Results 1 - 20 of 11427
  • 施坦威钢琴亚太有限公司 Shanghai

    Reporting to: Sales Director Asia Pacific Responsibilities: 1. Translate corporate objectives into store operational objectives, monitor and supervise store operations, prepare business analysis and propose marketing & sales action plan to generate sales and develop team performance 2. Retail sales accomplishment & store Operations 1) Execute & grow sales through of the products in retail store 2) Achieve store sales target, strive for better in-store ranking and share in own coverag...

  • 上海惠生海洋工程有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Responsibilities ? Ability to organize, and coordinate the project bidding work; ? According to the provisions of the work procedure to organize, coordinate and complete estimating preparation work for the bidding project ; ? Ability to finish the tender project estimation independently; ? Responsible for bid clarification and answering related questions to the project estimation ? Responsible for collecting and summarizing the clarifying issues listing related with technical tender; ? Parti...

  • 深圳市宏图洋展通讯有限公司 Shenzhen

    深圳市 Responsibilities 1) Company platform: Alibaba, exhibitions at home and abroad; 2) Engaged in products: luggage products, luggage accessories; 1. Responsible for the company's market development in Eastern Europe, product promotion for the Eastern European market; 2. Effective communication with customers through e-mail, telephone and other contact methods to understand customer needs, find sales opportunities and complete sales performance; 4. Communicate with customers regularly and est...

  • 蓬莱巨涛海洋工程重工有限公司 Yantai

    社会保险商业保险公积金节日福利双休8小时工作制带薪年假公费培训健康体检提供住宿餐补/工作餐交通补贴班车接送 工作地点: 山东省烟台市 职位月薪: 4K-10K(可面议) 招聘人数: 1人 最低学历: 本科 年龄要求: 22-35岁 工作经验: 1~2年 招聘方式: 全职 收藏 投诉 岗位职责: To ease the increased workload of translation of the project; To assist in translation of drawings project documentation into Russian language. 岗位要求: Proficient in English, Russian MS Office (2010+); A good command of Mandarin Chinese is preferred. 晋升机制: 助理翻译员 翻译员 资深翻译员 联系人:胡先生 职务:HR专员 所在部门:人资企管部...

  • 大房小山音樂有限公司 Taibei

    工作內容 品牌社群經營維護與管理 社群廣告投放&效益分析 影片腳本&分鏡發想 薪資待遇: 月薪 45,000 元以上 上班地點: 台北市大安區仁愛路四段151巷33號3樓 地圖找房子找中古車 租售行情 上班時段: 日班 休假制度: 週休二日 職務類別: 文編/校對/文字工作者、品牌宣傳及媒體公關人員/主管、網站行銷企劃 職務更新日期:2019-08-22 職缺條件 工作性質: 全職 身份類別: 一般求職者 是否出差: 需出差,時間未定 管理責任: 不需負擔管理責任 可上班日: 一個月內 工作經驗: 3年以上 學歷要求: 專科、大學、碩士、博士 語文條件: 中文 聽:精通 / 說:精通 / 讀:精通 / 寫:精通 英文 聽:中等 / 說:中等 / 讀:中等 / 寫:中等 擅長工具: Illustrator、Adobe Photoshop 工作技能: 網路活動規劃與執行、品牌知名度推廣、行銷宣傳預算編製與控管、廣告預算控管、社群媒體經營管理、廣告企劃案 文案撰寫、廣告效益評估 其他條件: 具備操作臉書與IG粉絲專業的實務經驗 英文能力優秀者,優先考慮 具備社群議題操作並結合時勢及活動效益分...

  • 迪卡侬亚太IT中心 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 Job Mission: Within PaaS & IaaS team, we commit to provide the best solution and technology to our customers. Offer secure, stable and high available database services for enterprise applications. Lead innovation and open-source Database challenge for application performance improvement. Your responsibilities: SUPPORT & RUN: Ensure the good quality of current platform’s database system, including Oracle DB, Posgre SQL, MySQL. Build & Industrilize: Design data architecture for app...

  • 绿色和平环境咨询有限公司 Beijing

    工作职责: PURPOSE and SCOPE OF THE JOB The Multimedia Producer is responsible for creating impactful multimedia products to help advance Greenpeace campaign and organizational goals. The core duties include providing strategic advice on the use of multimedia products, turning creative concepts into final products, marketing multimedia products and evaluating their impacts. The post holder demonstrates considerable independence and initiative in one of the core functions of Greenpeace operation, i.e....

  • 绿色和平环境咨询有限公司 Beijing

    工作职责: PURPOSE and SCOPE OF THE JOB The Campaigner is responsible for development and implementation of effective and integrated campaign work to achieve Greenpeace s mission. The post holder is line managed by the Program Manager or Project Manager. The post holder also assists the Program Manager or Project Manager in planning, development and implementation of campaign strategies, plans, and procedures. The post holder will usually work in a team composed of campaign, communications & mult...

