- 全球華人股份有限公司 Taibei
產業類別: 遊戲電玩 職務類別:電玩程式設計師 上班地點: 台北市松山區 職務性質:全職 上班日期: 需求人數:1 薪 資 別 :月薪 工作待遇: 33000~70000 職責要求 1.根據專案需求於Unity製作UI 2.根據專案美術風格設計及製作2D角色動畫、場景動畫、UI動態 3.Unity Animation System的動畫製作 4.Unity可支援之Spine、Live2D等軟體的動畫製作 5.支援Unity特效製作或修改 6.與企劃、程式溝通以達到專案需求 任職資格 1.具有開發Unity完整專案經驗。 2.了解動畫運動規律,能夠掌握良好動畫節奏。 3.熟悉2D骨骼動畫製作流程。 4.英文中等...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 23,2019 - 英谛捷医药科技咨询有限公司 Shanghai
Role: Medical Writer Job Description: Job Location: Shanghai 1. Translate and rewrite medical content such as patient health education materials and marketing promotional materials as required by clients; 2. Work closely with projects managers and clients to generate content for various projects (mostly interactive), researching articles, fact sheets, press releases, materials in different sources such as newspapers, medical journals, websites etc. 3. Provide onsite (China) support to clients an...
- 英谛捷医药科技咨询有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Mutually translation between English and Chinese for medical content including patient health education materials and marketing promotional materials etc. as required by clients Various multimedia scripts writing such as website storeboard, eDA/eDetailing storeboard, microsite storeboard, e-Module storeboard, e-Case storeboard, promotional email, MMS content, SMS content, and MOA storeboard etc. Medical article publication work including communication with author (specialist), data sorting, ...
- 人大附中杭州学校 查看所有职位 杭州市 余杭区
Duties and Responsibilities: 工作职责 Set up and oversee the high school college counselor program Liaisoning with parents and managing student expectations Work closely with the international college counselor Create and maintain student portfolios Meet with students regularly to provide advice and help improve their profiles Provide reports and communicate regularly with parents Skills and Experience Required: 岗位要求 1. Bachelor's Degree or above, strong academic background preferred 2. At least...
- 安拓国际人力资源(广州)有限公司 广州市
广州市 职位信息 Job Responsibility: 1、Curriculum: Incharge of designing the school curriculum according to GIA requirement andstandard, confirm the standards in all areas of the school. Meanwhile,participate the teaching differentiation plan for students who will attend APtest. 2、Teaching: In chargeof the management and quality control of the teaching of all courses of theschool. Conduct the teaching assessment in a professional manner to improvethe teaching quality effectively. Set up academic goals a...
- 深圳南油外服人力资源有限公司 深圳市 南山区
岗位职责: We are looking for a person to support the Country Manager in all his daily duties and communication, including translation of Chinese/English emails and arranging meetings driver/transportation etc. Any experience in shipping, accounting, China business laws & regulations would be advantageous but not essential 任职资格: Excellent English both Written & Verbal Basic computer skills Good organizational skills Positive & Proactive attitude and willing to learn Help to build positive...
- 上海哈罗外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 Responsibilities Provide hospitality for all guests and ensure that appointments have been confirmed and been referred to/by relevant Early Years staff. Handle telephone enquiries from parents, find information and inform staff accordingly. Manage and maintain a stationery stock for the Early Years. Day to day administration of the Early Years & Lower School and working with general administrative duties including data entry, faxes and emails, in accordance with direct line manager initi...
- TV SOUL [心視台] Shek Mun
誠聘兼職補習老師: 中、小學各級、各科、、專科補習老師。 有經驗,愛心,耐心。 歡迎退休老師 ,年齡不拘, 薪酬面議...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 22,2019 - 上海人头马贸易有限公司 深圳市
深圳市 Job Responsibility: 1. FORTRESS/ ON-TRADE Collect up-to-date Information/Data, report to BA monthly (new Fortress prospect, new LXIII Listing, 好吃好玩 list.) Identify new On-Trade listing/Fortress prospect and new 好吃好玩 list to BA monthly. Site check existing Fortress venue (POSM, sales, tasting decanter, visibility opportunity etc.) Courtesy call (weekly sales, venue event planning-by which brand, market intelligence). Support BA to do event scheduling with Fortress. Brand Training 2. CRP / Off...
- 天津和意致中教育科技有限公司 天津市 西青区
Personal Qualities: 1.Excellent communication skills. 2.A love of children and teaching. 3.A passionate, energetic and enthusiastic love of teaching in their words and attitude. 4.A willingness to work diligently as a contributing team player. 5.A willingness to accept Company Policy regarding the Learning Centre's operations and regulations. 6.A willingness to learn new ways of doing and thinking about education and the teaching process. 7.An ability to view the acquisition of new skills as...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 上海市 闵行区
岗位职责: ? Assesses a patient’s needs, abilities, or behavior using a variety of methods, including medical record review, psychometric tests, interviews, and direct observation of behavior. ? Interprets intelligence, achievement, interest, personality, and other psychological tests to diagnosis disorders. ? Devises, implements, monitors, and revises as needed appropriate programs of treatment, including psychotherapy, psycho-education, and crisis intervention. ? Provides clinical services in accor...
