- 方恩医药科技发展有限公司 上海市 长宁区
上海市 长宁区 Location: Yerevan Armenia Job Responsibilities: Finance Controlling: Creating financial format for Cash in advance request and reimbursement report; Formulating the financial procedure within Armenia Organization (65 people); Reviewing all financial reports; Helping calculate the salaries of all the employees; Negotiating with suppliers, making contracts and purchases, and following up the contracts. l Marketing and BD activities: Writing Proposal for different events; Creating company P...
Role Summary To provide weekend and evening support for the residential team at the college. To assist Principal in developing Youth Outreach educational programmes based on the mission of UWC. Main Accountabilities Residential Support To respond to emergencies. To cover check-in during long weekend and holidays. To organize/ lead activities on weekend nights (Karaoke/ movie nights). To perform late night walks on campus and encourage students who are up late to go to bed. To liaise with the Dir...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 18,2019 - 赣南医学院 China
一、 学校简介 赣南医学院位于千年宋城——江西省赣州市内,是江西省人民政府举办的全日制普通高等医学本科院校。中国科学院院士韩济生教授担任名誉院长。学校前身是创办于1941年的江西省立赣县高级助产职业学校,1958年设置专科建制的赣南医学专科学校,1988年升格为本科院校并更名为赣南医学院,2013年获批为硕士学位授予权单位。学校占地总面积2231.25亩(含直属附属医院),设黄金、章贡两个校区。教学科研医疗仪器等设备总值26.68亿元,图书馆纸质藏书124.2万册,电子藏书127万册。全日制在校本科生、专科生、研究生、留学生12700余人,成人教育在籍学生12700余人。教职员工4400余人(含第一、第二、第三附属医院),专任教师1070人,其中正高职称162人、副高职称367人。 学校拥有良好的教学科研条件,有国家级科研平台2个(心脑血管疾病防治教育部重点实验室、国家中药现代化工程技术研究中心客家中医药资源研究分中心),省高人才培养模式创新实验区3个,省高校实验教学示范中心4个,省2011协同创新中心1个,省博士后创新实践基地1个,省重点实验室1个,省级临床医学研究中心3个(培育),...
- 百汇医院管理有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
Job Purpose Statement Enhance knowledge, critical thinking, skills and competence of nurses who provide care on the clinical units. Develop, implement and evaluate clinical-based education to meet the competency and learning needs of at all levels of nurses. Participate in nursing initiative and evidence-based nursing practices to maintain quality of nursing care and good patient outcome. Key Accountabilities a. Develop, implement and evaluate clinical-based education to meet the competency and ...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 上海市 长宁区
岗位职责: ? Examines, diagnoses, and treats acute and chronic diseases and injuries of infants and children into young adulthood in both the inpatient and outpatient setting. ? Prepares and reviews case histories and obtains data through interviews. ? Examines patients and determines x-ray examinations and clinical laboratory tests required. ? Interprets test results and evaluates examination findings. ? Conducts ward rounds and prescribes therapy. ? Administers and prescribes treatment such as anti...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: 职位级别: Middle (4-8 years) 岗位职责 1. Perform duties of Radiology according to the arrangement 2. Interpreting the report of Radiography, CT and MRI reading and interpreting 3. Perform routine radiography with contrast studies .as well as CT all procedures 4. Available for night, weekend, or holiday work as needed. 5. Participates in in-service programs, staff, and educational meetings. 任职条件 1. Bachelor degree major in Medicine 2. At least 10 years experience in Radiology (Radiography, CT or MR...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 岗位职责: 主要工作职责 执行医院的各项规章制度,为产妇和新生儿提供高质量的护理服务。 工作职责 ? 积极、认真的工作态度,展现出专业的护理职业形象。 ? 学习、理解和睦家医疗的护理理念和文化,并运用在临床护理工作中。 ? 遵守医院及部门的各项规章制度。 ? 产妇及新生儿护理评估。 ? 按照护理流程做好母婴日常护理。 ? 正确执行医嘱。 ? 帮助产妇树立母乳喂养的信心,提供母乳喂养知识和技能指导。 ? 完成产妇及新生儿护理病历记录。 ? 产妇及新生儿护理宣教。 ? 保持医疗仪器设备的清洁、整齐及完好。 ? 一次性耗材和基数药品的领取。 ? 参加各种护理职业培训及护理继续教育课程。 ? 更新护理知识,符合医院护理发展的需要。 ? 良好的医护团队合作。任职资格: 教育和培训: ? 护理专业毕业 ? 大专学历或以上者优先 ? 1-3年临床护理经验。产科、儿科或产后月子护理经验者优先 ? 中国注册护士执照 技能 ? 提供标准母婴护理服务 ? 具有母婴护理基本知识和技能 ? 基础护理操作技能 ? 有效的沟通交流能力 理论知识 ? 理解医院的各项规章制度 ? 理解部门的规章制度 ? 掌握基...
