- Alliance Construction Materials Limited 友盟建築材料有限公司 Hong kong +
This position is suitable for a highly motivated individual, who has the aspiration to develop long term career in information technology in a prosperous industry. Duties : Be responsible for Web/Mobile apps development, implementation and testing Be responsible for Windows apps development, implementation and testing Provide system support on user enquiries and production problems Work as part of a project team for developing new and maintaining existing systems with testing and debugging Prepa...
www.cpjobs.comDecember 1,2019 - ATAL Engineering Group 安樂工程集團 North point
Responsibilities: Plan and conduct regular internal quality audits and coordinate for external audits; Review, monitor and evaluate the implementation of quality management system; Assist in maintaining quality documentation; Arrange regular training to internal staff on quality management system; Perform related duties as assigned. Requirements: Degree or above in Quality Management, Engineering or related disciplines 5 years relevant working experience, preferably in engineering or construct...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 29,2019 - ATAL Engineering Group 安樂工程集團 North point
Responsibilities: Assist in providing a full spectrum of office administration services Manage office supplies and equipment, stationery, telecommunications, vehicle license, flight and hotel accommodation booking, etc. Arrange maintenance works for office facilities and equipment Assist in office renovation and relocation projects Assist in office reception and corporate event logistics Handle ad hoc projects as required Requirements: Associate Degree or above in all discipline 2 years of rel...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 29,2019 - ATAL Engineering Group 安樂工程集團 Hong kong
Responsibilities: Assist management in developing, implementing, maintaining and improving quality, safety and environmental management systems Supervision of subordinates for maintaining and improving management systems Advise management on relevant quality, safety and environmental aspects and monitor compliance Handle ad-hoc matters about quality, safety and environment across the Group Plan and conduct regular internal audits, inspections and trainings within the Group Schedule and arrrange ...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 29,2019 - 價真棧有限公司 PrizeMart Limited Hong kong +
Job Duties: Develop worldwide markets including CHINA, EUROPE, USA, JAPAN, TAIWAN and VIETNAM. Liaise with our global companies and our Hong Kong base company in the areas of Product Selection, Packaging / Labelling / Certification requirements and designs, Marketing, Orders and Shipments Requirement: University graduates with Bachelor degree (preferably Mathematics, Science, Economics and Marketing). Fresh Graduates from oversea countries including China with the possibility of obtaining IA...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 28,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
The Data Analytics Product Line Owner is responsible for defining the data analytics strategy, road map, design, product features, and deployment for the data lake and analytics platform for Dairy Farm across 11 markets, and multiple banners in Food, Health and Beauty, Convenience and Furnishings. This strategic enterprise data lake platform, which collects, stores and provides access to Asia divisional data. This platform also supports and enables analytics, digital transformation and operatio...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 27,2019 - 和順堂中醫診所 Kwun tong
工作地點:觀塘 負責浸藥、煎藥、包装、出貨、一般藥房事務 年齡、經驗及學歷不拘 每週工作六天48小時,每天工作8小時 (工作時間為上午08:00–下午09:00其間),輪班輪休。 其他福利或優惠: 有薪和法定假期、強積金、和順堂購物優惠及醫療福利(包括直系家屬)等.. 有意申請以上職位者請將履歷、酬金要求及相關資料傳送至 立即申請 郵箱或可致電39526844 向陳先生查詢。 中國www.wellsoon.cn 香港www.wellsoon.hk 申請人所提供的資料將予保密及只作招聘有關職位用途。...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 26,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
The job: To formulate and drive predictive analytics, market insight plan and provide data-driven recommendations for customer engagement strategy To support deliveries of ad-hoc analytical projects to the clients with actionable insight, communicated in a manner appropriate to the audience To support deliveries of campaign activity to evaluate its success and to provide robust recommendations for future improvements To identify and support in driving efficiency of regular tasks through automati...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 26,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
