- 深圳先进技术研究院 查看所有职位 Shenzhen
一、 单位及课题组简介: 1. 南方科技大学附属***医院(深圳市人民医院)是深圳市首家“三级甲等”医院,覆盖博士研究生、硕士研究生、本科生、进修实习生在内的多功能教学医院。2018年,深圳市人民医院被广东省列为“登峰计划”培育单位之一,迎来新的发展机遇。联合招聘课题组依托深圳市呼吸疾病研究所,是南方科技大学附属***医院“登峰计划”培育团队之一。课题组研究方向为病原菌耐药与致病机制,感染微生态,以及病原菌快速检测新型方法开发等。 课题组PI周凯博士前期成果在The Lancet Infectious Diseases,Clinical Infectious Diseases,FEMS Microbiology Reviews,Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy等SCI学术期刊发表论文40余篇。“谷歌学术”引用超过600次,H因子13。担任SCI期刊Frontiers in Medicine和Frontiers in Public Health的副主编。 2. 合成生物学研究所(筹,以下简称“合成所”)成立于2017年12月,是中国科学院深圳先进...
- 萨克米机械设备有限公司 Nanchang
Responsibility: 1.To maintain the adequacy and effectiveness of quality system for changshu site. 2.To coordinate internal and external audits, review and follow up any deviations in internal and external quality assessment to implement continuous improvement. 3.To assist change control management and supplier audit. 4.To assist management review and prepare all the relevant document. 5. Familiar with ISO 9001 ISO14001 ISO45001 6. Facilitate quality system trend analysis (e.g. monthly data analy...
- 四川海底捞餐饮股份有限公司 延安市 宝塔区
【嗅才招聘-海底捞第三方人员招聘供应商】 【职位描述】 一、【招聘岗位】 店长助理 二、【职位要求】 1. 22 - 30 周岁,全日制统招本科及以上学历; 2.身体状况符合国家餐饮行业标准要求; 3. 无不良嗜好和记录,无明显纹身; 4. 需要会日语、韩国、法国、泰国、德国、 印尼、越南、马来西亚、意大利语、西班牙语、 葡萄牙语、俄语、菲律宾语(会其中一种语言即可,得保证语言在6级及以上),英语水平6级以上能够正常交流,可前往 国外发展。 5.酒店、旅游管理、连锁经营管理、人力资源、营销、管理学、营养学、会计学、财务管理等相关专业。、 6、工作有条理,细致、认真、有责任心,办事严谨; 7、熟练电脑操作及Office办公软件,具备基本的互联网操作要求; 8.性格开朗乐观,有亲和力并对服务行业充满热情,抗压能力强。 三、【薪资标准】 薪酬:5600-10000元/月 四、 【福利待遇】 1.工作满三个月公司给予报销家庭地址到工作地的硬座火车票及汽车票;享受五险工作满半年公司给予报销办理健康证费用; 2.员工在公司连续工作满一年,可享受带薪年休假,并报销家庭地址到工作地点的往返硬座火车票及...
- 柏創生活事業有限公司 Kaohsiung
長期兼職傳單人員 時薪150起&績效抽成獎金另計 派發公司傳單銷售廣告,無經驗可 會有專業人訓練協助 ※平日班:9:00-12:00 ※假日班:13:30-17:30 (時間彈性可溝通) ※薪資:時薪150元(績效抽成獎金另計) 職務類別 : 工讀生 休假制度 : 依公司規定 上班時段 : 依公司規定 年 8 月 23 日 需求人數 : 1至3人 薪資待遇 : 時薪 150 元以上每月薪資行情表我要申訴 工作性質 : 兼職-長期、短期、假日 上班日期 : 隨 時 管理人數 : 不需負擔管理責任 出差說明 : 需出差 外派說明 : 需外派 工作條件 學歷要求 : 無限制 科系要求 : 不拘 工作經驗 : 不拘 技能與求職專長 電腦技能 : 未填寫 必備附件 履歷照片 <職場性格測驗>報告 應徵方式 連絡人 : 潘小姐 Email : 若有意應徵,請直接按「我要應徵」投遞履歷即可。...
tw.indeed.comAugust 23,2019 - 多米诺标识科技有限公司 Nanchang
南昌市 经济技术开发区 Responsibilities: Manages and controls departmental/project budgets & KPIs Creation of manufacturing strategy in alignment to group strategy Ensure product quality through Advanced Quality Planning Process for NPI and detail quality data analysis for continuous improvement projects Take responsibility in designing the manufacturing process to meet cost and built targets without impacting the customer experience Work with sourcing to ensure that the product is at required toleranc...
