Results 1 - 20 of 12439
  • 狄邦教育管理集团 查看所有职位 Hangzhou

    Be responsible for the day-to-day operations pertaining to administration and planning. Programme Development and Administration To coordinate the development of the core programme including a comprehensive camp offering various options for students to take place during school holidays; To work with the both internal and external resources to build the programme Create opportunities to support students’ overseas university applications; Evaluate, implement and support the systems used for the pr...

  • 上海沃德医疗有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 Qualifications: 1. Doctor of medicine degree, graduate of prestigious university preferred 2. At least eight years' working experience in internal medicine 3. Excellent Written and spoken English 4. Communicative, responsible and customer-oriented 5. Willing to learn and able to work independently under pressure 6. Overseas degree and working experience are highly preferred 职能类别: 内科医生 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市浦东新区南泉北路399号1-6楼...

  • 堃博生物科技有限公司 Shenzhen

    深圳市 南山区 Salary:Open Area: Hong Kong / Southeast Asia Principle Responsibilities : Develop and implement sales and business development plan for the region using available information Establish distribution network in the region and manage sub-distributor performance to reach sales target. Lead and guide sub-distributor to execute strategy to make sure a healthy and sustainable business. Learn and master the clinical application skills in order to build and keep good relationship with key account...

  • 爱盛生物科技有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 嘉定区 Job description Get familiarized with on sell product and systems, and the products in releasing pipeline Work closely with engineering teams to create user friendly document like user manual, installation guide etc. Maintain documents and ensuring all of the documents are up to date with the latest developments, design changes and installation optimization To be thorough, detailed and accurate with information on the text and visual content. Qualifications Part Time or full time Must po...

  • 上海猎邦信息科技有限责任公司 Kunshan

    职责描述: 1. Lead a commercial organization consisting of regional sales, key accounts and distributor sales and sales operation team to achieve annual sales target. 2. Conduct market assessment to identify and prioritize potential markets/customers; 3. Set sales plans, budgets, objectives, strategies, and initiatives to fulfill the growth goal; 4. Actively support the coordination of New Business Development projects and other initiatives aiming to expand business with the designated account; 5. De...

  • 宝依德精密模切有限公司 Wuxi

    无锡市 Work closely with sales and customer to develop new process or products into manufacturing; Responsible for product costing,Design layout, process and tooling design; Ensure process performance (yield, speed and cost) meeting plan; Work with production to ensure smooth release of new product/process; Handle and monitor project implementation for new product, new technical capability and new process; Process improvement & cost saving activity. Requirements: Mechnical or moulding bachelor ...

  • 深圳家德兰贸易有限公司 Shenzhen

    深圳市 南山区 Job Duties: Senior Merchandiser is the key connection who need to coordinate among Buyers/Procurement/Quality/Suppliers for handling all order related issues, including but not limited to following terms: Familiar with US market on furniture products; Plan and administer purchasing activities; Manages, develops and directs the purchasing function and leads a team of subordinates; Identify, develop and analyze new sourcing manufacturers for current and future products ; Develops and ensur...

  • 深圳家德兰贸易有限公司 Shenzhen

    深圳市 南山区 Job Duties: Senior Merchandiser is the key connection who need to coordinate among Buyers/Procurement/Quality/Suppliers for handling all order related issues, including but not limited to following terms: Familiar with Indoor/Outdoor Furniture products; Plan and administer purchasing activities; Manages, develops and directs the purchasing function and leads a team of subordinates; Identify, develop and analyze new sourcing manufacturers for current and future products ; Develops and ens...

  • 莱科德信息科技有限公司 Tianjin

    天津市 滨海新区 ? 3-5 year experience in Oracle DBA ? Strong knowledge of SQL and experience with Oracle ? Strong knowledge of relational databases ? Strong knowledge of database programming ? Full understanding of database transactions and how they work. ? Experience in optimizing query plans ? Experience in database security ? Experience in working with SQL profiler ? Experience in working with high traffic databases ? Experience in setting up and managing fail-over clusters ? Experience in Delphix 职...

