- 摩根大通期货有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibilities Be able to follow clients' order instruction to execute the order quickly and accurately. Well manage client’s accounts activities day-to day. Provide clients with the latest exchange margin requirement, related research reports, market news and data. End to end handle client's requirements. Customer relationship maintenance and discover new revenue opportunities. Skills and Experiences Hold Futures Qualification Certificate. Minimum 4-5 years experiences of sales trader...
- 上海纽约大学 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Coordinate, design, and implement weekly group fitness classes for students. 为学生协调、制定并教授每周的团操课 。 Ensure participants’ safety and wellbeing at all times during classes. 在课程期间保障学员的安全和健康。 Observe participants’ performance and promptly give them personalized feedback. 观察学员的表现,并及时给予他们相应的反馈。 Serve as a role model for participants, and inspire self-confidence and motivation among the participants. 做学员的榜样,并积极树立学员的自信, 鼓舞学员的斗志。 Develop good working relationship with NYU Shanghai staff in order to provide ...
- 大连波姆仪器设备有限公司 Dalian
大连市 中山区 招聘人数:1人 薪资:面议 工作地点:大连市中山区民寿街四号 职位描述 5年以上医药器械行业同等职位工作经历,熟悉国内外医药行业运作情况和发展趋势,具有优秀的组织、协调、分析和决策能力,擅长企业管理。协助制定和实施公司总体战略与年度经营计划;建立和健全公司的管理体系与组织结构;实现公司经营管理目标和发展目标。 职位要求 工作经验:10年 要求学历:不限 要求性别:不限 要求年龄:30-45岁 其他要求:...
- 大连艾思信息技术有限公司 Dalian
1、LINE GAME相关韩日翻译和口译工作; 2、LINE GAME项目相关文档的归档与整理; 3、完成领导交代的其他工作。 职位必备项 最低学历 必须统招本科以上学历 其他项 精通汉语、韩语、日语 要求中文表达能力强,具有较高的语言翻译和表达能力 要求本科以上学历,1-3年以上韩日技术翻译工作经验 职能类别: 日语翻译 韩语/朝鲜语翻译 关键字: 日语 韩语 微信 联系方式 上班地址:大连高新园区 公司信息 大连艾思信息技术有限公司(AiS Information Company)坐落在大连市高新园区,是一家由软件开发服务,企业信息咨询为主营业务的信息技术公司,由多名曾在知名公司工作过的员工组成,从事企业软件开发,技术服务,信息咨询等服务,我们为具有行业领导力的世界500强企业及国内行业领先企业提供信息咨询。 公司和大连地区的很多外资公司和中资公司是合作伙伴,公司目标是力争给客户带来最为专业、高效、优质的服务,为员工提供职位上和空间上的发展,希望艾思信息(AiS Information Company)成为IT、BPO等行业企业最为可信的战略合作伙伴。...
- 上海证大喜玛拉雅有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: 始终表现出负责任的言行,展现酒店和卓美亚国际的正面形象。 为财务总监提供管理支持,确保应用于行政职能的酒店政策,标准和流程得到实施。 妥善处理好财务总监批复的相应文件。 分类归档和保管好所有有关部门的机密文档,确保及时更新所有归档资料。 为书面文档和电子文档建立系统高效的归档制度以便能迅速检索查找到。 为财务总监准备好参加会议有关的资料:如每日营运例会,行政委员会议,部门会议和网络会议等。 妥善应答来电或转接来电及拨打电话,接待访客,登记来访业务性质,正确引导给相应职员。 监管和维护好本部门区域的外表形象。 每月申领文具等。 检查并更新员工考勤表,经员工和财务副总监批准后交至人事部。 处理财务部、信贷部和信息技术部的信件。 资质要求: 大学本科学历或以上,会计从业资格证。 良好的语言交流及协调能力。 电脑技能娴熟,Office办公软件熟练。 英语能力良好。 职能类别: 财务助理/文员 关键字: 会计 财务 秘书 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:梅花路1108号...
