Results 1 - 20 of 18498
  • 思途企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Job duty: 1. To be responsible for the company’s accounting, auditing the original documents of the company and handling the daily accounting business; to prepare the company’s accounting vouchers, to register the accounting books, to issue financial statements and financial analysis reports in a timely manner every month; 2. Check regularly whether the company’s cash in stock and bank deposits are in line with the actual accounts. 3. To be responsible for accounting the company’s costs and ...

  • 高临管理咨询(上海)有限公司 Shanghai

    Position Overview This role will require you to assist Research team to identify & recruit specialists to Third Bridge’s network of industry experts to facilitate consultations between industry specialists and our clients (Private Equity Companies, Hedge Funds and Management Consultancies). Specific Duties include but are not limited to the following:  Use internal and external tools to source industry specialists,  Facilitate consultations; scheduling calls between our clients and special...

  • 成都爱禾教育咨询有限公司 成都市 锦江区

    雅思托福助教岗位职责(周六、周日上班;寒假上班) 1 、负责学员的课后辅导,并制定相应的辅导计划; 2、记录学员每天的在校情况,包括每日考勤、作业完成效果、学习状态、学习成绩等反馈给主管老师、任课老师; 3、对于自己所带的学生进行管理,了解所带学生的思想动态情况。 4、工作态度端正,做事耐心负责,对自己的工作有计划安排、注重细节等高要求; 任职要求 1、本科或以上学历,英语相关专业,接受在校生或应届生,性别不限; 2、具有1年或以上的教育培训机构带班经验者优先; 3、熟悉办公室常用软件; 4、良好的书面、口头表达能力,工作条理性强,应变能力、协调、沟通控制能力好,喜欢跟学生打交道; 5、 有一定英语基础,或有出国语言考试经历(雅思、托福等)或者相关授课经验者优先;考过雅思或托福者需提供成绩单; 英文能力优秀者提供相应考试证书亦可。 6、具有优良的职业操守,较强的敬业精神,有良好的合作意识。 上班时间:周六 10:00-17:45 ; 周日上午10:00-12:00或周日下午13:15-17:45 待 遇: 高于同行20% 职能类别:教师 关键字:助教;英语 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址...

  • 深圳汇智心晴咨询有限公司 深圳市 南山区

    法语&英语翻译 定位: 我们是一家全功能的人力资源外包公司,在中国为外国初创企业和企业家提供服务,让其可以迅速稳定本地招聘和职能团队,开始初始业务。这岗位的职责是在国外支持并曝光我们的业务发展。您将直接与我们的业务主管配合,将我们的业务和服务理念提供给那些初创企业家。这是一个联合办公的***岗位。我们将提供高比例的客户推荐费和奖励。_ _ 要求: 1、具有3年在中国与外国人(欧洲或亚洲国家优先)合作的翻译工作经验。 2、学习速度快,能及时完成部分工作。_ 3、有海外工作或学习经验者优先。 4、***、专业。 5、语言要求(法语、英语、亚洲语言、西班牙语……)+ French& English interpreter Role: We are a full function HR outsource company provides foreign start-up and entrepreneurs in China. With our service they could stat local hiring and function team quickly to b...

  • 德商优尼博览咨询有限公司 上海市 黄浦区

    上海市 黄浦区 Position: Motion Designer (Shanghai) Reporting Line: Report to: Creative Director in Charge of Digital General Responsibilities: Create special effects, animation, or other visual images using film, video, sound, music, or other electronic tools and media for use in products or creations. Especially related to motion graphics for live events and exhibitions. Detailed Responsibilities: Work with creative teams to understand project scope and objectives. Participate in brainstorming sessio...

  • 上海美都管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 1. Teachers are responsible to teach and advise students in full cooperation with other faculty members and administrators. The first objective of a teacher shall be to provide the student with quality education through professional competence, effective teaching, and wise counselling. 2. Teachers shall stay up-to-date with professional trends in the teaching field and help facilitate the continual change that may be required to keep instruction current and relevant. 任职要求: 1. Master Degree h...

  • 齐勤企业管理咨询有限公司 上海市 黄浦区

    上海市 黄浦区 Responsibilities岗位职责 1 Liaising with design team, editorial team, web development team, events team and advertising clients 与设计团队、编辑团队、web开发团队、活动部门团队和广告客户保持联系 2 Collecting data and articles from freelance journalists, contributing writers and sponsored content from clients 从自由记者那里收集数据和文章,为客户提供作者和赞助内容 3 Maintain and build upon our current network of the worldwide government, private and other sources of content contribution 维护和建立我们当前的全球政府网络,私人和其他内容来源 4 Ensuring all freelanced and contribu...

