Faculty of Business Administration Project Co-ordinator II (Ref. 200000QF) (Closing date: June 10, 2020) The CUHK Business School is a leading business school and a pioneer in business education in Hong Kong. Since its establishment in Hong Kong in 1963, the CUHK Business School has gained world recognition of nurturing business leaders with immense contributions in Asia Pacific. The School has been offering a comprehensive range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes (MBA, MSc, MAcc, EMBA...
www.cpjobs.comMay 28,2020 - 夏利文物業管理有限公司 Hong kong
(月薪$ 12,000-$15,500)(8小時輪班 - 工作地點:上環 / 中環)(9小時輪班 - 工作地點:牛頭角)(12小時日/夜班 - 工作地點: 屯門(5.5天工作) / 將軍澳 / 掃管笏) 負責屋苑/大廈之保安管理及客戶服務等工作 小學或以上程度,具良好客戶服務態度 能書寫中文、操流利廣東話及略懂英語 如持有保安及護衛業管理委員會認可訓練課程證書及已領取保安人員許可證者,即優先考慮。 招聘日 日期:5月20日(星期三) 時間:中午12:00至下午6:00 地點:油塘「大本型」地下中庭 (攤位編號:2) 福利優厚 醫療津貼 9-12天有薪年假 強積金 良好晉升機會 年終表現獎金 # 夜班津貼 #勤工獎金 (#適用於部份物業) 申請方法: 請按 立即申請 提交履歷或 Whatsapp 9864 0381查詢; 亦可於辦公時間內致電下列電話登記: 中環 / 山頂 / 半山 / 西環 / 筲箕灣 / 牛頭角 :2118 2589 將軍澳 :2118 2661 黃竹坑 One Island South :2118 2992 屯門萬能閣 :2112 0050 上環中保集團大廈 :2...
www.cpjobs.comMay 21,2020 - 夏利文物業管理有限公司 Hong kong
(9小時 - 工作地點:黃竹坑 / 牛頭角) (10小時 - 工作地點:將軍澳 / 啟德 / 屯門(5.5天工作))(12小時 - 工作地點:山頂 / 半山 / 筲箕灣 / 西環) 負責獨立處理大廈之保安及客戶服務工作 中學程度,能書寫中文及懂基本英語 具三年或以上大廈管理及督導經驗 如持有保安及護衛業管理委員會認可訓練課程證書及已領取保安人員許可證者,即優先考慮。 招聘日 日期:5月20日(星期三) 時間:中午12:00至下午6:00 地點:油塘「大本型」地下中庭 (攤位編號:2) 福利優厚 醫療津貼 9-12天有薪年假 強積金 良好晉升機會 年終表現獎金 # 夜班津貼 #勤工獎金 (#適用於部份物業) 申請方法: 請按 立即申請 提交履歷或 Whatsapp 9864 0381查詢; 亦可於辦公時間內致電下列電話登記: 中環 / 山頂 / 半山 / 西環 / 筲箕灣 / 牛頭角 :2118 2589 將軍澳 :2118 2661 黃竹坑 One Island South :2118 2992 屯門萬能閣 :2112 0050 上環中保集團大廈 :2545 5856 葵涌都會坊 :...
www.cpjobs.comMay 21,2020 - 夏利文物業管理有限公司 Hong kong
(5天工作,工作地點:調景嶺 / 葵涌) 負責處理物業之客戶服務及文書工作 具大專學歷或以上程度及三年相關工作經驗 招聘日 日期:5月20日(星期三) 時間:中午12:00至下午6:00 地點:油塘「大本型」地下中庭 (攤位編號:2) 福利優厚 醫療津貼 9-12天有薪年假 強積金 良好晉升機會 年終表現獎金 # 夜班津貼 #勤工獎金 (#適用於部份物業) 申請方法: 請按 立即申請 提交履歷或 Whatsapp 9864 0381查詢...
www.cpjobs.comMay 21,2020 - 夏利文物業管理有限公司 Hong kong
負責檢驗及交收新落成之單位予業主 中學程度,良好溝通技巧 態度熱誠友善,具客戶服務經驗者優先考慮 招聘日 日期:5月20日(星期三) 時間:中午12:00至下午6:00 地點:油塘「大本型」地下中庭 (攤位編號:2) 福利優厚 醫療津貼 9-12天有薪年假 強積金 良好晉升機會 年終表現獎金 # 夜班津貼 #勤工獎金 (#適用於部份物業) 申請方法: 請按 立即申請 提交履歷或 Whatsapp 9864 0381查詢...
www.cpjobs.comMay 21,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Office of Admissions and Financial Aid Executive Officer II (Ref. 200000M9) (Closing date: May 26, 2020) The appointee will be engaged in local outreach and student recruitment, and will be responsible for (a) handling applications and student admissions matters; (b) organising outreach activities, delivering presentations and advising students; (c) administering website and other media for outreach to local audiences; (d) establishing and maintaining networks with schools, the media and other s...
www.cpjobs.comMay 17,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Computer Technician II(s) (Analyst Programmer/Developer/Back-end/Ruby on Rails/PHP/Java) (Ref. 200000KX) (Closing date: June 14, 2020) The Department is looking for Computer Technician II(s) to support software development projects. The appointee(s) will be involved in using the latest software development methodologies to develop core products that are both internal and user-facing. Applicants should have (i) a Bachelor’s degree or above in Compute...
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Assistant Computer Officer (carrying the job title of ‘Senior Analyst Programmer/Java Developer’) (Ref. 200000KZ) (Closing date: June 14, 2020) The appointee will be responsible for (a) designing system architecture and development standards; (ii) nurturing less experienced staff members; (c) preparing project plans, requirements and progress reports; (d) directing the software development process using both Agile and Waterfall methodologies; (e) ge...