  • 唯泰精品购物村有限公司 Suzhou

    苏州市 工业园区 月薪3,500 - 4,500元 如果你 勤劳可爱有责任心 如果你 想零距离接触时尚前沿 如果你 期望为以后的职业生涯打造出色的铺垫 加入Coach! 大胆发挥你的才华和热情! 职能类别: 理货员 陈列员 微信 联系方式 上班地址:工业园区阳澄环路969号 公司信息 唯泰——奢侈品零售业的传奇缔造者 唯泰集团(Value Retail)是欧洲九大购物村的开发商和运营商。其最大的特色是将旅游与购物的体验相结合,让顾客享受到无与伦比的奢华体验式购物。 品牌传奇 唯泰集团成立于1992年,它的第一家购物村——英国伦敦的Bicester Village(比斯特购物村)于1995年开幕,并一举成为全球最成功的购物中心,更是也是80%中国旅英游客的必去之处。在此之前,比斯特只是一个默默无闻的小市镇和英军仓库所在地。而今,许多名流都热衷于到比斯特享受时尚、美食和美景。 比斯特购物村是传统零售业的革命先锋。在它开业之前,全世界最具盈利价值的商场无不坐落于都市的中心地带。而距伦敦87公里的比斯特购物村开业后,其每平米的销售额超过了13,000英镑,一举成为了世界上每平方米销售业绩最高的...

  • 唯泰精品购物村有限公司 Suzhou

    Ensure that the Village achieves the business goal and maximises all marketing opportunities through: Working with Retail and Marketing Directors (and the Marketing Manager if applicable) to produce a multi-layered/linked promotional campaign Regularly analysing market information from the impact of special events to market trends Developing and co-ordinating all local communication activities and events Supporting with the preparation of monthly Business Review, monthly Marketing Summary, Marke...

  • 美国Selleck生物科技有限公司 Shanghai

    岗位职责: 1. 协助销售部门负责客户的技术支持,对于客户提出的技术问题,做好沟通、答疑等工作; 2. 协助销售部门完成客户订单的信息整理,制表及库存状态统计; 3. 其他主管交办的工作。 任职要求: 1. 生物学,药学,基础医学等相关专业,硕士及以上学历; 2. 熟悉小分子抑制剂,信号通路;有信号转导方向课题研究经历者优先; 3. 具有较强的文献查找和阅读能力; 4. 熟练使用Excel、PPT等办公软件; 5. 工作认真细心,具备独立分析问题和解决问题的能力,具备高度团队合作精神; 6. 具备熟练的英文沟通和书面工作能力。 职能类别: 医药技术研发管理人员 售前/售后技术支持工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:银山路183号鑫桥创意园区11幢...

  • 西比曼生物科技有限公司 Shanghai

    岗位职能: Act as medical expert on haematology/oncology for CBMG China for products in development and pipeline haematology/oncology products. To advise on haematology/oncology development issues for CBMG China Clinical Development and related line function units. To alert teams of advances and new data from global sources and local advances in haematology/oncology clinical sciences and treatment Develop or oversee CRO development of appropriate clinical trial protocols, synopses and clinical summar...

  • 倍飞视文化艺术交流有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 朝阳区 月薪8,000 - 10,000元 1、18-29岁;大专以上学历,计算机,动漫、影视、数字媒体、艺术设计、美术学等相关专业毕业; 2、有一年以上影视后期制作经验;或者有作品的优秀应届生也可; 3、熟练操作Premiere、After Effects、Maya、3d Max等专业软件使用熟练; 4、热爱动画、电影,希望从事高端商业院线电影制作; 职能类别:实习生培训生 关键字:电影剪辑后期视频媒体广告 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:中宇大厦6层 招聘部...

  • 宝依德精密模切有限公司 Wuxi

    Work closely with sales and customer to develop new process or products into manufacturing; Responsible for product costing,Design layout, process and tooling design; Ensure process performance (yield, speed and cost) meeting plan; Work with production to ensure smooth release of new product/process; Handle and monitor project implementation for new product, new technical capability and new process; Process improvement & cost saving activity. Requirements: Mechnical or moulding bachelor degr...