  • 商先创太阳能光伏科技有限公司 Shanghai

    Position:Process Engineer (semiconductor) Task Process- and equipment commissioning of centrotherm semiconductor and photovoltaics equipment and proof of the contract guaranteed specifications Process training for customers Creation of documentation, marketing documents and technical descriptions Support for Technical Sales Process technical support in the field of customers production site Implementation of process specifications for engineering and software department Identify and update consu...

  • 湖南洋光在线教育科技有限责任公司 Changsha

    岗位职责 1、负责学员及员工有关旅游线路的策划、实施和执行工作: 2、根据公司提供的资源为客户的出行方案计算出适时、准确的报价。 3. 跟踪旅游需求变化,及时调整旅游方案及报价,以最专业优质的服务促成订单。 4. 对学员的旅游安排进行后期跟进,确保服务达到承诺预期; 5、负责旅游资源的开拓与维护工作; 6、负责旅游事项及出国签证办理相关资料的指导、收集和整理工作; 7、完成部门及领导交待的其他工作 任职要求: 1、大专以上学历,专业不限,优秀的应届毕业生亦可考虑; 2、男女不限、具备良好的沟通,合作和协调能力; 3、有较强的组织能力和应变能力及较强的服务意识; 4、有一定的文字表达及数据分析能力,善于收集、整理文档; 5. 具有高度的责任心、较好的自我管理能力,良好的抗压能力。 6. 能熟练操作OFFICE办公软件 职能类别:旅游产品销售签证专员 微信 联系方式 上班地址:长沙市岳麓区岳麓大道与旺龙路交汇处东北角芯城科技园3栋1楼 公司信息 洋光外语简介: 洋光外语是一家连锁的专业外语培训机构,主要经营日语、法语、西班牙语、德语、韩语、葡萄牙语等多个小语种(非英语)培训课程。洋光外语布...

  • 湖南洋光在线教育科技有限责任公司 Changsha

    长沙市 岳麓区 月薪4,000 - 8,000元 岗位职责: 1.负责旅游/游学产品的线路策划、线路设计; 2.整个旅游行程的具体安排及操作,落实团队的吃住行游购娱等细节安排; 3. 熟悉旅游/游学线路,对供应商、地接社有一定的分析判断能力; 4. 对接供应商、地接社、航空公司等关系维护及其他相关资源的协调; 5. 负责线路各项问题的预防,沟通,协调处理能力; 6. 出团的配合与解决,出团回国后的反馈,监控旅游计划的实施,处理解决突发事件; 7. 负责出团成本控制、跟踪质量监督,及时处理各种突发事件或投诉; 8. 负责旅游资料的统计、整理、归档工作。 岗位要求: 1.有旅行社相关工作经验者优先; 2.熟悉旅游线路操作与运作流程; 3.能熟练使用办公软件; 4.有良好的沟通能力和协调能力,责任感强,工作认真细致; 5.热爱旅游事业,心态良好,服务意识佳,有较强的语言沟通能力和协调应变能力,团队协作能力强。 职能类别:其他 微信 联系方式 上班地址:长沙市岳麓区岳麓大道与旺龙路交汇处东北角芯城科技园3栋1楼 公司信息 洋光外语简介: 洋光外语是一家连锁的专业外语培训机构,主要经营日语、法语...

  • 广州艾太德国际货运代理有限公司 Guangzhou

    职位信息 iTrade Universal Co Ltd is a trading company, specialized in Cosmetics packaging, Machinery, and general trading products We are looking for a candidate (purchasing) DUTIES: As a purchasing person, you may: Able to localize good sources/suppliers for a different product (according to customer requirement) Analyze market price, determine different players in the market. Negotiate with the supplier and accomplish company target rate. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED In order to qualify, you must meet ...

  • 苏州太湖国际高尔夫俱乐部有限公司 Suzhou

    任职资格:Basic Requirements 1、有教练证,高尔夫专业证。 Coaching certificate and professional golf certificate required. 2、热爱运动,阳光,有亲和力,善于沟通,性格温和,耐心细心。 Love sports, excellent interpersonal skills. Positive attitude, gentle, patiently and carefully personality are also needed. 3、有很强的团队意识,善于沟通,考虑问题细致周到,有独挡一面的工作能力。 Excellent ability of dealing with problems. Team work and careful consideration are also needed. 4、有良好的服务素养。 A good individual character of hospitality. 5、受过专业的服务业或高尔夫行业训练,有一定的高尔夫球技能。 Hospitality and gol...

  • 安盛天平财产保险股份有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 应届生 岗位职责: 1.基础数据建设维护; 2.基础业务监控与分析; 3.定价模型建模与维护; 4.参与定价模型的推广与应用 Position responsibility: (1)Construction and maintenance of basic data; (2) Monitoring and analysis of basic business; (3) Pricing model modeling andmaintenance; (4) application of participation pricing model 岗位要求: 1.国内高校硕士及以上学历或相当的海外学历,精算、金融、保险、统计等相关专业,通过至少五门精算师考试者优先; 2.熟练运用office办公软件,会撰写VBA\SAS者优先; 3.良好的沟通与表达能力、较强的求知欲和学习能力; 4. 良好的团队协作能力、责任心强、能承受一定工作压力; Requirements of recruitment: 1. Master’s degree or above in key universities...

