- 香港印鈔有限公司 Tai po
中六程度或以上 (持印刷文憑 / 化驗文憑優先考慮) 具質量審查/實驗室/廠房工作經驗會作優先考慮 負責日常質量審查/化驗/儀器校正及保養工作 撰寫檢測報告 安排非日常工作 有責任心和良好溝通技巧 能書寫中英文及操流利廣東話/一般普通話及英語 具有良好電腦應用知識 須輪班工作 (歡迎新畢業人士申請) 本公司提供優厚薪酬及福利,包括年終酬金、醫療及人壽保險、膳食及交通津貼等。有意者請將個人履歷、工作經驗、聯絡地址及電話,函寄 新界大埔工業邨大盛街2-4號人事及行政部 收或透過 立即申請 遞交或傳真至 2664 4882 。 (申請人所提供的資料將予保密及只供申請有關職位用途)...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 11,2019 - 嘉威管理有限公司 New territories
- 有勤工獎、加班津貼、 - 提供午膳、年終花紅、 - 醫療津貼、強積金及勞工假期 有意請電 : 2847 4980 電郵 : hrd@b-coldstorage.com.hk 查詢...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 10,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
We are looking for a UI / UX Specialist to join our Digital COE. The UI / UX Specialist responsibilities include gathering user requirements, designing graphic elements and building navigation components. To be successful in this role, you should have experience with design software and wireframe tools. Ultimately, you’ll create both functional and appealing features that address our clients’ needs and help us grow our digital capability. The Job Deliver customer first digital products with i...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 10,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
Reporting to the Finance Manager - the FA will be responsible for providing financial analysis to support the business. The Job: Responsible for preparing financial analysis to support business and month end activities Assist in management accounting, forecasting and budgeting on a timely basis Provide cost and benefit analysis for business case and tender Review and monitor store expenses and ensure internal control in place Review and monitor the capital expenditure according to policies Su...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 10,2019 - 榮華食品製造業有限公司 Wing Wah Food Manufactory Limited Yuen long
Requirements Location: Yuen Long 5 – 6 days/week Form 6 or above in Information Technology or related disciplines. Good command in English and fluent in Chinese. At least 3-4 years working experience in IT Technical Support. Good experience in Windows platforms, Email System, POS and MS Applications. Knowledge in networking equipment and products is a must. Knowledge in ERP, Web and programming is preferable. Work independently, under pressure, self-motivated and good team player. Good analytica...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 7,2019 - 榮華食品製造業有限公司 Wing Wah Food Manufactory Limited Yuen long
Requirements Yuen Long, 5-6days/week Diploma or Degree in Computer Science or equivalent with Min. 2 years experience in ERP and POS systems Experience in ERP and POS system implementation Experience in MS NAV and prepare SOPs is an advantage Experience in back end development for Microsoft Server Hand-on experience in SQL database Knowledge in Web and Mobile Apps development is a plus Strong in problem solving, design, analytical skills and able to work independently Responsible, independent, e...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 7,2019 - 安信信貸有限公司 Wanchai
職責 負責戶外推廣私人貸款及信用卡 具良好銷售及客戶服務技巧,並解答客人有關產品之查詢及跟進事宜 為分行發掘及開拓區內具潛力之營銷網絡 入職要求 中五或中學文憑試以上程度 積極主動,具優質服務態度,自信及良好溝通技巧 具至少一年戶外零售或銷售經驗 具銀行業 / 電訊業或相關工作經驗者將獲優先考慮 員工福利包括 銀行假期 有薪年假及有薪休息日 有薪婚假、侍產假 有薪在職培訓 固定工作時間 良好晉升機會 進修資助...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 7,2019 - 滙點顧問公司 Quarry bay
工作性質 : 為客戶提供專業的理財服務方案 負責開展市場及維護客戶關係 入職要求 : 大學畢業或以上 (歡迎IANG) 一年工作經驗 良好溝通技巧及人際關係 積極盡責及具團隊合作精神...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 7,2019 - 價真棧有限公司 PrizeMart Limited Hong kong
