Results 1 - 20 of 3238
  • 瑞庭网络技术有限公司 Beijing

    1、业务常规数据分析:分析销售团队和产品线团队的过程指标/结果指标数据,对业务常规数据进行追踪\分析\播报,及时发现关键问题并提出优化方案建议,同时通过数据应用推动管理系统的优化和改进 2、业务专项数据分析:根据业务管理不同阶段展开专项数据指标的深度分析,从中发现关键问题深挖业务痛点和问题,提供参考价值的数据分析报告,为决策层做业务横向\纵向战略规划时提供数据依据 3、业务数据体系搭建:熟悉招聘业务模式,梳理业务和数据结构之间的逻辑关系,能够开发与完善各项业务数据的统计分析模型,确保其准确性、实用性及可衡量性,并根据业务变化不断优化改进数据分析体系 4、围绕业务目标、业务管理提效方向完善数据分析体系 5、通过数据推演运算支撑业务运营策略输出和运营动作落地 6、定期完成数据日报、周报、季报等专项汇报材料 7、为业务线相关部门提供相关的业务数据支持 8、统筹对接大客户部招投标工作,配合好大客户业务部提供商务招投标工作; 9、协助业务团队跟进并按时提供招投标的资质文件以及协助制定标书文件的相关事宜;负责招投标标书的撰写; 10、高效、高质的完成领导交办的其他工作 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学...

  • 瑞昱 Xinzhu

    工作經驗: 3年 學歷要求: 大學 工作內容: 1. 合約處理包含草擬、撰寫、審閱及修改集團所有合約之履約項目並進行追蹤與控管。 2. 協助集團海外子公司進行中英文合約草擬、撰寫、審閱、修改及協商。 3. 提供法律意見及解決方案、風險管理、其他公司法務事項。 應徵條件: 1. 大學(含)以上;法律相關科系畢業為主。 2. 精通英文聽說讀寫等能力。 3. 具三年以上律師事務所或企業法務相關經驗者為佳。...

  • 音昱企业管理有限公司 Suzhou

    苏州市 工业园区 Job Position Summary Right hand of the Executive Chef and Executive Sous Chef to set standards and maintain them to the Wellness and Shangha Resort Standards ? To work very closely with the onsite Nutritionist team to create and produce meals in accordance with our guest needs and program needs ? Achieve smooth operation of the department ? Optimize the use of materials and manpower, thereby maximizing revenue and guest satisfaction. ? Execute training of Kitchen colleagues ? Set a good...

  • 音昱企业管理有限公司 Shanghai

    1.形象健康有朝气 2.具有良好的服务意识和沟通能力 3.具有酒店或高档餐厅工作经验优先考虑 4.能进行一些简单的工作英语沟通优先考虑 (我司目前暂不能提供住宿,会另外发放住宿津贴人民币1000元/每月) 工作地点:上海徐汇区建国西路357号 Introduction of IMC Group 万邦集团简介 The IMC Group has over a hundred years of history since its founding, with over 10,000 employees in more than 17 countries. IMC Group’s global business footprint spans from integrated logistics (including shipping,shipyard and port management,ocean engineering and supply chain solutions) to diversified profitable investments, real estate and l...

  • 昱科环球存储产品有限公司 Shenzhen

    深圳市 南山区 1. Position Summary & Responsibilities 英文: Working on Capacity Enterprise HDD R&D activities. HDD level Head/Media Recording Integration & Testcode development: Implement standard manufacturing & bench HDD tests Modify standard test code to implement new algorithms and to adjust parameter settings Failure analysis using bench tester, oscilloscope, and toolkit Data analysis / mining / summary Head/Media recording performance characterization Feedback to Head / Media / CI /...

  • 昱科环球存储科技有限公司 Shenzhen

    1. Position Summary & Responsibilities 英文: Working on Capacity Enterprise HDD R&D activities. HDD level Head/Media Recording Integration & Testcode development: Implement standard manufacturing & bench HDD tests Modify standard test code to implement new algorithms and to adjust parameter settings Failure analysis using bench tester, oscilloscope, and toolkit Data analysis / mining / summary Head/Media recording performance characterization Feedback to Head / Media / CI / MI / RI...

  • 谢瑞麟珠宝有限公司 Shenzhen

    Develop and maintain a 18-24 months’ product calendar which act as the backbone of all product launch planning and product-related marketing activities of all SBUs Facilitate SBUs to sell their products by providing key selling points for both generic or campaign-based products; and monitor the productivity, stock efficiency and lifecycle of the products Keep abreast of the latest market trends, understand SBUs’ need and make recommendations on new product opportunities Develop and source new pr...