- 重庆忽米网络科技有限公司 Chongqing
重庆市 年薪500,000 - 600,000元 岗位职责: 1、 负责公司整体互联网运营中心团队管理,参与公司高层决策活动,向总经理汇报。 2、 互联网运营中心(各类目运营、平台运营等)战略规划与目标的制定; 3、 制定营销策略和营销计划并予以实施,监控并分析销售数据,完成销售目标; 4、 具体营销活动的实施监控,发掘优质用户、维系用户、提升用户活跃度,增加用户粘性; 5、与技术团队紧密配合,快速、高效推动产品设计、研发及推广,定期对运营数据进行跟踪并分析总结运营效果,输出有效的改进方案,优化产品运营的方向和策略; 6、用户运营体系搭建及完善,年度执行方案的制定,用户体验的持续优化; 7、客户服务体系的搭建、优化及管理。 岗位要求: 1、8年以上电商、社交类平台运营管理经验,熟悉电商运营的各个环节 ; 2、具有多平台(PC、移动端、第三方)协同运营、推广、管理经验; 3、较强的电商平台规划及营销能力,掌握电商平台用户体验提升手段; 4、对未来工业、智能制造、电商行业的发展趋势有深入的认知和分析; 5、具备较好的项目和团队协调、沟通、管理能力。 职能类别: 首席运营官COO 关键字: ...
- 苏州朗米俊通讯设备有限公司 Suzhou
苏州市 吴中区 月薪10,000 - 15,000元 1、负责品牌和产品在Facebook,Instagram,Youtube及国外论坛网络推广和维护工作; 2、与海外红人进行合作沟通的协调,并通过营销数据优化KOL质量与合作流程; 3、负责品牌推广宣传方案的设计,讨论和实施; 4、跟踪海外推广进度、用戶口碑与营销效果,并不断优化营销策略; 任职要求: 1、两年以上海外市场推广或海外KOL、社群运营经验;特别优秀者条件可放宽; 2、大专学历,英语四级以上,有英语国家留学经验者优先; 3、熟悉海外各种社交平台玩法(包括但不限于Facebook、Instagram、YouTube、tiktok); 4、对社交媒体与口碑营销有一定认识,拥有一定海外第三方合作资源者优先,如红人资源。 职能类别: 网络推广经理/主管 网络推广专员 关键字: 网络推广经理 海外推广 英语口语好 社交媒体 口碑营销 微信 联系方式 上班地址:苏州市吴中区木渎镇惠灵路98号 公司信息 苏州朗米俊通讯设备有限公司专业从事信息技术外包(ITO)和业务流程外包(BPO),现已成为苏州校企合作服务平台一员。 朗米俊客户服务中...
- 北京方生益达科技发展有限公司 Beijing
北京市 通州区 任职资格: 母语为法语、西班牙语或阿拉伯语; 或多年生活在美、加、澳大利亚或欧洲的华裔; 英语或汉语流利; 流利的外语沟通和独立开发客户能力; 熟练掌握日常函电、外贸流程和标准; 了解基本的国际贸易法规和国际贸易惯例; 对居住地(或主管地区)商超连锁、家用医疗器械行业、运动护具等有利于本公司产品的市场比较熟悉; 具有一定的表达、沟通、协调能力,有较强的开发客户的能力。 岗位职责: 按照公司考核制度、完成业绩指标,并针对给出辅助,建立客户档案、产品档案、出口货物统计台账、不断开拓业务,拓展海外市场; 根据客户下单情况,安排生产,并跟踪订单、交付过程中的交期、质量问题 Qualification: Native speaker of French or Arab; Or Chinese have lived in the United States, Canada, Australia, or Europe for a long period; Good English or Chinese; Fluent in foreign language communication...
- 先声药业集团 Nanjing
南京市 招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位描述 Job Description 1. Play a leadership role in preclinical and early clinical studies, including but not limited to in vitro and in vivo ADME assays, PK/TK support, M&S; 2. Represent DMPK function in cross functional project team (toxicology, pharmacology, clinical development, CMC and others). Provide critical feedbacks to project teams from DMPK point of view; 3. Serve as the lead person for regulatory related activities in DMPK areas for Simcere R&D and contribu...
