- 广州市煜明餐饮有限公司 Guangzhou
广州市 天河区 月薪5,000 - 6,000元 职位信息 1. 针对会员的资料、档案及会员卡等,建立一个有效的系统进行管理和维护。 2. 监察并跟踪所有信息,通过电话、信函、传真、电邮或登门拜访等方式跟进团队发 展,并作为评估会籍部员工的绩效考核的依据。 3. 努力完成并突破预期的会员招募指标。 4. 根据不同岗位,合理安排员工。根据每日部门需求安排相应的产品和人员。 岗位要求 1.大专以上文化程度;3年以上同岗位工作经验。 2.有强烈的事业心,责任感和勇于开拓的精神,拥有良好的沟通协调能力,良好英语能力。 3.精通市场开发,公共关系,经营策划,贵宾接待及形象推广等。 4.有独立组织项目营销工作能力,兼备项目策划和市场分析能力。 职能类别:客服主管VIP专员 关键字:客户服务售前售后 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:珠江东路12号高德置地冬广场G座写字楼3607层 地图 部门信息 所属部门:自营部 公司信息 天为食——广州市煜明餐饮有限公司,为高德置地集团旗下综合商业地产集团优托邦管辖十二兵团之一的餐饮管理公司,目前有自营品牌GT Club高端商务平台餐饮品牌。天为食餐饮管理品牌现因业...
- 广州市煜明餐饮有限公司 Guangzhou
广州市 天河区 月薪5,000 - 6,000元 职位信息 1、负责店内人员管理、运营管理、形象服务管理; 2、商家合作对接服务管理以及部门培训管理等工作; 3、执行总部安排活动工作; 4、负责日常与各部的沟通协调工作。 岗位要求: 1、中专以上学历,有商超或互联网超市管理经验优先考虑; 2、有一定统筹能力、抗压力,责任心强; 3、懂得基本办公软件操作。 职能类别:卖场经理/店长店长/经理 关键字:商场管理超市店长 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:珠江东路12号高德置地冬广场G座写字楼3607层 地图 公司信息 天为食——广州市煜明餐饮有限公司,为高德置地集团旗下综合商业地产集团优托邦管辖十二兵团之一的餐饮管理公司,目前有自营品牌GT Club高端商务平台餐饮品牌。天为食餐饮管理品牌现因业务发展需要及业务不断扩大,急需社会及各大院校专业人士的加入。 GT Club是优托邦十二兵团下“天为食”餐饮管理公司旗下一高端商务平台品牌,其地理位置处于“南观小蛮腰、北瞻城市繁华”的珠江新城中轴线高德置地秋广场内。GT Club内设国际餐饮、英式酒吧、专业酒窖、小型宴会厅等,未来将在高德置地广场商圈内...
- 意桥食博餐饮管理有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 月薪4,500 - 6,500元 身体健康,五官端正,年轻有活力,愿意从事餐饮行业,有酒店或者咖啡厅工作经验者优先; 外籍店长,工作环境良好。 工作地点:上海浦东新区祝桥镇佛罗伦萨小镇内 buonissimo cafe 工作时间:排班制。 员工福利: 1. 按照国家规定缴纳五险一金 2. 国定假日加班按照国家规定支付加班费 3. 公司提供一天2顿工作餐 4. 公司发放节日福利 5. 员工工作满1年享有带薪年假 6. 公司定期组织培训 7. 公司具有完善的绩效考评体系,合理的调薪和晋升机制 职能类别: 咖啡师 关键字: 咖啡师 餐饮 Barista 咖啡厅 意大利咖啡 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:卓耀路58弄佛罗伦萨小镇内...
- 上海好米工业技术有限公司 Shanghai
职责 Duty: 1. 开发和维修供应商,保持密切关系,并其产品和市场进行定位总结 Make close relationship with current manufacture/supplier (China/others) 2.负责询报价、合同签订、跟单、发货等全过程,能独立操作业务。Responsible for inquiry, quotation, order follow-up, shipment etc, can handle the business independently. 3. 定期整理、更新、分析报价信息,订单和付款统计,配合越南公司实现项目和合同管理工作 Organize, update and analyze quotation information regularly, submit order list and payment forecast. 4 对新产品的总结,更新 Summary, update new products forecast. 5.能适应短期出差,拜访各地工厂,洽商业务。 Short business trip, visit ...
