- 浙江联大科技有限公司 湖州市 南浔区
安全工作:安全工作标准检查;隐患排查与排除;消防检查及备案;消防演练;特种设备年审;公司防汛工作;厂区排水管道检查 Safety: safety work standard check; potential risks removal; firefighting facilities inspection and keep record; firefighting drill; special equipment annual check; company flood control; drainage pipeline inspection; 厂务维修:厂务设施维修保养计划制定及跟进,水电日检、月检,记录在档;厂房及设施维修;建立备品仓库台账及安全库存;宿舍锅炉保养与管理;化粪池清理; Maintenance: Define annual facility maintenance plan and follow-up, water and electricity check daily and monthly, and keep records; building and facil...
- 星巴克咖啡(大连)有限公司 Dalian
大连市 中山区 招聘人数:不限 薪资:面议 工作地点:大连市中山区人民路15,17号国际金融大厦5层G单元 职位描述 Responsibilities: 1、Plan and execute market development strategies 2、Conduct Market network planning and make timely updates 3、Actively looking for new sites and new opportunities 4、fulfill annual new store opening targets 5、Real estate negotiation 6、Conduct real estate investment feasibility studies 7、Prepare capex and site approval submission documents 8、Maintain good relationship with local government and local landlords Requirements:...
- 星巴克咖啡(大连)有限公司 Dalian
招聘人数:不限 薪资:面议 工作地点:大连市中山区人民路15,17号国际金融大厦5层G单元 职位描述 Responsibilities: 1、Manages the store operation to provide excellent customer service and Starbucks experience 2、Provides team with coaching, feedback, and developmental opportunities Requirements: 1、At least 3 years of retail experience, including one year of supervisory experience 2、Experience and knowledge of analyzing financial reports 3、Knowledge of supervisory practices and building teams 4、Excellent customer service, interpersonal and pla...
- 昆明积大制药股份有限公司 Beijing
岗位描述: 对分析检验、质量研究、稳定性研究、部分申报资料撰写等工作负责; 能够带领团队,并兼顾每个人的工作情况,按时分配任务并及时检查完成情况; 负责承担部门管理制度文件管理与监督执行 ; 协助研发分析中心负责人进行实验室管理; 对其他分析人员的分析工作(检测数据、图谱、原始记录)进行专业复核,及时发现分析工作中出现的问题及异常情况,并汇报上级领导; 负责对小组内研发、申报、转生产中质量研究、质量标准、稳定性研究、申报资料等工作进行审核、指导工作。 任职资格: 大学本科及以上学历,药物分析、分析化学、药学、化学及相关专业; 有5年以上药物分析工作经验; 具有较高的药物分析理论知识和操作技能,熟练操作常用药物检测设备; 熟悉Ch.P.、USP、EP,熟悉药品研发流程、政策法规及相关技术要求; 熟悉药品注册申报中质量研究、质量标准起草和稳定性研究的资料编写,了解国内外药物分析新技术发展方向; 了解生产管理、质量管理等方面知识。 职能类别: 化学分析测试员 关键字: 高级研究员 化药分析 药品分析 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:北京市北京经济技术开发区景园北街2号38-1...
- 陕西大唐现代农业有限公司 Xi'an
西安市 未央区 第一外语:英语 (熟练) 工作性质:全职 职位描述与任职要求 1、通过邮件和电话和国外供应商沟通,选取报价; 2、能独立跟单,负责从询价,订货,联系物流及清关等一系列操作; 3、协助销售人员进行产品报价,整理销售数据,办公室文件等; 4、开发国外供应商; 5、完成临时交办的其他工作。 职位要求: 1、英语口语熟练,懂西班牙语优先,能和国外供应商进行沟通; 2、本科及以上学历,可接受应届毕业生;. 3、熟练操作OFFICE办公软件; 4、做事有条理,思路清晰,品行端正,性格开朗,善于与人交流,认真负责的工作态度,良好的团队精神,能承受压力...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 Ningbo
Job Outline: This role is responsible for teaching Chinese Culture Courses, writing/editing textbooks, designing curriculums, organizing field trips, making assessment systems, etc. The role holder is also expected to do research on pedagogical issues related to teaching Chinese culture in order to improve the curriculums and enhance the quality of the courses. Qualifications Essential Master degree in politics, philosophy, law, history, education or related discipline of social science; CET 6 o...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 Ningbo
Job title: Assistant, Curriculum and Exam Services, Academic Services Office Reference: 180787 Closing date: 1 September 2019 Qualifications: Essential Master's degree; Effective communication skills at all levels with strong oral and written skills in both Chinese and English; Ability to prioritise work and meet the deadline; Excellent data management and analysis skills; Ability to respond effectively to feedbacks; Experience of dealing with confidential information; Experience of working ...
