Results 1 - 20 of 23825
  • 衛生福利部 台北市 南港區

    就業資訊 職務名稱: 臨時人員 徵才單位: 公共關係室 職系: 職等: 辦公地點: 臺北市南港區忠孝東路6段488號1樓公共關係室(捷運板南線昆陽站下車,4號出口步行2至3分鐘) 甄選名額: 面試後擇優錄取2名,得增列候補名額至多3名,候用期間為3個月,依序遞補。 應徵資格條件: (一)國內外大學畢業,具有相關工作經驗2年(含)以上。 (二)具輿情蒐集作業及數據分析解讀能力。 (三)熟悉處理軟體操作。 (四)具簡報(PTT、懶人包)、圖表工作經驗者為佳。 (五)具高度工作熱忱、耐心及責任感,有溝通協調能力及團隊合作精神。 (六)可配合星期例假日工作。 (七)有下列情形之一者,不得僱用為各機關之臨時人員: 1.未具或喪失中華民國國籍。 2.本機關首長之配偶及三等親以內血親、姻親。但首長就任前,已在本機關服務者,不在此限。 3.受監護或輔助宣告,尚未撤銷。 擔任工作項目: (一)協助辦理本部平面(報紙、雜誌)新聞作業相關事宜。 (二)協助本部輿情蒐報作業(6:30-21:00)及運用相關輿情內容分析數據。 (三)協助本部回應輿情(含圖、表)資料製作。 (四)其他臨時交辦事項。 刊登日期: ...

  • 宏居网络技术有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Digest industrial news from destination markets, Juwai-produced content and client content in order to produce original authentic content to publish on and affiliated social media platforms. Contents shall cover international investment, immigration, education, lifestyle, economic, and could blend with any suitable hot topics 来自目的地市场的专业新闻,Juwai制作的内容和客户内容,以便制作原创的真实内容,以在juwai.com和其它附属社交媒体平台上发布。内容应涵盖国际投资、移民、教育、生活方式、经济,并可融入任何适当的热门话题 Min. 3 original articles per week 三篇原创文章 Propose and ...

  • 恒生银行有限公司 昆明市

    岗位职责: Support account openings and maintenance, trade related business and loan related business Process daily payment transactions, include remittance, etc. Provide quality services to customers Prepare daily reports for related parties, e.g. PBOC and SAFE Handle ad hoc data clean up, prepare periodic / ad hoc reports as required by the management and / or regulators from time to time 任职要求: SoundknowledgeoftheregulationsofPBOCandSAFE Strongcustomerserviceorientation,andgoodcommunicationandinter...

  • 新莊區公所 新北市 新莊區

    截止日期:2019-09-18 發佈單位:新莊區公所 職缺別:全職 職務說明/工作內容: 財產管理、協辦採購業務、協辦新聞輿情、訊息收集發佈等相關業務及其他臨時交辦事項。 工作地點:新北市新莊區中正路176號 待 遇:不註明 性 別:不限 徵才條件: 1.高級中等學校畢業;2.無公務人員任用法第26條迴避任用及第28條各款之一情事者 備 註: 1.約僱2等190薪點(月酬臺幣23,693元整),代理秘書室委任第1職等至第3職等書記列108年地方政府5等特考一般行政科任用計畫之職務,僱至考試錄取人員分發報到前1日為止(約至109年3月)。 2.有意應徵者請檢附:非編制人員甄選報名表(如附檔)、學歷畢業證書、身分證正反面(註明僅供查驗身分用)、男性請檢附退伍令(皆以A4影印)。 3.請於上網公告日期截止前(郵戳為憑,逾期或證件不齊以放棄論)掛號或逕送新北市新莊區中正路176號人事室收【信封註明應徵秘書室約僱2等職代及白天聯絡電話】,本所聯絡電話(02)2992-9891*164許小姐。 4.若應徵資料提供不實或有遺漏,一切後果由當事人負責。初審合格者將擇優面談甄選,並得酌列候補1名,候補期...

  • 嘉宏国际运输代理有限公司 上海市 黄浦区

    该工作室总监是一位英国人,希望候选人能有一定的英文基础,以便沟通。 To Film and produce different types of videos: model, product demos, make-up tutorials, 360° videos, unboxing videos as well as some product and Model photography etc. 完成不同内容的摄影摄像服务: 模特拍摄,假模拍摄,产品拍摄,细节拍摄,360°拍摄等等。 To both Film and photograph different product categories, apparel, bags, shoes, jewellery, furniture, etc. 拍摄不同种类型产品,如负责皮包,鞋子,珠宝,家具等等。 To use and maintain and manager all the different video and photographic equipment in the studio, camera, lens, lights...