- 沈阳史普雷丝餐饮管理有限公司 Shenyang
沈阳市 和平区 月薪4,000 - 8,000元 岗位职责 1、负责微信公众账号和微信社群的日常运营和维护工作,为公司整体品牌传播和营销服务; 2、制定并实施清晰的用户互动策略,增加粉丝数量,粉丝活跃度和忠诚度; 3、跟进公司需求,策划并执行微媒体热门话题营销; 4、跟踪微信推广效果,分析数据并反馈,总结经验,建立有效运营手段提升用户活跃度,增加粉丝数量; 5、负责与公司官网、网店、线下活动等相配合; 6、与外部有价值的平台或资源寻求合作,聚集人气,扩大影响力。 任职资格 1、专科以上学历,性别不限,年龄25-32岁,3年以上相关工作经验; 2、市场营销、广告、电子商务、新闻、中文等专业优先; 3、热爱新媒体行业和自媒体运营,对微信、微博、互联网等平台较为熟悉; 4、对移动互联网发展和时下热点高度关注,思维活跃、有创意、有较强的文字编辑能力; 5、有独立策划、实施新媒体活动的能力; 6、积极主动,责任心强,有良好的团队意识; 7、能服从领导安排,及时完成领导交给的工作。 薪资福利 18周岁以上,男女不限,有4S店、房地产、酒吧等网络运营、微信运营工作经验者优先。 新媒体运营(微信推广)...
- 上海润诺生物科技有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责 ? Lead the bioanalytical method development and non-GLP validation of LC/MS/MS methods, sample analysis, data analysis and modeling, and study protocol and report writing for small and large animal PK, toxicokinetics (TK), PK/PD and biomarker studies. ? Design PK studies, conduct bioanalytical method development, sample analysis, data analysis and PK modeling, and study report writing in support of discovery and IND-enabling PK and TK studies. ? Manage and supervise a small molecule bioanal...
- 百济神州生物科技有限公司 Beijing
北京市 昌平区 Job Description The successful candidate will participate in BeiGene’s preclinical programs and use their skill set to accomplish the following responsibilities: ? Design biochemical and cell-based assays through comprehensive literature study ? Develop, optimize and execute assays ? Perform therapeutic target profiling, compound screening and/or support SAR study ? Data analysis and report ? Present scientific data to internal audiences 职位要求: Requirements ? M.S. with biotech/pharma expe...
- 上海润诺生物科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 岗位职责 ? Design and conduct in vitro (enzyme- and cell-based) and in vivo hepatic and extrahepatic biotransformation studies; Propose metabolite structures and CYP and non CYP metabolic pathways in various biological systems. ? Work proficiently in LC-MS/MS method development, biological sample processing (plasma, bile, urine, feces, plant, tissue), and in detection, identification, structural elucidation and determination of multiple metabolites in various matrices with Q-Trap, Q-Exactiv...
- 诺华 生物医学研究有限公司 Beijing
1. Manage collection, processing, documentation, reporting and follow-up of all adverse event reports for all Novartis products from clinical trials, non-interventional studies, Patient Orient-ed Programs, literature, Spontaneous Reports, etc. Transcribe, translate and enter data of all data from source documents into safety systems accurately and consistently with emphasis on timeliness and quality. 2.Manage reporting/submission/distribution of safety reports/updates/information (e.g. SAE, SR, ...
- 伯乐生命医学产品有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 杨浦区 概观 Install, configure, upgrade, service, PM and repair instruments which have been sold to customers. Identify and correct problems for bio-rad instruments. Collect instrument quality and service issue and information. Make good relationship between bio-rad and customer. Background knowledge for flow cytometry 职责 Provide commissioning, Pre-installation, Installation, testing and instrument maintenance service for customer. Provide troubleshoot, investigate and resolve technical problems ...
- 复星凯特生物科技有限公司 Hangzhou
Key Accountabilities 职责描述: 1, Implements the district business strategy, ensures the achievement of hospitals goals through conducting academic promotion and maintaining networks with customers including hospital presidents, physicians, nurses, pharmacologists, and identifies business opportunities and problem points. 2, Establishes goals in alignment with prescribed business strategies and monitors the progress towards them. 3, Organizes the collection of relevant market access data and potenti...
- 苏州博腾生物制药有限公司 Suzhou
job content: Building and leading the virus vector team Responsible for the vector production business Overseeing the research and development efforts in AAV and lentivirus platforms Participating the management meeting, contributing to the overall direction of the gene and cell therapy efforts Providing guidance and training to other employees Representing the department in cross functional teams within the company Representing the company for interactions with customers and other stake holders...