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Computer Technician II(s) (carrying the job title of ‘Analyst Programmer’ or ‘Front-end/Back-end/Ruby on Rails/PHP/Java Developer’) (Ref. 200000KY) (Closing date: June 14, 2020) The Department is looking for Computer Technician II(s) to support software development projects. The appointee(s) will be involved in using the latest software development methodologies to develop core products that are both internal and user-facing. Applicants should have ...
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
Applications are invited for: Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Research Assistant(s) (Closing date: Jun 4, 2020) Applicants should have (i) a Bachelor’s degree in Science or related disciplines; and (ii) a good knowledge of and interest in research. The appointee(s) will work in a research team at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Shatin. He/She will (a) participate in clinical research; (b) collect data, e.g. questionnaires, function assessments, etc.; (c) write manuscript; and (d) wor...
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Applications are invited for:- School of Journalism and Communication Part-time Lecturer(s) (Ref. 200000IO) (Closing date: May 22, 2020) The post is open for teaching the following postgraduate course: COMM5980 New Media Ecology for the MSc programme in New Media. The course aims to examine the business ecosystem of the media industry. It provides key theories and frameworks to understand the ecosystems, economic interplay, business models and media planning. The course provides a foundation fro...
www.cpjobs.comMay 7,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Graduate School General Clerk II / Clerical Assistant (Ref. 200000HU) (Closing date: May 19, 2020) The appointee will mainly be responsible for supporting various administrative duties related to postgraduate studies. Applicants should have/be (i) completed secondary education; (ii) Grade E/Level 2 or above in at least 5 subjects in HKCEE, including Chinese and English (Syllabus B); OR any combination of results in at least 5 HKDSE subjects (including Level 2 or above in Chinese and English): Le...
www.cpjobs.comMay 7,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
Applications are invited for: Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Postdoctoral Fellow(s) The Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, working with more than 150 ophthalmologists and visual scientists in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland, is committed to advancing patient service, research, training and education to the highest possible standard in all major areas of ophthalmology and visual sciences. The Department has a strong track record and profile in international ophth...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 26,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Hong kong
Applications are invited for: Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Research Assistant(s) The Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, working with more than 150 ophthalmologists and visual scientists in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland, is committed to advancing patient service, research, training and education to the highest possible standard in all major areas of ophthalmology and visual sciences. The Department has a strong track record and profile in international ophtha...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 26,2020 - HONG KONG ARTS CENTRE 香港藝術中心 Wanchai
應徵者需具一般電專常識,中五程度,能操中英語及對舞台技術工作有興趣,具舞台燈光及音響工作經驗則獲優先考慮。需輪班工作,試用期滿後可享有醫療保險及三星期有薪年假。 應徵者如獲錄用,本中心將以一年合約方式聘用。合約期滿,視乎服務需要和工作表現,可續新約,且有機會轉為長工。 有意者請將應徵信及個人履歷於 2020年3月31日或以前 傳真至2519 2010 或 立即申請 或寄 香港灣仔港灣道二號香港藝術中心八樓人事部 收。 Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. We are an equal opportunities employer....
www.cpjobs.comMarch 12,2020 - HONG KONG ARTS CENTRE 香港藝術中心 Wanchai
應徵者需具播放35米厘放映機,數碼放映機及影音器材操作經驗,中五或以上程度,能操中英語及對舞台技術工作有經驗則獲優先考慮。需輪班工作,試用期滿後可享有醫療保險及三星期有薪年假。 應徵者如獲錄用,本中心將以一年合約方式聘用。合約期滿,視乎服務需要和工作表現,可續新約,且有機會轉為長工。 有意者請將應徵信及個人履歷於 2020年3月31日或以前 傳真至2519 2010 或 立即申請 或寄 香港灣仔港灣道二號香港藝術中心八樓人事部 收。 Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. We are an equal opportunities employer....
www.cpjobs.comMarch 12,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Applications are invited for:- School of Continuing and Professional Studies Part-time Instructors (General Courses and Professional Continuing Education Programmes) (Ref. 20000096) (Closing date: March 27, 2020) The School of Continuing and Professional Studies (CUSCS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, founded in 1965, is a self-financing extension unit of the University with its mission to provide quality lifelong education to the community of all ages. The School offers a wide variety o...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 12,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Applications are invited for:- School of Continuing and Professional Studies Part-time Instructors (Daytime Higher Diploma Programmes) (Ref. 20000094) (Closing date: March 27, 2020) The School of Continuing and Professional Studies (CUSCS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, founded in 1965, is a self-financing extension unit of the University with its mission to provide quality lifelong education to the community of all ages. The School offers a wide variety of full-time and part-time post...
www.cpjobs.comMarch 12,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Assistant Computer Officer (carrying the job title of ‘Senior Analyst Programmer/Java Developer’) (Ref. 2000005Q) (Closing date: March 6, 2020) The appointee will be responsible for (a) designing system architecture and development standards, nurturing less experienced staff members, and preparing project plans, requirements and progress reports; (b) directing the software development process using both Agile and Waterfall methodologies; (c) generat...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 19,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Assistant Computer Officer (carrying the job title of ‘Technical Project Manager’) (Ref. 2000005O) (Closing date: March 6, 2020) The Department is looking for an Assistant Computer Officer to lead the software development team. The appointee will be in charge of managing junior team members, making executive decisions on architecture and technology, and have intimate knowledge of the code-base for knowledge sharing. Applicants should have (i) a Bach...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 19,2020
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