Results 1 - 20 of 60939
  • 上海帝博企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 感兴趣可投递简历至 或V.x : Provide technical support to sales team by working and discussing with Colmar facilities; ? Technically communicate with Design Institutes and clients to understand project technical requirements and to introduce companys technologies; ? Review client and supplier’s RFQs, specifications, and drawings; ? Prepare proposal and cost estimation based on process department’s calculation and quotes obtained from Procurement Department; ? Pa...

  • 上海盛煦企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    1. 负责需求管理的体系和制度建设,优化需求管理及需求分析方法;参与及协调财务流程,信息化的分析及方案讨论,推动业务方案落地; 2. 负责财务信息化项目的日常管理工作:项目计划,状态监控、项目协同,组织财务人员进行UAT测试; 3. 财务信息化需求管理,进行需求调研及需求分析后,输出需求说明书; 4. 协助团队运营工作,已上线系统及流程的宣导、培训以及SOP撰写; 5. 以财务系统为核心,进行外围业务系统和核心系统的接口对接开发,实现记账自动化; 6. 协助团队运营工作,紧密沟通财务需求,收集反馈,统筹规划,不断进行系统建设和迭代。 7. 承担线上流程的梳理和系统落地工作,实现业务流程的全线贯穿和数据统一。 任职资格: 1.本科以上学历;5年以上工作经验,具有相关专业理论知识,通过相关资格认证,如:会计师、项目管理、流程管理等等; 2.有过财务ERP项目实施管理经验; 3.优秀的项目管理能力,具有丰富项目组织管理经验,丰富的业务领域方案设计经验,丰富的业务流程设计经验; 4.财务背景 is a plus,比如具有资金管理、成本核算、预算管理、合并报表、费用核算等方面丰富的工作经验; 5...

  • 一诺基业集团有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 静安区 Candidate Profile 1、Master’s degree from a top international university in MBA, Economics, Finance, or Accounting; 2、CFA 2 candidate preferred; or equivalent globally recognisable accounting or finance credentials. 3、Have a minimum of 2 years relevant full-time professional working experience in an advisory or investment related work field; 4、Fluency in Mandarin Chinese and English, both oral and written; 5、Highly analytical with strong financial, research, and synthesis skills; 6、Fast t...

  • 阿美德格工业技术有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Basic Role: Order receiving and due date commitment Forecast management and demand maintenance in ERP system Job order planning and releasing Delivery scheduling and rescheduling to meet on time delivery RM of new project Purchasing; Work closely with sales team to answer the customer demand change such as pull-in/push-out Education/Training/Experience: Graduate from college ,majoring in Commerce & Trade is preferred. More than 3 years relevant working experience in customer service, sal...

  • 臺北市政府衛生局 Taibei

    公務電話 02-27287147#7146 官職等 無 職系 無 人員區分 其他人員 名額 1 性別 不拘 機關類型 行政機關 資格條件 一、280薪點(月薪34916元): 1.經教育部承認之國內外專科以上學校畢業。 2.高中以上學校畢業,並具有與擬任工作性質相當之2年以上工作經驗。二、中華民國國籍且未具雙重國籍或多重國籍者(如為大陸地區人士需設籍滿10年)。 三、無公務人員任用法第28條各款不得任用情事人員。 四、熟悉電腦作業系統有線上規劃能力,可配合業務積極任事勇於負責者。 五、抗壓性高,能配合職務作機動調整,具企劃、溝通協調能力、認同團隊合作且可配合業務加班及配合即時上班,優先錄用。 六、視成績酌列備取,惟名額不得逾職缺數2倍,自甄選結果確定之翌日起算,其候補期間為3個月。 七、具身障手冊或原住民身分者佳。 工作項目 1、辦理食品、藥物、化粧品等之違規廣告、品質、標示之稽查取締、行政罰鍰及行政救濟等工作。 2、辦理藥商、藥局、藥事人員及營養師登記、執業管理,藥物廣告審查許可等業務。 3、受理消費者有關食品、藥物、化粧品之消費申訴、檢舉案件及中藥掺西藥送驗等業務。 4、辦理消費者...

