- 臺北醫學大學人力資源處 Taibei
臺北醫學大學人力資源處 用人單位:臺北醫學大學人力資源處 職缺公告日期:2019-09-10 報名截止日期:2019-10-31 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 2名 學校地址:台北市信義區吳興街250號 工作地點:臺北市信義區 學術專長: 公告內容: 108 年度第 1 學期_ 管理學院 國際生技醫療管理博士學位學程 誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上2名(公告至108.10.30截止) *學歷需求: 博士學位 Ph.D. degree * 職務條件: 1.國際生技產業管理教學、研究、產學、國際等經驗 International biotechnology industry management teaching, research, industry, and international experience 2.智慧醫療產業分析與市場評估教學、研究、產學、國際等經驗 A.I. medical industry analysis and market assessment teaching, research, industry, and international experience 3. 國...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 10,2019 - 湖南新环境房地产经纪连锁有限公司 长沙市 岳麓区
新环境房地产总部直招:官网:www.xhj.com 1、保底薪资(3000-6300)+提成(30%-40%)+现金奖励+五险+住宿+晋升空间 2、为周冠月冠年冠提供良好的晋升平台 3、“良好”的就业平台,领先的品牌口碑,来新环境,在工作中付出努力,我们给你多倍的回报,我们帮你实现你的高薪梦想!(不用担心没有经验,只要你想做,想学习,我们有带薪培训) 岗位职责: 1.负责接待来电来访购房客户; 2.向购房客户详尽介绍房源资料与资讯; 3.向客户提供相关咨询,为客户作专业置业计划,为客户办理相关购买手续银行按揭/交房等事宜; 4.能够承担相应的市场调研/客户资料整理/楼盘营销活动及阶段性营销拓展工作; 应聘条件: 1、不限学历,不限专业; 2、性格开朗,热情主动,语言表达及沟通能力强,形象气质佳,具备良好的职业素养; 3、富于工作激情,学习能力强,勤奋踏实,积极乐观,诚信务实; 4、热爱房产营销行业,有挑战高薪的工作激情和进取精神; 为节约简历审核时间, 期待你的来电咨询) 直接电话联系报名的有私人红包哦! 或编辑短信:姓名+电话+应聘岗位+学历发送至陈经理手机*****进行预约,我可以...
- HCL Technologies Limited 查看所有职位 上海市 徐汇区
MS SQL SERVER - JOB DESCRIPTION Looking for a MS SQL developer to develop MS-SQL queries and procedures, Can create custom reports. Can write Good T-SQL queries as per requirement. Will be responsible for ensuring their DB stability, reliability and performance. His/Her Responsibilities Includes- Develop, implement and optimize stored procedures and functions using T-SQL Review and interpret ongoing business report requirements. Research required data. Build appropriate and useful reporting deli...
- Ataway Consulting Co. Ltd. 查看所有职位 上海市 普陀区
Roles Description: We’re searching for results-driven, self-motivated sales professionals who are interested in joining our high-energy, fast-paced team as the abovementioned. This position reports directly to the Managing Director for Greater China and is responsible for revenue and business growth for International and Regional sales in logistical industry. He/She has to identify and progress market opportunities that develop and grow a strong sales pipeline to exceed sales quota. A strong com...
- 高瞻资本 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区
上海市 浦东新区 月薪20,000 - 25,000元 公司性质:美国独资 公司网址:www.tzgpartners.com 项目公司网址链接:www.hua.li 招聘岗位:CEO(隶属于高瞻资本旗下鲜花永生花项目) 岗位职责: 1、 根据公司的战略目标和品牌定位,负责公司全面的经营管理,确保达到经营目标和利润目标,从而实现公司可持续发展战略和优化经营管理; 2、 协助集团合伙人进行年度营运目标规划与执行,保持良好的运营状态与稳步增长; 3、 年度营运策略规划的制定与落地,监管策略实行与营运过程情况并进行调整改善; 4、 制定企业年度财务预算方案,控制营运成本,优化、完善与执行相关制度; 5、 长期营运指标制定、分解及营运成本费用控制,短期销售收入目标制定与完成; 6、 根据内、外部环境变化,负责提出与组织经营目标和经营管理措施的调整、修订方案; 7、组建积极、高效、创新的正能量团队,建立内部绩效考核激励机制,营造积极向上的企业文化及工作氛围,从而提高团队工作绩效; 8、优化管理公司人、财、物的制度流程,完善和监督执行公司各项业务进程,增强企业核心竞争力; 9、善于制定企业发展的战略...