Job Duties: Develop worldwide markets including CHINA, EUROPE, USA, JAPAN, TAIWAN and VIETNAM. Liaise with our global companies and our Hong Kong base company in the areas of Product Selection, Packaging / Labelling / Certification requirements and designs, Marketing, Orders and Shipments Requirement: University graduates with Bachelor degree (preferably Mathematics, Science, Economics and Marketing). Fresh Graduates from oversea countries including China with the possibility of obtaining IA...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 6,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
The Job: Sustain the Modern Data Architecture: Setting the strategic rollout, selection and delivery of proven as well as emerging tooling to ensure that data pipelines are scalable, repeatable and secure serving multiple users within the organization. The incumbent is responsible for implementing highly complex, multi-faceted big data initiatives associated the following functions areas: Translate complex functional and technical requirements for enhancement into detailed design and high perfor...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 6,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
The Job: The Analyst Programmer will be responsible for delivery quality software development and maintenance services in accordance with the Group's Software Development Life Cycle standard. The Analyst Programmer will perform medium complexity software development work under the direction of a Senior Systems Analyst or System Analyst. The Person (For Mobile Development): Bachelor's degree or above in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or a related discipline is preferred. Other ...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 6,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
The Product Owner is responsible for ensuring our digital assets and capabilities across web mobile app, eCRM and programmatic deliver a compelling and engaging user experience that meets the business objectives and provides a point of difference in the market. Responsible for the product vision and delivery of this. We are currently seeking high calibre who is creative, agile and have a hunger to develop new experiences and new ways of engaging customers to join our team. The Job: Developme...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 6,2019 - NuMe Limited 名人醫學美學有限公司 Tsimshatsui
【NuMe 醫學美容顧問】 為配合尖沙咀佔地三千多呎美學殿堂擴充,現正招聘醫學美容顧問 如果你不想再,尋尋覓覓經常換工作,不想重新培養自己的客人,想要一份可以幫你留住甚至擴大客源的優質有前景的醫美公司,想要穩定穏定,安安心心,和你消費的客人會反過來感謝你,一份長遠穩定且具高成就感工作, NuMe 就是你的不二之選 *大量優質廣告新客、大量MGM *提供最多最齊最頂尖醫學儀器療程,更擁有多元化,精湛手術項目, 市面上難有一間醫美中心可媲美, 幫你助長銷售金額 *醫生擁有專業精湛技術,極高美感要求,幫你助長銷售金額 *優厚佣金,長達6個月特高包薪,每月達標獎金 *每月額外獎勵給優秀員工 *據統計,本公司高達四分之三顧問個人,月銷售額達80萬以上,部份高達200萬以上,過千萬年薪不是夢 *全線星期日休息,每月6天例假 *有薪年假、生日假、恩恤假、介紹新人獎金、醫療福利、加班補鐘 *全線環境高級華麗舒適,務求顧客享受我們最優質、效果最完美的服務。 *在職培訓計劃 *經驗醫生培訓醫美知識 *員工購物優惠 *公司旅行福利 *每月員工聚餐 *定期節日慶祝 具3年或以上醫學美容銷售經驗, 推廣及銷售醫...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 6,2019 - 华尔道夫酒店及度假村Check Out Similar Jobs Xiamen
在业务发展总监的监督知道下,去检查每一个销售部员工的工作情况和他们的培训情况。 我的具体职责是什么? 销售计划 ——参与酒店销售计划的执行和发展。 确定消息的来源,使酒店的生意取得最好效益。 发展酒店的客户和他们建立良好的关系。 监督和指导正确重要的信息,并保证这些信息的可施性。 维持团队和散客的正确预测,确定销售在特定时期的销售重点。 销售行政部——总监管理酒店的销售流程。 建立计划和指导,使团队和散客努力达到计划的目标,并发展和建立良好的客户群。 监管销售的产值并且调整销售的行动,争取完成计划的目标。 组织出差的计划表并且管理出差的经费,优化市场销售力度。 与会展公司,航空公司,旅行社 和希尔顿区域销售办公室建立良好的联系。 计划,制定,实施异地销售功能以便传递生意到其他兄弟酒店。 增进年销售额的预算和执行销售计划。 管理希尔顿酒店所有客户体系。 销售人员的个人发展——带领和发展销售人员。 培训,挑选使销售人员意识到他们的发展前途,为希尔顿酒店作出贡献。 使销售部的每一位员工了解自己的职责,目标,成绩,一年两次对员工进行评估。 销售——管理重要的客户。 建立个人销售的目标,并且挑选...
