- 安利(中国)日用品有限公司 Guangzhou
广州市 天河区 Designs ABO-centric products and solutions that drive towards an experience-based outcome in line with the ABO and customer digital strategy, including: 1.Liaising with design teams in an agile methodology-driven approach to enable solution development to achieve these experiences 2.Developing concept prototyping, journey maps and storytelling, wireframes, and ABO and customer needs analysis to set experiences that impact “moments that matter”, including: o Social experience, including h...
- 广州市南沙优联教育中心 Guangzhou
广州市 南沙区 The Counseling Assistant reports to the school counselors who are his/her supervisors. He/she provides a wide range of administrative and direct office support for the school counselors to facilitate the efficient operation of the School Counseling department. Responsibilities: Support parent/counselor communications – receive parent phone calls and contact counselors for appropriate responses; provide translation for email messages, parent meetings (individual and group forums) and docu...
- 北京直信创邺数码科技有限公司 Shanghai
1、Supporting new store event opening project for China, need to manage the different parties involved in the new store infrastructure project to ensure the quality is met. This involves doing regular follow-up with the parties and manage all new store event project necessary field (account /layout/opening schedule/status report/……) 2、As project keyman between internal teams and Supplier’s team, transfer all information related with new store event project, like project timeline, detailed require...
- 深圳市博茂文化传播有限公司 Shenzhen
【 公司介绍 】 成立于2007年, 多年来致力于广大青少年文化教育交流的深圳市博茂文化传播有限公司,成功走在业界研究工作的最前端。主营业务:学科竞赛、课外培训、文化教育投资、素质教育拓展、文化艺术活动策划组织与交流、国际游学、文化传媒投资、课题研究、外教服务、夏(冬)令营、课外培训。均是国家权威机构授权组织的全国性、国际性的项目!由于组织活动出色博茂公司连续多次被评为“优秀组织单位”等荣誉称号。 博茂公司以“挑战、超越、无止境…唯有超越自己,一切才会为你所超越”为核心价值观的优秀企业精神文化。是一家富有生机和活力的公司,历年来注重员工队伍的建设,良好的人才发展机制和企业文化氛围让公司的成员之间精诚团结,相互促进,能够不断发现问题、解决问题、逐步自我完善,在高速发展的今天逐步练就出了一支组织纪律性强、具有极强进取心和崇高敬业精神的朝气蓬勃团队。 公司以全球化视野为理念,凭藉世界知名500强企业、国际一流名校、殿堂级教育机构等优势资源,专注于为企业家、新生代企业继承人及学生践行国际经验,提供赴美国、欧洲、中国香港、中国台湾等世界一流学府学习交流的平台,提供专业的海外培训及世界名企研习实践...
- 深圳市惠泰医疗器械有限公司 China
中国 1、销售支持:为销售团队提供销售工具,包括彩页制作,培训用PPT 的编辑,部分广告内容的设计及审核。为销售团队和代理商团队提供培训,必要时提供临床支持。维持KOL医生的关系。 2、营销活动:制定和管理公司全年营销计划,包括学术年会,推广会等并据此提出年度预算,并对预算进行管理,严格执行公司的预算管理制度;组织讨论、策划和确定新产品上市的推广活动,并将既定方案付诸实施。 3、产品管理:现有产品维护和管理,定期与生产,研发沟通,确保产品信息的正确性和新功能发布的及时性。根据新产品上市计划,及时从研发部获取相关产品信息并将其转化为市场语言。产品样品的试用和跟踪。 4、团队建设:为下属产品专员提供工作指导,并合理安排其工作内容。 5、督促和检查下属员工的日常工作进展,提供改善意见。 任职要求: 1、大学本科及以上学历。 2、5年以上相关工作经验,具有丰富的临床知识和相关产品知识。 3、具备为下属员工,销售团队,代理商或客户提供培训的知识和技能。 4、熟悉产品开发流程和上市管理流程。 5、较好的数据分析处理能力。 6、敏锐的市场洞察力。 职能类别: 产品/品牌经理 微信分享 联系方式 上班...
