- 华尔道夫酒店及度假村Check Out Similar Jobs Xiamen
财务副总监/财务经理的基本职责是确保并维护财务部门顺畅有效的日常工作,及工作效率,以及协调和控制月末关账进程。 我的具体职责是什么? 始终使自己的工作以顾客为核心,积极主动及时地对待顾客的需要和要求。 承担个人责任并主动解决问题,清楚地与客户和同事沟通,以取得积极影响。 自我激励和承诺,主动承担所有工作并抓住机会学习新的技能或知识,从而提高个人业绩。 对改变的要求能够灵活,快速并积极响应,包括要求的任何任务。 通过展示对同事的合作和支持,以团队目标为追求,保持以团队为重点。 提供意见和建议,以提高酒店的运营/环境程序。 积极推销酒店的服务和设施给客人和酒店的供应商。 执行所有义务和责任以确保工作中自身和他人安全。 通过积极的态度提供礼貌和无障碍服务给客人和下属员工,始终保持愉快的工作环境。 监管并管理财务部门的日常工作。 确保并负责对所有费用和各项账目的准确性,且确保它们被及时记录在案。 确保所有资产负债表的业务被正确地入账和调节。 审查每周银行调节表/月度资产负债表调节的调节及分析。 完全熟悉希尔顿会计科目表并准确使用。 确保会计记录遵守当地法律法规。 确保月末关账流程的完成并及时准...
jobs.hilton.comDecember 1,2019 - 华尔道夫酒店及度假村Check Out Similar Jobs Xiamen
Ensures thateffective control and productivity are maintained, whilst using every means toincrease productivity and reduce costs. Periodically assists in reviewing themanning figures, keeping a balance between under and overstuffing so that all teammembers are fully occupied during their hours on duty, whilst preventingexcessive use of overtime or contractors. Completes annual PersonnelPerformance Evaluations and salary recommendations. 确保有效的工作控制和保持高效率,用各种办法提高效率和降低费用。定期检查人员编制,保持适当的编制以便所有员工在工作时间内...
jobs.hilton.comDecember 1,2019 - 华尔道夫酒店及度假村Check Out Similar Jobs Xiamen
Operations for Key Repeat Accounts. 操控重要客户(灵活的)。 Verifies charges and layout of invoice prepared byAccounts Receivable and sends out invoices and Thank You Letters to organization. 由应收款部门核实费用并向组织者开具发票和感谢信。 Obtains feedback from clients and follows throughwith the necessary actions.获得客户反馈并采取行动。 Refers leads and sends Events Profiles informationto relevant sister hotels or NSO/ISO (if any).将有意向的生意信息发送给相关的姐妹酒店或NSO/ISO(如果有需要)。 Ensure highest standards of service and productquality are provided to gu...
jobs.hilton.comDecember 1,2019 - 华尔道夫酒店及度假村Check Out Similar Jobs Xiamen
在业务发展总监的监督知道下,去检查每一个销售部员工的工作情况和他们的培训情况。 我的具体职责是什么? 销售计划 ——参与酒店销售计划的执行和发展。 确定消息的来源,使酒店的生意取得最好效益。 发展酒店的客户和他们建立良好的关系。 监督和指导正确重要的信息,并保证这些信息的可施性。 维持团队和散客的正确预测,确定销售在特定时期的销售重点。 销售行政部——总监管理酒店的销售流程。 建立计划和指导,使团队和散客努力达到计划的目标,并发展和建立良好的客户群。 监管销售的产值并且调整销售的行动,争取完成计划的目标。 组织出差的计划表并且管理出差的经费,优化市场销售力度。 与会展公司,航空公司,旅行社 和希尔顿区域销售办公室建立良好的联系。 计划,制定,实施异地销售功能以便传递生意到其他兄弟酒店。 增进年销售额的预算和执行销售计划。 管理希尔顿酒店所有客户体系。 销售人员的个人发展——带领和发展销售人员。 培训,挑选使销售人员意识到他们的发展前途,为希尔顿酒店作出贡献。 使销售部的每一位员工了解自己的职责,目标,成绩,一年两次对员工进行评估。 销售——管理重要的客户。 建立个人销售的目标,并且挑选...
