- 瑞星管理顧問股份有限公司 Xinzhu
身為全球光電產業鏈的火車頭,深具責任與義務,積極延攬及培育研發專才,奠定世界光電產業的領導地位,致力提昇人類視覺極致享受,以「不能被模仿的競爭力」作為企業永續經營動能,以期達到股東、客戶、員工滿意與全民最大福祉。 工作內容 處理涉外專利訴訟,專利授權談判及相關專利爭議事務 需求條件 1. LL.M or J.D. degree from law school in English speaking area is required. 2. At least 2 years of experience in handling cross-border intellectual property related disputes, litigations, or patent license negotiations. 3. Technical background (E.E., Chemistry,Materials or Physics) is a plus. 工作地點 新竹縣市 薪資待遇 Salary based between 2M and 3M 聯絡資訊 Peggy Hsu 徐茜...
tw.indeed.comAugust 13,2019 - 瑞星管理顧問股份有限公司 Taibei
a technology incubator focused on developing software platforms for a diverse range of industries. We want to challenge and revolutionize existing business models. We do this by partnering with talented entrepreneurs across a diverse range of industries, and use disruptive technological innovation to help them to develop their software platforms and make their dreams a reality. 工作內容 You will be building the front-end for the next generation automated trading system that is positioned to reach mi...
tw.indeed.comAugust 13,2019 - 江西星海广告策划有限公司 Nanchang
岗位职责 音效师、音响师、DJ师、调音师 1、负责音响效果的调试工作;能熟练操作数字调音台、会音乐编辑 2、熟悉音响调试了解客人喜爱的效果并准确表达; 3、工作认真负责/好学/有团队精神; 4、配合录音师的录前准备工作; 5、配合录音师完成后期合成工作。 6、***或全职、工资可面议 任职资格 1、性格开朗活跃,有较强的沟通表达能力,团队合作精神强; 2、有着1年以上音效师经验; 3、有着良好的团队协作能力。 4、青山湖区和东湖区优先、会开车优先。 职能类别: 音效师 关键字: 音效师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:阳明东路奥斯卡大厦A座1121室 公司信息 江西星海广告策划有限公司(简称星海广告)是一家经江西省工商局注册的独立核算、自主经营、自负盈亏向集团型发展的公司。公司设在大京九铁路中部的“八一起义”英雄城南昌,公司集大型庆典、演唱会、展览会、贸易洽谈会为一体。企业策划,设计、制作及户外大型活动是公司的强项,我们有高级职称设计创意师,并且聘请了专业为跨国公司设计及企业策划高级技师做技术顾问。公司网址:http://www.jxxinghai.com...
- 瑞星管理顧問股份有限公司 Taibei
身為專業教材出版,隨著時代的變遷,教育出版從早期的錄音帶、錄影帶,到後來的CD、VCD,以及互動式光碟,甚而耗費鉅資最新出版的動畫卡通教學DVD、互動式線上教學網站的架設,以及電視媒體的教學節目播送。在業界以『獨特的產品』走在『流行的尖端』,再再顯示出用心與專業,期待能給我們的孩子一個美麗的未來,讓全腦學習引導未來的主流,創造企業永續經營為終身的使命, 工作內容 工作地點:台北 上班時間:09:00~18:00 午休時間12:30~13:30(週休二日)不常加班 男女不拘, 管4-5人(過去須有管理經驗,title非主管職OK) 年薪50到70萬 專科/大學畢 邏輯清晰、高EQ、思考靈活及誠信正直 數位行銷策略與企劃能力,可獨立完成作業 網站製作、維護與網路專案執行 數位媒體行銷操作(社群經營、口碑行銷、關鍵字廣告、網路廣告、SEO等) 網路素材規劃與執行 網站流量數據及網路媒體成效分析 需求條件 男女不拘,管轄人員5人 年薪60萬~70萬元 專科/大學英美語言相關學系畢 邏輯清晰、高EQ、思考靈活及誠信正直 多易檢定850分以上或全民英檢中高級以上 平面及數位學習類產品編輯、檢校。 ...
tw.indeed.comAugust 13,2019 - 瑞星管理顧問股份有限公司 Taibei
A global FMCG company 工作內容 1. Proximity and Change Management Build proximity with all Maisons and Function Heads through monthly meetings to make sure business and team needs are well understood and taken care of. Lead change management and cultural integration efforts required to facilitate the matrix reporting and Richemont functions mindset to support the working environment and foster business partnership 2. Human Resource Planning & Development - Provide advice and support to the funct...
tw.indeed.comAugust 13,2019 - 庄信万丰清洁能源技术有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 松江区 JOB PURPOSE Be responsible for catalyst sales into Petrochemicals application in China market, and support sales manager for new market development. Key responsibilities: To achieve sales budget. Manage sponge catalyst sales, include market development (new product and new application). Develop new opportunities for JM catalyst application in Petrochemical industry under supervision of Sales Manager. Manage the catalyst sales activities, include pre-sales promotion and technical liaison,...
