Results 1 - 20 of 4517
  • 艾尔维汽车工程技术有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 朝阳区 Your tasks Coordination with project management, function development and suppliers Test planning, design and generate test cases Perform tests for T-Box on test bench and in car Generate error tickets, perform ticket handling, error analysis and verification Support of test management Support of T-box function development Your skills At least university degree or above Major in Electrical Engineering, Communications Technology or equivalent At least 2-year related work experience with t...

  • 河北艾福亿维动力总成有限公司 China

    中国 Responsibilities: Establish and maintain customer relationships Clarify customer technical requirement Prepare project quotation together with engineers of related Business Unit Negotiate price, payment terms and other commercial conditions with customer Realize assigned annual sales volume Regular report project acquisition status to senior sales manager Present FEV engineering services portfolio by customer visiting or public events Requirements: Rich knowledge of modern transmission techno...

  • 凯斯宝玛五金贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 You are ready to work under high pressure? You like to feel the perfect mix of Chinese and German spirit? You have already collected experiences in marketing and promotion and you have advanced English skills? Then this job fits you perfectly. Job demands a) Communicative, serious, hard to work b) Open-minded, creative c) Team-minded / open for an international team d) Experiences in text editing (Chinese and English as well) e) Able to write eloquent and precise text f) Adobe Photoshop,...

  • 太和顾问 查看所有职位 Beijing

    北京市 朝阳区 月薪15,000 - 20,000元 1. 对企业薪酬数据进行审核、整理,基于报告制式规则进行必要沟通后,进行调研报告整理; 2. 负责开展针对标杆行业、重点企业、目标人群的相关调研; 3. 针对不同行业人力资源薪酬、企业运营相关领域等方面,持续优化数据库数据,输出阶段性数据分析、专项研究报告等成果; 4. 协助创新/研发课题负责人,分析数据,产出创新/研发成果。 任职要求: 1、全日制本科及以上学历,人力资源专业、心理学专业者优先; 2、具备3年以上同一行业经验,有COE或咨询工作经验者佳; 3、具备丰富的薪酬绩效实操经验及技巧,熟悉企业绩效改进流程及各类绩效方案 4、性格开朗,亲和力强,沟通能力佳,工作责任心和工作执行力强。 职能类别:薪资福利经理/主管绩效考核经理/主管 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:朝外大街18号丰联广场 A座25层...

  • 江苏亨睿碳纤维科技有限公司 Changshu

    常熟市 月薪10,000 - 20,000元 Coordinate with technical team, evaluation team to collect adequate technical information Use the application software to finish the 2D/3D design of tooling and the Bill of Material Work close with production a to solve the issue during manufacture Analyze and solve technical issue together with technical team Construct tooling for different application / configuration Directly contact with Head office in Austria Knowledge/Experience: 1. University degree 2. Major in: Mech...

  • 醫院管理局 - 九龍中醫院聯網 Kowloon

    Please submit application on-line at on or before 29/8/2019. For enquiries, please telephone 3506 8763.   Rank : Executive Assistant II Office : Facility Management Department, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Salary : HK$16,994 per month   Key Responsibilities:   1. To provide administrative support to the hospital administration relating to facilities management and building / maintenance projects issues. 2. To assis...

  • 拓维集团 查看所有职位 Changsha

    长沙市 岳麓区 月薪7,000 - 14,000元 岗位职责: 负责集团信息化相关系统的测试工作,包括: 1、参与各类软件产品的需求评审工作; 2、编写测试方案和测试用例; 3、执行测试用例并记录测试问题; 4、回归验证研发团队修复的问题; 5、从用户体验的角度,提出软件产品的改善意见; 6、向项目管理团队报告质量状况,并推动问题解决。 任职要求: 1、全日制大学本科学历以上,计算机相关专业,3年以上相关工作经验; 2、具有软件产品的测试经验,对测试工作有深刻理解; 3、能独立完成测试方案、测试用例的编写,并能高效地执行测试用例,发现软件缺陷,具备企业信息化系统的测试经验者优先; 4、熟悉用各种办公软件及问题跟踪软件; 5、具有良好的亲和力和团队合作精神; 6、具有很强的工作责任心、敬业精神; 7、具有创新精神和学习精神; 8、具有良好的分析能力、沟通表达能力。 职能类别:软件测试 微信 联系方式 上班地址:桐梓坡西路298号 部门信息 所属部门:在线教育产品团队 公司信息 拓新思维,创造未来。拓维信息系统股份有限公司成立于1996年,成立之初,就立志做一家不断创新的科技企业。2008...

