Results 1 - 20 of 63024
  • 奧升英國小學Oxon English Taibei

    Job Type Both School Type Tutor - ESL Starting Apr. / 2019 Salary TWD 700-1200 / Hour Teaching Hour 17 Hours / Week Schedule Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun. Morning Afternoon Evening Certificates Requirement No Qualified teacher certificate recognized by the government No Job Information Employer's Information School's Name Country Contact Email 奧升英國小學Oxon English Taiwan 盧小姐Miss Lu TEL Fax Address (02)82878177 None 新北市三重區三和路四段138巷5號1樓1F., No.5, Ln. 138, Sec. 4, S...

  • 立端科技股份有限公司 新北市 汐止區

    1.Responsible for internal, external and cross function communication, workflow and approval procedures 2.Prepare meeting materials, business reports, documents and presentation slides for GM 3.Coordinate internal and cross function meetings 4.Assist the GM in company's business strategy, operation management plan. 5.Provide secretarial, administrative and business support to GM. 6.Manage GM's calendar, expense claim, filing, and travel arrangements 職務類別 : 秘書 特別助理 休假制度 : 週休二日 上班時段 : 09:0...

  • 木質材料與設計學系 Taibei

    國立嘉義大學人事室 用人單位:木質材料與設計學系 職缺公告日期:2019-08-22 報名截止日期:2019-09-23 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 2名 學校地址:嘉義市鹿寮里學府路300號 工作地點:嘉義市學府路300號 學術專長: 公告內容: <<專任助理教授(含)以上教師1名>> 聘用單位:農學院木質材料與設計學系 擬聘職稱及名額:專任助理教授(含)以上教師1名 起聘日期:109年2月1日(須完成本校聘任程序) 學歷:具木質材料相關領域之國內、外大學博士學位 專長條件 一、取得博士學位後至應聘日止,應具備下列條件之一: (一)大專以上學校全職教學經驗2年以上,並至少有一篇 SCI或SSCI 著作。 (二)博士後研究全職工作經驗2年以上,並至少有一篇 SCI或SSCI 著作。 (三)木質材料相關領域業界全職工作經驗2年以上。 (四)在國內外學術或業界專業領域具有卓越成就者(例如:獲科技部愛因斯坦培植計畫、哥倫布計畫等補助案),其具體特殊事蹟,應有明確之量化或質化數據資料佐證。 二、如無國外博士學位或國外博士後研究經歷1年以上者,須檢附外語能力檢定證書(英語能力...

  • 桃園縣私立英代語文短期補習班 桃園市 中壢區

    EGL is looking for responsible and self-motivated English native speakers who hold at least a Bachelor's degree and a minimum of 1 year’s documented language teaching experience. Applicants must be competent in teaching adult English learners. Please send the following documents to and CC to 1. Resume (CV) 2. Copies of your degrees and relevant diplomas and/or certificates 3. Letters of reference (optional) 4. ARC or work permit 5. Teaching video demonstrati...

  • 上海立幼教育科技有限公司 上海市 杨浦区

    上海市 杨浦区 The requirement is as follows: Native English speaker, and it's good if English is your mother language. It's preferred if you have relating teaching experience. Now from Monday to Friday you work four times . The time is 10:00-11:00 in the morning. Every Monday、Wednesday and Friday. But if the time is not fit for you, we could discuss. Salary: 250-300RMB/h.According to the interview results Address:1031 Zhenghe Road, Yangpu District(Grow Garden) 职能类别...

  • 聯發科技 新竹市

    Standard cell library designer, project management and support. 職缺需求 Standard cell library design, layout implementation, and simulation. Process technology exploration. Digital and sign-off flow study for cell development. Low-V circuit and flow analysis and development....

  • 聯發科技 Shanghai

    上海市 a. Indoor Manual Test (Telephony related Functional/IOT Test) b. Indoor Automation Test (Mainly based on AT command test on MTK Automation Platform) c. FT (Telephony related Functional/Performance/Scenario Test),including Local Site/ Domestic FT/ WW FT d. Support Customer for their FT when needed e. Support Customer for specific issues which are hardly to resolve by themselves 職缺需求 1. Bachelor or above degree majoring in Telecommunication/Computer related field 2. Good acknowledge on Communi...

  • 台中市私立英文派英語附設技藝短期補習班 台中市 北屯區

    工作內容 授課對象: 幼稚園大班到小學六年級,全英授課 1. 全英文授課能力,標準英文發音 2. 喜愛創新,跳出框架思考,具有研發跨領域創新教案能力 3. 對教學與孩子有熱情,並擅長與學生互動 4. 班級管理能力強 5. 擅長家長溝通 6. 配合學校活動 7. 全民英檢中高級(或同等測驗)以上英語能力證書 8. 教學經驗一年以上 福利: 1. 國定假日休 2. 週休二日 3. 勞健保,勞退及特休 4. 定期審核工作加薪 5. 全方位與定期專業師訓 若您有教學熱情並同時想精進和突破教學技巧,擁有穩定的工作時間,薪水與完善的福利,歡迎加入我們好玩,專業,又有創意的教學團隊! 薪資待遇: 月薪 30,000 至 45,000 元 上班地點: 台中市北屯區崇德五路146巷28號 地圖找房子找中古車 租售行情 上班時段: 上班時段:13:30/下班時段: 21:30 休假制度: 週休二日 職務類別: 語文補習班老師 職務更新日期:2019-09-11 職缺條件 工作性質: 全職 身份類別: 一般求職者、應屆畢業生 是否出差: 不需出差/外派 管理責任: 不需負擔管理責任 可上班日: 一個月內 工...