  • 汎亞國際人事顧問股份有限公司 Taibei

    1. 設計符合品牌風格的網站 2. 能觀察對手網站,研究其設計優劣,並能利用手繪或設計稿表達設計概念。 3. 負責廣告橫福(banner)創意設計 4. 能與產品經理、工程師、品管有效率地溝通、合作。 5. 兩年以上設計相關工作經驗 6. 提供線上作品集供參考 我們需要一位具有想像力的視覺人才,擁有團隊合作與學習精神並對使用者介面優化具有興趣。我們認為創造良好使用者經驗的設計,除了簡約的視覺風格外,在使用者互動方面更應有所著墨。歡迎有致於使用者經驗提升、參與大型網站建置的視覺設計人才。 1. Present the user interface visually in a consistent brand look/feel that pleases our users, so information is easy to read, easy to understand and easy to find. 2. Have the abilities to observe competitor’s work and utilize sketches, wireframes or moc...

  • 施耐德电气有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 普陀区 Overall project management of event concept, planning and execution Full responsible for implementation of corporate event and BU events, includes event planning, creative, logistic, onsite management, post event evaluation, reporting and ensure stick to budget plan. Responsible for creating and implement the digital event activities in corporate and BU level. To work in close cooperation with BU, global and china marketing team, sales, offer marketing and other relating functions to max...

  • 泰夫恩医疗器械制造有限公司 Shanghai

    3Shape China is looking for an Operational Buyer to join our Global Procurement Department. Over the past 10 years, 3Shape has successfully launched several revolutionary optical 3D scanner products, serving the audiological and dental restoration industries. 3Shape is ranked as one of the most influential within the global dental technology. It has taken talents to get there and we have ambitions to achieve even more. Are you motivated by establishing a new high-tech medical manufacturing site?...

  • MTS工业系统有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Major accountabilities: 1.Manages customer base and business activities to optimize customer satisfaction, efficiency of operation, revenue generation, margin levels, and service contract performance. 2.Coordinates and conducts installation/commissioning/ training(operation and maintenance& partial STC training as elastomer, damper &material testing activities for MTS test equipments at customer site. 3.Performs maintenance, calibration, repair, overhaul service relevant to assigned ...

  • 中山欧科电子有限公司 Zhongshan

    中山市 月薪40,000 - 50,000元 职位信息 Roles and Responsibilities: Hospitality Maintenance Strategy, Hospitality EHS Strategy, Hospitality Security Strategy, Hospitality Transportation Strategy, Hospitality Canteen Strategy, Hospitality Dormitory Strategy, Hospitality Medical Strategy, Hospitality Customer Strategy, Hospitality Construction Strategy Key Decisions Hospitality Maintenance Strategy SLA's, Hospitality EHS Strategy SLA's, Hospitality Security Strategy SLA's, Hospitality Transportati...

  • 中山欧科电子有限公司 Zhongshan

    职位信息 Responsible for defining, developing, and implementing the brand strategy for specific products, product lines, lines of business on a company-wide campaign basis. Applies consumer insights and market intelligence to the process of developing approaches to linking a brand identity to the company and its products. Collaborates with business units, regions, and channels to understand their market needs and links brand positioning to maximize customer loyalty and connection to the product and ...

  • 美德隆供应链管理有限公司 Shenzhen

    大專以上學歷,有的一定的英語基礎, 能看懂機械圖紙的英語技術要求 三年以上的目關工作經驗 負責產品生產樣板的質量測試及評核樣品之規格及功能;產品的檢驗工作,并按要求完成出貨檢驗報告 熟識家電、音響,、電子、燈飾,LED燈產品 有工廠工作經驗者更佳 操作熟練 誠實、勤奮上進、能獨立處事和承受壓力、須出差 Duties: Carry out on-line and final inspections based on AQL sampling plan and customer requirements to evaluate the quality of the goods produced by factories. Prepare written quality inspection report to support shipment release authorization. Report quality findings from inspection and provide suggestion for production process trouble shooting...

  • 上海育碧电脑软件有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 What you will do: You will support marketing team and create various 2D images for store needs, Web or printed materials: Draw various types of artwork, such as characters, architecture, furniture, environments and clothing. This may include drawing artwork that adheres to a certain style pattern or particular brand image Very good illustration and storytelling skills with an eye for perspective, color, lighting, mood and composition Ability to drive any environment sketch to photorealistic ...