  • 瑞银企业管理有限公司 Shanghai

    投资银行经理-IBD (消费组) 项目经验丰富,熟悉本土A股或H股市场(新三板除外) Your role : Are you a leader in innovation? Do you know how to come up with creative ideas for clients? We’re looking for someone like that who can: ? create partnerships by increasing depth and breadth of existing client relationships ? increase the returns of products and services ? generate new ideas and creative approaches that push the business forward ? manage a team and plan overall resource requirements, by recruiting, developing and retaining t...

  • 厦门雅瑞光学有限公司 Xiamen

    厦门市 月薪8,000 - 12,000元 职位信息 岗位职责 1、负责COO重要会务、活动等相关事务的经办等工作;负责组织参与相关会议,并做好会议记录,整理编写会议记要 2、负责公司经营管理项目推进工作; 3、COO各项指示的下达、督办,各项重要事务的进度跟进、整理汇报; 4、完成上级交办的其他临时工作。 岗位要求 1、形象气质佳,本科以上学历 2、熟练使用英语,精通听、说、读、写。 3、良好的沟通、计划与执行能力,具备企业经营管理相关背景优先 4、熟练使用Excel,PPT等办公软件。 5、具备较强的学习能力、团队意识和敬业精神,工作条理性强,能承受一定压力。 职能类别:企业秘书/董事会秘书经理助理/秘书 关键字:秘书英语会议记录 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:厦门市思明区南投路1号1101单元(观音山营运中心12号楼,建行、观音山音乐学校附近) 地图 公司信息 企业介绍: 厦门雅瑞光学有限公司成立于2009年,总部位于中国厦门,旗下拥有 “BOLON”、 “MOLSION 、PROSUN”三大品牌,是一家集眼镜及零配件开发设计、生产加工、品牌营销为一体的中外合资企业。公司现有员工...

  • 辉瑞研究开发有限公司 Wuhan

    武汉市 工作职责: ?Provide protocol and ICD administrative support to global Clinical Operations Study Team Leads (COSTLs) and Clinical Research Operations Managers (CROMs), including but not limited reviewing the consistency of documents, prepare RighTrack II protocol outputs report, circulate and track the approval status. ?Request set up of study team SharePoint spaces, grant access to the team and update files in SharePoint for Inspection Readiness documents including team roster changes, , updating...

  • 山东瑞高投资有限公司 Changzhou

    常州市 年薪250,000 - 350,000元 岗位职责: 1.负责编制安全年度工作计划和目标指标,组织分解,跟踪计划、指标完成情况; 2.健全公司各类安全管理标准,检查标准执行情况; 3.定期组织废水、废气、噪声等环境检测,并对检测报告进行比对分析; 4.定期组织实施环保专项检查,有权对违反环境保护法和公司环保制度者予以制止、批评、教育,在紧急情况下可先令其停止工作并及时报告公司领导处理; 5.定期进行环保设备、设施的巡查,确保其正常运行; 6.组织落实废气、废水等污染防治设施管理人员、操作人员安全环保方面的培训; 7.负责危险废物处置方面对内、对外的沟通及协调;对危险废物方面的数据进行统计和分析; 8.负责组织召开每季度安委会会议; 9.指导和协调公司各部门生产安全、车辆安全和标准化建设; 10.健全公司安全教育管理档案,负责新入职员工“三级”安全教育(公司级); 11.组织每月劳动防护用品统计发放工作,并定期进行劳动防护用品的评审工作; 12.组织生产现场的隐患排查,并跟踪整改落实情况,提出安全管理改进建议; 13.负责调查、分析生产安全事故(事件),跟踪防范措施的落实; 14...

  • 瑞达期货股份有限公司 Xiamen

    厦门市 Job description: Ruida futures is one of leading futures firms in China founded in 1993. Quantitative trading team in Ruida is looking for a researcher who will assist a trader. The previous experience in finance is not required. But the researcher should have strong background and interest in data analysis. Also, programming experience is required. The researcher should be able to think independently and be able to communicate their ideas fluently. And strong passion on learning new knowled...

  • 上海爵瑞实业有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 岗位职责Responsibility: 1. To be very familiarize with all company products and its categorized pricing structure prior to approach customers 熟悉了解公司产品, 以及价格结构, 类型; 2. Capable to utilize company’s competitive advantage (collective resources and market positioning) in doing business in regional markets 技巧性的发挥公司竞争优势,在区域市场开发业务; 3. To work due-diligently in developing new potential accounts in the designated territory and subsequently increase sales volume in Hotel and Restaurant segment within c...

