Results 1 - 20 of 5977
  • 烟台欣和企业食品有限公司 上海市 黄浦区

    Bits x Bites 是中国领先的农业与食物科技风险投资机构。通过投资人才及创新科技,我们打造可持续的食物生态系统。团队秉持创业精神、主张设计思维,并且为热情、敬业、和我们拥有共同愿景伙伴提供了一个优质的平台。 Bits x Bites is China’s pioneer food tech VC. Our mission is to shape the future of good food by investing in people and technology to create more sustainable food systems. The team embraces entrepreneurship and design thinking, and provides a great environment for passionate, hardworking individuals who share our mission to get immersed in these areas. 我们正在招聘一名传媒经理,负责 Bits x Bites 中英双语的媒体...

  • 上海缙和信息科技有限公司 上海市 长宁区

    上海市 长宁区 Freelance Fashion Designer (Cut & Sewn knit, Woven) Merchandise Dept Job Description: 1. Perform full range of product development and design functions with in-house merchandise department 2. Work together with merchandise department to supervise sampling on frequent basis 3. Research and analyze pet fashion trend direction Requirements: 1. Degree holder in Fashion Design or related disciplines 2. Minimum 5 year experience in designing and developing for international children's ...

  • 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai

    岗位职责: 1. Maintain purchasing order activities effectively, have good communication with internal customers & external suppliers. 2. Keep compliant with hospital policies, auditing requirements, JCIA standard, government laws and regulations. 3. Develop and maintain stable and uninterrupted supply to support rapid growth of hospital & clinic. 4. Maintain medical consumables data in E1 & IMCS. Keep good accuracy & efficiency of data entered. 5. Provide assistance to warehouse staff...

  • 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai

    岗位职责: Example of Duties: ? Performing clinical duties as general practitioner (i.e. comprehensive examination, X-rays, restoratives, root canal treatment, extraction, crown and bridge, scaling, teeth whitening etc.) ? Maintaining a steady flow of patients by overseeing day-to-day bookings and by monitoring patient recalls ? Training and managing staff to maintain a high standard of dental care in a warm and friendly environment ? Dealing with any patient complaints that may arise as a result of ...

  • 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai

    岗位职责: Outpatient Nurse (Pediatric, Family Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, IMO, Endo, Surgical, Orthopedic, Dental, Ophthalmology, ENT, Dermatology, Plastic Surgery) 门诊护士(儿科、家庭全科、妇产科、内科、内窥镜、外科、骨科、牙科、眼科、五官科、皮肤科、整形外科) 任职资格: ? Education Requirement - Diploma above of nursing graduate ? Experience Requirement- 3 years above working experience in nursing preferred. ? 2 years oversea nursing experience preferred for new hires. ? Licensing Needed- Registered nurse license in China. ? BLS certificat...

  • 上海药明生物技术有限公司 上海市 浦东新区

    2.1 Create and maintain specification, analytical methods, SOPs and training materials. 2.2 Responsible for sampling/sample retention management of raw materials. 2.3 Create the work plan of raw materials testing including physical/chemical tests and follow up the plan implementation status to support related production. 2.4 Process analytical data in workstation for acceptability of calibration curve, control values and chromatograms. Responsible for investigation of incident reports and OOS/OO...

  • 重庆商和天下科技发展有限公司 重庆市 潼南县

    重庆市 潼南县 月薪20,000 - 40,000元 ————想充分发挥现阶段自身已有优势、规避自身劣势、有意创业的职业经理人请进。 这是一个创业项目,但不是仅仅有钱就能做的项目,我们对人有较高的要求,若您能经得起沟通考核、真正志同道合、敢愿拼搏,我们可以对你进行大力支持,进入的门槛可以很低。 我们需要的人,是在职场里拼打了10年或以上,从事过中型企业经营管理工作,曾经伴随过一个企业成长,任企业中高层3年及以上,至少对企业经营管理某一个模块精通娴熟。 按照上面的条件,您或者在32-50岁这个年龄区间,如果您意识较他人超前一些,或您已深深感受到85后、90后带来的竞争和压力。 但是我们为什么要和他们争呢?为什么不能静下心来想想你和他们有什么不同,想想你自己有了哪些优势?为什么不去做更适合自己、自己更有优势的事情呢? 只是,虽然今天我们已经32-50岁了,但我们的优势够显著和稳定吗? 在现实的步步挤压之下,你是否已经曾有思考,你最终想成为什么样的人,你最终想靠什么稳定、持续的获得自己及家庭在这个社会中的那一份优势生存权。 今天我们可能还是一个高级打工仔,危机感有时或还并不强,只是有时会不得...