- 國立中央大學語言中心 Taibei
國立中央大學語言中心 用人單位:國立中央大學語言中心 職缺公告日期:2019-09-18 報名截止日期:2019-10-09 開缺職缺:兼任教師 x 2名 學校地址:桃園市中壢區中大路300號 工作地點:桃園市中壢市中大路300號 學術專長:其他領域(其他學門/中心/體育室等) 公告內容: 應徵條件:【兼任英語教師】 1. 須具英語教學或教育相關領域 碩士 ( 含) 以上 學歷。 2. 具備大學或成人教育階段的英語授課經驗。 【兼任越南語教師】 須具越南語教學相關領域 碩士 ( 含) 以上 學歷,或為母語人士並具備教育相關領域 碩士 ( 含) 以上 學歷,具教學經驗尤佳。 依據本校規定,非相關領域學歷不得聘用。 聘期時程:自108年2月1日起聘。 截止日期:即日起至 10 月9 日 ( 以郵戳為憑) 申請文件:* 中文及欲應徵之語種履歷各一份 (中文履歷請使用本中心制式表格,外語履歷格式不限) (學經歷請註明西元起迄年、月,經歷請註明專、兼任) 自傳(中文及英、外文各一份,格式不限) 在學期間成績單影本(國外學歷者需檢附經外交部及相關單位驗證證明) 最高學歷證件(國外學歷者需檢附經外交...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 18,2019 - 方恩医药科技发展有限公司 上海市 长宁区
上海市 长宁区 Location: Yerevan Armenia Job Responsibilities: Finance Controlling: Creating financial format for Cash in advance request and reimbursement report; Formulating the financial procedure within Armenia Organization (65 people); Reviewing all financial reports; Helping calculate the salaries of all the employees; Negotiating with suppliers, making contracts and purchases, and following up the contracts. l Marketing and BD activities: Writing Proposal for different events; Creating company P...
工作地點:九龍城 / 紅磡 / 土瓜灣 (康樂園) Enquiries 請致電 5300 5732 陳姑娘洽或按 立即申請 申請。 申請人所提供的資料將予保密及只作招聘有關職位用途。...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 17,2019 - 和铂医药有限责任公司 上海市 浦东新区
Job Scope and Responsibilities: Support Head of Early Development on the scientific activities in drug discovery and development, especially in the DMPK, PKPD modeling, method development, toxicology, bioanalysis, biomarker, etc Be a going person for PK/PD needs A Key Opinion Leader within the company Be able to research scientific literature to analyze and provide project background information. Collects and analyzes metric-based global and local intelligence data; generate and maintain intelli...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 上海市 长宁区
岗位职责: ? Examines, diagnoses, and treats acute and chronic diseases and injuries of infants and children into young adulthood in both the inpatient and outpatient setting. ? Prepares and reviews case histories and obtains data through interviews. ? Examines patients and determines x-ray examinations and clinical laboratory tests required. ? Interprets test results and evaluates examination findings. ? Conducts ward rounds and prescribes therapy. ? Administers and prescribes treatment such as anti...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: 职位级别: Middle (4-8 years) 岗位职责 1. Perform duties of Radiology according to the arrangement 2. Interpreting the report of Radiography, CT and MRI reading and interpreting 3. Perform routine radiography with contrast studies .as well as CT all procedures 4. Available for night, weekend, or holiday work as needed. 5. Participates in in-service programs, staff, and educational meetings. 任职条件 1. Bachelor degree major in Medicine 2. At least 10 years experience in Radiology (Radiography, CT or MR...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 岗位职责: 主要工作职责 执行医院的各项规章制度,为产妇和新生儿提供高质量的护理服务。 工作职责 ? 积极、认真的工作态度,展现出专业的护理职业形象。 ? 学习、理解和睦家医疗的护理理念和文化,并运用在临床护理工作中。 ? 遵守医院及部门的各项规章制度。 ? 产妇及新生儿护理评估。 ? 按照护理流程做好母婴日常护理。 ? 正确执行医嘱。 ? 帮助产妇树立母乳喂养的信心,提供母乳喂养知识和技能指导。 ? 完成产妇及新生儿护理病历记录。 ? 产妇及新生儿护理宣教。 ? 保持医疗仪器设备的清洁、整齐及完好。 ? 一次性耗材和基数药品的领取。 ? 参加各种护理职业培训及护理继续教育课程。 ? 更新护理知识,符合医院护理发展的需要。 ? 良好的医护团队合作。任职资格: 教育和培训: ? 护理专业毕业 ? 大专学历或以上者优先 ? 1-3年临床护理经验。产科、儿科或产后月子护理经验者优先 ? 中国注册护士执照 技能 ? 提供标准母婴护理服务 ? 具有母婴护理基本知识和技能 ? 基础护理操作技能 ? 有效的沟通交流能力 理论知识 ? 理解医院的各项规章制度 ? 理解部门的规章制度 ? 掌握基...
- 广州和睦家医院有限公司 广州市 海珠区
岗位职责: Summary of Responsibilities 职责概要: Provide diagnosis and treatment of the conditions of the mouth, gums and teeth. Also provide patients with advice and recommendations to prevent future oral health issues. 提供口腔与牙齿牙龈状况的诊断与治疗。同时为患者提供咨询与建议,以预防未来的口腔健康问题。 Responsibilities 职责: ? Performing clinical duties as general practitioner (i.e. comprehensive examination, x-rays, restoratives, root canal treatment, extractions, crown and bridges, scaling, teeth whitening and etc.) to adults and children 作为...
- 上海嘉会国际医院有限公司 上海市 徐汇区
Summarize the nature and level of work performed: The Nursing service night supervisor is responsible to provide a key administrative, operational and clinical support role in the Jiahui Hospital. Principle Duties and Responsibilities: Key area of responsibility, major job duties and key objectives for this position. Liaison Role - Act as the central contact person to liaise with on-call doctors and admitting staff in facilitating admissions and/or transfer to critical care and general care with...
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