  • 易思奇汽车电子(上海)有限公司 Shanghai

    Major Responsibilities 1. Responsible for employee enrollment; 2. Maintaining employee personal file and HR information; 3. Be responsible for attendance report including but not limited to annual leave, sick leave, attendance records etc.; 4. Assist the enrollment and cancellation of commercial insurance; 5. Support the company and staff activities such as medical examination, annual dinner, outing and other staff activities; 6. Be responsible for handling HR related operation such as visa appl...

  • 中美联泰大都会人寿保险有限公司 Chengdu

    负责分公司银保培训规划、组织、执行和管理,执行销售督导,提高内部银保团队的综合能力和银行销售人员的销售技能和销售效率,达成业务目标 Plan,organize and manage the bank insurance training in branches, supervise its sales, enhance internal bank insurance group ability and increase the marketing skill and efficiency, so as to reach the goal. 1. 协助银行保险负责人规划、组织和执行三级机构内外部培训和训练,通过销售督导,提高内部银保团队的综合能力和银行销售人员的销售技能和销售效率(产能),达成业务目标 Asssist the bank insurance director to plan,organize and manage the bank insurance training in branches, supervise its sales, enhance internal gr...

  • 珀金埃尔默企业管理有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 Responsibilities ? Supports R&D team for all related documentations about hardware and software and applications. ? Plans and coordinates preparation of project documentation, such as help files, users guide, user’s manual, brochure, analysis cook book, application notes etc. ? Monitors status of project to ensure documentation is submitted according to schedule. ? Reviews and verifies project documents for completeness, format, and translations from vendors. ? Submits project docum...

  • 万宝盛华企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    Essential Duties and Responsibilities(list details) : 1. Prepare the electrical manufacturing drawings. 2. Draft the electrical components selection. 3. Update and follow up the electrical documentation; 4. Generate and maintain the electrical components list (BOM); 5. Design the door electrical components layout, cabling/wiring routine and details of electrical aspect; 6. Support the prototype assembly. 7. Standarize the door electrical design platform: Build the standard components library; Bu...

  • 优竟瑞企业管理咨询(上海)有限公... Guangdong

    广东省 职位信息 Key Job Responsibilities include: > Reinforce compliance of regulations and systems of International and domestic > Lead quality control team to improve quality and reduce costs >Upgrade Quality systems, including supplier management, risk management, correct actions on customer complaints etc. > Process new product registration, yearly renew of production related certificates, government inspections, and customer audits > Oversee daily quality control over in-coming mate...

  • 宁波鄞州丞德企业管理有限公司 Ningbo

    宁波市 月薪4,000 - 15,000元 招聘岗位:英语编译(提供住宿) 岗位概述 1. 英文书本及文章的阅读,按照要求做出相应的分析及编译; 2. 学习西方国际化写作格式及语法,对于文章给与批注和更正; 3. 虽然文章内容涉猎范围广泛(包括Philosophy, psychology, economics, management, history, music appreciation),但是无需文章所涉的专业能力,英语能力强即可; 4. 根据文章发表自己的主观言论,并且按照一定的要求进行文章写作; 任职资格 A、 英语专业本科及以上学历,男女不限,21-30岁; B、 英语的阅读能力,分析文章及写作能力优秀者大欢迎; C、 具备钻研精神,善于思考,具备强烈的知识欲望和对个人价值实现的追求; D、 专业八级、雅思6.5以上者优先; E、 积极乐观,有责任心,吃苦耐劳,钻研精神。 薪资福利 一、薪资标准: 岗位工资+绩效奖金,综合收入4000-10000元/月。 二、福利: 1、提供住宿。 2、五险:医疗/养老/生育/工伤/失业保险; 3、工龄工资+节假日福利+高额绩效奖金等; 4、...

  • 必维集团 CIF China 查看所有职位 湖北省

    湖北省 岗位职责: Delegated authority for the control and performance of on site audit activities, including any planning and review as described in Audit Realization Have delegated authority for the control and performance of on site audit activities, including any planning and review, and the control of other members of audit teams. authorized to lead Bureau Veritas Certification Audits and to take those decisions as necessary during Audits and to recommend to the Technical Manager initial certificati...

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