  • 趨勢科技 Taibei

    Join Trend ‧ Join New Generation 趨勢科技 - 全球雲端資安領航者 / 全亞洲最大軟體公司 / 企業版圖橫跨五大洲 / 趨勢全球研發基地在台灣 ========================================================================================= 工作需求: Computer Science / Mathematics / Statistical Science related college or graduate student 工作內容 Dig into network related data and find out suspicious or anomaly activities, by using expert rules or machine learning technology. 工作時間: 週一到週五,9:00~18:00 工作期間 : 2019/7/1~2019/8/30 ==========================================...

  • 趨勢科技 Taibei

    Join Trend ‧ Join New Generation 趨勢科技 - 全球雲端資安領航者 / 全亞洲最大軟體公司 / 企業版圖橫跨五大洲 / 趨勢全球研發基地在台灣 ========================================================================================= Overview Trend Micro, a global leader in network antivirus and Internet content security software and services, is looking for experienced & talented Visual Designer to join our Design team and be responsible for the look-and-feel and visual design of our web-based services as well as windows application products. Wo...

  • 聯發科技 Taibei

    We are looking for aspiring ML/DL candidates to join our team of researchers. The ideal candidate is open-minded, passionate about learning theory, and looks forward to challenge convention. Your ideas shall be based on sound mathematical justification yet lead to scalable and practical solutions. In a flexible and supportive environment, one of your major responsibilities is to push the state of the art of learning theory. Furthermore, through collaboration with worldwide colleagues, you will h...

  • 聯發科技 新竹市

    Camera 軟體架構設計. Camera ISP 及 sensor driver (Linux and RTOS) 開發. ISP HW 驗證. 職缺需求 必備: 計算機結構、作業系統、C語言 加分: ARM組合語言、嵌入式系統、相機原理、Linux 驅動程式, Android/Chromepad 架構...

  • 聯發科技 新竹市

    Work with the various lines of business and support functions to provide strategic human resource consultation Partner with Senior HR Business Partners to provide proactive support to client groups and develop and implement sound human resource programs that meet business objectives. Partner with business leaders and managers as an internal consultant to strategize, define and resolve people-related issues. Exercise judgment within broadly defined policies and practices to develop appropriate me...

  • 聯發科技 新竹縣 竹北市

    1. Familar with Linux or open source and development environment. 2. GCC/G++ and related tool chain. 3. Setup cross-platform development environment. 4. WiFi and related device driver programming 5. Windows driver development 職缺需求 1. C and C++ Programming language 2. Linux OS kernel and device driver. 3. Networking and communication protocol and Wi-Fi Experience 4. Software RD Experience 5. Windows driver development...

  • 聯發科技 新竹市

    1. Protocol design or debug on NR/LTE 2. Experience in IOT/field test 3. Data analysis to enhance system verification 4. Automation tool development 職缺需求 1. MS degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science 2. Familiar with Wireless Communication or Networking is preferred 3. Familiar with GSM/WCDMA/LTE/NR Protocol ,TCP/IP, VoLTE/SIP, Layer1 is preferred 4. Good communication skills in English. 5 Self-motivated, strong trouble-shooting, good communication and good teamwork....

  • 聯發科技 Shanghai

    上海市 1. Develop multi-mode GSM/WCDMA/LTE L1/DSP software, including state machine, channel scheduling and modem/RF control SW 2. Implement OFDM communication signal processing and theory in embedded system 3. Realize digital communication in ASIP/DSP architecture 職缺需求 1.MS or above with major in EE, CS or Telecommunication Engineering related field 2.Familiar with C language and RTOS 3.Experienced in Wireless communication or embedded system development 4.Related working experience in mobile or w...

  • 趨勢科技 Taibei

    Join Trend ‧ Join New Generation 趨勢科技 - 全球雲端資安領航者 / 全亞洲最大軟體公司 / 企業版圖橫跨五大洲 / 趨勢全球研發基地在台灣 ========================================================================================= [Overview] DCS (Data Center Service) team provides hybrid cloud solutions in data center to empower Trend Micro global services. We are looking for creative & self-motivate talent to join as to build up world class cloud service platform. The Sr. Software Engineer(Web Developer) takes the responsibility to implement ...

  • 聯發科技 新竹市

    This position involves developing memory architectures, creating circuit implementation techniques and be an interface with CAD team for full verification and model generation. You have opportunity to know how memory design can be implemented into all Mediatek products. 職缺需求 (1) MS or above with major in EE (2)4+ years of professional experience designing embedded memories (3)SRAM/UHDTP/2P/DP/ROM architectures and advanced custom circuit implementations. Advanced technology nodes are a plus (4)F...

  • 聯發科技 北京市

    1. Baseband algorithm development 2. 2G/3G/4G/Blue Tooth/WiFi/FM etc. Communication system receiver & Transmitter architecture or algorithm design. 3. Communication system architecture design. 4. Digital TV / Analog TV/ Mobile Tv etc. Receiver architecture design or algorithm development. 職缺需求 1. Familiar with digital signal processing algorithm and practical implementation skill. 2. Familiar with the following programming languages : C/C++, Matlab 3. Familiar with communication theory. 4. I...

  • 日立意必锐科技有限责任公司 成都市 高新区

    成都市 高新区 Responsibilities: Develop highly innovative and intuitive web & mobile applications for financial services industry Participate in delivery lifecycle – analyze, design, build, deploy, test, release & support Collaboration with headquarters team on task delivering Produce technical design and responsible for key / complex development tasks Ensure all codes produced are fit for purpose and meet the expected quality Undertake critical tasks required by project execution as necessary...

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