- 上海纽约大学 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Coordinate, design, and implement weekly yoga classes for students and faculty/staff. 为学生及教职工协调、制定并教授每周的瑜伽课 。 Ensure participants’ safety and wellbeing at all times during classes. 在课程期间保障的安全和健康。 Observe participants’ performance and promptly give them personalized feedback. 观察学员的表现,并及时给予他们相应的反馈。 Serve as a role model for participants, and inspire self-confidence and motivation among the participants. 做学员的榜样,并积极树立学员的自信, 鼓舞学员的斗 Develop good working relationship with NYU Shanghai staff in...
- 加拿大鹅中国 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Warehouse management and distribution The ability to look at the logistics follow especially the process from shipment receiving to make sure smooth D2C operation Analysis skill to find the most appreciate ways for any China related warehouse and distribution tasks and projects To monitor inbound and outbound process of each warehouse to make sure the KPI met business requirement To make sure the stock discrepancies being adjusted that following the company procedure To minimize the lead time an...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 Ningbo
Join a unique British University in China. The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was the first Sino-foreign university to open its doors in China. This award winning campus offering a UK style education has grown to establish a student body of over 6,000 in just 12 years. The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China, a pioneer in Sino-foreign tertiary education, is rapidly expanding. It is looking for ambitious, talented academics with a passion for teaching as well as research flair to...
- 美国驻华大使馆 查看所有职位 Beijing
Vacancy Announcement Commercial Assistant (E&C)(FCS)(Education Substitution) U.S. Mission: China Announcement Number: Beijing-2019-056-S Position Title: Commercial Assistant (E&C)(FCS)(Education Substitution) (N78-1510-035) Opening Period: June 20, 2019 – July 3, 2019 Series/Grade: LE-1510-9 Salary: FSN-9 RMB 240, 511 p.a. USEFM FP-5 USD 45, 953 p.a. Actual salary will be determined by Washington D.C. For More Info: Human Resources Office American Embassy Beijing, China No.55 An Jia Lou,...
- 西交利物浦大学 查看所有职位 Suzhou
General Description 职位概述 Responsible for the deployment and effectiveness of a broad range of defined Human Resources processes. Partners with assigned internal stakeholders/line managers to resolve issues. Managing administration of and adherence to human resources policies and procedures; advises on compliance with key legislative requirements. Plan and organize changes to the Staff Manual to take account of changes in terms and conditions of employment. To prepare, provide and review legal do...
- 思诺瓦(大连)信息技术有限公司 Dalian
招聘人数:不限 薪资:面议 工作地点:大连市甘井子区黄浦路439号创业园D座 职位描述 Requirements: Basic familiarity with data center environments. Applicable manufacturer hardware training (i.e. Sun-SM240, Dell-DCSE Foundations 2003 Servers, HP-U8729S-Servicing HP Proliant server products, IBM-XRM01-Servicing IBM xSeries Servers Part 1) Familiarity with computer hardware and terminology Familiarity with networking principles a plus Installation of servers in racks is a part of the job. Ability to physically install servers necessary. ...
- 大连苏尔寿泵及压缩机有限公司 Dalian
招聘人数:1人 薪资:面议 工作地点:大连市开发区双D港双D7街6号 职位描述 1. Greet clients and guests and arrange appointments; 2. Receive and distribute mails; 3. Handle telephone calls and leave messages when necessary; 4. Guide visitors when necessary; 5. Monitor booking system of conference rooms 6. Update telephone list 7. Assist to arrange catering services for meetings; 8. Assist or take on other tasks assigned by adminitrative manager. 职位要求 工作经验:1年 要求学历:大专 要求性别:女 要求年龄:24-28岁 其他要求:...
- 中美联泰大都会人寿保险有限公司 Shaoxing
1. 根据业务策略和渠道需求,制定内部和外部培训计划 Make internal and external training plan to the channel need. 2. 依据培训计划和总公司制定的培训相关制度、流程和操作细则要求,组织、实施内外部训练任务,完成训练相关各项工作 Organize and carry out those training tasks according to the head office training regulations and operational manual. 3. 在分公司银保培训主管和三级机构银保负责人指导下,负责完成三级机构培训需求调研 Under the instruction of branch bank insurance director and the third-level agency director, investigate the training need. 4. 根据公司培训相关制度和当地监管要求,建立分公司培训档案;实施日常培训管理 Set up branch training files a...