  • 美德乐医疗科技有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 闵行区 工作内容: 基于TA消费者接受性洞察,熟悉核心媒体沟通触点,制定沟通场景策略和媒体计划。 制定全年整合品牌沟通策略及项目,并能落地到全渠道,包括天猫/京东/微信旗舰店、线下母婴店、美德乐母乳妈妈俱乐部。 与产品营销经理、视觉管理、通路市场部、SCRM及教育部紧密合作,保证营销沟通项目能达到良好一致的质量,同时满足不同部门的需求。 建立品牌营销核心内容库。与内部职能(产品营销及教育部门等)、外部供应商(媒体、广告公司及意见领袖)共建内容,统一品牌对外内容发声。 负责整合管理iWOM项目(包括意见领袖、母垂媒体、短视频、社交媒体、搜索等),制定iWOM口碑沟通策略指南、标准及活动,并跟进执行质量,提升品牌美誉度。 熟悉媒体工具的定价模式,降低媒体沟通成本,并优化效率。 负责公司PR活动,包括公司高层管理,媒体采访及发布计划的制定,发布稿件的沟通及审核。 营销沟通战役成果的追踪、回顾和评估,提高费比有效性。 保持对新营销内容及消费者TA媒体趋势的敏感度,贡献新的营销沟通方式和创意,帮助公司成长。 良好的计划和管理全年预算的能力,达到良好的ROI. 良好的供应商谈判及管理能力,...

  • 德尔格中国 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    职位概述 The Technical Support Engineer is responsible for the technical support of the Field Service Engineers as well as for training the Field Service Engineers and customers. 岗位职责 Technical support - Act as technical expert for dedicated product lines - Provide technical support to internal and external customers via telephone or in the field - Resolve complicated technical issues in the field, and coach Field Service Engineer in terms of technical knowledge - Feedback quality problems/ issues t...

  • 宝依德精密模切有限公司 Wuxi

    无锡市 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 岗位职责 1、全面控制、协调生产后道部门的人员管理及各项生产活动; 2、执行生产计划和任务,安排和控制生产作业进度; 3、跟踪生产情况、产品需求、生产过程、产值目标等,按时完成生产目标; 4、及时对生产异常做出反应,发现问题及时追踪,并提出合理化建议; 5、参与提高生产效率和改善产品质量的行动计划与实施; 6、监控规范操作方法,确保生产现场的安全和清洁; 7、负责员工的管理、培训和培养。 任职资格 1、大专及以上学历,专业不限; 2、三年以上企业基层管理工作经验,有同行业从业经验者优先; 3、掌握相关法律知识,熟悉生产流程,精通生产管理知识; 4、具备较强的品质管理、流程优化、统筹组织和沟通协调能力,有很好的分析问题和解决问题的能力; 5、有较好的领导和组织协调能力、沟通能力、执行能力等; 6、具有一定的办公软件的使用操作技能。 职能类别: 生产主管 微信 联系方式 上班地址:无锡市新加坡工业园新都路8号 公司信息 宝德(BOYD)公司拥有超过85年以客户为中心的成功经验,并且是热管理和环境密封领域的市场领导者。 我们专注于解决客户需求,在...

  • 德马泰克 Dematic 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    1. IT 服务热线的接听与及时响应,解决业务提出的IT相关事件和服务需求; 2. 负责企业内部IT软硬件设备管理及日常维护,包括但不限于服务器,交换机,电脑,打印机,电话系统等,确保其正常使用; 3. 企业网络管理和维护,保证业务正常运转; 4. IT资产档案管理及维护; 5. 病毒的查杀,维护网络系统安全; 6. 管理及运维公司的文件系统、打印系统、监控系统,确保其安全性和可用性; 7. 负责IT设备及相关配件的选型、测试、采购及安装; 8. 和各部门协调与沟通IT相关事宜。 1. Take, response timely the ticket via IT Helpdesk, resolve the IT incidents and service requests from business; 2. Responsible for the company IT software & hardware management and daily maintenance, ensure the normal use status of server, switch, com...

  • 深圳家德兰贸易有限公司 Shenzhen

    深圳市 南山区 Job Duties: To find the right suppliers in terms of cost and quality; Develop ranges of products and collections according to the designs; Daily communication with Chinese suppliers and French Buyers on product development and production; Attend related Chinese fairs to grasp more information about suppliers and products; Make propositions to the French buyers regarding product development, production and shipment; Negotiation with suppliers on quality and price etc; Order follow up with...

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