- 百济神州生物科技有限公司 Beijing
? Delivery of clinical start-up component of assigned studies with accountability for time, cost and quality for assigned activities, which include, but not limited to, o Investigator/Site identification, including conduct feasibility activity to identify investigators and conduct site visit to confirm qualification for the required study o Prepare IRB submission o Clinical trial site contract and budget negotiation, if required o Prepare, submit regulatory documents to HGRAC and obtain approval...
- 苏州博腾生物制药有限公司 Suzhou
job content: Building and leading the CAR-T team Responsible for the CAR-T CDMO business Overseeing the research and development efforts in immuno-oncology Participating the management meeting, contributing to the overall direction of the gene and cell therapy efforts Providing guidance and training to other employees Representing the department in cross functional teams within the company Representing the company for interactions with customers and other stake holders as needed requirements: 1....
- 重庆中元生物技术有限公司 Shanghai
1. Search the most cutting-edge literatures in academic and industrial fields, evaluate the feasibility and apply them to the current platform. 2. Lead molecular biology groups for various projects. Recruit, train and supervise scientists to provide best quality services. 3. Manage project workflow to ensure on time delivery: from initial planning, staffing, to experiment execution, data evaluation and trouble shooting. 4. Communicate results and address issues regularly with colleagues. 5. Deve...
- 上海百利佳生医药科技有限公司 Shanghai
POSITION SUMMARY To responsible for timely reporting and processing of respective Serious Adverse Events (SAE), Adverse Event(AE) Serious and non-Serious Adverse Drug Reaction(SADR) and other medically related project information within agreed timeline to Health Authority and other Key Stakeholders. To responsible for document archiving, data tracking communication of respective safety reports in compliance with company’s and relevant regulator’s requirements. JOB FUNCTIONS/RESPONSIBILITYES The ...
- 社團法人臺灣公共衛生促進協會 台南市 北區
勞保: 有 就保: 有 健保: 有 僱用資料 廠別/機構分院: 僱用人數: 1 休假方式: 週休二日 工作內容: 專長需求:有以下特點、經歷或專長者為佳 1.細心且有耐心 2.樂於學習 3.不怕挑戰困難 4.溝通能力佳、喜歡與人互動 5.有經費核銷相關經驗 6.有網路媒體平台經營相關經驗 7.有專案執行經驗 8.英文聽寫能力佳者 9.自備且能夠駕駛摩托車或汽車者 (配合出差或外出辦事需要) 工作內容: 1.經費核銷與本會財務相關工作 2.捐款管理 3.人員聯繫與經營 4.媒體平台資料更新 5.辦公室維護與管理 6.其他會務相關工作 薪資待遇: 1.依照本會薪資標準表核發。 2.但若有相關經歷者,可依實際經驗與本會需求契合度,予以調整。 3.享有勞保、健保、勞退 本職缺專屬福利: 其他:年終獎金 育兒設(措)施: 僱用條件 性別年齡: 依據就業服務法,取消限制。 學歷要求: 大學 科系所: 不拘 學校要求: 無 工作型態: 全職 日班:自09時00分至18時00分 計薪方式: 依學經歷、證照核薪(每月經常性薪資達4萬元以上) 僱用期限: 不定期契約 (長期僱用) 工作地專區別: 工作地非...
tw.indeed.comAugust 22,2019 - 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Shanghai
fast career progress competitive salary package 关于我们的客户 Michael Page is top 1 international recruitment company in China. 职责描述 Once you've joined a graduate/trainee scheme you will develop a huge range of skills you can apply to the Procurement role of your choice. There may be opportunities to continue developing your career within the same company, too. If flexibility is important to you, there are many roles in Procurement that can lead to freelance or self employed work once you've g...
- 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Taibei
Established leader in the industry Positive organization culture 關於我們的客戶 Our client is a multinational company with global businesses among international deliveries, forwarding, logistics services through sea and air. 職務說明 Lead the country's sales and marketing function to drive for profitable growth. Maintain and expand the relationship with global key accounts and several multinational customers. Manage different sales teams of front-line sales, key account sales, BD sales, channel sales a...
tw.indeed.comAugust 21,2019 - 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Taibei
Streaming + ECommerce, Global market skope Strong and warm team, also technically cowork with a top skilled company 關於我們的客戶 A fast moving Ecommerce startup. now 20 backend in the team, cowork with another skilled streaming team to build a new type of ecommerce. Focusing on American and Thailand market right now. 職務說明 1. Work with engineering team to specific design, develop, code, test and implement solutions to support the Circulation/LogistiCare framework. 2. Participate in standards for devel...
tw.indeed.comAugust 21,2019
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