jobs.hilton.comNovember 6,2019 - VANTAGE ENGINEERING (HONG KONG) LIMITED 運達工程(香港)有限公司 New territories
職 責: - 協助工程師監控工程的日常進度和協調工作 - 協助工程師進行檢查/監督,以確保承辦商符合中電安全要求 - 參加日常簡報並分配工作予工人,以確保質量及進度 - 能獨立工作、多方面分析及思維 - 準備工作報告 入職條件: - 機械,電氣或土木工程或相關學科的高級/專業文憑或以上學歷。 - 1至 2 年相關工作經驗 - 良好英語和粵語書寫及閱讀能力 - 具團隊合作精神和上進心 - 主動學習和良好溝通能力 - 堅持安全第一的理念 福 利: - 往返元朗/屯門/荃灣至青山發電廠的免費穿梭巴士 - 5 天工作 (星期一至五 07:45–17:05) - 醫療門診優惠 - 有超時加班津貼 - 有膳食津貼 有意申請可 email 詳細履歷至 hr@vantage.com.hk 或 whatsapp 至 70748197 或致電人力資源 部邱小姐 2678 5081 申請人提供之全部資料絕對保密及只作招聘之用...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 5,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
The Data Analytics Product Line Owner is responsible for defining the data analytics strategy, road map, design, product features, and deployment for the data lake and analytics platform for Dairy Farm across 11 markets, and multiple banners in Food, Health and Beauty, Convenience and Furnishings. This strategic enterprise data lake platform, which collects, stores and provides access to Asia divisional data. This platform also supports and enables analytics, digital transformation and operatio...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 4,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
The role will be reporting Group Director of Marketing Operations and responsible for coordinating overall medial planning across the Group, working closely with Group Media Agency on media buying plans, and on-going analysis to maximise efficiency and effectiveness behind Company’s media investments. The Job Work closely with the Director to formulate the media strategy and transform into implementation plan Manage and monitor day to day media activities and trafficking through different media ...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 4,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
The incumbent will be responsible to conduct various research and analysis for the Group Property Insights Director, in order to support the strategic business planning, investment and lease management in our markets across Asia. The Job Prepare, consolidate and analyse relevant internal and external data for region, including sales & profits, customer data, demographic data, lease/ rental details, tenancy information, lo project details, market performance, etc, to support strategic busin...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 4,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
The Job Assist in the new HRIS implementation, including but not limited to user requirement collection, data cleansing, UAT and training. Provide support to facilitate regular working group meetings with internal stakeholders across different project milestones Provide administrative and system support for existing systems during the implementation period Handle ad-hoc tasks as required The Person Degree holder 1-3 years' relevant working experience in HRIS implementation or post-implemen...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 4,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
The Job Lead team members' life cycle and people routines acting as a single point of contact for internal clients Assist in coaching leaders / managers on developing their teams, building capability and identifying talents Provide advice and counsel to managers and team members regarding HR practices, policies, disciplinary and labour law Assist with recruitment activities for urgent strategic projects Build rapport with other HR members to ensure teamwork and synergy of resources (Learning...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 4,2019
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