity to the company and its products. Collaborates with business units, regions, and channels to understand their market needs and links brand positioning to maximize customer loyalty and connection to the product and ...

  • 中山市亚太医院管理有限公司 Zhongshan

    职位信息 1、大专学历以上,具有麻醉师资格证,无不良执业记录; 2、熟悉麻醉机常用设备,并能正确操作使用;熟悉手术病人常见的麻醉病情; 3、能主导独立开展全麻工作; 职能类别:麻醉医生 关键字:麻醉医生麻醉师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:中山市西区富华道37号 亚太健康-中山协和医院 地图 公司信息 亚太健康(Asia Pacific Health)是一家集健康管理、临床医疗、居家护理及科、教、研一体化的医疗健康管理集团。集团下设亚太健康管理(Asia Pacific Health Management)、中山亚太医院(Asia Pacific Hospital)、中山协和医院(Zhongshan Union Hospital)、亚太居家护理(Asia Pacific Home Care)、亚太诊所(Asia Pacific Clinics)、亚太护士培训(Asia Pacific Nurse Training)等板块。致力于为客户提供一流的、一体化的、以客户为中心的综合健康服务。 亚太健康管理(中山市摩氏亚太健康管理有限公司) 健康管理服务是亚太健康集团业务的一大特色。亚太健康管理...

  • 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai

    岗位职责: PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES ? Provide international standard orthopedic care to patients within the scope of privileges granted and the capabilities of the organization, including but not limited to consultations; patient rounds, either individually, or as part of a team; discontinuing drains, dressings changes, would assessments, staple and suture removal, cast and splint applications and removal as indicated, etc. ? Provides patient education related to procedures, medications, therapeutic ...

  • 山东弘力实业集团有限公司 临沂市 兰山区

    社会保险年终奖奖金提成 工作地点: 山东省临沂市兰山区 职位月薪: 20K-30K(可面议) 招聘人数: 1人 最低学历: 本科 年龄要求: 不限 工作经验: 6~10年 招聘方式: 全职 收藏 投诉 岗位职责: 1、制定和实施公司战略,预算计划,确定公司业务的经营方针和经营形式 2、发掘市场机会,主持拟订公司的业务目标和业务计划,实现公司业务和投资回报的快速增长 3、监督、控制整个实施过程,对经营结果负责,组织实施财务预算方案及利润分配、使用方案等 4、负责与董事会保持良好沟通,向董事会汇报企业经营发展和计划的执行情况,资金运用情况和盈亏情况 5、建立公司与上级主管部门,政府机构金融机构,媒体等部门间的沟通渠道;领导开展公司的涉立公共关系活动,树立良好的企业形象 6、对重大事项进行决策,代表公司参加重大外事或重要活动,、审核签发以公司名义发出的文件,负责处理公司重大突发事件 7、建立公司组织体系和业务体系,负责高层管理团队的建设,选拔中高层管理人员,审定公司内部管理机构的设置方案和基本管理制度 8、全面主持公司的管理工作,制定年度业绩目标及经营发展战略方案,整体营销策划方案,实现企业...

  • 上海华医淀山湖疗养院有限公司 Shanghai

    1. 具备中医主治及以上医师资格及执业证书,深入了解传统中医学理论和实践; 2. 擅于沟通,临床经验丰富,能够引导客人建立健康生活 该职位工作地点在青浦金泽,市区从徐汇及闵行或青浦城区区域上下班有班车接送,可提供住宿,欢迎加入华医大家庭! 工作地址:青浦区金泽镇金商公路2121号 联系方式 或直接拨打 15900677527 职能类别: 中医科医生 针灸/推拿 关键字: 中医内科 中医全科 中医师 中医医生 中医全科医生 中医内科医生 中医名医 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:金泽...

  • 英皇电影城有限公司 Shanghai

    1、Plan,develop,and manage digital marketing programs and campaigns for online platform strategy to grow customer base and drive sales; 2、Manage and execute digital marketing plans and programs from partnership projects with close collaboration with partners; 3、Identify customer demands and execute tactics through collaboration with SEM/SEO and social media, or other emerging digital platforms to optimize programs and campaigns to increase conversion rate; 4、Cooperate with the copy writer /design...

  • 深圳曼彻斯通城堡学校 查看所有职位 Shenzhen

    We are seeking to employ an English teacher with the experience, skills and commitment to inspire our students to achieve and be the best they can be. An energetic, engaging and enthusiastic teacher who will be able to deliver lessons to inspire and motivate students to succeed in order to achieve the best possible outcomes. This is exciting time to join Carousel of Languages (CLT) and to be a part of our journey. You will join a well-established and successful department with a strong and dynam...

  • 绿色城市公共服务有限公司 Shenzhen

    深圳市 福田区 月薪15,000 - 20,000元 岗位职责: 1.制定战略发展规划,年度、季度、月、周运营目标规划; 2.协助CEO管理运营中心、研发中心、开拓维护各类伙伴关系; 3.懂得办公室日常行政、人力工作的管理。 任职条件: 1.有欧美国家名牌大学教育背景,硕士以上学位; 2.具备与国际高端人群工作的职业素养; 3.有在国际咨询、公关、广告、会展、互联网、NGO等以上相关行业工作8年以上经历。 男女不限,年龄在35-45岁之间,******,孩子上中学 职能类别: 总裁助理/总经理助理 关键字: 董事长助理 总经理助理 上班地址:金田路4018号安联大厦A区1803室...