The Role Support the function’s head in establishing and implementing Fresh & RTE Product Technology initiatives and strategic planning Participate in selection of appropriate and competent Suppliers, 3rd party service providers to support the implementation of Quality Program Coach BU and Banner team members to ensure Group Technical policies, SOP and Guidelines are consistent Facilitate internal training/briefing sessions in order to enhance knowledge Oversee 3rd party suppliers’ sites to ...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 26,2019 - The Dairy Farm Company, Limited 牛奶有限公司 Quarry bay
The Job: Responsible for driving major digital transformation initiatives and projects by conducting market research and developing business cases Stay with the latest technology in the market and develop the best practice and digital solutions for the business Identify the business needs and provide actionable insights and recommendations to embrace changes and meet the operational challenges Oversee and monitor the project effectiveness including timeline, resources allocation and deliverables...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 26,2019 - PINE CARE GROUP 松齡護老集團 Hong kong
工作內容及要求 負責一般院舍清潔工作及洗衣房運作。 員工福利: 免費提供膳食 提供醫療津貼 設有住院醫療保險 設員工花紅 培訓津貼及發展計劃 設員工子孫獎學金及員工援助計劃 婚假 / 恩恤假 特別交通津貼 各職級設有晉升階梯 設員工介紹費 工作地點區域:石硤尾、順利邨、西灣河、葵芳、元朗 Enquiries 歡迎約見及查詢可致電 9141 7722 紀小姐或 按 立即申請 。 WhatsApp : 9141 7722 Facebook 專頁:松齡護老 申請人提供之所有資料絕對保密及只用作招聘用途。...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 25,2019 - PINE CARE GROUP 松齡護老集團 Kwun tong +
工作要求 : 協助廚師預備院舍膳食及廚房之清潔工作。 員工福利: 免費提供膳食 提供醫療津貼 設有住院醫療保險 設員工花紅 培訓津貼及發展計劃 設員工子孫獎學金及員工援助計劃 婚假 / 恩恤假 特別交通津貼 各職級設有晉升階梯 設員工介紹費 工作地點區域: 慈雲山、石硤尾、順利邨 歡迎約見及查詢可致電 9141 7722 紀小姐或按 立即申請 申請。 WhatsApp : 9141 7722 Facebook 專頁 : 松齡護老 申請人提供之所有資料絕對保密及只用作招聘用途。...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 25,2019 - PINE CARE GROUP 松齡護老集團 Yuen long
接載院友、負責保養及清潔車輛 普通院舍維修工作或小組活動助理 待人有禮、具責任感、不吸煙及無不良嗜好 必須持有1、2、4牌 元朗區取車/ 交車...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 25,2019 - PINE CARE GROUP 松齡護老集團 Hong kong
負責照顧協助院舍長者起居生活 負責照顧協助院舍長者起居生活 夜班有休息時段及有津貼 員工福利: 免費提供膳食 提供醫療津貼 設有住院醫療保險 設員工花紅 培訓津貼及發展計劃 設員工子孫獎學金及員工援助計劃 婚假 / 恩恤假 特別交通津貼 各職級設有晉升階梯 設員工介紹費 工作地點區域: 元朗、九龍城、荃灣、葵芳、西灣河、觀塘、順利邨、太子、石硤尾、慈雲山 歡迎約見及查詢可致電 9141 7722 紀小姐或 按 立即申請 申請。 WhatsApp : 9141 7722 Facebook 專頁 : 松齡護老 申請人提供之所有資料絕對保密及只用作招聘用途。...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 25,2019 - PINE CARE GROUP 松齡護老集團 Hong kong
持有香港護士管理局護士證書 需輪班工作,懂電腦操作 具獨立工作能力,需協助管理部門的日常運作 負責策劃、執行優質的院友護理照顧服務 員工福利: 免費提供膳食 提供醫療津貼 設有住院醫療保險 設員工花紅 培訓津貼及發展計劃 設員工子孫獎學金及員工援助計劃 婚假 / 恩恤假 特別交通津貼 各職級設有晉升階梯 設員工介紹費 工作地點區域: 元朗、九龍城、荃灣、葵芳、西灣河、觀塘、順利邨、太子、石硤尾、慈雲山 請將個人履歷表、認可證書及有效執業證書電郵致 立即申請 歡迎約見及查詢可致電 9141 7722 紀小姐。 WhatsApp : 9141 7722 Facebook 專頁 : 松齡護老 申請人提供之所有資料絕對保密及只用作招聘用途。...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 25,2019 - 天盈集團有限公司 Kwun tong
- 主要負責收貨,分貨,理貨,處理貨件,少量資料輸入,熟悉電子料優先 - 具基本電腦操作知識 - 有責任感,可即時上班優先 - 觀塘上班 - 薪優 有意者,請把履歷及要求待遇電郵至 calvinlam@skywise.com.hk 致 : 天盈集團有限公司 (林先生) 申請者資料只作招聘用途,絕對保密...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 25,2019 - 安信信貸有限公司 Wanchai
職責 負責戶外推廣私人貸款及信用卡 具良好銷售及客戶服務技巧,並解答客人有關產品之查詢及跟進事宜 為分行發掘及開拓區內具潛力之營銷網絡 入職要求 中五或中學文憑試以上程度 積極主動,具優質服務態度,自信及良好溝通技巧 具至少一年戶外零售或銷售經驗 具銀行業 / 電訊業或相關工作經驗者將獲優先考慮 員工福利包括 銀行假期 有薪年假及有薪休息日 有薪婚假、侍產假 有薪在職培訓 固定工作時間 良好晉升機會 進修資助...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 25,2019 - VANTAGE ENGINEERING (HONG KONG) LIMITED 運達工程(香港)有限公司 New territories
職 責: - 協助工程師監督外判商的工程進度 - 需協助巡查工地,以確保工人及承辦商遵守安全守則 - 具安全知識或參與巡查工地經驗優先 - 處理日常文書工作 入職條件: - 機械,電氣或土木工程或相關學科的高級/專業文憑或以上學歷 - 至少 2 年相關工作經驗 - 良好英語和粵語書寫及閱讀能力 - 具團隊合作精神和上進心 - 主動學習和良好溝通能力 福 利: - 往返元朗/屯門/荃灣至屯門青山發電廠的免費穿梭巴士 - 5天工作 (星期一至五 07:45 – 17:05 ) - 醫療門診優惠 - 提供膳食津貼 - 有超時加班津貼 - 提供多樣化的挑戰和工作發展機會 申請須知: 有意者可電郵履歷表至 hr@vantage.com.hk 或 whatsapp 7074 8197 或致電人力資源 邱小姐 2678 5081 申請人提供之全部資料絕對保密及只作招聘之用...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 25,2019 - Kai Shing Management Services Limited 啟勝管理服務有限公司 Hong kong
本公福利: 勤工獎 醫療津貼 有薪年假 新人獎金 公積金計劃 子女獎學金 進修資助計劃 良好晉升機會 員工推薦獎賞 員工康樂活動...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 25,2019 - Kai Shing Management Services Limited 啟勝管理服務有限公司 Hong kong
本公福利: 勤工獎 醫療津貼 有薪年假 新人獎金 公積金計劃 子女獎學金 進修資助計劃 良好晉升機會 員工推薦獎賞 員工康樂活動...
www.cpjobs.comNovember 25,2019
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