- 深圳市前海美联科技有限公司 Shenzhen
职位信息 1. 岗位福利:Post welfare (1) 月度奖金;Monthly bonus; (2) 季度奖金;Quarterly bonus; (3) 年度加薪;Salary Raise; (4) 各种提成;Commissions; 2.岗位职责:Responsibilities (1) 通过网络与学生进行大班或小班授课。 Teaching students online using your computer (2) 根据学生的课堂表现,课后给学生撰写评语。 Evaluate students after class. 3. 岗位要求:Requirements (1) 大学本科及以上,英语或教育相关专业。 英语专业八级或同等水平。外教有TESOL TEFL证书者优先. Bachelor's degree or higher; Majoring in English or Education. Acceptable Certificates: TEM-8; (2) 英语流利纯正,教学技能熟练. 职能类别: 兼职 关键字: 在线英语, 成人英语, *** 微信分享 联系方...
- 北京外企德科人力资源服务深圳有限... Guangzhou
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES Execute sourcing projects from head office,ensure all sourcing activities are carried out in accordance with established procedures required; Be responsible for control check,working closely with product makers toen imingandqualitymeetswiththecustomers’requirements Main ta in close relationship with current suppliers,and develop new suppliers; Negotiate priceterms and contractterms; Cooperate with product design department to ensure high quality products flowef ficiently thr...
- 南宁市贝诗婷教育咨询有限公司 Nanning
南宁市 职位信息 We’re excited about elementary teachers who are fired up about their lessons―who want to spend their time discussing, preparing, and immersing themselves in the rich content they teach. We value teachers who truly listen to what students are saying―who create a space for students to think their way through to answers, and who praise their insights and curiosities along the way. We value educators with a hunger for feedback and professional growth, and a dedication to excellence. Our tea...
- 臺北市政府衛生局 Taibei
公務電話 02-27287147#7146 官職等 無 職系 無 人員區分 其他人員 名額 1 性別 不拘 機關類型 行政機關 資格條件 一、280薪點(月薪34916元): 1.經教育部承認之國內外專科以上學校畢業。 2.高中以上學校畢業,並具有與擬任工作性質相當之2年以上工作經驗。二、中華民國國籍且未具雙重國籍或多重國籍者(如為大陸地區人士需設籍滿10年)。 三、無公務人員任用法第28條各款不得任用情事人員。 四、熟悉電腦作業系統有線上規劃能力,可配合業務積極任事勇於負責者。 五、抗壓性高,能配合職務作機動調整,具企劃、溝通協調能力、認同團隊合作且可配合業務加班及配合即時上班,優先錄用。 六、視成績酌列備取,惟名額不得逾職缺數2倍,自甄選結果確定之翌日起算,其候補期間為3個月。 七、具身障手冊或原住民身分者佳。 工作項目 1、辦理食品、藥物、化粧品等之違規廣告、品質、標示之稽查取締、行政罰鍰及行政救濟等工作。 2、辦理藥商、藥局、藥事人員及營養師登記、執業管理,藥物廣告審查許可等業務。 3、受理消費者有關食品、藥物、化粧品之消費申訴、檢舉案件及中藥掺西藥送驗等業務。 4、辦理消費者...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 5,2019 - 臺北市私立拉斐爾托嬰中心 Taibei
工作內容 Are you a dynamic, highly motivated professional that embraces innovation and longs to be part of a school that encourages thoughtful risk-taking, is open to new approaches to instruction, understands the value of physical fitness, and is committed to professional development? Do you want to shape tomorrow’s leaders by having the opportunity to play a role in determining the school’s climate and collaborate with colleagues to decide what and how you will teach? If so, this is the opportunit...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 5,2019 - 艾尔维汽车工程技术有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 嘉定区 Tasks: Focus on engine calibration and validation of certain vehicle ECU function modules (esp. start, emission, OBD related functions) Collection and evaluation of ECU measurement data on engine test bench and in vehicle Analysis of technical problems (e.g. unusual measurement data or malfunction) and implementation of proper solutions Follow up open technical problems Communication and coordination with project partners Presentation of technical project status to management Requirement...