  • 爱普拉维商务咨询有限公司 Beijing

    AppLovin is looking for a Designer with a diverse set of skills and experience developing mobile advertisements to join our Beijing team! If you are passionate about working on engaging and polished video, graphic and playable ads that can reach millions of mobile users, join our team! This is an opportunity to be a part of a fast paced, exciting work environment. To be considered for this position, you must include your portfolio or other samples of work. AppLovin was named one of Inc.’s Best P...

  • 五达企业管理有限公司 Shenzhen

    Egglaston is a company providing services in the manufacturing business of Lingerie to foreign customers located in Shenzhen( 10 minutes walk from Wuhe metro Station) Egglaston is currently looking for a candidate to be in charge of the Customer Service Manager of a customer for the lingerie production business service provided. Candidate Requirements Should have at least 2 years working experience managing customer orders following up orders with customers and factories. Should be willing to tr...

  • 五行科技股份有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 月薪30,000 - 40,000元 工作内容: 1. 应用PC-GF、PC-CF、PC/ABS、PC染色以及特殊高端改性塑料的大客户的开发; 2. 与目标客户进行全方位的沟通、服务,完成项目开发、销售任务; 3. 带领团队制定销售计划,完成销售目标。 任职要求: 1. 能够独立开发大客户,建立良好的客户中高层关系; 2. 有消费电子品牌客户,家电、包装材料、安防、主机厂或成型厂客户资源者优先。 薪资构成: 底薪+绩效奖金 +提成 年收入80w~100万/年。 职能类别:大客户销售业务拓展主管/经理 关键字:BD大客户管理业务拓展大客户经理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:漕河泾开发区桂平路...

  • 海斯坦普亚太总部 Shanghai

    招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位描述 Job Summary To provide best technical support to sales team in China to achieve maximum customer values. Duties and Responsibilities To gather quotation information from Commercial. Separate the quotation information to each technical department. Prepare the total quotation package based on the information gathered from each technical department. Submit the finished quotation package to Commercial. Others which department arranged. 任职条件 Qualifications and Requirements Bachel...

  • 太崆动漫有限公司 Wuhan

    工作地址:武汉,武汉,武汉,请看清楚工作地址在武汉。 职位:动漫电影编剧 职责: (1)动漫剧本的前期策划创意及梗概大纲撰写;动漫电影完整剧本撰稿 (2)创意、创作、改编、完成动画电影剧本; (3)论证、阅读、评价、筛选小说、剧本,将其写成动画剧本; (4)与导演、制片人等紧密协作,创作出导演要求的剧本, (5)兼顾少量公司报告、公函、文件、PPT报告撰写、微信公众号内容起草、微博内容起草、网站平台内容起草。 资格: (1)编剧、中文或相关专以上学历; (2)较强的剧本撰写/阅读/审核能力、选题策划能力和文学创作能力;良好的文字功底,擅长故事策划与编写,叙事逻辑清晰; (3)善于创作动画电影人物台词语言,能独立创作剧本或参与团队创作; (4)有很好的动漫电影剧本创作经验和修养,熟悉动漫制作流程,熟悉当代视听语言特点; (5)热爱编剧工作,具备编剧的职业操守,具有很强的沟通能力,有良好的团队合作精神具有高度责任心,能够保证剧本质量并如期完成; (6)热爱动漫电影,从事过相关动漫剧工作,有相关编剧经验,有优秀作品或成功策划运作过动漫作品者优先考虑; (7)从事过大强度文字工作,高产高效,精...

  • 博世诚五金股份有限公司 Shanghai

    职位概述: 开发和管理供应商,处理销售部的询价 晋升方向: 高级采购员 、 采购经理 薪金方式: 工资+提成+奖金+福利 工作内容: 1、通过网络平台、展会以及公司分配的资源开发供应商; 2、实地拜访、审核供应商; 3、不定期通过推介会向销售部推介新供应商,推介新产品; 4、处理回复销售部门的询盘; 5、跟踪订单的生产进度,安排产品的发货; 6、负责相应供应商的对账工作; 7、组织进行客户投诉或退货的处理; 8、负责相关采购文件的的归档、保管与调用 9、完成直属上司交办的其它工作 任职要求: 教育背景:供应链管理、市场营销、机械制造相关专业全日制大学专科及以上学历; 培训经历:会CAD制图者优先,受过供应链管理相关培训,可接受优秀应届毕业生; 工作经验:1年以上采购或者紧固件行业工作经验,有紧固件行业工作经验者优先; 技能技巧:良好的沟通协调能力,英语四级以上;熟练使用办公软件;熟练使用操作办公自动化设备。熟练使用绘图软件者优先考虑; 工作态度:职业生涯清晰、勤奋进取、严谨负责、踏实、敬业;工作细致认真,责任心强;团队意识强 职能类别:采购员供应商开发 关键字:采购外贸采购供应商开发采...