- 吉龍糖黑糖茶飲專賣 Hong Kong
Responsibilities: Personal assistant to Director Support marketing, filing documents, HR & Office Admin Collect and prepare information for use in both internal and external organizations. Handles details of a confidential and critical nature. Other ad-hoc business tasks assigned by Director. Qualification Good communication skills with both written and spoken English and Cantonese Demonstrate extend experience use of MS Office applications: Word, Excel & Powerpoint Familiar with Ado...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 22,2019 - 吉龍糖黑糖茶飲專賣 Hong Kong
Responsibilities: Personal assistant to Director Support marketing, filing documents, HR & Office Admin Collect and prepare information for use in both internal and external organizations. Handles details of a confidential and critical nature. Other ad-hoc business tasks assigned by Director. Qualification Good communication skills with both written and spoken English and Cantonese Demonstrate extend experience use of MS Office applications: Word, Excel & Powerpoint Familiar with Ado...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 22,2019 - 吉龍糖黑糖茶飲專賣 Causeway
協助管理店舖日常運作 負責店鋪正常運作、沖調飲品、廚房備料、收銀等工作 負責管理及培訓員工...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 22,2019 - 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Taibei
Global Consumer Electronics Brand Friendly Working Environment 關於我們的客戶 Our client is global consumer electronics brand with prestigious reputation worldwide. 職務說明 This HR/Admin Manager will lead a team to provide daily HR service and ensure HR practices aligning with company policy and local regulation. 理想的應徵者 With 10+ years HR experience(including 5+ year of management level) Preferably with experience in retail or FMCG industry Good command of English in both written and spoken 福利待遇 Global Con...
tw.indeed.comAugust 22,2019 - 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Guangzhou
Industry Leader with Fast Growing business Flexible Working Hour and Strong R&D cappital Investment 关于我们的客户 Our client is industry leader in Resin, painting and it applicable products. With a history of more than 20 years, led by industry expert, this company grew its business very fast in China and has established 3 manufacturing sites in Southern China. 职责描述 Design, plan and execute research and development initiatives in support of products application. Conduct research on new product dev...
- 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Taiwan
International Food & Beverage Start-Up Group Expanding in Taiwan Foreseable Promotion and Leadership Expansion 關於我們的客戶 An international food & beverage start-up group operates in over 200 cities and currenty expanding its delivery business and boosting comapany size around the world. 職務說明 Use analytics to build a platform that can sustainably improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operation Take the group's vision and interpret to local Taiwan market, ensure the constant evolvme...
tw.indeed.comAugust 22,2019 - 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Taibei
World class investment platform and team Large multinational firms Group-level resources 關於我們的客戶 Our client is a Venture Capital Engine / Innovation office under a large multinational Group. Our client's businesses span the petrochemicals, fiber, textiles, cement, specialty chemicals, retail, maritime transport, telecommunications, real estate and financial services sectors. Healthcare and education are two community-centric activities of the Group. 職務說明 You will begin as a core member of th...
tw.indeed.comAugust 22,2019 - 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Shanghai
Working directly with executive management team to implement leasing strategie Seeking a sharp negotiator to execute optimal transactions on behalf of the bo 关于我们的客户 We are partnered with a prominent restaurant franchise in search for a Leasing Manager. The company has exceptional branding across China, occupying premium shopping malls in first and second tier cities including Shanghai and Beijing. ¡¡This will be a 6 ¨C 12 month project to assist the executive to streamline and optimize their fo...
- 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Shanghai
上海市 High potential for business Promising career progression 关于我们的客户 This is a pre-IPO healthcare company with strong business potential. 职责描述 Responsible for all financial reporting matters including local statutory, IFRS, US GAAP and tax matters. Leads the month end closing process to ensure timely and compliant reporting. Maintains ledger integrity and ensures financial compliance with all applicable GAAPs, laws and regulations. Be Responsible for setting direction for the improvement, implem...
- 米高蒲志(Michael Page) Taiwan
Attractive package and benefits Dynamic working environment 關於我們的客戶 This company is an well-known bank. 職務說明 Murex system exposure is preferred The role and responsibilities of the candidate will encompass but not restricted to providing assistance in the day-to-day support and smooth operation of the Global Market Platform (GMP) of GMO. Accountability Supporting Actions Providing support of Day to Day processing Support the processing and settlement of cash instruments. (FX, Securities and mone...
tw.indeed.comAugust 22,2019 - 米其林投资有限公司 Shanghai
KEY RELATIONSHIP: Reports to: Event Manager PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTABILITIES: Help define the communication plan for the specialty or expertise in the area of event management. Develop actions within the scope of responsibility and ensure that they are effectively deployed and that the related risks are carefully managed. MAIN COMPETENCIES and FUNCTIONS: Events design and execution (zone/corporate events, product launches, roadshow, tradeshows & exhibitions, public relations events, motorsport eve...
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