- 上海安信能风电技术服务有限公司 泰兴市
COMPANY: Shanghai Nordex Winpower Job Name : Supplier Production Control Casting & Machining (HEX) Mission: Give support to Local and Global Material Management group in suppliers production control. Functions : Follow up production and reporting local and global Audit Production processes and reporting local and global Coordination with Global department for supplier development Immediate superior / Superior jerárquico: Hierarchical: Material Management Manager Qualification/Training Univer...
- 上海红星美凯龙家居集团股份有限公司 伊春市 红星区
Responsibility 1. Visit new vendors and communicate with vendors to get information. 2. Assist the team leader for price negotiation, service level and supplier performance management. 3. Acknowledge company's supply chain system and purchasing system, to monitor vendor's production schedule per customer's need. 4. Travel to factory for schedule follow up and capacity, plus product need and forecast. 5. Communicate with teams and vendor for pricing, production schedule and other rela...
- 月星集团总部 Shanghai
职位职能: 总裁助理/总经理助理 1、协调、安排主席工作日程和各项活动; 2、参与相关会议并做好会议记录、整理编写会议纪要; 3、对主席会议决议事项或重点任务指示事项进行跟进督办; 4、汇总整理上报主席的各类文件,并协调主席及时处理后回复、登记、存档; 5、负责主席各类收文、发文的日常流转; 6、协助主席处理各类讲话稿、报告、文件等; 7、协助主席做好日常接待、对外联系和公关工作; 8、完成主席交办的其他工作。 任职条件: 1、全日制本科及以上学历,熟练使用各类办公软件; 2、至少有3年以上的任总裁或董事长秘书或类似职务工作经验; 3、善于交流沟通,书面和口头表达能力出色;具有敏锐的洞察力、较强的工作计划性和执行力;具有良好的自律性和情绪管理能力; 4、成熟稳重、热情大方、亲和力强;积极主动、忠诚守信、严谨敬业、责任心强; 5、此岗位实行不定时工作制。...
- 星巴克中国 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 Summary of key responsibilities Responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: Gathers, analyzes and maintains product and technology trend information and conducts idea generation sessions to initiate creation of new beverage concepts and products. Ability to translate written concepts into finished prototypes. Designs and conducts benchtop experiments and tests, including sensory/consumer testing recommendations, plant trials and in-market te...
- 星巴克中国 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 Job Summary and Mission This job contributes to Starbucks success by defining and executing comprehensive purchasing services to support global/regional manufacturing, distribution channels, markets and business units. Implements global/regional purchasing strategies. Models and acts in accordance with Starbucks guiding principles. Summary of Key Responsibilities Responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following: Develops and executes plans, schedu...
- 星巴克中国 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 Summary of Key Responsibilities Monitor store performance, work with business departments on proactive portfolio management, conduct in-depth analysis to support decision-making on renovation, lease renewal and relocation, etc. Review store investment budget, monitor actual store investment and identify variances and opportunities to support company consistent growth. Functional G&A planning and reporting. Maintain and update finance system to ensure data integrity and correction. Re...
- 福維克樂智有限公司 Taibei
工作內容 1.依照部門經理和分公司經理的招聘需求,規劃並執行人員招募、甄選與任用。 2.拓展並運用多元管道進行人才招募 3.提供每日/月的追蹤報表 薪資待遇: 面議(薪資達四萬以上) 上班地點: 台北市中正區北平東路30-1號2樓 地圖找房子找中古車 租售行情 上班時段: 上班時段:09:00/下班時段: 17:30 休假制度: 週休二日 職務類別: 人力資源人員 職務更新日期:2019-08-12 職缺條件 工作性質: 全職 身份類別: 一般求職者 是否出差: 需出差,時間1個月內 管理責任: 不需負擔管理責任 可上班日: 一個月內 工作經驗: 2年以上 學歷要求: 大學、碩士、博士 語文條件: 其它外文 聽:中等 / 說:中等 / 讀:中等 / 寫:中等 方言條件: 台語 : 中等 擅長工具: Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Internet Explorer 工作技能: 不拘 其他條件: 具面談技巧,能獨立執行招募作業。 具親和力、主動積極、抗壓性、溝通協調能力。 擔任過人力顧問者尤佳 負責招募工作經驗2年以上者優先考慮 熟悉word、excel、PowerPoint...
tw.indeed.comAugust 12,2019 - 星巴克中国 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Main Purpose and Job Scope This job contributes to Starbucks success by managing all operational aspects of administration and facility support services in Starbucks Shanghai Support Center (SHSC) environment. These services include office general administration, facilities management, office lease management, contract administration, space management, reception, office supply management, event support, travel & transportation management, and vendor management. Models and acts in accordance ...