  • 北京宏元富成科技有限公司 北京市 海淀区

    北京市 海淀区 Description: Responsible for Software Introduction and Training script proofreading Work with video production team to proofread the high-quality scripts and coordinate with video production team member. Qualification: Native Speaker from English-speaking countries Familiar with Software Training script writing format Have enough time to proof read the scripts and eficiently complete the task with good quality 职能类别: 英语翻译 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:中关村大街1号13层...

  • 理律法律事務所 新竹市

    新竹所-專利工程師-電子電機背景 工作地點 新竹所 職務內容 撰寫專利說明書、申請國內外專利、專利權保護及專利紛爭處理等 學歷 電子/電機碩士以上畢 外 語 英文(聽/佳、說/佳、讀/精通、寫/精通) 工作經驗 具數位/類比電路研發工作經驗尤佳 其 他 歡迎欲挑戰跨領域(理工&法律)之理工人加入 新進律師、法務、行政人員之聘用 理律法務事務所聘用人員之遴選,以其所受學歷、經歷及品德為錄用考慮標準並依本所各部門之需求,採用登報、網路或人才仲介等管道覓才。應徵者履歷資料經彙整後,由本所電話聯絡安排筆試及面 試,但應徵者若具二年以上相關工作實務經驗或具國內外律師或專業技術人員(高考以上)資格或具國內外相關學科碩士以上學位者,得視各部門要求免專業筆試;若應徵者具英語系國家之律師或專業技術人員資格或在英語系國家取得相關學科碩士以上學位者,得免語文筆試。應徵者錄取後,需通過五個月之試用期,必要時得延長試用一個月。 2019年英/日文...

  • Fastmarkets 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区

    上海市 浦东新区 JOB PURPOSE To produce metals and minerals price assessments and to provide industry-leading market commentary, breaking news and analysis, which demonstrates PRA-aligned knowledge across multiple markets. To support the development and use of Fastmarkets’ prices. PRICIPAL ACCOUNTABLILITIES Produce exemplary price assessments in line with company methodology, price specifications, and IOSCO principles across a range of markets Develop and maintain a comprehensive contact-base, using all...

  • I.T 查看所有职位 上海市 黄浦区

    Formulate business plan and leading brand building strategies to promote the brand and achieve sales target Plan and execute the promotional activities ATL and BTL with local distributor to align with the business and brand identity Support regional sales and marketing team in special product launches, press release and other seasonal promotional materials Build up strong connection with landlord/shopping mall marketing team, to seek for maximum support/exposure in all trade channels Develop new...

  • 上海药明生物技术有限公司 上海市 浦东新区

    2.1 Create and maintain specification, analytical methods, SOPs and training materials. 2.2 Responsible for sampling/sample retention management of raw materials. 2.3 Create the work plan of raw materials testing including physical/chemical tests and follow up the plan implementation status to support related production. 2.4 Process analytical data in workstation for acceptability of calibration curve, control values and chromatograms. Responsible for investigation of incident reports and OOS/OO...

  • Phoceis Agency 查看所有职位 上海市 静安区

    The Digital Designer will be responsible for creating content across our clients’ social media channels, including WeChat and Weibo, and also execute best in class mobile web interfaces that elevate the quality of Phoceis clients social media accounts. This creative talent will also support the creation of Phoceis SCRM platform. YOUR ARE A PERSON THAT Is proactive and passionate about designing the best social experiences that help elevate brand engagement Is self-motivated and resourceful with ...

  • Supplyframe China 查看所有职位 深圳市 南山区

    深圳市 南山区 岗位职责: 1. 制定需求生成策略,提高供应商在中国媒体和电子商务领域的认知度。 Develop a demand generation strategy to drive awareness to Supplyframe’s media and e-commerce initiatives in China. 2. 在公司领导层的一致同意/支持下,制定项目计划,制定目标,并确保计划的完美执行。Develop a project plan with consensus/support from the company’s leadership, establish targets, and be the guardian of flawless execution of this plan. 3. 制定报告策略,使数字营销活动及其结果透明化。 Create a reporting strategy that brings transparency into the digital marketing activities and their results. 4. 提供...

  • ADP China 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区

    上海市 浦东新区 DESCRIPTION ADP Global eTIME Services is growing and seeking talented, goal-driven and results-oriented eTIME Application Services Consultant. The eTIME Application Services Consultant is responsible for providing solutions for escalated technical and application issues and support the client and front line associates to work pro-actively and realize individual client needs. Very strong troubleshooting and analysis skills are a must. The successful candidate must be able to analyze clie...

  • Activation Group 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 Main Responsibilities Work with team to create strategic plans to meet clients business/brand goals Work with planning, creative teams, to develop concepts for projects and to ensure integration & production feasibility Assist Account leaders to communicate and Event strategic plans to clients Regular market visits and intelligences mining to improve team’s category understanding Develop the professional competencies of people and drives the team to improved performance Solve client serv...

