- 上海哈罗外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Duties and Responsibilities Tosupport the School’s ensembles by playing the Piano parts in rehearsals andperformances as required by the Music department. Toprovide support in classes by playing the Piano and assisting students withtheir work. Assistingthe Head of Music in administrative duties as required for the Musicdepartment. Attendingand accompanying performances outside of regular hours on an as needed basis. Supportwith design of promotional material for performances. Qualificat...
- 上海哈罗外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Job Purpose The Library Assistant provides assistance with story time, student research, and support for teachers and parents. Also, this role is responsible for doing the clerical, technical, and computer tasks required to allow the school library to function effectively. Responsibilities 1. Responsibility for promoting and developing reading, literacy and information skills to students by: Managing the Library services to ensure the provision of an effective resource and information s...
- 上海德威外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 JOB DESCRIPTION DCS believes that each employee makes a significant contribution to our success and that contributions should not be limited by the assigned responsibilities. Therefore, this job description is designed to outline primary responsibilities but not limit the employee nor DCS to only the work identified. It is the expectation of the school, that each employee will offer his/her services wherever and whenever necessary to ensure the success of our organization. Job Title :Ass...
- 五达企业管理有限公司 Shenzhen
Egglaston is a company providing services in the manufacturing business of Lingerie to foreign customers located in Shenzhen( 10 minutes walk from Wuhe metro Station) Egglaston is currently looking for a candidate to be in charge of the Customer Service Manager of a customer for the lingerie production business service provided. Candidate Requirements Should have at least 2 years working experience managing customer orders following up orders with customers and factories. Should be willing to tr...
- 五行科技股份有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 月薪30,000 - 40,000元 工作内容: 1. 应用PC-GF、PC-CF、PC/ABS、PC染色以及特殊高端改性塑料的大客户的开发; 2. 与目标客户进行全方位的沟通、服务,完成项目开发、销售任务; 3. 带领团队制定销售计划,完成销售目标。 任职要求: 1. 能够独立开发大客户,建立良好的客户中高层关系; 2. 有消费电子品牌客户,家电、包装材料、安防、主机厂或成型厂客户资源者优先。 薪资构成: 底薪+绩效奖金 +提成 年收入80w~100万/年。 职能类别:大客户销售业务拓展主管/经理 关键字:BD大客户管理业务拓展大客户经理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:漕河泾开发区桂平路...
- 博世诚五金股份有限公司 Shanghai
职位概述: 开发和管理供应商,处理销售部的询价 晋升方向: 高级采购员 、 采购经理 薪金方式: 工资+提成+奖金+福利 工作内容: 1、通过网络平台、展会以及公司分配的资源开发供应商; 2、实地拜访、审核供应商; 3、不定期通过推介会向销售部推介新供应商,推介新产品; 4、处理回复销售部门的询盘; 5、跟踪订单的生产进度,安排产品的发货; 6、负责相应供应商的对账工作; 7、组织进行客户投诉或退货的处理; 8、负责相关采购文件的的归档、保管与调用 9、完成直属上司交办的其它工作 任职要求: 教育背景:供应链管理、市场营销、机械制造相关专业全日制大学专科及以上学历; 培训经历:会CAD制图者优先,受过供应链管理相关培训,可接受优秀应届毕业生; 工作经验:1年以上采购或者紧固件行业工作经验,有紧固件行业工作经验者优先; 技能技巧:良好的沟通协调能力,英语四级以上;熟练使用办公软件;熟练使用操作办公自动化设备。熟练使用绘图软件者优先考虑; 工作态度:职业生涯清晰、勤奋进取、严谨负责、踏实、敬业;工作细致认真,责任心强;团队意识强 职能类别:采购员供应商开发 关键字:采购外贸采购供应商开发采...