  • 上海爵瑞实业有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 岗位职责Responsibility: 1. To be very familiarize with all company products and its categorized pricing structure prior to approach customers 熟悉了解公司产品, 以及价格结构, 类型; 2. Capable to utilize company’s competitive advantage (collective resources and market positioning) in doing business in regional markets 技巧性的发挥公司竞争优势,在区域市场开发业务; 3. To work due-diligently in developing new potential accounts in the designated territory and subsequently increase sales volume in Hotel and Restaurant segment within c...

  • 金瑞期货股份有限公司 Shenzhen

    Job Description The MusingBot Team under JiangXi Copper Corp. JinRui Futures Hong Kong is launching a new business to trade Hong Kong and Mainland China Exchange-Traded derivative products. Now we plan to hire two quantitative researchers and one system developer. If you joined, you would have the opportunity to work within an excellent team to meet new challenges, grasp solid understanding of the fields, and enjoy the excitement of building an emerging business from ground up and reach the frui...

  • 瑞银企业管理有限公司 Shanghai

    Your role Are you good with numbers and like working with large data sets? Do you know how to improve and automate existing processes? We’re looking for someone like that to help us: Develop reports and dashboards using Business Intelligence tools, ad hoc report preparation and management of existing reports Build and execute processes to identify, escalate and resolve data quality issues in our client analytics platform Assist with driving Research initiatives, marketing campaigns and other ope...

  • 瑞思学科英语 查看所有职位 Wuhan

    武汉市 Job Responsibilities : 1. Interacting with 5 to 12 years old children through teaching activities. 2. Participating in teaching, training and academic research activities. 3. Providing assistance and helping facilitate promotion and marketing campaigns. 4. Initiating and maintaining effective communications with parents on the students’ academic performance. 5. Be responsible for the results of students learning, to solve the difficulties in learning English, and provide professional consult...

  • 杭州空港君瑞酒店有限公司 Hangzhou

    杭州市 萧山区 月薪4,500 - 6,000元 In absence of Manager, conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known 在经理缺席时进行交接班说明,确保了解酒店的活动和运营要求。 Prepares, cooks, serves and stores the following dishes: 进行以下菜肴的制作、烹饪、上餐和存储工作: o Appetizers, Savories, Salads and Sandwiches 开胃菜、小菜、沙拉和三明治 § Applies organization skills for mise en place 在开餐准备工作中发挥组织能力 o Sauces 调味汁 § Produces hot and cold sauces for menu items ensuring consistency 制作菜单上的冷、热调味汁并保证风格一致 o Eggs, Vegetables, Fruit, Ri...

  • 厦门瑞纺织带饰品有限公司 Xiamen

    职位信息 岗位职责: 1.客户搜索(积极进行背景信息搜集并建立客户信息表); 2.准备产品推荐资料:PPT/样品准备; 3.与客户联系:邮件、电话、拜访; 4.处理客户询盘、报价,并跟进; 5.与业务助理或跟单人员了解客户订单情况,与客户及时反馈和互动; 6.及时向部门经理汇报重要项目进展情况,推进项目进展; 7.出现异常问题,及时向部门经理汇报事实情况,解决问题,维护客户满意度; 8.执行部门经理在重点项目或者重点客户上的指示,积极沟通并落实到位; 9.协助部门经理接待重要客户来访或者拜访:整理客户来访/拜访申请和反馈记录并按要求提交; 10.协助部门经理、区域总监的跨部门协调会议,及时整理会议记录,并发送到相关人员知悉,并按记录要点落实跟进; 11.认真、按时提交工作报表; 12.积极参加培训学习; 其他要求: 1.熟悉外贸流程,做事认真负责。 2.口语流利,勤学好问。 3.性格活泼开朗,勤于思考与分析。 职能类别:贸易/外贸专员/助理 关键字:业务、外贸 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:厦门市集美北部工业区英瑶路556-560号三楼 地图 公司信息 瑞纺·创意生活领航者 Craft...

  • 瑞麦机械设计制造有限公司 Ningbo

    宁波市 镇海区 年薪80,000 - 100,000元 岗位目的: According to the business needs from company and departments, be responsible for vehicles, catering, cleaning and office supplies, facilities and equipment management; handle the relevant formalities for foreign staff, to provide administrative support for the whole company. 根据公司及各部门业务需求,负责车辆、餐饮、清洁及办公用品设备设施管理,为外籍人员办理相关手续等,为全公司提供后勤保障 responisiblities 职责 mangement 车辆管理 booking car / air tickets, hotel and arrange pick-up, arrange and monitor vehicle use, set...

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