- 星巴克中国 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Main Purpose and Job Scope This job contributes to Starbucks success by: Providing subject matter expertise and implementation support for retail food safety, store cleanliness and store conditions standards,. Assures an uncompromising experience for all customers by assessing retail stores, cooperating with retail operations, store development and QA team in clarification, education, tracking and consistent achievement and resolving quality issues. and support supply chain QA Team for local sup...
- 生醫材料暨組織工程研究所 Taibei
臺北醫學大學人力資源處 用人單位:生醫材料暨組織工程研究所 職缺公告日期:2019-09-05 報名截止日期:2019-09-30 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 1名 學校地址:台北市信義區吳興街250號 工作地點:臺北市信義區 學術專長: 公告內容: 醫學工程學院_生醫材料暨組織工程研究所誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名 (公告至108.9.30截止) * 學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.):理工農醫相關科系畢業 Ph.D. degree related to Biology,Medicine,Agriculture,Science or Engineering * 職務條件: 1. 組織工程(Tissue Engineering) 2. 生醫材料(Biomaterials) 3. 幹細胞(Stem Cells) 4. 3D列印/3D生物列印(3D-pr) 5. 醫學工程相關(Biomedical engineering related) 6.博士後研究經驗(Postdoctoral research experience) 7.執行科技部計畫經驗(MOST program execution...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 10,2019 - GE可再生能源 查看所有职位 Wuhan
Essential Responsibilities : Booking the resources and scheduling, project process handle Registration and input of the order into the global factory system. Preparation of the order sheet with all necessary data for distribution to all relevant departments. Proceed of all necessary actions to dispatch the order within the unit. handle kick off: Ensure the planning and launching of deals in production, the procurement of materials, consistently with the unit’s capacity and workload in order to m...
- DEKRA Group德凯中国 查看所有职位 上海市 闸北区
Job Responsibilities Perform Chemical reaction testing jobs by following standards/SOP. Write reports for tests and interpret result accurately. Independently design small scale test to meet the client requirement. Help to improve and maintain the management system of lab, especially for testing quality improvement and good relationship built up with clients. Responsible for EHS issues of the jobs. Other jobs designed by the line manager. Requirements: Bachelor degree or above, majoring in chemi...
- 德高广告/申通德高 查看所有职位 上海市 长宁区
JCDecaux is looking for its China team some interns to participate in audience modelization projects. Together with an existing team of Data Scientists & data ingeneers, they will particpate in building innovative models, using latest technologies available : Duties: 1.Participate in development and automation of analytics solutions. Iteratively build and prototype dashboards to provide insights at scale. 2. Conduct end-to-end analysis that includes data gathering and requirements specificat...
- 上海虹桥元一希尔顿酒店 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 This position is responsible for meeting and exceeding the individual revenue goals set by DOS/ ADOS and to efficiently follow the sales strategy implemented by the hotel or Commercial Director. 负责实现并超越销售总监、销售副总监设置的个人收入目标,并有效跟进酒店商务总监实施的销售策略。 1. To follow up hotel and departmental rules and SOP. 跟进酒店及部门规章和标准操作步骤。 2. To make regular sales calls on accounts assigned to and keep up-to-date on the clients’ needs and sell the products of the hotel that will satisfy those needs. 对指定的账户进行客户拜访,跟进...
- 上海虹桥元一希尔顿酒店 查看所有职位 Shanghai
This position is responsible for meeting and exceeding the individual revenue goals set by DOS/ ADOS and to efficiently follow the sales strategy implemented by the hotel or Commercial Director. 负责实现并超越销售总监、销售副总监设置的个人收入目标,并有效跟进酒店商务总监实施的销售策略。 1. To follow up hotel and departmental rules and SOP. 跟进酒店及部门规章和标准操作步骤。 2. To make regular sales calls on accounts assigned to and keep up-to-date on the clients’ needs and sell the products of the hotel that will satisfy those needs. 对指定的账户进行客户拜访,跟进客户的需要,销售...
- 史基摩欧文美尔建筑设计事务所有限公司 Shanghai
Position Title: Studio Assistant Summary of Responsibilities: Studio and Project Assistance General administrative assistance Document printing, delivery, copying and scanning Upload and download of digital documents Archiving and filing of Studio documents Translation of daily correspondence and Studio documents (low volume / size) General assistance to Studio Director and Project Manager Preparation of expense reports for Senior Studio staff Archiving and filing of business cards for Senior St...