  • 诺维信投资有限公司 Beijing

    Pioneer a brighter future At Novozymes, we work in close partnership with our customers to create a better world every day. For those around us, for each other and for the next generation. We use science to advance industries, and as part of our Supply Operations, you will help produce and deliver the biological solutions that boost our customers’ business and make innovation a reality. Job Title: Senior Scientist-Environmental Microbiology, Beijing Job overview We are looking for an experienced...

  • 埃斯维机床有限公司 Suzhou

    Job description: 1. Prepare training 2. Self-responsible at group 3. Training at customer and in Suzhou 4. General training 5. Training of employee 6. Support for making instruction manual 7. Built up manual for preventive maintenance and trounbeshooting in Chinese Requirement: 1. Bachelor degree in mechanical filed 2. At least 8 years working experience in training or after-sales service 3. Having worked for an international company in China before, familiar with both German and China style 4. ...

  • 江西五湖祥和展览有限公司 Nanchang

    岗位职责: 1.对接客户,签证辅导,根据各国使馆签证要求准备资料 2.安排地接、预定酒店、机票(可能需要与境外英文沟通,口语较好者优先考虑) 3.协助上级完成交待的任务 任职要求:认真仔细,旅游相关经验或在外贸进出口公司有过三年以上任职经历。英语口语好,英语四级,有英语等级考试资格证书。 公司福利:缴纳五险,周末双休,国家法定节假日,年假,出国旅游机会,节假日福利,生日福利,下午茶。 联系:涂***0791-88285315 职能类别:客服专员/助理 微信 联系方式 上班地址:青云谱区解放西路49号明珠广场C座22层 公司信息 江西五湖祥和展览有限公司是江西领先的国际商务综合服务平台,五湖祥和积极响应和贯彻国家“走出去、请进来”战略和“一带一路”倡议,以江西特色产业为基础,以境外“国际展会、商务考察、推介会、招商活动、采购对接活动”为载体,架起江西与境外政府、商/协会、大型企业的交流合作桥梁,整合国内外优质服务资源,设立“一带一路”国际商务综合服务平台,为政府和企业提供一站式涉外商贸服务。 “胸怀世界、服务江西”是平台的定位,主张创新、开放、合作、共赢。平台立足江西,依托北京十多年的境...

  • 太古资源商贸有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 徐汇区 RESPONSIBILITIES: Administration Create and maintain Filing System, equipment inventory, training materials, books and training videos. Maintaining inventory recording, monitoring equipment, training materials borrowing system. Courses Administration Responsible for course enrollment, course confirmation and related administrations. 2. Set up training room, necessary equipment according to the need of each individual course. Prepare Materials – typing, photocopy, binding, name badges and...

  • 得嘉亚太管理有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 普陀区 Job Scope and Responsibilities 工作职责 ?? To design & layout products catalogues, brochures, and other promotional files for printing; 设计产品目录、手册及其他市场推广图文并作版面设计; ?? To make and update unified presentation format, the company’s Chinese website, and other promotional items; 制作并更新统一的幻灯展示模板、公司中文网页及其他市场推广材料; ?? To support regional sales offices in marketing activities, and participate in selected exhibitions; 支援各区域销售办事处开展市场拓展活动并参与特定展会; ?? To provide supporting sales teams in achieving the tar...

  • 英杰维特投资有限公司 Shanghai

    Job Purpose Responsible for all activities related to customer services and administrative support in China & Southeast Asia to ensure a high standard of customer’s satisfaction is maintained. Responsibility/Duty Manage import products for China & Southeast Asia, process customer’s orders, prepare sales confirmation, confirm price, send timely shipping schedule to both of customer and sales team. Communicate with USA/UK CSR regarding shipping schedules and customer needs, provide service...

  • 得嘉亚太管理有限公司 Shanghai

    ? To be responsible for the product structure design; 负责公司产品结构设计; ? Take charge of the prophase design communication, concept design, and prepare the related production process files; 负责前期设计沟通、概念设计,准备产品相应生产工艺资料; ? Take charge of the procedures like appearance, technology, structural modeling, 3D rendering, color proof and post-design according to product projects, follow up the test job, and be able to analyze and solve the structural issues during tests efficiently; 根据产品项目负责新产品外观、工艺、结构建模、3D渲染、色...

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