- 江西五湖祥和展览有限公司 Nanchang
岗位职责: 1.对接客户,签证辅导,根据各国使馆签证要求准备资料 2.安排地接、预定酒店、机票(可能需要与境外英文沟通,口语较好者优先考虑) 3.协助上级完成交待的任务 任职要求:认真仔细,旅游相关经验或在外贸进出口公司有过三年以上任职经历。英语口语好,英语四级,有英语等级考试资格证书。 公司福利:缴纳五险,周末双休,国家法定节假日,年假,出国旅游机会,节假日福利,生日福利,下午茶。 联系:涂***0791-88285315 职能类别:客服专员/助理 微信 联系方式 上班地址:青云谱区解放西路49号明珠广场C座22层 公司信息 江西五湖祥和展览有限公司是江西领先的国际商务综合服务平台,五湖祥和积极响应和贯彻国家“走出去、请进来”战略和“一带一路”倡议,以江西特色产业为基础,以境外“国际展会、商务考察、推介会、招商活动、采购对接活动”为载体,架起江西与境外政府、商/协会、大型企业的交流合作桥梁,整合国内外优质服务资源,设立“一带一路”国际商务综合服务平台,为政府和企业提供一站式涉外商贸服务。 “胸怀世界、服务江西”是平台的定位,主张创新、开放、合作、共赢。平台立足江西,依托北京十多年的境...
- 萨康电子有限公司 Shanghai
Job Responsibilities: 组织收集市场信息,协助报价、确定业务的可操作性,协助部门经理进行业务接洽、签订合同; Organize collecting market information ,assist to give offer to make sure of the business operation, assist the department manager for business contact and sign the contract 2. 接收订单,处理发货,退货,收款事宜,并报告统计数据。 Receiving orders, processing shipment, returning of goods, collection, and report statistical data 3. 接待客户来访,管理客户满意度调查. Receive client visit, manage the customer satisfaction survey 4. 解决客户常规性纠纷,协调、配合处理重大的客户投诉和突发事件 Deal with the cu...
- 楼氏电子有限公司 Suzhou
Process Improvement Responsibilities Provide process recommendations to address and resolve business issues for a specific business group Recommend business process improvements, design processes, provide solutions using Oracle ERP Research tools to identify those that can best help serve the needs of clients Operations Support Under the direction of the Manager – Finance Business Systems, perform the following responsibilities on-going for production support in specific geographic areas of Know...
- 富昌电子有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 福田区 Responsibilities include assisting supervisory and non-supervisory employees with various administrative support tasks. These tasks include, but not limited to: General filing and records maintenance, Compiling data for reports, Scheduling appointments and meetings, Environmental maintenance, Furniture maintenance, Answering / screening telephone calls, Preparing / editing presentations, Making travel and hotel arrangements, Office lease management and relocation of office, Coordinate of...
- 万特电子有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 1. To train up team on daily purchasing activities 2. To manage AOS issue with GSBM and suppliers 3. Inventory control 4. Customer QBR 5. Con-call with suppliers for materials pull in/reschedule out 6. Strategy planning for purchasing section 7. To guide purchasing team on SAP and other technical support 8. Kaizen/improvement, internal audit, physical inventory support 9. other job assigned by manager 10.Bachelor degree or above 11.5+years purchasing experience and 3+years purchasing supervi...
- 天弘电子有限公司 Shanghai
This job provides direct and indirect supervision to subordinate managers and employees performing highly specialized roles in a major function or division/department within medium to large sites. This includes long-term planning, objective setting, and management while providing latitude and discretion to subordinates. Accountable for projects or programs on a multi-national or global basis. Has overall responsibility for planning, budgeting, implementing and maintaining costs, methods and empl...
- 柯达电子有限公司 Shanghai
Job Summary The primary responsibility of this role is to execute mechanical design tasks on complex electro-mechanical products developed and manufactured by Kodak. The role is part of a team located in Shanghai that reports to a technical leader located in Canada. It includes responsibility for machine design projects from concept through successful field operation. Responsibilities: A. Initiate innovative ideas for both new products and improvements on existing products. B. Manage assigned pr...
- 柯达电子有限公司 Shanghai
Job Summary Co-work with R&D, Quality, Logistic team and suppliers to set up device manufacture ability, and provide sustained support to ensure smooth operation. Conduct parts localization and cost reduction activities. Responsibilities 1.Set up device manufacturing ability, with support from R&D, Quality, Logistic team and other functions; 2.Obtain product knowledge from R&D, internal training material and other channels, and transfer the knowledge to production; Transfer drawing a...
- 中山欧科电子有限公司 Zhongshan
职位信息 Develops and administers staffing/employment/recruiting programs. Works with hiring manager to document requirements of job openings as required opening requisition(s). Determines appropriate recruiting sources for advertising and posting positions. Promotes the company image to candidates and external service providers. Surfaces candidates and develops networks of people and processes to support a strong pipeline of qualified candidates. Pre-screens resumes and evaluates effectiveness of e...