- 上海凯宾斯基大酒店 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 有相关星级酒店餐饮工作经验 职能类别: 其他 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市浦东新区陆家嘴环路1288号...
- 上海交通大学医学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 黄浦区 年薪150,000 - 200,000元 任职要求: 1.硕士及以上学位,医学、管理学、社会学、法学、新闻、媒体运营等相关专业;有新媒体文案撰写工作经验及掌握一定摄影技巧的小伙伴优先; 2.具有较强的交流沟通、组织协调和文字处理能力; 3.具备较高的英语水平和一定的法律知识; 4.对医学与临床研究相关领域感兴趣,具备起草行政公文及相关规章制度的能力。 岗位职责: 协助处理中心各类行政事物; 协助中心会议的筹备及会务组织等工作; 协助中心的教学、学科规划、财务、人事、科研管理等工作; 负责中心的文案撰写、中心微信公众号、官网的常规运营更新等工作; 承担中心安排的其他工作。 职能类别:行政经理/主管/办公室主任行政专员/助理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:重庆南路227号...
- 优利咨询(上海)有限公司大连分公司 Dalian
招聘人数:2人 薪资:面议 工作地点:大连市软件园大连软件园路国际软件服务中心212室 职位描述 Job Description: 1.Lead software development projects to meet the various internal business sponsor needs. 2.Expert at organizing and leading project kickoff, requirement analysis, design, status, and other project related meetings with cross-functional teams and project stakeholders at all levels 3.Develop project plans, and manage project schedule and quality with minimal variances 4.Closely manage throughout the product development life cycle. ...
- 罗克韦尔自动化(厦门)有限公司大连分公司 Dalian
大连市 西岗区 招聘人数:不限 薪资:面议 工作地点:大连市西岗区中山路147号森茂大厦23F 职位描述 SUMMARY/SCOPE OF POSITION: Responsible for software architecture and system design direction for industrial control products. Serves as the focal point for technical direction of key aspects of, or the entire project. Influences the direction of products spanning different business units. COMPETENCY Architectural direction setting capability Good communication skill and quick learning capability Master Visual C++ Good English reading, writing ...
- 中国大连国际合作(集团)股份有限公司海外发展分公司 Dalian
招聘人数:100人 薪资:面议 工作地点:大连市西岗区外经贸大厦1401 职位描述 招聘要求:男女不限,年龄22-35岁,大专以上学历(国家学信网可以查到),英语口语良好,相貌端正,身材适中。 从事行业:财务金融,生物技术,联络专员,教育行业,工程师,人事管理,健康卫生,餐饮行业,零售行业 签证类型:SP 或 EP 签证周期:2年(可以续签,2年后有资格申请永久居住) 工资: SP 一千八百元新币(约合九千元人民币) EP 二千五百元新币(约合一万二千五百元人民币) 从2011-7-1起,SP工资会调整为二千元新币(约合人民币一万元),EP工资会调整为二千八百元新币(约合人民币一万四千元)。 收费标准:新加坡工作的3个月工资 职位要求 工作经验:不限 要求学历:大专 要求性别:不限 要求年龄:22-35岁 其他要求:此项招聘常年有效。...
- 雲林科技大學 雲林縣 斗六市
請協助宣傳~~ English Instructor Wanted Language Center National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan Job Announcement:University Full-time Teacher Positions I. General description The Language Center at National Yunlin University of Science and Technology in Taiwan invites applicants for a full-time teacher position, beginning February 1 (or February17, 2020). II Qualifications and requirements for applicants 1.A native English instructor 2.Candidates should hold at least a Master’s de...
tw.indeed.comAugust 19,2019 - 香港公開大學 Hong Kong
Established by the Hong Kong Government in 1989, OUHK today has developed into a young, dynamic, full-fledged university. We began offering full-time face-to-face programmes since 2001 and currently have about 10,000 full-time and 9,000 part-time students in the five Schools at the OUHK with about 220 programmes of studies. In addition, there are about 2,000 full-time/part-time students studying in LiPACE. The University strives to be a leader in providing open and flexible education to all, and...
www.indeed.hkAugust 19,2019
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