  • 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 岗位职责: Primary Responsibilities: ? Perform daily patient rounds, either individually, or as part of the team. Review subjective and objective findings including labs, diagnostic testing, vital signs, wound status, and drains and provide data to senior consultant surgeons when necessary. ? Provides patient education related to procedures, medications, therapeutic goals, etc. ? Arranges for consults and patient transfers as needed. ? Collaborates with senior consultants in the establishment of ...

  • 中山大学 Guangzhou

    广州市 中山大学外国语学院因工作需要,拟面向校内外公开招聘事业编制教师7名,现将有关事项公布如下: 一、招聘范围 面向校内外公开招聘。招聘对象为具有高校公共外语或法语、德语教学经验的人员。 二、招聘学科与职位 招聘学科:公共外语学科;法语、德语小语种学科; 招聘职位:讲师。 三、招聘条件 (一)师德条件 中山大学聘任的教师必须遵守国家法律和学校的规章制度,忠诚教育事业,恪守学术规范,严谨治学,为人师表,关爱学生。关心集体事务、乐于奉献,有团队精神,能够积极主动地承担教学和管理工作。无师德禁行行为。师德考核不合格者实行一票否决。 (二)学历学位条件 获得硕士及以上学位。 (三)任职经历 申请讲师职务者,应具有3年以上担任高校相关教学工作经验,平均每年完成的教学工作量公共外语不低于480学时,法语、德语小语种不低于300学时;应按照申请人所在学校有关教学管理规定,教学效果良好,任职期间未出现任何教学事故及差错。 (四)年龄及健康要求 申请人要求年龄40周岁以下。身心健康,能全面地履行岗位职责。 (五)业绩条件 申请者应具有成为本领域优秀教师的素质,具有较强的教学能力,已取得一定的能够显示自...

  • 广州希尔顿逸林酒店 Guangzhou

    职位信息 岗位职责 1.对餐饮总监负责,具体实施对大堂吧的日常营运管理工作。 2.负责制定大堂吧工作计划,并有效组织实施。 3.每日参与并检查、指导大堂吧工作执行情况,及时发现问题、处理问题并做好记录。 4.负责主持大堂吧每日例会;参加大堂吧/酒吧每周周会、每月月会、楼面协调会、餐饮部经营分析会,并确保上情下达、下情上呈。 5.负责部门新员工培训和员工的在岗培训工作,确保员工的素质、技能符合岗位要求。 6.合理调配人力,保证部门日常工作的人员配置并保持楼面清洁卫生和服务质量水准。 7.负责作业前菜单或工作单的查看,主动了解每位客人对服务和出品的特殊要求,并及时将信息传达给服务人员和出品部门,且须一一检查落实。 8.全程负责并参与每次的VIP服务,服务结束后,及时召集服务人员工进行总结。 9.依据客人需求对大堂吧各项管理制度、政策以及部门操作程序、出品及服务标准提出有建设性的意见和建议。 10.与餐饮部其他部门的有效协调和沟通,使工作顺利进行。 11.与客人建立良好的公共关系,并及时处理发生在部门的各类投诉、意外和突发事件。 12.关注市场,积极参与部门经营推广方案的讨论,并提出对经营有...

  • 昆山杜克大学 Suzhou

    Position Overview: Duke Kunshan University (DKU), located in Kunshan, China is embarking on the next phase of their ambitious plan to provide a student-center Liberal Arts research education. In preparation, DKU is looking for candidates with experience in several areas critical to the mission of the university. Duke Kunshan University is a 21st century university with a highly integrated and interdisciplinary curriculum. Under the direction of the Associate Dean, Academic Success Tutors will be...

  • 威立雅环境服务有限公司 Beijing

    Job Summary: Responsibilities and duties: In charge of CSR development for China through the following activities. 1. Contribute to adapt Global Sustainability Strategy to local context a. Liaise with Heads of BLs and/or GMs to assess needs and build proper roadmaps b. Support & logistics to the China Critical friend meeting 2. Foster Capacity Building and Knowledge management a. Contribute to Asia Training & workshop programs b. Conduct in-house learning opportunities c. Promote and con...

  • 增城誉德莱国际学校 Zengcheng

    增城市 职位信息 Assistant Administrative Manager -Job Description Purposed of the Position The Assistant Administrative Manager (AAM) is responsible for leadership of all administration staff and overall school’s administrative, technical and clerical support. Scope The AAM reports to HR , Admin & Operations Manager(HAOM), is responsible of managing the administrative personnel and premises functions within the school and to maintain effective systems of administrative and financial control in orde...

  • 绿色和平环境咨询有限公司 Beijing

    工作职责: PURPOSE and SCOPE OF THE JOB The Multimedia Producer is responsible for creating impactful multimedia products to help advance Greenpeace campaign and organizational goals. The core duties include providing strategic advice on the use of multimedia products, turning creative concepts into final products, marketing multimedia products and evaluating their impacts. The post holder demonstrates considerable independence and initiative in one of the core functions of Greenpeace operation, i.e....

  • 赫拉环境保护技术有限公司 Shanghai

    现场安装经理岗位职责包括但不限于以下内容: The Installation Manager will have , but not limited to , the below list of tasks : 监督负责安装、服务和维修结构及主要部件的供应商安装团队。 Supervise the supplier installation team who are responsible for installing, servicing, and repairing structures and major components. 负责安全风险评估并确保安装工作的安全进行,发现任何风险都应报告公司管理层,并在必要时叫停施工知道现场满足安全要求。 Undertake safety risk assessment and ensure that it is safe to perform erection work, bring any risks to the attention of the company management and if necessary to halt wo...

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