- 迪斯麵包餅店 Tuen mun
於店舖協助麵包之生產及制作 工作時間: 10:00 至 18:00 待遇: 月薪$15,000 無需經驗,歡迎學生、畢業生、家庭主婦及任何人士 有興趣者請致電 張先生 91232589 或 親臨店舖面試 店舖地址: 屯門富健花園地下2號鋪...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 21,2020 - WESTERN HARBOUR TUNNEL COMPANY LIMITED 香港西區隧道有限公司 Yaumatei
收費,早、中輪更或固定通宵更(每更八小時) ,每星期返6天。需穿著制服 申請人請致電 23025807 約見,或附履歷及要求薪酬郵寄「香港九龍油麻地西區海底隧道行政大樓香港西區隧道有限公司人力資源及行政經理收」,或傳真至27825128,或按 立即申請 。申請人之資料將絕對保密及只作招聘用途。...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 20,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Assistant Computer Officer (carrying the job title of ‘Technical Project Manager’) (Ref. 2000005O) (Closing date: March 6, 2020) The Department is looking for an Assistant Computer Officer to lead the software development team. The appointee will be in charge of managing junior team members, making executive decisions on architecture and technology, and have intimate knowledge of the code-base for knowledge sharing. Applicants should have (i) a Bach...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 19,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Computer Technician II(s) (Analyst Programmer/Developer/Back end/Ruby on rails/PHP/Java) (Ref. 2000005N) (Closing date: March 6, 2020) The Department is looking for Computer Technician II(s) to support software development projects. The appointee(s) will be involved in using the latest software development methodologies to develop core products that are both internal and user-facing. Applicants should have (i) a Bachelor’s degree or above in Compute...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 19,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Computer Technician II(s) (carrying the job title of ‘Analyst Programmer’ or ‘Front-end/Back-end/Ruby on Rails/PHP/Java Developer’) (Ref. 2000005P) (Closing date: March 6, 2020) The Department is looking for Computer Technician II(s) to support software development projects. The appointee(s) will be involved in using the latest software development methodologies to develop core products that are both internal and user-facing. Applicants should have ...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 19,2020 - THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 香港中文大學 Shatin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Assistant Computer Officer (carrying the job title of ‘Senior Analyst Programmer/Java Developer’) (Ref. 2000005Q) (Closing date: March 6, 2020) The appointee will be responsible for (a) designing system architecture and development standards, nurturing less experienced staff members, and preparing project plans, requirements and progress reports; (b) directing the software development process using both Agile and Waterfall methodologies; (c) generat...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 19,2020 - 安信信貸有限公司 Wanchai
職責 負責戶外推廣私人貸款及信用卡 具良好銷售及客戶服務技巧,並解答客人有關產品之查詢及跟進事宜 為分行發掘及開拓區內具潛力之營銷網絡 入職要求 中五或中學文憑試以上程度 積極主動,具優質服務態度,自信及良好溝通技巧 具至少一年戶外零售或銷售經驗 具銀行業 / 電訊業或相關工作經驗者將獲優先考慮 員工福利包括 銀行假期 有薪年假及有薪休息日 有薪婚假、侍產假 有薪在職培訓 固定工作時間 良好晉升機會 進修資助...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 19,2020 - PrimeCredit 安信信貸有限公司 Hong kong
底薪 + 優厚佣金 (月入可達$30,000以上) 負責推廣私人貸款及信用卡 中學或以上程度 工作地點:九龍或新界...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 19,2020 - PrimeCredit 安信信貸有限公司 Wanchai
Responsibilities Handle customer inquiries, request and complaints Handle customer requests on dispute transaction, re-issue of statement, sales slip or other information retrieval Maintain and update customer information upon request Assist Marketing department in telemarketing of credit card product Requirements Form 5 graduate or above 2-3 years’ relevant working experience in consumer finance / retail banking industry, preferable in credit card products Night shift duty is required Dynamic, ...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 19,2020 - Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited 上海總會 Hong kong
職責:能獨立處理全盤賬目,熟悉電腦操作及中文輸入法,具兩年或以上工作經驗,具餐飲業經驗者優先 資歷:F.6或以上學歷及LCC中級證書,具良好溝通能力,願意學習, 有責任感, 誠實獨立, 處事細心 ~ 即時上班者優先 ~ 以上均為全職職位,本公司提供午膳津貼、年終雙糧、醫療保險等完善福利。 有意者請按 立即申請 提交履歷及要求待遇, (上海總會-Data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only)...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 9,2020 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong kong