- 星巴克中国 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Main Purpose and Job Scope This job will be in charge of the commercial side of Starbucks Native App’s delivery module. Specifically – day to day product operations, developing new business needs based on commercial analysis (e.g. pre-ordering, subscription, large order, group order, etc.), driving digital product team to fulfill product development needs, commercial activities implementation on Native App. Key Accountabilities Responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not lim...
- 威能化工科技有限公司 Changzhou
常州市 Requirements: Bachelor degree or above Discretion and trustworthiness: you will often be party of confidential information Flexibility and adaptability Good oral and written communication skills Organisational skills and the ability to multitask The ability to be proactive and take the initiative Tact and diplomacy Communication skills Familiar Microsoft Office software and the ability to learn company-specific software if required. Fluent English in written & spoken and Good German in w...
- 沃太能源南通有限公司 通州市
岗位职责: 1、新项目开发阶段的工艺及电气的评审,针对工艺电气设计提出改善建议,并跟进改善结果的落实 2、主导新产品的试产,并跟进试产工艺电气问题点的改善结果,防止同类问题在下阶段生产时再发 3、各对应工序所需的设备、治具申请的提出,并跟进相应设备、治具的制作进度及完成时间,并对完成后的治具进行再验证,保证投产时的可顺利使用 4、试产完成后,试产总结会的召开,并作成相应的试产总结报告,对应问题针对责任人进行跟进与改善 5、量产后电池及逆变器不良的维修、改善措施的验证及导入,并降低不良的发生 任职要求: 1、5年以上电池或逆变器PE或生产组长相关经验 2、熟悉电子知识应用、电子产品工艺应用、电子产品工程设计开发流程,熟悉电池方面知识 3、熟悉新产品开发流程 4、有光伏逆变器维修及逆变器相关设备维修经验优先 职能类别:产品工艺/制程工程师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:南通市通州区九华路888号 公司信息 沃太能源南通有限公司是一个由高层次技术及管理专家团队创建的、致力于新能源技术开发和产业化的高科技公司。团队成员具有丰富的技术创新、产业化、企业管理和国际市场经验,有从海外(美国、日本、欧洲)...
- 小新星国际教育 查看所有职位 Sanya
三亚市 月薪4,000 - 6,000元 岗位职责: 1、负责日常教学,保证教学质量。 2、积极参加各类培训,不断提升教学技能。 3、沟通学生学习情况并与学生家长保持良好关系。 4、配合校区宣传活动,负责班级学生的续费。 5、保证教学环境的干净整洁,监督校区英文环境。 任职资格: 1. 本科及以上学历,英语专业,发音标准(特别优异者,可适当放宽)。 2. 对教学有极大的热诚,喜欢小朋友。 3. 形象气质佳,有亲和力。 4. 良好的沟通技巧,有唱歌、舞蹈和绘画基础者优先考虑。 5. 幼少儿英语教育经验,亦欢迎优秀应届生。 English teacher Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for daily teaching to ensure teaching quality. 2. Attend all kinds of training to improve teaching skills. 3. Communicate with parents and maintain good relationship with them 4. Cooperate...
- 大唐恩智浦半导体有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 普陀区 Responsibilities: 1. Review device spec, test plan and design expectancy to define Characterization plan and perform the characterization to come up a comprehensive Characterization report for the products until production released. 2. Review and buy-off test &test development and Characterize new products on test platforms like V93K, J750, ASL1000,LTX testers for digital, mixed signal or analog products testing . 3. Support the implementation of prototypes by collaboratively working...
- 西门子歌美飒再生能源有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 杨浦区 Mission: PTS supervisor (Technical Support Supervisor)is responsible for managing 1st support-related issues, who acts as an interface with internal & external customer, aiming at resolving basic technical requests and identifying the requests to be escalated to 2nd support and headquarters. The goal of the service is to impact positively on the operation and maintenance tasks as well as execution of support agreement signed with external customers. This objective is achieved by redu...
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