  • 大连鑫泉科教咨询有限公司 大连市 中山区

    工作职责: 1.向顾客介绍雅思、托福、SAT英语的课程 2.为顾客设计符合顾客需求的课程 3.跟进课程费用的支付流程 4.学员学习状况跟进 5.按时完成顾问日记和工作计划,建立潜在顾客,公司和学员的数据库 6.定期参加会议和培训,完成销售日报等其他工作。 岗位要求: 1. 具备销售经验,拥有同行业咨询工作经验者优先考虑。 2. 具备良好的沟通能力和技巧,在交谈中善于观察,提出问题,表达观点等等。 3. 良好的应对解决问题的能力 4. 具备合作精神,乐观的态度,非常好的服务意识,高度的责任感和信任感。 5. 仪表整洁,谈吐得体,具有专业精神和个人风格, 诚实守信 6. 想长期从事此项工作 7. 大专及以上学历,销售、教育以及相关专业 鑫泉人,您即将获得: 1.具有市场竞争力的薪酬绩效体系; 2.广阔的职业发展空间,社内管理人员都是内部员工进行竞聘晋升机会很多。 3.强大的培训体系,咨询专家“一对一”专业培训计划 4.超五星级的办公环境; 5.丰富的员工福利。 **五险一金 **上不封顶的绩效奖金 **带薪年假 **员工活动经费 **年终优秀员工奖金 **免费提供海外培训及院校交流机会 *...

  • 纽连祈思商务咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Main Tasks & Responsibilities: Take incoming calls and direct to appropriate people, take accurate messages and ensure follow up in a timely manner Receive visitors appropriately and courteously and ensure that they are directed to suitable contact in due time, aiming at excellent corporate image and high customer satisfaction Coordination of courier service for the whole office Meeting service support and logistics coordination Car renting, hotel/ticket booking for employees and guests ...

  • 金华东晨教育咨询有限公司 金华市 金东区

    金华市 金东区 月薪6,000 - 12,000元 要求: 来自母语为英语的国家(阿森松、澳大利亚、百慕大群岛、英属南极领地、英属印度洋领地、 加拿大 、福克兰群岛(即马尔维纳斯群岛)、直布罗陀、英国格恩西岛、圭亚那(原名英属圭亚那)、 爱尔兰 、马恩岛(英属爱尔兰海域领地)、泽西岛、 新西兰 、皮特凯恩群岛、 新加坡 、 南非 、塞浦路斯的亚克罗提利与德凯利亚的英属地区、南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛、圣赫勒拿岛、特里斯坦-达库尼亚群岛、 英国 、 美国 、美属维京群岛、安提瓜和巴布达、安圭拉、巴哈马群岛、巴巴多斯岛、英属维京群岛、英属开曼群岛、多米尼克、格林纳达、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、牙买加、蒙特塞拉特岛、圣基茨岛和尼维斯、圣卢西亚、圣文森特、特立尼达和多巴哥、特克斯和凯科斯群岛) 有幼儿园教学经验优先 待遇: 工资月薪8000-16000 提供早餐和午餐,可以提供住宿 Jin Yibao Foreign Teacher Recruitment Requirements: 1. From English-speaking countries(Ascension, Australia, B...

  • 高临管理咨询(上海)有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 实习生 Company Overview Third Bridge provides private equity firms, hedge funds and strategy consultants with the information that they need to understand the value of their investment opportunities. Our vision for delivering deep insight and unbiased market intelligence has evolved into a business with a range of complementary services, eight offices across three continents and a global client base. Whether it is facilitating a private conversation with an industry veteran or moderating a dial...

  • 大连鑫泉科教咨询有限公司 大连市 中山区

    国际市场后续顾问 International Market Follow-up Consultant 岗位职责: 1、负责签约客户的接机、住宿等后续工作的协调与管理; 2、与境外合作方进行沟通,并传达相关信息、通知; 3、负责获签客户OA归档管理; 4、负责境外校方来访的接待、翻译工作; 任职要求: 1、具备较强的执行能力,优秀的人际沟通能力、团队合作能力; 2、责任心强,高度的工作热情,较强的观察力和应变能力; 3、优秀的英语听、说、读、写能力;熟练操作办公软件; 4、本科及以上学历有海外留学经验者优先考虑; JobResponsibility: 1.Manage and coordinate contracted clients’ follow-up work, such as airportpickup, accommodation arrangement and etc. 2.Communicate with overseas partners and deliver relevant information or notificationfor them; 3.Take ch...