- 上海交通大学 Shanghai
聘用方式 劳动聘用 招聘条件 研究生教育学历,硕士及以上学位 1、精通Apache、Nginx、Tomcat等应用服务器的管理、配置和优化。 2、了解KVM、VMware等虚拟化技术。 3、具备Redis、Mongodb等系统的运维管理、性能分析和基本调优能力。 4、掌握一门脚本语言,比如shell、python。 5、掌握一种自动化运维工具的使用,比如ansible、saltstack、chef等。 6、有Docker、Kubernetes运维经验的优先。 岗位职责 1、为用户提供业务搬迁上云服务,包括需求沟通、方案设计、系统迁移等。 2、维护用户委托运维的业务系统应用软件部分。 3、负责建设运维工具平台,包括监控系统、日志管理系统、自动化运维系统等。 岗位待遇 按学校规定 其他 无 联系方式 联系人:栾老师 TEL:021-34206060转8505; E-mail:jingyiluan@sjtu.edu.cn 联系地址:上海市闵行区东川路800号上海交通大学图书信息楼501室...
- 英域成语言培训有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES l Delivering 6 hours per day of group lessons and/or private lessons to students through our online learning platform l Evaluating student progress and providing on-going guidance for improvement l Providing high-quality feedback on students’ written submissions l Attending required training and meetings l Contributing to center initiatives during office hours to increase staff engagement Requirements l Bachelor’s degree in any field l High level of English proficiency ...
- 重庆江北中欧外国语培训学校 Chongqing
公司简介 瑞思学科英语,依托全球特大K12教育集团HMHG优质教育资源及经验,致力于为中国家庭中3-18岁孩子提供全英文浸入式环境,锻炼纯正英语思维能力,塑造国际人才基础素养。将原汁原味的美国幼儿、公立小学课程体系同质同步的带到中国,始终坚持美国“鼓励式、探索式、启发式”的教育原则,改变传统教育模式,让孩子在课堂中担任学习的主角,将探索学习的过程还给孩子,让孩子们自己主动学习。形成了“学科英语 未来领导力培养 浸入式方法”的教育模式。 瑞思在中国 2007年,瑞思学科英语作为全球学科英语的首倡者之一,凭借独特的产品定位、优秀的商业模式,开创了少儿英语教育行业的崭新格局; 2008年,瑞思获得国际教育巨头EMPG International3000万元战略投资,成为少儿英语教育领域首批获得海外投资的教育机构之一; 2010年,公司现金销售额超过2亿元,在全国少儿英语教育领域遥遥领先; 瑞思学科英语在国内率先引入同质同步“美国小学”“美国幼儿园”课程体系,经过四年的发展,公司在北京、上海、武汉、天津、重庆、广州、杭州、南京、长沙、沈阳等全国80多个重点城市,设立了200多家中心,学员数量超...
- 圣戈班安全玻璃有限公司 Wuhan
武汉市 Job Objective工作目标: In charge of General management control of the plant: including statutory and group reporting, budget and forecast, daily cost analysis and control, internal control and tax related. Lead local finance team. Job Responsibilities工作职责: Follow company regulations (e.g. EHS, Quality) Assist to prepare the budget and control of budget using variance analysis and standard cost Assist to preparation of the plan (mid term plan) and report, including some ad hoc analysis on company...
- 温德姆寰球或温德姆亚洲度假会 查看所有职位 Shanghai
PRIMARY ROLE OBJECTIVES: Monitor, alert, respond & manage with urgency any online consumer feedback in line with company social media policy. Producing multifaceted, effective and efficient marketing campaigns on time, on brief and on budget Proactively offering solutions and recommendations to internal customers for their marketing/campaign needs Acting as a liaison between internal customers, stakeholders and allied service departments to ensure effective communication channels are open Ma...
- 上海德威外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 JOB DESCRIPTION DCS believes that each employee makes a significant contribution to our success and that contributions should not be limited by the assigned responsibilities. Therefore, this job description is designed to outline primary responsibilities but not limit the employee nor DCS to only the work identified. It is the expectation of the school, that each employee will offer his/her services wherever and whenever necessary to ensure the success of our organization Job Title Dual ...
- 上海德威外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai
短期合同, 合同截止至2019年12月13日 Duties: To support in a class as decided by the Head of DUCKS Responsibilities: To plan and teach mandarin to the children in Early Years To attend parents evenings and meetings pertaining to Early Years Mandarin To complete all assessment tasks and write reports for EY Mandarin To be present in the classroom at all times as directed by the class teacher To take the class to and from specialist lessons and remain with the class in the lesson when directed by the class teac...
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