- 广州和睦家医院有限公司 广州市 海珠区
岗位职责: Summary of Responsibilities 职责概要: Provide diagnosis and treatment of the conditions of the mouth, gums and teeth. Also provide patients with advice and recommendations to prevent future oral health issues. 提供口腔与牙齿牙龈状况的诊断与治疗。同时为患者提供咨询与建议,以预防未来的口腔健康问题。 Responsibilities 职责: ? Performing clinical duties as general practitioner (i.e. comprehensive examination, x-rays, restoratives, root canal treatment, extractions, crown and bridges, scaling, teeth whitening and etc.) to adults and children 作为...
- 上海和睦家医院有限公司 天津市 河西区
岗位职责: 1. Pediatric Specialty Nurse 2. Observes and documents pertinent information that reflects the patient’s clinical condition, with respect to the entire human being. 3. Reports the same to oncoming nurses, charge nurses and physicians. 4. Performs or supervises treatment and administers medications as required. 5. Counts narcotics in accordance to the institution’s policies and procedures. 6. Cooperates in maintaining a high level of order, safety and strict control over narcotics and other...
- 上海嘉会国际医院有限公司 上海市 徐汇区
Summarize the nature and level of work performed: The Nursing service night supervisor is responsible to provide a key administrative, operational and clinical support role in the Jiahui Hospital. Principle Duties and Responsibilities: Key area of responsibility, major job duties and key objectives for this position. Liaison Role - Act as the central contact person to liaise with on-call doctors and admitting staff in facilitating admissions and/or transfer to critical care and general care with...
- 上海东方国际医院有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 年薪100,000 - 150,000元 1. 五年以上综合性医院手术室工作经验。 2. 熟悉手术室工作流程。 3. 有责任心,能适应随时待命的工作。 4. 有海外工作or学习经验者优先考虑。 职能类别:护士/护理人员 关键字:外资医院英语护理高端医疗RN手术室 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:即墨路150号(东方医院新大楼)23楼...
- 國際學院 Taibei
靜宜大學人事室 用人單位:國際學院 職缺公告日期:2019-09-12 報名截止日期:2019-10-31 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 1名 學校地址:台中市沙鹿區臺灣大道七段200號 工作地點:臺中市沙鹿區 學術專長: 公告內容: 應徵資格 Ph.D. in economics, management or a related field. 工作內容 1. The teacher’s main responsibilities and duties include teaching for English-taught programs in the International College 2. Besides duties related to teaching, some administrative works for English-taught programs are included. 3. Being able to merge fundamental theoretical knowledge with practical relevance. 4. Showing...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: 1. Maintain purchasing order activities effectively, have good communication with internal customers & external suppliers. 2. Keep compliant with hospital policies, auditing requirements, JCIA standard, government laws and regulations. 3. Develop and maintain stable and uninterrupted supply to support rapid growth of hospital & clinic. 4. Maintain medical consumables data in E1 & IMCS. Keep good accuracy & efficiency of data entered. 5. Provide assistance to warehouse staff...
- 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: Outpatient Nurse (Pediatric, Family Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, IMO, Endo, Surgical, Orthopedic, Dental, Ophthalmology, ENT, Dermatology, Plastic Surgery) 门诊护士(儿科、家庭全科、妇产科、内科、内窥镜、外科、骨科、牙科、眼科、五官科、皮肤科、整形外科) 任职资格: ? Education Requirement - Diploma above of nursing graduate ? Experience Requirement- 3 years above working experience in nursing preferred. ? 2 years oversea nursing experience preferred for new hires. ? Licensing Needed- Registered nurse license in China. ? BLS certificat...
- 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: Example of Duties: ? Performing clinical duties as general practitioner (i.e. comprehensive examination, X-rays, restoratives, root canal treatment, extraction, crown and bridge, scaling, teeth whitening etc.) ? Maintaining a steady flow of patients by overseeing day-to-day bookings and by monitoring patient recalls ? Training and managing staff to maintain a high standard of dental care in a warm and friendly environment ? Dealing with any patient complaints that may arise as a result of ...