  • 大连鑫泉科教咨询有限公司 大连市 中山区

    大连市 中山区 月薪3,500 - 6,000元 签证顾问(日文文案) VisaConsultant (JapaneseCopywriter) 工作职责: 根据公司与客户签订的合同规定,在签证主管的指导下,负责为客户制定申请和签证方案。 1.为客户讲解申请材料,查校和定校,收集和审核申请材料,收集相关费用标准; 2.沟通客户设计签证方案,向客户收集签证材料和各项费用,并审核客户提交的签证材料; 3.按照公司规定的时间要求制作完成签证材料,保障材料的正确和完整; 4.公司安排的其他工作。 任职要求: 1. 性别不限,本科以上学历,日语、商科相关专业; 2. 应届(只限日本留学)/一年以上相关工作经验,有留学行业工作经验者优先考虑; 3. 日语一级精通(如能格外掌握韩语/英语优先考虑),可以对书面资料进行准确翻译等工作,熟练操作OFFICE办公软件,文字录入50个/分钟以上; 4. 有较强的学习能力和沟通能力,具有较高的综合素质,能够快速掌握与公司业务有关的各种知识。 Responsibilities: Formulatethe application and visa plan for ...

  • 铭普思建筑工程咨询有限公司 桂平市

    桂平市 Responsibilities and tasks: 1.In charge of the civil work and the steel structure construction work on site. Supervise and control construction cost, quality, schedule and safety. 2. Review contractor work plans and on site construction activities to ensure all work complies with specification and required quality standards. 3. Participate in the design and purchasing phases. Assistant in the government related documents application. 4.Communicate effectively with the client, contractors and...

  • 英维思国际信息咨询有限公司 成都市 金牛区

    成都市 金牛区 Job description: 1、responsible for teaching English for the baby. Enwise LETS House provides three types of curriculum: A Parent-Infant class for 0-18 months (LETS & Music Interaction), a Parent-Toddler class for 18-36 months (Gym Exploration, Art Experience and Music Interaction), a Parent-Children class for 3-4 years old (Lucy's Garden and Louis' Kitchen). Job requirements: 1、Native speaker 2、Love children 3、Major in music or education is preferred Compensation & Benefi...

  • 北京伟嘉信经济咨询有限公司 上海市 黄浦区

    上海市 黄浦区 日薪200元 职责描述: (not full time position) 1. 根据公司市场营销方针, 及上级要求, 搜寻或拍摄视频宣传素材; 2. 将收集到的素材进行重整, 编辑, 美化, 最终发布; 3. 对公司网站及社交媒体平台上现有的视频资料进行更新, 优化, 并及时提出改进意见与修改想法, 使其能够吸引更多关注. 任职要求: 1. 本科及以上学历, 相关专业或有相关工作经验者优先; 2. 良好的英语理解能力及表述能力; 3. 对生活及工作有热情, 有想法, 谦虚有上进心. 职能类别:后期制作多媒体设计 关键字:地理环境佳跨文化交流弹性工作视频编辑 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:广东路689号海通证券大厦1807室...

  • 铭普思建筑工程咨询有限公司 桂平市

    Responsibilities and tasks: 1.In charge of the civil work and the steel structure construction work on site. Supervise and control construction cost, quality, schedule and safety. 2. Review contractor work plans and on site construction activities to ensure all work complies with specification and required quality standards. 3. Participate in the design and purchasing phases. Assistant in the government related documents application. 4.Communicate effectively with the client, contractors and all...

  • 戴德梁行房地产咨询有限公司 上海市 静安区

    上海市 静安区 实习生 Assist department managers in progressing human resources tasks; Internal journals of Cushman & Wakefield editing and translating; Assist the Head of Human Resources to properly handle training programs (like Young Talent Program, MT Program etc.) through preparation, responsiveness and follow-up; Prepare Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents; Schedule and confirm interviews with candidates, complete and mail out offer and regret letters; In charge of appointments, reception and c...

  • 家乐福管理咨询服务有限公司 Shanghai

    Responsibilities: 1. Be responsible for the merchandise collecting and listing on O2O platforms. 2. Be responsible for the coordination with offline teams concerning the new products and prices. 3. Manage the prices, stock and gross margin of online products. 4.Manage the online promotion activities and make sure the information of product, price is accurate. 5. Communicate with the cities and coordinate to deal with the complaints and inquiries. Requirements: 1. Around 0-2 years E-Commerce work...

  • 北京英伦翰林教育咨询有限公司 北京市

    A- level/GCSE 线上线下各科***/全职老师 A-level/ GCES online/offline part-time/full-time tutor positions 职位描述 JD: 1、 教授A-LEVEL/GCSE(地理 /历史 / 英语文学 / 社会人文/ 物理 /化学 / 数学 / 会计 / 经济 / 商务)相关课程; Teaching A-LEVEL/GCSE (geography /history /literature /physics /chemistry /math /account /economy /business); 2、 根据学员学习进度定期制定教学计划; Regularly making teaching plan for students on their learning process; 积极参加学校和部门组织的各种培训、教研、试讲、会议等活动; ntributing to training, teaching and researching, demo, meeting and so on; 班级人数:一对一或小班课 ass ...

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