- 雷格斯商务服务(大连)有限公司 Dalian
招聘人数:1人 薪资:面议 工作地点:大连市中山区同兴街25号世贸大厦12层 职位描述 The CSR is in charge to provide exceptional, professional service to existing and potential clients in order to increase client retention within the centre. He/she is responsible to ensure the general upkeep and appearance of the Regus centre according to Regus standards and to assist sales / marketing of the centre to generate customer service revenue. 职位要求 工作经验:不限 要求学历:大专 要求性别:不限 要求年龄:不限 其他要求:...
- 西安大卓艺术文化传播有限公司 Xi'an
投简历前请确认应聘职位!谢谢! A.O.L 奥乐舞蹈中心是一家专业从事时尚流行舞蹈教学、舞蹈专业教练培训、企业排舞商业演出、韩国成品舞MV教学文化的传播机构。 岗位职责: 1.负责本舞蹈中心会员卡的销售工作(门店销售和电话销售为主,无地推)。 2.接听咨询客户电话,采集意向顾客信息以及到店邀约,安排体验课程。 3.向预约到店顾客熟悉并热情的介绍门店情况,了解顾客需求,做出课程指导建议。 4.跟踪新顾客、维系老顾客。 岗位要求: 1.年龄要求18-30岁,形象好气质佳,普通话标准。 2.品行端正,积极向上,对生活充满阳光。 3.有责任感、吃苦耐劳、敢于挑战高薪。 4.有无工作经验均可。 薪资待遇: 1.薪资结构:无责任底薪(2500-2800)+高额提成+奖金,月薪7000+。 2.岗前培训、给与新员工一定的客户基础。 3.非工作时间可以参加舞蹈课程。 4.公司会不定期给与精英人员提供学习机会,发展空间大。 5.国家法定假日带薪休假。 工作地点: 西安市长安立交十字东北角V-SHOW KTV(省体店) 楼下负一层 联系电话:15353739931 李老师 职能类别:销售代表会籍顾问 关键...
- 香港中文大学高等金融研究院 查看所有职位 Shenzhen
该职位属于香港中文大学商学院,由深圳高等金融研究院代为发布,敬请留意! The CUHK Business School is a leading global business school in Hong Kong. Since its establishment in Hong Kong in 1963, the CUHK Business School has gained world recognition of nurturing business leaders with immense contributions in Asia Pacific. The School has been offering a comprehensive range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes (MBA, MSc, MAcc, EMBA, MPhil, PhD) with over 4,600 students, as well as executive education. As a pioneering business s...
- 國立台灣大學文學院 Taibei
預定起聘時間:2020年2月1日 資格: 一、具有國內外相關領域之博士學位者。 二、具教學經驗者優先考慮。 專長: 中國及臺灣戲曲研究,若兼具劇本創作專長者優先考慮。 工作內容: 一、教授中國及臺灣戲劇及劇場藝術等相關課程。 二、擔任指導老師及導師工作。 三、配合本系之需要,擔任各項職務。 截止日期: 請於2019年8月15日以前,以掛號寄(10617)臺北市羅斯福路四段一號國立臺灣大學戲劇學系新聘教師徴選委員會收。郵戳為憑,逾期不予受理。 詳細內容請參閱本系網頁公告。 相關網址 https://theatre.ntu.edu.tw/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/108%E5%BE%B5%E8%81%98%E5%95%9F%E4%BA%8B(%E4%B8%AD%E6%88%B2).pdf 聯 絡 人 廖琇如 聯絡電話 02-33663302 電子郵件 theatre@ntu.edu.tw 公告對象 教職員、學生、校友、其他...
tw.indeed.comAugust 15,2019 - 香港公開大學 Hong Kong
Established by the Hong Kong Government in 1989, OUHK today has developed into a young, dynamic, full-fledged university. We began offering full-time face-to-face programmes since 2001 and currently have about 10,000 full-time and 9,000 part-time students in the five Schools at the OUHK with about 220 programmes of studies. In addition, there are about 2,000 full-time/part-time students studying in LiPACE. The University strives to be a leader in providing open and flexible education to all, and...