    Functions: Health Care / Medical   Website: 工作地點:九龍城 / 紅磡 / 土瓜灣 (康樂園) 請將個人履歷按 立即申請 遞交 申請人所提供的資料將予保密及只作招聘有關職位用途。...


    Functions: Health Care / Medical   Website: 工作地點:九龍城 / 紅磡 / 土瓜灣 (康樂園) 請將個人履歷按 立即申請 遞交 申請人所提供的資料將予保密及只作招聘有關職位用途。...

  • 成都生气鲨鱼教育科技有限公司 成都市 高新区

    Programming Teacher Job Opportunity in Chengdu City of China Our company "Coding First" is seeking a scientifically adventurous computer scientist or engineer to move to the beautiful and High-Tech city Chengdu in China. The teacher will engage in teaching programming to students aged 5 to 18. If you are excited to move to China, live & work there and learn the language then this opportunity may be the right one for you. What will you teach? Courses you will teach include: Python, C+...

  • 國立陽明大學醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系 Taibei

    國立陽明大學醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系 用人單位:國立陽明大學醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系 職缺公告日期:2019-08-07 報名截止日期:2019-09-30 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 2名 學校地址:台北市北投區立農街二段155號 工作地點:臺北市北投區 學術專長:衛生醫藥及社福領域(生命科學/醫藥衛生/社會服務學門) 公告內容: Yang-Ming University invites applications for a faculty position. Institution: National Yang-Ming University Department: Biotechnology and Laboratory Science in Medicine Location: Taipei, Taiwan Rank/Title: Assistant/Associate Professor Type: Full Time Position Summary: Our department invites applications from talented scientists for ...

  • 佳和英語短期補習班 新北市 土城區

    We are looking for a part time English teacher who is a native speaker with teaching experience. Bachelor degree is required. Materials are provided by school. Students age:7~12 Working hours: 17~19 hours per week Hourly rate: 600-700/hour (depends on experience) 職務類別 : 英文老師 休假制度 : 依公司規定 上班時段 : 依公司規定 年 9 月 3 日 需求人數 : 1至2人 薪資待遇 : 時薪 600 至 700 元每月薪資行情表我要申訴 工作性質 : 兼職-長期 上班日期 : 一個月內 管理人數 : 不需負擔管理責任 工作條件 學歷要求 : 大學以上 科系要求 : 不拘 工作經驗 : 1 年以上 工作經歷 : 兼職/英文老師 累計年資1年以上 身份類別 : 外籍人士 外語能力 : 英文 聽:精通 說:精通 讀:精通 寫...

  • 天境生物科技有限公司 Shanghai

    Major Responsibilities and Duties: Act as CMC lead to manage integrated IND enabling projects outsourced to CDMO, be responsible for overall CMC budget, timeline, deliverable and IND filing, 1-2 projects annually. Act as function lead to manage functional activities of CMC development at CDMO site, multiple projects in parallel, including experimental designing, report reviewing, on-site support, dossier writing etc. Coordinate internal and external communications for in-licensed and out-license...

  • 上海和睦家医院有限公司 上海市 长宁区

    岗位职责: Carry out hospital policies and procedures, provide quality of care to all patients, coordinate between relevant staff, and accomplish assigned tasks by Head Nurse and/or Assistant Head Nurse of OB/GYN out-patient or in-patient. 任职资格: 1. Minimum Education Requirement—above college degree in nursing 2. Minimum experience requirement-5 years working experience in nursing 3. Minimum 2 years overseas nursing experience required for new hires. 4. Licensing Needed—Registered nurse license in Chi...