  • 安盛天平财产保险股份有限公司 Shanghai

    职责描述: 1.完成业务准备金的精算评估和报告工作; 2.维护并优化准备金评估模型,能够按照业务或财务需求增减功能; 3.准备金回溯分析、年度准备金评估报告、偿二代等监管类报告中与精算相关的数据处理与分析; 4.协助公司预算制定、机构准备金评估、风控和审计方相关需求的精算数据分析; 5.积极配合并支持各事业部提出的业务发展规划,提供精算解决方案; 6.其他精算相关工作。 Position responsibility: 1. Make the actuarial assessment and reporting of the operational reserves. 2. Maintain and optimize the reserving assessment model as well as increase or decrease functions based on business or financial requirements. 3. Make reserving retrospective analysis, annual reserving assessment...

  • 上海雅恒房地产开发有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 MAJOR RESPONSIBILIES 責任概要 : Responsible for testing including “log keeping books”/certification. 负责消防系统的测试,包括“检查日志”和相关证书。 Conducting Fire Safety Training of all hotel staff to the appropriate level. 向所有的酒店员工提供消防安全培训,以达到规定的要求。 Supervising hotel fire and smoke compartments, including all escape ways. 监管酒店的消防和烟雾感应装置,包括所有的逃生通道。 Monitoring of hotel performance against the requirements of the Fire Safety Plan, reporting deviations & recommending corrective measures needs. 监督酒店运营符合“消防安全预案”的要求,报...

  • 上海雅恒房地产开发有限公司 Shanghai

    1.Make sure all Registration Cards are fully filled and correct, ensured with guest by signature. 前台的员工按要求将入住登记卡填写完整,准确,并与客人签字确认。 2. Clerk should pick up all copy of Registration Cards from Front Desk timely, enter it into PSB system correctly, and sign signature after. PSB输入员工要求及时从前台提取入住登记卡的复印件,仔细输入,逐一签字确认。 3. File all kinds of documents and fill the cover page carefully, ensure it remain the same as computer system data. 将工作内容分类装订,归档,要详细填写封面,确保与电脑系统数据统一。 4. Print out Arrival Report of the day ...

  • 上海雅恒房地产开发有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 MAJOR RESPONSIBILIES 責任概要 : To Assist Pastry/Baker Cook A in the daily operation to produce high quality products to their best knowledge and develop associates ranked below him, to follow hotel policies and procedures and work practice. 根据自己掌握知识协助主厨制作美味可口的食品,同时注意培养发展比自己级别低的同事;严格遵守酒店各项规章制度。 JOB SPECIFICATION職位要求 : Profile of Competency 工作能力: ? Minimum of 1 year in a similar position in a reputed 5* Hotel. 至少一年五星级酒店工作经验 ? Kitchen attendant (Commis III) experience for at least 1 year 至少一年厨师工作经...

  • 广东合富房地产置业有限公司 Guangzhou

    广州市 天河区 月薪3,000 - 4,500元 职位信息 岗位职责: 1. 协助公司形象展示宣传设计; 2. 协助公司活动的展示宣传设计; 3. 协助公司市场推广工作的需要进行相关单张、海报及各类活动的相关设计工作; 4. 跟进宣传项目内容,进行构思、策划和版面设计。 任职要求: 1. 大专及以上学历,专业不限,热爱平面设计,粤语流利; 2. 精通平面设计软件,如Photoshop、Illustrator、CoreDraw等图形软件; 3. 热爱本职工作,工作细心、责任心强,有很好的团队协作能力; 4. 具有较强的理解、沟通、协调能力,色彩感佳,思维活跃并富有市场触角,能够承受压力; 5. 心态谦和,保证工作质量; 6. 有相关工作经验,曾任职大型广告公司者或从事有关房地产类工作者优先。 职能类别:平面设计师广告创意/设计主管/专员 关键字:平面设计设计助理宣传设计海报设计周末双休 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:金穗路1号邦华环球广场2楼205室 地图 公司信息 广东合富房地产置业有限公司简介 雄厚实力 广东合富房地产置业有限公司(简称合富置业)是中国内地至早从事房地产顾问服务企业之...

  • 上海雅恒房地产开发有限公司 Shanghai

    MAJOR FUNCTION & RESPONSIBILITIES: 主要工作职责: To provide day to day supervision, direction and leadership to Guest Service Officers and drivers including working close with front office team. To ensure that they are adhering to all hotel policies, procedures and standards while striving towards total guest satisfaction. To ensure that the above-mentioned areas are working in a professional manner at all times. Responsible for hiring, training and development of all Guest Service-related associa...

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