jobs.hilton.comDecember 1,2019 - Alliance Construction Materials Limited 友盟建築材料有限公司 Hong kong +
This position is suitable for a highly motivated individual, who has the aspiration to develop long term career in information technology in a prosperous industry. Duties : Be responsible for Web/Mobile apps development, implementation and testing Be responsible for Windows apps development, implementation and testing Provide system support on user enquiries and production problems Work as part of a project team for developing new and maintaining existing systems with testing and debugging Prepa...
www.cpjobs.comDecember 1,2019 - 價真棧有限公司 PrizeMart Limited Hong kong +
Job Duties: Develop worldwide markets including CHINA, EUROPE, USA, JAPAN, TAIWAN and VIETNAM. Liaise with our global companies and our Hong Kong base company in the areas of Product Selection, Packaging / Labelling / Certification requirements and designs, Marketing, Orders and Shipments Requirement: University graduates with Bachelor degree (preferably Mathematics, Science, Economics and Marketing). Fresh Graduates from oversea countries including China with the possibility of obtaining IA...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 28,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
The Data Analytics Product Line Owner is responsible for defining the data analytics strategy, road map, design, product features, and deployment for the data lake and analytics platform for Dairy Farm across 11 markets, and multiple banners in Food, Health and Beauty, Convenience and Furnishings. This strategic enterprise data lake platform, which collects, stores and provides access to Asia divisional data. This platform also supports and enables analytics, digital transformation and operatio...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 27,2019 - LI PO CHUN UNITED WORLD COLLEGE OF HONG KONG 香港李寶椿聯合世界書院 Ma on shan
At least 2-yr exp. as a Registered Nurse in hospital and/or medical clinic Currently registered with HK Nursing Council and holder of a valid practicing certificate Good command of Cantonese & English Hands-on PC knowledge Mature personality with exp. in dealing with teenagers preferable 3.5 work days per week i.e. about 28-30 hours per week Job description of the position is placed on the College Website at https://www.lpcuwc.edu.hk/about-us/lpcuwc/job-opportunities ....
www.cpjobs.comNovember 26,2019 - 和順堂中醫診所 Kwun tong
工作地點:觀塘 負責浸藥、煎藥、包装、出貨、一般藥房事務 年齡、經驗及學歷不拘 每週工作六天48小時,每天工作8小時 (工作時間為上午08:00–下午09:00其間),輪班輪休。 其他福利或優惠: 有薪和法定假期、強積金、和順堂購物優惠及醫療福利(包括直系家屬)等.. 有意申請以上職位者請將履歷、酬金要求及相關資料傳送至 立即申請 郵箱或可致電39526844 向陳先生查詢。 中國www.wellsoon.cn 香港www.wellsoon.hk 申請人所提供的資料將予保密及只作招聘有關職位用途。...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 26,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
The job: To formulate and drive predictive analytics, market insight plan and provide data-driven recommendations for customer engagement strategy To support deliveries of ad-hoc analytical projects to the clients with actionable insight, communicated in a manner appropriate to the audience To support deliveries of campaign activity to evaluate its success and to provide robust recommendations for future improvements To identify and support in driving efficiency of regular tasks through automati...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 26,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
