- 美聯物業 North point
中五/持同等程度 勤奮上進、富工作熱誠 薪佣豐厚 良好晉升機制...
www.cpjobs.comJune 11,2020 - 美聯物業 Tai wai
大圍區 中五/持同等程度 勤奮上進 富工作熱誠、薪佣豐厚 良好晉升機制...
www.cpjobs.comMay 28,2020 - Midland Realty 美聯物業 Hong kong
中五/持同等程度 勤奮上進 富工作熱誠、薪佣豐厚 良好晉升機制...
www.cpjobs.comMay 21,2020 - 美聯物業 Hong kong
中五/持同等程度 勤奮上進、富工作熱誠 薪佣豐厚 良好晉升機制...
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - 美聯物業 Hong kong
(大圍區) ‧ 中五/持同等程度 ‧ 勤奮上進、富工作熱誠 ‧ 薪佣豐厚 ‧ 良好晉升機制...
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - 美聯工商舖 Hong kong
具良好溝通技巧 經驗不拘、主動進取 薪佣豐厚、大公司盤源客路多 完善福利配套...
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - 港聯置業 Hong kong +
職責範圍: 協助統籌及營運中國業務及項目相關工作; 協助開拓發展商渠道及處理相關文件; 協助聘請、培訓及管理國內銷售團隊; 協助培訓香港銷售團隊 協助管理國內公司日常賬目、及與發展商來往賬目。 帶領香港客戶考察樓盤、協助辦理認購手續、銀行按揭及日後收樓安排; 協助處理及統籌香港總公司對中國內地一切的行政事務與專案發展事務; 需要長期遊走於中港兩地不同城市工作,並需要十分熟識國家房產政策、銀行按揭流程及經濟文化。 任職要求: 須持有大學本科學位或以上學歷,以市場學或工商管理學位持有人優先考慮; 具備最少五年於中國內地管理物業代理公司相關經驗; 具備分析中國經濟數據、政策分析的專業知識及能力; 於中國內地擁有良好人際及房地產發展商關係; 熟識國內房地產政策、買賣流程、銀行按揭程序; 具良好普通話、粵語 及 中文寫作能力。...
www.cpjobs.comMay 12,2020 - 美聯物業 Hong kong
中五/持同等程度或以上,經驗不拘 主動進取、勇於接受挑戰 薪佣豐厚、完善福利配套...
www.cpjobs.comMay 7,2020 - Midland Realty (Tseung Kwan O) 美聯物業( 將軍澳 ) Tseung kwan o
美聯物業 聯交所 1200 聯絡方式請電: 9124 6584 林生 現招聘下列職位 營業部 :全職 或 兼職 底薪高達10000加獎金 見習地產代理 / 營業員 / 高級營業員 / 客戶經理 / 高級客戶經理 / 組別經理 / 分行經理 工作地點 : 九龍區全線 / 將軍澳 / 坑口 / 寶琳 / 調景嶺 / 日出康城 / 所有發展商項目 待遇 : 薪金面議 月薪 +佣金+獎金 +額外現金奬金 銀行自動轉帳出糧 福利 : 有薪年假 醫療津貼 交通津貼 強積金 保險 職業培訓 完善晉升職位架構層 中五/持同等程度或以上 經驗不拘 持有效物業代理牌照優先 ---------------------------------- 成功之路規劃晉升機制 董事局 �億元富豪 ^^^^^^^⬆ 營業董事 �千萬年薪 ^^^^^^^⬆ 區域經理 �穩袋幾球 ^^^^^^^⬆ 分行經理 �佰萬年薪 ^^^^^^^⬆ 各級營業職位�月薪數萬 ^^^^^^^⬆ 見習地產代理�萬元起步 ��只要有戰績 ��必定有升績 立志由小人物 變做時代巨人 的勵志行業故事 每年正在不斷從演 歡迎任何人仕 N無青年 /...
www.cpjobs.comApril 30,2020 - Midland Realty (Tseung Kwan O) 美聯物業( 將軍澳 ) Tseung kwan o
美聯物業 聯交所 1200 聯絡方式請電: 9124 6584 林生 現招聘下列職位 營業部 :全職 或 兼職 底薪高達10000加獎金 見習地產代理 / 營業員 / 高級營業員 / 客戶經理 / 高級客戶經理 / 組別經理 / 分行經理 工作地點 : 九龍區全線 / 將軍澳 / 坑口 / 寶琳 / 調景嶺 / 日出康城 / 所有發展商項目 待遇 : 薪金面議 月薪 +佣金+獎金 +額外現金奬金 銀行自動轉帳出糧 福利 : 有薪年假 醫療津貼 交通津貼 強積金 保險 職業培訓 完善晉升職位架構層 中五/持同等程度或以上 經驗不拘 持有效物業代理牌照優先 ---------------------------------- 成功之路規劃晉升機制 董事局 �億元富豪 ^^^^^^^⬆ 營業董事 �千萬年薪 ^^^^^^^⬆ 區域經理 �穩袋幾球 ^^^^^^^⬆ 分行經理 �佰萬年薪 ^^^^^^^⬆ 各級營業職位�月薪數萬 ^^^^^^^⬆ 見習地產代理�萬元起步 ��只要有戰績 ��必定有升績 立志由小人物 變做時代巨人 的勵志行業故事 每年正在不斷從演 歡迎任何人仕 N無青年 /...