- 南京贝迪电子有限公司 Nanjing
第一外语:西班牙语 (口语流利) 工作性质:全职 职位描述与任职要求 1. 西班牙语文件翻译、 公司西语培训 2. 董事长的日常行程安排及修正及日常内勤事务; 3. 项目文件制作/推进及会议(新项目及外宾); 4. 贝迪墨西哥的相关外务(领事馆/律师)及本部业务对接; 5. 董事长行政事宜的办理,领导交代临时性事务出来。 岗位要求: 1、本科及以上西班牙语相关专业; 2、西班牙语听力、口语流利,文字翻译能力强; 3、能适应在国外出差; 4、吃苦耐劳,有团队合作精神;...
- 上海易保电子有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 Job responsibilities 1. According to the company's annual sales plan, formulate effective purchasing objectives and plans, and implement them to ensure the feasibility of production plans; 2. According to the company's target plan, formulate the department's plan and organize its implementation to ensure that the department's work objectives are completed on time. 3. Develop supplier development plan according to annual business plan and temporary purchasing plan to ensur...
- 中山欧科电子有限公司 Zhongshan
职位信息 Responsibilities Take over mechanical related materials sourcing Co-operate internally of mechanical group and take over related materials sourcing, and work with R&D, Material and QA departments together Develop and audit vendors with potentials periodically and submit qualified samples to R&D for new product Responsible for negotiation of all materials of mechanical group, including tooling and unit price, and submit the report to management for approval before updates in BOS syst...
- 光宝汽车电子有限公司 Changzhou
常州市 武进区 月薪8,000 - 10,000元 工作經歷:PM相關工作經驗至少3以上 汽車行業擔任專案管理至少3年以上經驗 有管理經驗尤佳 汽車電子產業為佳 會使用Microsoft Project 熟悉 TS 16949品保體系運作 語文: 英文/日文/德文(任一)聽說讀寫流利,能對應外國客戶(TOEIC 700優先) 個性: 主動積極,抗壓性強,優良溝通協調能力 其他: 能配合公司彈性出差 职能类别: 产品工艺/制程工程师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:阳湖路88号武进保税区内光宝集团A5厂房内 公司信息 台湾光宝集团创立于1975年,是台湾第一家上市电子公司,致力于核心光电组件及电子关键零组件的发展,产品广泛应用于计算机、通讯、消费性电子、汽车电子、LED照明、云端运算、工业自动化及生技医疗等领域,其中光电产品、信息科技、储存装置、掌上型机构件等居全球领先地位。 光宝汽车电子(常州)有限公司位于武进国家高新区,成立于2017年,总投资1.05亿美元。在LED车灯、ADAS传感器、雷达、摄像头、马达控制等的制造领域精益求精,致力于打造安全、便捷又节能的交通工具,从人性出发,不断探索...
- 南京贝迪电子有限公司 Nanjing
南京市 江宁区 应届生 月薪5,000 - 10,000元 1. 西班牙语文件翻译、 公司西语培训 2. 董事长的日常行程安排及修正及日常内勤事务; 3. 项目文件制作/推进及会议(新项目及外宾); 4. 贝迪墨西哥的相关外务(领事馆/律师)及本部业务对接; 5. 董事长行政事宜的办理,领导交代临时性事务出来。 岗位要求: 1、本科及以上西班牙语相关专业; 2、西班牙语听力、口语流利,文字翻译能力强; 3、能适应在国外出差; 4、吃苦耐劳,有团队合作精神; 职能类别:西班牙语翻译 微信 联系方式 上班地址:淳化街道乾德路5号9栋 公司信息 南京贝迪电子有限公司于2015年正式入驻江宁高新园,是***高新技术企业、***博士后工作站分站、江苏省民营科技企业、江苏省工程技术研究中心。同时在珠海、太仓、烟台、杭州设有子公司,在日本设立研发中心,韩国、中国台湾等地设有办事处。2018年新增贝迪(美国)和贝迪(墨西哥)产研中心。 公司拥有俄罗斯工程院院士1名,国家万人计划专家1名,南京市高端团队专家3名,博士、硕士研究生数于名。公司致力于新型显示技术的推广和应用;研发、生产高品质的显示用光学膜材...
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