www.indeed.hkAugust 15,2019 - 國立聯合大學 苗栗縣 苗栗市
勞保: 有 就保: 有 健保: 有 僱用資料 廠別/機構分院: 僱用人數: 1 休假方式: 週休二日 工作內容: (一)負責推動教學創新與提升教學品質相關業務及其他相關業務。 (二)協助辦理高等教育深耕計畫經費補助款及與計畫相關衍生收支之審核及監辦(驗)。 (三)協助辦理高教深耕計畫預算與經費報銷管理。 (四)協助辦理產業人才育成與產業接軌培訓相關課程。 (五)協助辦理高等教育深耕計畫相關活動。 (六)協助辦理高教深耕計畫委員訪視場域設計。 (七)計畫規劃、撰寫、執行及進度與績效報告與管考資料彙整。 (八)協助高教深耕計畫衍生之相關計畫撰寫資料彙整。 (九)配合計畫成果展示相關活動準備。 (十)執行計畫相關事宜、管理計畫網頁及主管臨時交辦事項。 意者請於108年08月12日(星期一)前(以郵戳為憑)將資料寄至「36063苗栗市南勢里聯大2號國立聯合大學教務處教學發展中心 收」,並請於信封右上角註明「應徵計畫專任助理」及寄件人姓名、連絡電話。先行書面審查,合者擇期通知面試,不合恕不通知面試。 本職缺專屬福利: 育兒設(措)施: 哺(集)乳室 僱用條件 性別年齡: 依據就業服務法,取消限制...
tw.indeed.comAugust 15,2019 - 遠傳電信 Taiwan
1.品牌及行銷活動網站設計。 2.社群營運暨媒體例行宣傳內容設計。 3.廣告素材製作。 4.UI設計。 5.需支援平面設計。 1.具有良好的視覺設計能力,能掌握整體的設計風格 2.有獨立製作之RWD網頁和互動式網頁成品。 3.與UX/UI Designer、Front-end Developer、後端工程師協作之能力。 4.熟悉HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript,針對設計需求迅速調整且精確到位。 5.如有開發前端互動效果及功能者尤佳。...
tw.indeed.comAugust 15,2019 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong Kong
Lecturer Applicants should (i) have a Master's degree in social work or a Bachelor's degree in social work plus a Master's degree in a related field; (ii) be registered social workers; (iii) have professional expertise in the social work field; and (iv) have at least five years’ post-qualification social work practice experience in one or more of the following areas: macro social work service, social policy, social service management, mental health, gerontology, rehabilitation, medic...
www.indeed.hkAugust 15,2019 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong Kong
Department of Medicine and Therapeutics Executive Officer II The appointee will work at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Shatin, and will be responsible for (a) organising and administering research postgraduate programmes; (b) handling personnel matters and office administrative functions; (c) co-ordinating with different Offices and Departments of the University; (d) supervising supporting staff; and (e) performing other duties as assigned. Applicants should have/be (i) a Bachelor’s degree; (ii...
www.indeed.hkAugust 15,2019 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong Kong
School of Architecture Project Co-ordinator II The appointee will be responsible for (a) providing support on financial management and personnel matters; (b) handling academic matters, including course management, admission, course evaluations, student assessment; (c) performing data and information management; (d) serving as Secretary of relevant committees; (e) liaising with internal and external units and clients; and (f) performing other tasks as assigned by the Director. Applicants should h...
www.indeed.hkAugust 15,2019 - 一汽-大众奥迪(Audi) Beijing
Employment type: 实习生 Mission and Purpose Development and operation of a functional driving simulator to experience and evaluate advanced driver assistant systems and automated driving functions (ADAS & AD) within C/EF-22, Audi China at ACB in Beijing Job Duties and Responsibilities Commissioning and operation of a functional driving simulator Implementations with virtual test environment tools Implementations by C++ Technical documentation Qualifications Education Background Engineering educ...
- 一汽-大众奥迪(Audi) Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 Employment type: 社招 : Mission and Purpose China is the largest national market for Audi worldwide, representing about one third of global deliveries. The task of the Corporate Planning & Strategy department is to develop long-term strategies to secure and extend the strong market position of Audi in China – in line with the global target of AUDI AG to become the No.1 premium brand worldwide. C/EP as a central cross-functional department within the Audi China R&D has the task to: ...
- 一汽-大众奥迪(Audi) Beijing
Employment type: 实习生 : Mission & Main Tasks: Vehicle Development and Testing nearly covers all business areas of its counterpart at AUDI AG. Team C/EG-1, located in Test Center Beijing, is responsible for country specific testing (e.g. driver assistant, infotainment systems, connectivity and so on). We plan, conduct, analyse and report the country specific test drives, in align with the counterpart in Audi AG and other cooperative departments in Audi China. We gather the first product feedba...
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