www.cpjobs.comApril 15,2020 - Plan International Hong Kong 國際培幼會 Ngau tau kok
The position requires an experienced programme officer who is able to effectively perform programme development and implementation on child-right programmes, including child participatory community development project and partnership project in child safeguarding movement. The position reports to the Manager, Hong Kong Programme and Development Education. Applicants with less experience will be considered as Programme Officer. Responsibilities and duties: Maintain a healthy acquisition pipeline ...
www.cpjobs.comApril 2,2020 - Hong Kong Designers Association Limited 香港設計師協會 Hong kong
Responsibilities : Project assistant on administration, accounting and logistics work. Picking up phone calls and answering enquiries. Checking the updates of oversea competition. Any other ad-hoc duties as required from Project Director. Requirements: Bachelor Degree with 2 years or above relevant experience, expectedly familiar with government-funded project. Good understanding of design industry is an advantage. Proficiency computing skill is a must. Good team player with good interperson...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 23,2020 - Plan International Hong Kong 國際培幼會 Ngau tau kok
The position requires an experienced programme officer who is able to effectively perform programme development and implementation on child-right programmes, including child participatory community development project and partnership project in child safeguarding movement. The position reports to the Manager, Hong Kong Programme and Development Education. Applicants with less experience will be considered as Programme Officer. Responsibilities and duties: Maintain a healthy acquisition pipeline ...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 3,2020 - Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited 上海總會 Hong kong
職責:能獨立處理全盤賬目,熟悉電腦操作及中文輸入法,具兩年或以上工作經驗,具餐飲業經驗者優先 資歷:F.6或以上學歷及LCC中級證書,具良好溝通能力,願意學習, 有責任感, 誠實獨立, 處事細心 ~ 即時上班者優先 ~ 以上均為全職職位,本公司提供午膳津貼、年終雙糧、醫療保險等完善福利。 有意者請按 立即申請 提交履歷及要求待遇, (上海總會-Data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only)...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 9,2020 - 美聯物業 Hong kong
中五/持同等程度或以上、經驗不拘 持有效地產代理牌照優先 主動進取、具團隊精神 完善福利配套、良好晉升機制...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 6,2020 - HONG KONG KENDO ASSOCIATION LIMITED 香港劍道協會 Causeway bay
Duties: Handle full set of accounts (incl. data-entry, expenses claims, bank reconciliation) Handle clerical duties, filing and ad-hoc assignments 5 days work plus alternate Saturday (occasional work on Sundays with compensation leave) Requirements: 5 subjects passed in HKCEE or HKDSE or equivalent including English (Syl. B) and Chinese Level II / Intermediate in LCCI or equivalent Experience in using Peachtree will be an advantage Salary: HK$14,829 per month ( with medical coverage ) Plea...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 23,2020 - Plan International Hong Kong 國際培幼會 Ngau tau kok
The position requires an experienced executive who is able to effectively kick-start new projects relating to child safeguarding and resilience program. The position reports to the Manager, Hong Kong Programme and Development Education. Applicants with less experience will be considered as Programme Officer. Responsibilities and duties: Organise and coordinate influencing events such as conferences, symposiums, workshops, etc. Liaise and collaborate with global and local experts to bring insight...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 22,2020 - HONG KONG KENDO ASSOCIATION LIMITED 香港劍道協會 Causeway bay
Duties: Handle full set of accounts (incl. data-entry, expenses claims, bank reconciliation) Handle clerical duties, filing and ad-hoc assignments 5 days work plus alternate Saturday (occasional work on Sundays with compensation leave) Requirements: 5 subjects passed in HKCEE or HKDSE or equivalent including English (Syl. B) and Chinese Level II / Intermediate in LCCI or equivalent Experience in using Peachtree will be an advantage Salary: HK$14,829 per month ( with medical coverage ) Plea...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 16,2020 - HONG KONG KENDO ASSOCIATION LIMITED 香港劍道協會 Causeway bay
Duties: Handle full set of accounts (incl. data-entry, expenses claims, bank reconciliation) Handle clerical duties, filing and ad-hoc assignments 5 days work plus alternate Saturday (occasional work on Sundays with compensation leave) Requirements: 5 subjects passed in HKCEE or HKDSE or equivalent including English (Syl. B) and Chinese Level II / Intermediate in LCCI or equivalent Experience in using Peachtree will be an advantage Salary: HK$14,829 per month ( with medical coverage ) Plea...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 12,2020 - HONG KONG KENDO ASSOCIATION LIMITED 香港劍道協會 Causeway bay
Duties: Handle full set of accounts (incl. data-entry, expenses claims, bank reconciliation) Handle clerical duties, filing and ad-hoc assignments 5 days work plus alternate Saturday (occasional work on Sundays with compensation leave) Requirements: 5 subjects passed in HKCEE or HKDSE or equivalent including English (Syl. B) and Chinese Level II / Intermediate in LCCI or equivalent Experience in using Peachtree will be an advantage Salary: HK$14,829 per month ( with medical coverage ) Plea...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 9,2020
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