  • Activation Group 查看所有职位 上海市 徐汇区

    三维设计师3D Designer Main Responsibilities 1、能根据CD/AD的说明,完全理解Brief内容,熟练运用3Dmax 、AUTOCAD、ILLUSTRATOR、PHOTOSHOP及 Corel Draw等绘图软件,能够独立完成效果图的建模、渲染,后期等工作; 2、与创意执行团队合作,将创意完美执行,把控创意的可执行性与可实现性; 3、对材料、灯光、色彩的组合运用及整体效果的控制较好; 4、定期整理资料刻盘,项目结束后及时备份资料; 5、现场施工,指导和监察工程进度,协助组织搭建; 6、其它临时性工作。 Experience/Education Required 1.良好的美术感觉和功底,对创意概念的领悟性强,具备较强的学习能力; 2.有室内设计经历或相关经验,熟悉施工工艺和施工尺寸者优先; 3.精通3Dmax 、AUTOCAD、ILLUSTRATOR、PHOTOSHOP及 Corel Draw等绘图软件; 4.熟悉现场施工,指导和监察工程进度,组织搭建,熟悉材料和工艺结构的设计师优先; 6.为国际品牌活动或展台做独立设计或4A公司/或活动公关公司服务经验...

  • Activation Group 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 月薪20,000 - 25,000元 资深三维设计师Senior 3D Designer Main Responsibilities 1、能根据CD/AD的说明,完全理解Brief内容,熟练运用3Dmax 、AUTOCAD、ILLUSTRATOR、PHOTOSHOP及 Corel Draw等绘图软件,能够独立完成效果图的建模、渲染,后期等工作; 2、与创意执行团队合作,将创意完美执行,把控创意的可执行性与可实现性; 3、对材料、灯光、色彩的组合运用及整体效果的控制较好; 4、定期整理资料刻盘,项目结束后及时备份资料; 5、现场施工,指导和监察工程进度,协助组织搭建; 6、其它临时性工作。 Experience/Education Required 1.良好的美术感觉和功底,对创意概念的领悟性强,具备较强的学习能力; 2.有室内设计经历或相关经验,熟悉施工工艺和施工尺寸者优先; 3.精通3Dmax 、AUTOCAD、ILLUSTRATOR、PHOTOSHOP及 Corel Draw等绘图软件; 4.熟悉现场施工,指导和监察工程进度,组织搭建,熟悉材料和工艺结构的设计师优先; 6....

  • Amsted China 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 Summary: This role will be responsible for supporting international sales strategy execution, he/she will manage international sales in promoting ConMet’s products to commercial vehicle end users for both bus and truck market. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Develop and execute strategies for increasing international sales of ConMet products to end users including heavy and medium truck, bus, fleets, dealers and distributors, etc. Define target international customers, product definit...

  • Activation Group 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    Main Responsibilities 1.Support the project team for the specification and budgeting of all scenic and/or technical requirements for allocated proposals; 2.Being a key member of a project team and collaborating with the team. 3.Reporting and liaising with the clients; 4.Managing technical and production suppliers and crew during the pre-production process and onsite; 5.Generating and maintaining production specifications, budgets, production schedules, floor plans and technical drawings. 1.从制作技术...

  • Activation Group 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    1、 能根据活动项目的需求,熟练运用ILLUSTRATOR、PHOTOSHOP及 Corel Draw等绘图软件,能够独立完成项目相关平面排版设计等工作; 2、能准确把握需求定位,完成策划案的美化及创意设计工作; Experience/Education Required 1、有良好的美术功底,良好的创意思维和理解能力、色彩感好,能独立设计出具有特色风格的作品; 2、有独立的图文广告、宣传海报、网络广告等商业设计作品; 3、有一定的手绘能力; 4、擅长PPT的构思和设计,具有独到的设计见解,较强的对设计需求的沟通理解能力,对各类时尚元素有敏锐的洞察力, 熟悉完稿及印前工艺; 5、熟练使用Photoshop、Flash、Illustrator、CorelDraw、Dream weaver等。 职能类别:平面设计师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:柳州路399号甲上海恒地仓国际大厦8楼...

  • 成都生气鲨鱼教育科技有限公司 成都市 高新区

    Programming Teacher Job Opportunity in Chengdu City of China Our company "Coding First" is seeking a scientifically adventurous computer scientist or engineer to move to the beautiful and High-Tech city Chengdu in China. The teacher will engage in teaching programming to students aged 5 to 18. If you are excited to move to China, live & work there and learn the language then this opportunity may be the right one for you. What will you teach? Courses you will teach include: Python, C+...

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