The Role Support the function’s head in establishing and implementing Fresh & RTE Product Technology initiatives and strategic planning Participate in selection of appropriate and competent Suppliers, 3rd party service providers to support the implementation of Quality Program Coach BU and Banner team members to ensure Group Technical policies, SOP and Guidelines are consistent Facilitate internal training/briefing sessions in order to enhance knowledge Oversee 3rd party suppliers’ sites to ...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 26,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
The Job: Responsible for driving major digital transformation initiatives and projects by conducting market research and developing business cases Stay with the latest technology in the market and develop the best practice and digital solutions for the business Identify the business needs and provide actionable insights and recommendations to embrace changes and meet the operational challenges Oversee and monitor the project effectiveness including timeline, resources allocation and deliverables...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 26,2019 - 天盈集團有限公司 Kwun tong
- 主要負責收貨,分貨,理貨,處理貨件,少量資料輸入,熟悉電子料優先 - 具基本電腦操作知識 - 有責任感,可即時上班優先 - 觀塘上班 - 薪優 有意者,請把履歷及要求待遇電郵至 calvinlam@skywise.com.hk 致 : 天盈集團有限公司 (林先生) 申請者資料只作招聘用途,絕對保密...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 25,2019 - 安信信貸有限公司 Wanchai
職責 負責戶外推廣私人貸款及信用卡 具良好銷售及客戶服務技巧,並解答客人有關產品之查詢及跟進事宜 為分行發掘及開拓區內具潛力之營銷網絡 入職要求 中五或中學文憑試以上程度 積極主動,具優質服務態度,自信及良好溝通技巧 具至少一年戶外零售或銷售經驗 具銀行業 / 電訊業或相關工作經驗者將獲優先考慮 員工福利包括 銀行假期 有薪年假及有薪休息日 有薪婚假、侍產假 有薪在職培訓 固定工作時間 良好晉升機會 進修資助...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 25,2019 - VANTAGE ENGINEERING (HONG KONG) LIMITED 運達工程(香港)有限公司 New territories
職 責: - 協助工程師監督外判商的工程進度 - 需協助巡查工地,以確保工人及承辦商遵守安全守則 - 具安全知識或參與巡查工地經驗優先 - 處理日常文書工作 入職條件: - 機械,電氣或土木工程或相關學科的高級/專業文憑或以上學歷 - 至少 2 年相關工作經驗 - 良好英語和粵語書寫及閱讀能力 - 具團隊合作精神和上進心 - 主動學習和良好溝通能力 福 利: - 往返元朗/屯門/荃灣至屯門青山發電廠的免費穿梭巴士 - 5天工作 (星期一至五 07:45 – 17:05 ) - 醫療門診優惠 - 提供膳食津貼 - 有超時加班津貼 - 提供多樣化的挑戰和工作發展機會 申請須知: 有意者可電郵履歷表至 hr@vantage.com.hk 或 whatsapp 7074 8197 或致電人力資源 邱小姐 2678 5081 申請人提供之全部資料絕對保密及只作招聘之用...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 25,2019 - Kai Shing Management Services Limited 啟勝管理服務有限公司 Hong kong
本公福利: 勤工獎 醫療津貼 有薪年假 新人獎金 公積金計劃 子女獎學金 進修資助計劃 良好晉升機會 員工推薦獎賞 員工康樂活動...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 25,2019 - Kai Shing Management Services Limited 啟勝管理服務有限公司 Hong kong
本公福利: 勤工獎 醫療津貼 有薪年假 新人獎金 公積金計劃 子女獎學金 進修資助計劃 良好晉升機會 員工推薦獎賞 員工康樂活動...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 25,2019 - Kai Shing Management Services Limited 啟勝管理服務有限公司 Hong kong
本公福利: 勤工獎 醫療津貼 有薪年假 新人獎金 公積金計劃 子女獎學金 進修資助計劃 良好晉升機會 員工推薦獎賞 員工康樂活動...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 25,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
The incumbent will report to the Corporate Finance Director and support the development of the Group’s strategy, M&A and investment projects as well as some investor relations responsibilities. The Role Monitor, research and understand key industry trends and developments Work with key business unit leaders to review business performance and develop organic and inorganic growth strategies for individual business units Manage M&A deal projects including project timelines, research, financ...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 23,2019 - 天盈集團有限公司 Kwun tong
- 主要負責收貨,分貨,理貨,處理貨件,少量資料輸入,熟悉電子料優先 - 具基本電腦操作知識 - 有責任感,可即時上班優先 - 觀塘上班 - 薪優 有意者,請把履歷及要求待遇電郵至 calvinlam@skywise.com.hk 致 : 天盈集團有限公司 (林先生) 申請者資料只作招聘用途,絕對保密...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 22,2019
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