- 燃石医学 Shanghai
上海市 招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位描述 Are you creative, multitasking, and thriving in a fast-paced working environment? If so, Burning Rock is THE place for you. As the CEO-Assistant, you will have the chance to influence Burning Rock’s success through effective coordinations within or outside of the company. The role offers a unique opportunity to engage with almost every aspect of Burning Rock’s business in China. The pace is fast, and the reward is amazing – You will have the opportunity to upgrade your s...
- 重庆市九鼎营销顾问有限公司 重庆市 渝北区
重庆市 渝北区 Job Title: full-time/casual ESL teacher for children 3-12 year old Location: Chongqing CBD 'Inspired by Harvard, based in Chongqing CBD, VHQ English proudly delivers high-quality English immersion programs to local Chinese children. We are currently looking for general English teachers to join our team.' Position Description: 1. Deliver English language courses to children 3-12 year old. 2. Attend and be of assistance to various school events and activities. 3. Complete required ...
- 沈阳美德因妇儿医院股份有限公司 沈阳市 皇姑区
沈阳市 皇姑区 月薪15,000 - 20,000元 1、负责新建医院的招聘工作 2、负责全年招聘计划的制定与实施 3、负责绩效考核体系的搭建与推行,熟悉各类绩效考核工具,如BSC,KPI,OKRs,KPA等。 4、负责薪酬福利体系的搭建与推行,使用过两种以上宽带薪酬体系。 5、负责医院培训体系的搭建与推行 6、负责总公司整体编制、费用的预算计划、控制管理工作。 6、熟悉人力资源监测体系,能够做出完整且准确的人力资源分析报告。 任职要求: 1、要求驱动力强,执行力强,抗压力强 2、能说能写,思维敏捷,学习速度快 3、积极主动,勇敢向上 职能类别: 人事总监 微信 联系方式 上班地址:辽宁省沈阳市皇姑区泰山路15号 公司信息 美德因妇儿医院(Madein Wowen and Children’s Hospital)是根据中华人民共和国相关法规、严格按照ACOG(The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists,美国妇产科医师学会)标准注册的妇、产、儿专科医院。成立于2009年,是中国东北地区具有国际医学理论、国际医疗管理背景的...
- 沈阳美德因妇儿医院股份有限公司 沈阳市 皇姑区
岗位职责:负责妇科诊疗、药理与中医理疗。 任职要求: 1、具有中医师执照,副高级及以上职称; 2、有5年以上临床经验; 3、熟悉妇科诊疗、药理与中医理疗。 职能类别:中医科医生 微信 联系方式 上班地址:辽宁省沈阳市皇姑区泰山路15号 公司信息 美德因妇儿医院(Madein Wowen and Children’s Hospital)是根据中华人民共和国相关法规、严格按照ACOG(The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists,美国妇产科医师学会)标准注册的妇、产、儿专科医院。成立于2009年,是中国东北地区具有国际医学理论、国际医疗管理背景的医疗机构。 医院严格遵循美国联合委员会国际部制定的JCI医疗质量管理体系建造,以美国私家医疗服务为标准创立的国内高端妇儿专科医疗机构,以客户为中心,提供国际品质的服务和医疗安全保障。拥有雄厚的医疗资源和专业的医疗人才,旨在为国内外人士提供国际品质的健康医疗服务。 我们拥有国际化多元基因,日式服务体系、澳洲全科诊所、德国严谨精神、英式贵族文化内涵、美式医疗体系、加拿大多元化医疗等,旨在...
- 沈阳美德因妇儿医院股份有限公司 沈阳市 皇姑区
任职要求: 1、持有国家颁发的电工入网证; 2、年龄40岁以下,身体健康,吃苦耐劳; 3、有强弱电10年以上工作经验。 职能类别:电工物业机电维修工 微信 联系方式 上班地址:辽宁省沈阳市皇姑区泰山路15号 公司信息 美德因妇儿医院(Madein Wowen and Children’s Hospital)是根据中华人民共和国相关法规、严格按照ACOG(The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists,美国妇产科医师学会)标准注册的妇、产、儿专科医院。成立于2009年,是中国东北地区具有国际医学理论、国际医疗管理背景的医疗机构。 医院严格遵循美国联合委员会国际部制定的JCI医疗质量管理体系建造,以美国私家医疗服务为标准创立的国内高端妇儿专科医疗机构,以客户为中心,提供国际品质的服务和医疗安全保障。拥有雄厚的医疗资源和专业的医疗人才,旨在为国内外人士提供国际品质的健康医疗服务。 我们拥有国际化多元基因,日式服务体系、澳洲全科诊所、德国严谨精神、英式贵族文化内涵、美式医疗体系、加拿大多元化医疗等,旨在为客户提供全球更好的医疗与服...
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