(Closing date: February 11, 2020) Registry The appointee will be assigned to the Registration and Examinations Section, and will be responsible for (a) assisting in computer systems and related operations of the office; (b) supporting student registration, course registration and add/drop matters; (c) handling applications from students and managing student records; (d) checking graduation requirements and producing necessary reports; (e) performing file management; and (f) handling other tasks ...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 6,2020 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong kong
(Ref. 20000053) (Closing date: February 18, 2020) Communications and Public Relations Office The appointee will be responsible for (a) creating dynamic and image-building content for social media; (b) co-ordinating day-to-day social media activities and maintaining the growth of their social communities; (c) co-ordinating video and other multimedia production; (d) facilitating cross-platform promotion on online media; (e) developing and maintaining websites and other online platforms; (f) planni...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 6,2020 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong kong
(Closing date: February 11, 2020) Faculty of Law The appointee will be responsible for (a) co-ordinating the Faculty’s academic programmes, events and activities; (b) handling student matters; (c) working closely with a dynamic team of administrative staff to provide assistance in handling a range of duties; and (d) performing general and/or specific administrative tasks as assigned. The appointee may need to work at the Graduate Law Centre in Central, and perform duties outside normal office ho...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 6,2020 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong kong
(Closing date: February 11, 2020) Finance Office The appointee will be responsible for (a) processing reimbursement claims and payroll payments; (b) handling accounting-related tasks; (c) assisting in retirement benefits administration; and (d) performing other tasks as assigned. Applicants should have (i) completed secondary education; (ii) Grade E/Level 2 or above in at least 5 subjects in HKCEE, including Chinese, English (Syllabus B) and Mathematics; OR any combination of results in at least...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 6,2020 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 Hong kong
(編號:B/2000004T/ml/JJ)(截止日期:二零二零年二月十八日) 應徵者須具(甲)小學或以上程度;及(乙)三年或以上工作經驗。略懂基本維修知識者可獲優先考慮。職責包括(一)清潔教學中心(包括洗手間、課室、走廊、辦公室等);(二)整理課室、支援教學中心日間及夜間課堂;(三)供應茶水、搬運及外出支援/送件;及(四)處理其他雜務。受聘者將於學院位於尖沙咀或中環之教學中心工作,並須輪班當值。實際工作時間將按教學中心需要而定。將以六個月或一年合約方式聘用,表現優良者可獲考慮續聘。〔註:如較早前曾申請相同職位(編號:B/190002MS/ml)者毋須再次申請。〕...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 6,2020 - 和順堂中醫診所 Kwun tong
工作地點: 觀塘 負責浸藥、煎藥、包装、出貨、一般藥房事務 年齡、經驗及學歷不拘 每週工作六天48小時,每天工作8小時 (工作時間為上午08:00–下午09:00其間),輪班輪休。 其他福利或優惠: 有薪和法定假期、強積金、和順堂購物優惠及醫療福利(包括直系家屬)等.. 有意申請以上職位者請將履歷及相關資料傳送至本公司電子郵箱 立即申請 或可於辦公時間星期一至五上午十時至下午六時致電3952 6844直接向本公司人事部朱小姐查詢 (假日請留下聯絡電話待覆)。 網站地址: www.wellsoon.hk 申請人所提供的資料將予保密及只作招聘有關職位用途。...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 5,2020 - 安信信貸有限公司 Wanchai
職責 負責戶外推廣私人貸款及信用卡 具良好銷售及客戶服務技巧,並解答客人有關產品之查詢及跟進事宜 為分行發掘及開拓區內具潛力之營銷網絡 入職要求 中五或中學文憑試以上程度 積極主動,具優質服務態度,自信及良好溝通技巧 具至少一年戶外零售或銷售經驗 具銀行業 / 電訊業或相關工作經驗者將獲優先考慮 員工福利包括 銀行假期 有薪年假及有薪休息日 有薪婚假、侍產假 有薪在職培訓 固定工作時間 良好晉升機會 進修資助...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 5,2020 - 維他天地服務有限公司 Tuen mun
Job Responsibilities: Responsible for frontline recruitment and selection functions including job fair participation, job advertisement posting, interview arrangement Source and evaluate the effectiveness of different advertising media and recruitment channels Assist to develop recruitment plan in accordance with business needs Maintain data in Human Resources Management System (i.e. attendance & leave) and filing system Prepare and update HR management reports in timely and accurate manner ...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 29,2020 - 安信信貸有限公司 Wanchai
職責 負責戶外推廣私人貸款及信用卡 具良好銷售及客戶服務技巧,並解答客人有關產品之查詢及跟進事宜 為分行發掘及開拓區內具潛力之營銷網絡 入職要求 中五或中學文憑試以上程度 積極主動,具優質服務態度,自信及良好溝通技巧 具至少一年戶外零售或銷售經驗 具銀行業 / 電訊業或相關工作經驗者將獲優先考慮 員工福利包括 銀行假期 有薪年假及有薪休息日 有薪婚假、侍產假 有薪在職培訓 固定工作時間 良好晉升機會 進修資助...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 20,2020 - PrimeCredit 安信信貸有限公司 Hong kong
底薪 + 優厚佣金 (月入可達$30,000以上) 負責推廣私人貸款及信用卡 中學或以上程度 工作地點:九龍或新界...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 20,2020
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