- 山特维克矿山工程机械贸易有限公司 Shanghai
JOB PURPOSE The roles has the responsibility to manage and fulfill customer orders for local and foreign currency transactions on a daily basis, which including customer quotation and other special service activities during the order implementation, act as the key customer interface to ensure the delivery on time and keep the operations of order to cash smoothly with good customer satisfaction. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES Response to customer quotation inquiry or other shipment issue complaint with go...
- MTS工业系统有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Major accountabilities: 1.Manages customer base and business activities to optimize customer satisfaction, efficiency of operation, revenue generation, margin levels, and service contract performance. 2.Coordinates and conducts installation/commissioning/ training(operation and maintenance& partial STC training as elastomer, damper &material testing activities for MTS test equipments at customer site. 3.Performs maintenance, calibration, repair, overhaul service relevant to assigned ...
- 國立台灣大學工學院 Taibei
Faculty Positions Open -Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University The Department of Mechanical Engineering at National Taiwan University is seeking faculty members at all levels. Applicants with the following specialities are preferred: Mechanical Design, Solid Mechanics, System and Control, Advanced manufacturing technologies (Laser / Electron Beam Precision Machining, Photonic Manufacturing, Defense & Aeronautical Manufacturing, Intelligent Manufacturing System &...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 5,2019 - 阿美德格工业技术有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Basic Role: Order receiving and due date commitment Forecast management and demand maintenance in ERP system Job order planning and releasing Delivery scheduling and rescheduling to meet on time delivery RM of new project Purchasing; Work closely with sales team to answer the customer demand change such as pull-in/push-out Education/Training/Experience: Graduate from college ,majoring in Commerce & Trade is preferred. More than 3 years relevant working experience in customer service, sal...
- 马瑞利有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibilities 1.Interface between customer and internally for overcome any critical situation; 2.Taking the role as Customer Representative; 3.Project management; 4.Participating the commercial contract discussion/negotiation; 5.Leading customer purchase order process (order receiving & release and payment); 6.Coordinating the cross function teams of the company to ensure a customers satisfaction; 7.Support business development manager for new opportunity and marketing activities etc; 8.A...
- 上海利唐信息科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 职位需求: Manage the delivery and implementation of events, eg. Seminars, Demo Day, Trade Shows Manage the design and production of communication materials, e.g. POSM, brochures, video, digital, H5 pages Review with the agency on the creatives and contents Work with internal communicaiton team on the internal campaigns Perform copywriting and scripts development Supervise agencies to produce communcation deliveries (event, print, video...) Organize updates or publishing of team communciation doc...
- 大北欧通讯设备(中国)有限公司 Xiamen
厦门市 职位信息 Job Summary Responsible for creating packaging design (box, tray, pouch etc.) for company products. Key Responsibilities ? Make packaging design for company products: Box concept, product display solution, pouch design, graphic solution etc. ? Lead the communication with stakeholder to push for packaging design lock ? Lead packaging engineer to work out packaging solution to catch project schedule and cost target ? Cooperate with relevant discipline to execute packaging design in projec...
- 北京凯特领先文化传媒有限公司 Beijing
中教 要求: 1、本科以上学历,男女不限,法语相关语言专业,基本功扎实,发音标准,口语流利; 2、形象端正,亲和力强,身体健康,精力充沛; 3、有较强团队合作精神和敬业精神,对学员,对工作都有认真负责的做事态度; 4、能力素质:关注和热爱学生,了解学生需求;具备较强的沟通能力与逻辑思维能力;有一定教学技能与课堂管理能力;富有影响力与感染力。 5、留学人员或相关教育工作经验一年以上优先; Foreign Teacher Job requirements 1.Native French speaker; 2. Bachelor degree or above. 3.Strong planning and execution ability are required, be good at communicating, analyzing. Being able to solve emergency problem is required. 4. Good written and oral communication ability, proficiency with office soft...
- 香港并购市场资讯有限公司 Shanghai
Policy and Regulatory Report (PaRR), an Acuris company, is the leading provider of news and analyses on the issues impacting the global competition landscape. It covers developments related to competition law/antitrust enforcement; anti-corruption/anti-bribery; cybersecurity/data privacy; foreign investment/national security review; and intellectual property. PaRR’s subscribers include law firms, financial advisors and buyside investors (usually at hedge funds), policy makers, corporates, and ec...
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