  • 上海和睦家医院有限公司 上海市 长宁区

    上海市 长宁区 岗位职责: Responsibilities: ? Professionalism and positive work attitude ? Provides total patient care and individual patient needs in conformance with standards of nursing practice. ? Observes and documents pertinent information that reflects the patient’s clinical condition, with respect to the entire human being. ? Maintains accurate and complex records of nursing observations and care. ? Performs or supervises treatment and administers medications as required. ? Supervise and coaching lo...

  • 三生制药集团 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 1. 协助审计经理完成集团审计部年度工作计划,可以独立开展审计工作,并提出优化建议; 2. 独立开展项目调查,收集落实审计证据,分析并论证问题发现,初拟审计报告; 3. 对审计发现需整改的问题进行反馈和后续跟进,监督整改措施的执行落实; 4. 按照要求形成规范的工作底稿,归档后妥善保管审计档案; 5. 完成领导交付的其他工作任务。 任职要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,管理类、法律类专业优先; 2. 拥有营销管理、财经管理相关知识,具备医药销售管理工作经验者优先考虑; 3. 3年及以上医药营销审计工作经验,能够承受压力; 4. 逻辑思维清晰,有较强的分析能力、沟通协调能力和较好的文案表达功底; 5. 有较强的学习能力,能独立进行项目调查,综合分析并撰写审计报告; 6. 熟练掌握Office办公软件,尤其是PowerPoint和Word。 JD: 1. Assist the audit manager to complete the annual work plan of the group audit department, and independently carry out ...

  • 南京世和基因生物技术有限公司 南京市 浦口区

    1. 参加团队会议与讨论,并给予有意义的建议; 2. 协助后端团队和架构师完成数据库相关的设计与开发; 3. 协助业务部门抓取、分析数据。 任职要求: 1. 熟悉SQL、ETL、等等,能独立编写语句、交易、ETL任务; 2. 对计算机算法有良好的理解与实践经历; 3. 能够完成基本的数据处理与转换; 4. 具有优秀的沟通能力,包括口头与书面的交流能力; 5. 能同时进行并完成多个项目,有优秀的时间管理能力; 职能类别:数据库工程师/管理员 微信 联系方式 上班地址:江北新区新锦湖路3号-1中丹园B座18楼 公司信息 一、关于世和基因 世和基因(Geneseeq)是致力于新一代高通量基因测序技术临床及健康管理应用开发的转化医学研发中心。2008年启航于加拿大多伦多大学Banting & Best学院和MaRS产业园,致力于临床肿瘤精准分子检测、液态活检及临床转化研究。2013年,世和基因中国总部坐落南京,在江苏省及南京市政府的大力支持下,成立了江苏省精准医学基因检测工程中心、江苏省肿瘤精准医疗工程技术研究中心。 2013年,世和基因在国内创新推出大panel实体瘤NGS基因检测。...

  • 和记黄埔医药有限公司 上海市 浦东新区

    上海市 浦东新区 PRIMARY FUNCTION Quality and Compliance Management in clinical product development. MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES, AND DUTIES Implement and deliver the agreed upon Quality Control plan which includes risk management. Assist Clinical Operations to deliver a better compliance with relevant ICH, GCP, country regulations and guidelines. Contribute to the development of and responsible for implementation and delivery of specific initiatives as defined and agreed upon. Provide advice and support to ...

  • 上海和睦家医院有限公司 上海市 长宁区

    上海市 长宁区 岗位职责: Carry out hospital policies and procedures, provide quality of care to all patients, coordinate between relevant staff, and accomplish assigned tasks by Head Nurse and/or Assistant Head Nurse of out-patient. 任职资格: 1. Minimal Education Requirement—above college degree in nursing 2. Minimal experience requirement-5 years working experience in nursing 3. Minimum 2 years overseas nursing experience required for new hires. 4. Licensing Needed—Registered nurse license in China 5. Adequat...

  • 上海和睦家医院有限公司 上海市 长宁区

    上海市 长宁区 岗位职责: Responsibilities: ? Professionalism and positive work attitude ? Observes and documents pertinent information that reflects the patient’s clinical condition, with respect to the entire human being. ? Reports the same to oncoming nurses, charge nurses and physicians. ? Performs or supervises treatment and administers medications as required. ? Counts narcotics in accordance to the institution’s policies and procedures. ? Cooperates in maintaining a high level of order, safety and st...

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